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The Agnimitra

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((Alright....and I am trying to make it longer....))


Shadow nodded slightly. "I think I might have hit my head while I was resting, or something else did..." If this happened just a day ago she should have remembered. "Well anyway, thank you for reminding me that... Arasi." Arasi's named almost escaped her memory too, and didn't she just start talking to her? Shadow sighed, wondering just what was going on in her head right now. Perhaps a snack might help? "So how've you been Arasi, even though it's only been a day..." Shadow's voiced trailed off, something definitely was wrong, she never hardly talked to anyone.

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"I've been fine," she answered, looking at Shadow curiously, "are you alright?"

Shadow looked as if something was wrong, but didn't know what it was. The other Agnimitra was even forgetting events that happened merely the other day, and it seemed that she had even paused before saying Arasi's name. Shadow had just started talk to Arasi, and already she was forgetting the others' name? Something was odd about that.

Well, being the kind type of person Arasi was, she wasn't going to leave Shadow until she knew the other would be alright. Arasi wasn't doing anything terribly important at the moment anyways. Her other tasks could wait.

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Shadow smiled slightly. "I think I am. I don't feel any different, although forgetting things that happened just the day before is a little bothersome." Whatever was going on with her didn't seem to want her to find out easily. "I might just need a snack to jump start my head again into remembering." Shadow added, chuckling a little. If something really was off even after the snack she'd get it checked. If nothing was found, hopefully everything would be back to normal. Maybe I shouldn't have slept, or slept that much... Shadow dragons don't need that much sleep, especially during the night. Shadow thought, watching Arasi.


((I fail.))

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Hearing all the place he needed to do made Sayuk wonder if he was going to make it while still being hydrated or unconscious on the ground. Frankly he hated removing his coat, but it was better than actually fainting because of the heat and his miserable resistance that Dretch never managed to boost.


Once he got to the foyer, he cleaned it then took care of the dining room, which was in an awful state compared to the rest. After it though his sight was getting bad from dizziness. He decided that now was the time to remove his coat or he was not going to make the halls. He gave one last look at his rags then removed it. Under he didn't wear anything else. The new part of his shoulders, forearms and back that could be seen were covered in scars that seemed like they were fighting one another for their place, some of them looked like burn mark, but most just looked like he was either wiped, slashed or hit with something random. The scars didn't go to his neck. He did have some slash mark in front, but he was trying not to show them. Somehow being this marked bothered him a lot. If he was to be ashamed of something ever so slightly it was all the marks Dretch put on him when he had a bad day or Sayuk failed something.


He took his bucket again and started cleaning the floor. He was feeling a lot better now that the big coat was off and lying around on the side of the hall he was cleaning.

"Is there another place I have to do after this?"


((I can't make him keep his winter coat, when he has no heat resistance and no power to keep him colder. tongue.gif))

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Sen snorted. Midnight could afford to hang around with these two dragons, but time was short. He could hear what she was mindspeaking to the other dragon, but he saw that she jerked her head towards him. Sen started padding across the stone ground, not caring if he left small piles of mire behind him. He had heard that Sayuk was on cleaning duty. Turning his head towards Midnight, Sen spoke to her. I am going ahead. With your wings you can catch up to me quickly, and since we haven't entered the swamp area you'll be able to smell me quickly. Finish up here. Without waiting for a reply, Sen started running quickly, using his powerful forelegs and hindlegs to propel himself into the trees. Running, along with swimming, came naturallly to him, and it felt good to be outside in the fresh air again, in his dragon form. At the base, people sometimes made fun of his form for lack of wings and the muck covering it, but Sen was a swamp dragon, through and through, and there was nothing he could do about it.

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((aw, no you don't DH))

"I hope so," Arasi replied with a smile, "if you don't mind, I could accompany you to get something to eat now. I'm a bit hungry myself."

Arasi figured she should make sure Shadow did eat something, and to make it seem less like worrying, she would join her instead. It seemed better that way.


