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The Agnimitra

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((thank you~ ^^ lol, I'm eating many of Finn's brethren right now. XD I have a large box of goldfish crackers next to me.))


"You're going back to the infirmary, so they can fix you up there," Midnight replied, still pulling Sen along back to the infirmary, her grip never loosening. She knew if she gave him an inch he'd take it and run.

Once they were back in the infirmary, she sat him down on his bed and quickly grabbed a strap that was attached to the side of the bed and tied it around his wrist. All the beds had them in case there was a patient that would not stay in their bed. So, these straps were nigh impossible to break and could not be undone except by the person who had tied it. Now he couldn't get away.

"Now stay here. You're in no condition to go anywhere. Wait until after you've rested."

Edited by Kira1

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((What kind of hospital is this? A mental ward?))

Sen struggled and pulled at the strap, but no matter what, he couldn't break the dang thing. He cursed, then tried to use his acidic poison, but apparently his weakened state was worse than he thought, because he couldn't produce more poison. That was bad. He finally stopped struggling, and let the doctors finally get to work, whatever they were doing. He stared at the mission he had been given, analyzing the details. (Any ideas for a mission?)

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Sayuk simply nodded unsure as HOW that was a game then noticed someone next to Inazuma talking about drugging him. Torture was one thing, he was a bit used to it, but drugs... he would need a lot of will to resist telling everything he knew. He also noticed he was going to be questioned by some other guy he never saw up until now. He closely looked at where the guy was going until it left the room. Then came the doctor with a bottle and a syringe in his hands.

"So this is how it's gonna be huh?"

He had not way to fight back so he just bared with it while he was shot by the drug. The effect was not instantaneous so he got the time to see that guy come back with another guy he suspected was called Finn.

"Oh sooo... That's Finn?"

He trail of thoughts were getting off trail now and he feared what else it might do to his mind. Was there something more he was not aware of? Drugs were so much trouble...


((Ok I wrote something as the drug, but you say if it's fine or not or if there are more effects.))

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((well, the drugs weaken Sayuk, so Finn who has telepathic powers and can read minds, will be able to read Sayuk's mind easier. and Sayuk won't be able to fight back.

lol, it just might be a mental ward.))


Midnight relaxed a bit when she saw that Sen would not be able to escape and that the healers were now there to heal him. As they did, Sen looked at when mission he had be given. Midnight was a bit worried about him going off on a mission, but knew she wouldn't be able to stop after he had been healed.

The healers used their powers to heal the wound Sen had, a faint glow of green appearing around their hands as they worked. They mended the blood vessels and muscles and such back to their proper place before repairing the skin over it. It took several healers to do all that healing since it was exhausting work. After about twenty minutes, the healers were finished. They told him to rest for about another twenty minutes before he would be allowed to move around again. This was to make sure his body would be fine and that he wouldn't aggravate anything too soon.

During this time, Midnight had been thinking. She didn't have anything else to do except to find more Agnimitra that needed to find a safe house, so she would be leaving anyways. If Sen would be leaving for a mission, she might as well leave with him.


Inazuma watched over his book as the drug was administered and Finn showed up. The drug did seem to be affecting Sayuk, so there would be no worries there. Finn could take care of the rest.

"Have fun," Inazuma said, looking back down at his book. Finn reached out and placed his hand on Sayuk's head, closing his eyes as he began to search through the others' mind.

((go ahead and describe what Finn would be able to find in Sayuk's mind about Dark and such.))

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((Ok, Sayuk is now like an open book. I'll put lots of random memory in there since I doubt you can scan a mind so easily. xd.png))


As the said Finn came closer Sayuk had a bad feeling and when he touched his head he knew what was going to be done. Mind reading! No one should touch his mind it was his own private place the only thing he still had that was really his. The only place Dretch had not managed to fully invade!

"Get out of my head!" He shouted angry, but has the other invade deeper and deeper in search for it's goal memories came back up as it read them. Because of his now weakened mental defense and the attack to his sanctuary it made his mind a real puzzle, but the pieces were quite easy to place.


Him when Dretch found him in the village he was still quite young, then came a huge mountain around which was flying a couple of dragons around it's top. It was Dark's base in Australia, the place he went between each mission to directly give the feedback rather than using a messager. The memory after ward became a bit clearer as Sayuk's mind defense broke down from exhaustion and the drugs.


The next memory was him, over the dead body of a war prisoner who was all tied up, looking at the blood on his hands. Then he turned around when Dretch called him to see him with an ice cream cone and a smile saying good boy here's your treat. He was around 20 and it was his time killing someone. Who could not even defend himself. He was really happy for the treat. It was also the only one he ever got.


A dark room with him facing a door. He opens it to walk in Dark's throne room. He had been called from Russia in the middle of his current mission by Dark himself. He, who was one of the best infiltrator and silent assassin he had, received the order to infiltrate the rebellion and find out where the stone was. He was to be very discrete and gain their trust.


It was a rainy day and his superior made a quick ceremony to announce he was now at the rank of a lieutenant general and he was expected to do much in their quest to take over the inferior human. Those miserable creature deserved death, not this. Killing them was much more pleasing than just capturing them, but they were useful when it came down to boring labors such has mining, cleaning and other things.


He was attached to a wood plank showing his back and Dretch was looking at him with a huge smile. He had made a mistake, he was about to pay for it. The madman took out a whip equipped with a slightly dull and chipped blade on the sides. A random healer was sitting close to the plank. The healer didn't want to be there at all and looked a bit sick. The whip came down tearing a piece of his back. This was nothing new it happened all the time. Meeting Dretch expectation was nearly impossible.


Sayuk was sitting in a chair with the other generals and the lieutenant generals. They were planning an attack on the temple recently found in Iran. The attack was called for the 25 of Mai this year. Most of the troops stationed at some temple ruin would come to the fight. There was also a mention about razing a couple of cities around to celebrate their victory afterward.


When the memory came to his most recent days it showed the bodies of the dead parent and the shivering children only to quickly go to him talking to Inazuma and the fight against Sen. The body of the cook he killed and the dead squad in the forest near the garden. All along those where the memory of Dretch threatening him and asking him to kill.


After that one Sayuk finally found the strenght to fight back even if he was tied. His head was partially free and his power though weakened were not sealed completely. "I SAID... GET... OUT!!" He shook his head and tried to bite him only to make the air around his head freezing cold, his coat became solid around his neck and broke when he shook his head. Using his power in that state was wounding him and soon blood came running down his mouth in a fine line. His pupil were slit and his skin was getting the design of scale. He had no way to transform though.


((Hope this was good.))

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Sen felt a ton better, and the doctors had finished working on him, so he wanted to go and get his mission done. Only