((lol, and that'll just be on of the ways I torture Sayuk >w<))

"No more cleaning the floors, but there are the windows to do," Wave replied, "just the inside of the windows will be fine for now. Later you'll get the outside. There are plenty of more workers who want you to do their jobs so they can relax for awhile." He jerked his thumb at two woman hiding around the corner, waiting for their chance to pounce at Sayuk to have him work for them. They quickly ducked behind the wall when Wave pointed them out. "I'm sure you'll be busy for awhile."

Inazuma just chuckled from where he sat, finding the situation a bit amusing. Of course, he had set this situation up just for his amusement. He could be unusual like that.


Midnight just nodded to Sen when he said that he would go on ahead. She looked to the two new dragons.

Listen, just go inside here, there are some Agnimitra waiting for you, and they'll take care of you. I must be off now, and with that said Midnight spread her wings to their full length, and then jumped into the sky, flapping her wings to stay aloft as she flew off after Sen. Quickly she was able to catch up with him and stayed high in the air as she followed him, keeping a close watch over him.

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Shadow smiled at Arasi and nodded. "That's fine with me." She said simply, thinking for a minute where she'd get something to eat before starting in the direction she had been going before. A snack might just not cut it, a full meal might be better. She thought, pausing for Arasi to catch up, she'd walked too fast- as she always did when in thought.


((uh, yeah I do. I can't even post correctly! xd.png it's too shoorrrt!!!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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((Torture ain't the word anymore. You're forcing him to suffer from heat. He cares not about the cleaning, just the temperature. He's gonna faint soon from heat stroke... or something. It's like putting ice outside in the middle of the summer. xd.png))


Sayuk looked at the girls who had went into hiding. Cleaning the floor was one thing. He could stay indoor, but the windows... he was going to cook like an egg on a frying pan in no time. At least the inside of the building was a bit colder then outside and it was bright and sunny outside too! He took his cleaning tools, went back to the suffocating place where they put all of the equipment and got the window cleaning set out for his next task.


He started by doing all of those inside staying as much as possible outside of the bright range of the sun. Inazuma had told him they were not for physical torture and stuff, but he had clearly been lying. Unless he was trully clueless about some of the pure ice dragon weakness to warmth and removing his power had just cause all of this torture to come into play. That guy was having fun though, he could see it. He liked to see him suffer like this or was it all because he thought he was humiliating him? None the less he slowly went to one of the door. On the other side was the sun and all this cursed warmth they liked so much. He opened it and walked outside. He could already feel all of his strength going away from him. He quickly went to the first window and started his job slowly dehydrating himself and soon having to do it with a blurry vision. It was not long until he couldn't do his job right, that he sat, closed his eye and simply fainted from the heat. He had managed to do half the outside windows.

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Arasi nodded and followed after Shadow to the dining hall. There were a few Agnimitra there eating, but otherwise no line to wait in to get their food. The two were able to get a meal quickly and sit down at a table to eat. Arasi sat across from where Shadow sat so the two were face to face.

((don't worry, we'll get things moving along soon ^^))



Inazuma looked up from his book when he noticed that Sayuk had fainted. He saw the other laying there, mostly likely unconscious because of dehydration. Putting his book away, Inazuma got and walked over to Sayuk. He placed one of Sayuk's arms over his shoulders and lifted the other up to carry him over to a nearby couch in the cool hallway where no sun was beating down. He laid Sayuk down on his back, looking down at the other who was out like a light. Figuring the other would be out for awhile, Inazuma quickly went down to the kitchen and grabbed a pitcher of water and a glass which he took back to Sayuk. The other of course was still lying unconscious on the couch.


Inazuma filled up the glass with water, then set the pitcher and a nearby end table, before splashing the water onto Sayuk's face. It would either wake him up or at least help cool the other down since Inazuma assumed this was caused by the heat.

Edited by Kira1

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Rain hurried down the hallway with Puppy close on her heels. They hurried through the maze like corridors, Rain silently praying they would find the outside soon. Just as the thought passed through her mind, then turned into a tunnel with a doorway at the end. Rain hurried to it, but stopped Puppy before they exited. She grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug.


"You'll make an awesome healer some day. And this is where we part. I have to distract Dark and you have to go off with Stick, because I get the feeling that he's one step ahead of us." Rain said. She hugged Puppy again and opened the door. She quickly stepped outside and stopped. She looked up to the sky and saw a dragon there. They locked eyes, and Rain immediately knew it was Stick. They stared at each other for a long moment, and Rain understood. Something had happened with him. He was going away, and they would not meet again. It didn't matter about their feelings, he had to go and take Puppy with him. Rain nodded, deciding this time not to fight him. She could see in his eyes that she was changed, and she still wasn't sure how to cope with what she had seen him do to himself. As he took off, Rain focused back on her surroundings. She had to find Dark, and fast, to get Puppy out of there. As Rain stepped forward she noticed that she was in a courtyard. And as she stood, someone approached from one of the pathways and stopped. Rain crossed her arms over her chest and waited.


Black looked up from the path to see a figure in his courtyard. He could tell it was a woman merely from the posture, and a cocky smirk covered his face. He made sure his stride was confident and even. As he approached he kept his eyes on the figure, and when he made it to the courtyard and close enough to truly see the woman, he froze. The smirk was gone and his eyes were wide.


"Rain? Is that you?" Dark asked, not believing his eyes. He watched her nod and took advantage of her silence to study her. She had made some changes since he last saw her, but she looked fantastic. She was all decked out in black leather with red detailing that fit her body to perfection. Her hair was also darker, but still had the flip he had so enjoyed. The smirk returned to his face and he crossed his arms over his chest again. "I'd have to say, I was not expecting to see you and my brother on the same day, and whatever ideas I had about seeing you again, you did not look like that. You look good, Rain. Like you'd fit right in here." Dark said, his expression still the same.


Rain studied Black as he studied her and was hardly surprised by what she saw. He still looked as stunningly handsome as ever with his black, unruly hair. His dark eyes, pale skin, toned body. Rain drank him in as if it was the day she had left him. The day she couldn't stand it anymore. Rain smiled, her old feelings towards him bubbling up inside her.


"I appreciate the compliment, Blackie. You've built quite an empire for yourself here. You know how I feel about your cause, but I can hardly deny that you've been more successful than I am holly comfortable with." Rain said as she began walking closer to him. He couldn't keep his eyes off her, as if he thought she was a mirage. When she was close enough to him, Rain smiled. "Why don't you and I take some time to catch up." Rain said slowly, her eyes suggesting more than her simple words implied.


"You should just tell everyone not to bug you at least for the rest of the day and night. And do tell them not to worry about any battles or captures or any of that." Rain said, smiling deviously. "You should be completely focused on our alone time."


Dark's smirk turned into an arrogant smile. He had been expecting her to show up eventually with stupid pleas about abandoning his cause. That was, when he was considering it rationally. On the lonely nights, he had planned a meeting more like this. His mind was still stuck on her, and it showed through in his dreams and in the night. As he looked at her, he smiled.


"Done." He said simply to her. He closed his eyes for a moment while sending a message to Ddraig.


"Call off any battles or captures we have planned today. Everyone has the day off. And Ddraig, do not disturb me. She is here." He sent his top man and opened his eyes. He saw Rain's green eyes studying him intently.


"I sent it, Rain. Now, why don't I show you something interesting here, like my grand house and suite. I think you'd enjoy it. It's a step way above anything else you and I ever stayed in together." Dark said, still smiling. He put his arm around Rain's waist and pulled close. He stopped when their mouths were close enough that their breaths were mingling and stared into Rain's eyes. They were wide, and she seemed surprised at the bold move. Dark smirked for a second before his lips were on hers. Her arms slid around his neck effortlessly as they kissed, as if she had never left.


Rain was happy to see Dark agree so easily to her request, knowing it was exactly what he wanted. Rain could feel goosebumps raise all over her in delight at his suggestion. Somehow, she still responded to him after all he had done and all the time that had passed. She was truly surprised when he slid his arm around her and held her close, and when he kissed, she felt like she had never left him. Like the war and all of the horribleness hadn't happened. When they finally pulled apart, he was smiling. He kept his arm around her and pulled her with him as he began walking towards his home. Rain looked back over her shoulder to see that Puppy had made it out and was flying away with Stick. She hoped they would safely make it away, as Stick wished, and things would finally be alright for them. Rain's attention returned to Black as he began pointing out all the buildings they passed and what each was for. Rain listened intently, trying to memorize everything that could help the Resistance later, if she herself got away from here.

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((don't kill me if it's short, I'm trying!!! and don't know when I'll be on from now... still trying the 'sneaks' but computer's been taken away but I'm home alone... er... forget it.))


After Shadow got her food she sat down slowly, setting the plate in front of her. Not much was on it to be considered a meal but if you thought about it, she never ate much anyway. Perhaps that was part of the problem. Shadow sighed, stabbing a small piece of food before taking a bite. It was better than she remembered. She took another piece and bit into it, swallowing, before looking at Arasi. "Well, I feel a little better. Head's not that fuzzy anymore." Shadow said softly, smiling a little.

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((Okay, so Kira informed me my last post was one day behind, so Ddraig would have gotten he message the day before. I'm also gonna use this post to transition the two of them into the current day. Enjoy.))


Rain couldn't stop laughing. She sat on the floor next to Dark flat out crackling up. She calmed down, but was still smiling as she took another bite of the chicken Black had called for someone to bring to them.


"There's no way I'm going to believe that. You must have had Ddraig drunk out of his mind to even consider it." Rain said, and started chuckling all over again.


"Oh, it is true. I swear he did it." Rain watched Dark say, he himself laughing after each sentence. Rain put her fork down after she had finished the last bite.


"That was delicious. And you must have some fantastic cooks here to do that." Rain said smiling. She paused for a moment, all traces of amusement leaving her face. "Black, what are you doing? You're still spreading your message about hating humans?" She asked, looking at him with disappointed eyes. He looked down.


"Rain you know what the humans did to you. I saw what they did and it was disgusting. I will not let those creatures get away with that." He said. Looking up at her. Rain pushed the dishes aside moving closer to him.


"Black, it was one incident. I remember exactly what happened and I know how bad it was, but it was one time. Not all of them are like that. And the elders Black? Why them?" She asked, putting her hands on his knees.


"You know exactly why them, because they wanted to stop me. Them and all those Resistance members you help. They were in my way Rain. I had to do it." He said, his eyes on the ground. Rain shook her head.


"No, no you didn't. It was wrong, this whole campaign you're running is wrong and you know it. Blackie, I know you feel this. I know you feel what's between us, what always has been. Sitting here today is like laying next to you on our first solstice. My feelings for you are there, but everything is ruined because of what you've done. Won't you stop it? For us? For me? Won't you stop this thing from tearing us apart again?" Rain asked. He looked up at her, her eyes pleading with his. He then looked away for a moment.


"Let's not talk about it anymore Rain. We're both here, now. That's what matters." Dark said, looking back into her eyes. Rain's protests died in her throat when she saw the look in his eyes. It was that predator look, the one that said he wanted to posses every part of her. Before she could blink his arms were around her and he was kissing her again. Rain's arms slid around his neck and she let herself forget all of the horrors as they kissed.





Dark rolled over, burying his face further into the fluffy pillow he was laying on. He was still sleeping soundly.


"Blackie," She whispered into his ear and he grumbled something back. "Blackie, wake up." She said, and Dark's eyes snapped open. He turned so that he was on his back and she was above him and pulled him to his chest before she could react. Rain let out a little "oof" and laughed for a moment.


"Well that certainly got you up." She said, smiling. She adjusted herself so that they were face to face. "Morning." She said, and Dark pulled her into a kiss. She smiled and kissed him, then laid back on his chest.


"It really feels like this is a dream or something." She said, and smiled. Dark smiled as well, studying her. She was as beautiful as ever and those green eyes were bright. He smiled again, a more genuine smile than most of his companions had ever seen, and kissed her forehead.


"Give me a second." Dark said, and wiggled out from under her. He walked across the room in his silky black pajama pants to one of the closets. He riled through it for a few moments, then pulled something off the hanger. He turned back to the bed and threw it to Rain. The silky fabric landed right on her head and they both burst out laughing. Rain then pulled it off her head and examined it. After a moment she looked up at Dark.


"You kept this?" Rain asked as she held up the black silky robe she had always worn with him. He shrugged and moved away as Rain smiled and slipped it on. Black turned back to her.


"I'm gonna call for breakfast." He said.





Black smiled as they walked down the center pathway of the base. His arm was around Rain's waist and they were both smiling. He turned to her.


"You know, I think I'll throw one of my legendary parties. Then you can see firsthand Ddraig totally drunk." Dark said smiling. Rain raised her eyebrow at him in disbelief as she laughed.


"You're going to throw a party? You are so crazy." Rain said, shaking her head as she laughed even more. Black smiled.


"Yup, that's exactly what I'm going to do. Now let me just find Ddraig." He said smiling. He closed his eyes.


"Ddraig, where are you? I need to see you immediately." He sent to his right hand man and opened his eyes. He smiled again at Rain who shook her head at him.


"Like I said, you're crazy."


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"That's good," Arasi replied, smiling back. She leisurely ate her own food, thinking that Shadow should be fine now. It wasn't good to worry too much in the first place anyways. Arasi then wondered what Dark might plan for today, or if there were tasks that would fall into her lap. Yesterday, Dark halted everything and had everyone take the rest of the day off, which was strange. But since that's what Dark ordered, that's what happened.



I'll be right there. Ddraig replied after Dark had contacted him saying he needed to see him immediately. He set down what he was doing, and headed out for where Dark was at a quick pace. Dark had said immediately so he would get there as quick as possible. Though, he wasn't really ready for what he saw. Dark had mentioned he was with her, but Ddraig didn't think it was truly possible, but it seemed he was wrong.


There, in a silky robe with Dark's arm wrapped around her, was Rain. The two were walking down the center pathway, which Ddraig just turned onto. His face showed mild surprise at first, but then he quickly put back on his impassive demeanor as he walked towards them.


"You needed to see me," he said as he stood in front of Dark and Rain. He inclined his head slightly to greet her, still wondering what she was doing here, but Dark came first.


((I probably would have done more, but I wanted to post before I had to leave. >w<))

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Dark was smiling warmly at Rain when Ddraig reached them. Rain nodded to Ddraig in the same fashion he nodded to her. She was smiling and a few giggles leaked as she looked at him because of what Dark had told her about him. Dark turned from her to Ddraig, also smiling.


"There you are. Don't mind Rain's giggling, I've just been telling her about a few of the parties we've had. And speaking of parties, I want to throw one tonight. One that will last the entire night and possibly all of tomorrow. The only people working should be the guards and those in charge of the party. But, I want them rotated in shifts so everyone can enjoy the festivities." Dark said. Rain looked at him, disbelief clouding her eyes. Dark turned to her and pulled her closer to him.


"Why are you giving me that look?" He asked, staring her down. Rain shook her head.


"I just wasn't expecting that." Rain said. Dark smiled.


"I can be unexpected sometimes." He said and kissed her. Rain pushed him back, giggling.


"You'll have to forgive him, Ddraig. He's been acting this crazy since I arrived." Rain said. Dark smiled at her, then turned back to Ddraig still smiling. It was odd for the Black Dragon to be smiling this warmly and this much. It was rather unexpected behavior for him and the people passing them reacted as such. Rain and Dark were both oblivious to the attention they were attracting.




Adam slammed down his glass and closed his eyes as he felt the scotch burning its way down his throat and into his belly. He sighed and covered his eyes with his hand.


"Why can I never get her out of my head? She leaves the temple, but still haunts my mind." Adam heard a knock on the door. "Who is it and why are you here?" He called out, his voice rough and gravelly.


"It's Lana, sir. I was sent by everyone. You've been in here so long and everyone is worried about you and needs you." A soft, feminine voice called back. Adam sighed and rose. He crossed to the door and pulled it open. Lana looked up at him.


"If you want me to leave, I will. I didn't mean to upset you." She said, looking concerned. Adam ran his hand over the stubble on his chin that he hadn't bothered to shave and sighed yet again.


'It's fine, Lana. It's about time I got out of this office anyway. Well, lead me where people are so that I can get a report." He said. Lana nodded and set off with Adam following behind her.

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"Uh, right, anyways," Ddraig replied, not really sure what to make of the scene. First, Rain was here, and now Dark was smiling and being all happy looking when usually the only time Dark smiled was when he was being sadistic. And now, of all things, Dark decides to take a break and have a party. Even though he's working on world domination basically, he wants to party, and Ddraig guessed it had something to do with Rain being here. Though, as much as Ddraig would have liked to make Rain leave, he wouldn't do that to Dark.


"A party, you say. I guess I'll go get things ready then...though, I have a question, why is Rain here?" he turned to look at her, "I thought you hated what we were doing and ran off to the resistance."


Ddraig, like most men, were baffled by women, and no matter how smart he was, Rain was completely confusing. In his head he began to wonder if this was some plot she had, and automatically began to assume the worst of things. He planned to keep his eyes on her...if Dark didn't get him drunk.

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Shadow leaned back in her seat, having had her fill of food even though some was still left. "I suppose it is..." She said in answer to Arasi with a smile. "And I do feel a lot better." She added, sitting back up to take another bite. "Although, I don't think I needed that rest. We hardly ever sleep at night anyway. If we really needed too it would usually be during the day- but, seeing as that is the only time most everything happens I've made a few exceptions. Which doesn't bother me much... aside from the odd memory loss." Shadow chuckled a little. Too much sleep for a shadow dragon usually had less harrowing effects although memory loss wasn't too rare.

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Sayuk had no idea how long he had been unconscious, but he was awaken by something cold being suddenly thrown in his face. It woke him up fast, but his body didn't really follow the usually attack what touched you motion it should have. No ice formed to slash and the speed was ridiculous compared to his normal attack speed. He was feeling weak and bad. It only came back to him soon after that his power were put on a leash with drugs and that he had just lost consciousness from heat. He looked at Inazuma who had an empty glass of water in his hand and a pitcher on the table next to him.


"I see. I'll get back to work now then."


He tried to stand up, but because of his dehydration he felt weak and slightly sick. He looked around and tried to find out where he was before going towards the door. The sooner he would finish the windows the best. Maybe then he'd be allowed in the cold chamber where they keep the meat and he killed the cook... He pushed that wishful thinking away. The mansion knew who he was now. A cold blooded killer that works for Dark.


"Were was I before I fell?"

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"Well, at least you're feeling better," Arasi replied with a smile. She had eaten all of her food, having been quite hungry herself, and was leaning forward with one elbow on the table, her chin resting in the palm of her hand. "What do you suppose we do now? Dark doesn't seem to be giving much in the way of orders recently, or Ddraig."


"Oh no you don't," Inazuma said, pulling Sayuk back to the couch and made him sit down, "you're staying here until you're not so dehydrated. You can't work well if you're not feeling well."

Inazuma picked up the pitcher and filled the cup with water, which he then pushed towards Sayuk for him to drink. Sayuk may have been a prisoner, but he wasn't useful if he was getting too tired or sick to work like they wanted him to. Inazuma wouldn't let Sayuk get back to work until he was sure the other was fine and could continue working without fainting like that again.

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Rain was looking at Ddraig when he spoke again. She nodded to his last statement and looked at Dark.


"He's right. I know you wanted to avoid the subject, but you know I'm not okay with this. With your hurting things. Maybe we should go talk about it now and not wait." Rain said, taking Dark's face in her hands and looking into his eyes. "You know that's why I came here."


Dark's eyes turned to slits as he heard Ddraig's question. He had been working hard to avoid the subject, and now Ddraig had laid it flat on the table.


You and I are going to have a long talk later about this. He sent and his face became expressionless and cold as it usually did while he was in battle. Then, he heard Rain talking. He listened and she took his face in her hands. He stared into those bright green eyes for a moment.


"Can we just drop this topic for right now? I'm not doing anything right now. I called off all the plans today and yesterday for you and I'm throwing this party for you and none of that stuff is an issue right now. I just want to enjoy this time, Rain. It's been hundreds of years." Dark stared into her eyes. Rain looked away and shook her head as she sighed.


"Fine, Black. Today. But when this party is done we need to talk about this." She said. Dark smiled and pulled her into another kiss, then pulled back and looked at Ddraig. His eyes held a cold glint as he smiled to Ddraig as if he was inferior.


"Now, why don't you get back to planning the party. I'm going to show Rain to the infirmary or something." Dark paused and turned back to Rain, his expression softening. "You always like infirmaries." Rain rolled her eyes and looked at Ddraig while Dark pulled her away. She seemed to be measuring him with her eyes, gauging his expression and holding hers. She then tilted her head to him and turned back to Dark.




Adam followed Lana down the hallway. She paused before they turned a corner.


"Since we're passing here, I thought you might like to check in on Sayuk. Inazuma has been with him, but as I recall neither of them have reported in this morning. I would guess they are here." Adam nodded as Lana finished. He didn't even remember ordering the two together very well. His brain seemed groggy, unfocused. Unfocused on real life anyway. He pushed thoughts of Rain away, again, and waited for Lana to continue. As they began walking again, Adam saw Sayuk on a bench and Inazuma standing next to him.


He paused, his mind seemed unwilling to snap out of it. Adam rubbed his face with his hands, trying to clear his head. He glanced at Lana to see her studying him with a worried expression. "I'm fine." He said, harshly and Lana flinched and looked away. Adam rubbed his face again and then looked at Lana. He reached out and touched her arm. She looked up at him, surprised.


"I'm fine." He said softly, and let his arm drop. Lana smiled warmly at him and nodded. He then continued down the hall and cleared his throat so that the pair would realize he was there.


((EDIT: Oh sorry! I thought they were in the hall, but then the stuff about laying down confused me, but I am fixing it now.


As for Ddraig..biggrin.gif He is sooo going to get lectured later.))

Edited by Key2Universe

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((@Key: Inazuma and Sayuk are out in a hallway, since I imagine that there would be some nice seats in the longer halls. XD Why, I don't know. I'm just weird like that and watch too much TV/videogames/movies and stuff. lol

oh, and Ddraig's reaction: oh s#it...))


When Dark sent the message to Ddraig, he practically blanched, especially with the cold expression that was on Dark's face. He relaxed a bit when Rain spoke and had Dark focus on her. Which Ddraig didn't mind, since he'd rather not deal with Dark at the moment, though he would eventually. Dark then told him to plan the party before he began to leave with Rain. The female Agnimitra kept her eyes on him, looking as if she was measuring him and gauging his reactions, before tilting her head to the side. She then looked back to Dark, leaving Ddraig to wonder what that look meant. When they were far enough away, he sighed, his expression one of being a bit tired. Before anyone would see him though, he took a deep breath and returned his usual impassive expression and headed off to make the preparations.


He sent out messages to everyone, explaining them to spread the word of the party Dark wants for today. Practically everyone on the base knew what kind of party Dark expected, and quickly set to work when they heard. The message of a party spread like a wild fire and soon the whole base was in an uproar to prepare everything. Ddraig kept himself busy with helping with the planning to avoid Dark as much as possible. Though the man would be distracted with Rain to help with that.

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Sayuk was easily pushed back to the couch and was given a glass of water, which he looked at suspiciously before taking it. These weak minded people would not poison his drink he was pretty sure of this. Hell, they don't even kill their murderer. He drank it and took another one then just put the glass on the table and stared at Inazuma until the other would finally either let him go back to work or have something better for him. He would not mind going for a hunt, but then again it was against these guys way of life. How did they think a war was done? By sending flowers to your enemy and offering it refreshment when it was feeling tired or sick? No way you kill them, make them suffer so no one else want to fight back too. No matter how easy his tasks were they were not what he needed to do, he had his limits to being so passive and laugh at. At one point the heat will go to his head and the drug was already loosening his mind stability to keep him powerless. If he ever raised a blade against someone else, even powerless he was fast and he knew how to fight and kill, would they kill him? Cage him?


Lost in his thought he instinctively patted his arms were his blades were only to remember they had been taken away from him. Tired he stood to walk around the room and looked outside. Some people were walking in the garden, some of them were kids, easy target. Easy, but even them could kill him if he was to be too slow to act. Would those adult around who knew want him dead too? It would not take long for that. One bite, one whip attack from a tail, claws or any of them power minus the healers and he was done for. He wondered how long it would be before one of them sheep decided that they wanted to avenge all of the one he had killed?


"I wonder how long it will take." He whispered. Then looked at Inazuma. "If you don't want me to work what will you make me do?"

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Horo had received the message about Dark's party with a sigh, if it was going to be a party, and probably the biggest one he'd thrown in a while, she'd might as well dress both nicely and a little more casually for it. She headed to her room and set about choosing what she'd wear. Eventually She settled on a white and cream colored dress that had black and coal colored trims and fringes. Disrobing from her usual blue dress, she undid the usual braids that kept her hair in place, letting it fall a bit past her shoulders and sway freely. She was soon clothed in the new dress and quietly considered wearing the armor that she also had for it, but shook her head and decided Dark probably wouldn't appreciate someone not enjoying his party, particularly one of his commanders. With that decision made, she pulled on the stocking that accompanied the dress and then the shoes before finally tying her hair back into place with a single, wide, black ribbon, something she had to admit she liked. Leaving her room for the halls, she set off to see if she could find Ddraig to get his opinion on her attire, she never knew what was in style at the time and now with Stick having escaped she had no intention of angering Dark, and if that meant complying with his party by dressing for it, so be it, he was frightening indeed when angry. When she finally found him, after having drawn numerous stares for being in some very different clothing, she approached and asked after saluting, "um general, Ddraig, would you say this is, well, appropriate for the party Dark has ordered for this evening?"


((this is what she'll be wearing:


Horo's dress with armor.

Horo's dress without armor, only decently sized one I could find.


Edited by jaina

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((@Key: It's ok ^^))


"Well first I can't have your powers returning so take this," Inazuma replied, holding out in his open palm a small, white pill and in his other hand he held a full glass of water.


"As for what you're going to do now, it's more work once the sun isn't blazing high in the sky. It'll be closer to evening soon and then it'll be cooler. Can't have you passing out on me. Next time, I might just kick you awake, stick an umbrella over you and tell you to keep working," he answered with a smile. Inazuma hadn't forgotten that Sayuk was a killer, and that he was still dangerous. At this point, Inazuma was merely just messing with the other, testing to see his reactions and gauge the responses.


As he was talking with Sayuk, Inazuma heard Adam's voice and knew the other was coming down the hall. It seemed he wanted to check in on them.




Ddraig stopped when Horo approached and saluted, though he was taken aback a bit by what she was wearing. He was so used to seeing her in the armor all the time that he didn't think it was possible for her to wear something like this.

"Um, yes, I would say that is appropriate," he answered her question, not really sure why she asked him. He was clueless when it came to fashion for women, since he wasn't a woman and didn't follow today's trends at all.

Edited by Kira1

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Horo gave a tired sigh at Ddraig's reply as she said, "I was hoping you'd have a better answer, I don't know a damn thing about fashion, but I have no interest in earning Dark's ire by showing up in my armor tonight." she was frustrated for just the reason she'd said and something else, an emotion she wasn't familiar with. Regardless of that fact, she still planned to do her best to serve her leader however she could.

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Sayuk took the pill and glass of water and ate it. Maybe taking it this way would only slightly affect him rather then the one shot immediate effect of the injected drug. Learning that he was going to have to wait till evening to work he sat down and listened to Inazume explain how he was going to wake him up next time.


"You can do that if you want. Can't really do anything against you guys now can I? I'd probably just faint again just as fast. Even if you did seal my power I'm still an ice dragon and heat affect me more then it would a normal human. He used to play around with that too."


It had been one of Dretch many pleasure to make him run an insane lot of laps in an overheated room. When he would faint he would get waken up with hot water until he could not stand anymore. Then the master would simply leave the room laughing and he would have to wait for the heat to die out and crawl out of the room. Cost of failure he had always said. Thinking of his master made him realize that that madman could contact him eventually. He might not be able to answer, but Dretch would be. He then heard some voice that seemed familiar.


"Can I have a T-shirt or something? I don't really like to move around without anything on my back."


He just wanted to hide back his scars, but he doubt the other would actually care. He could work without one after all.

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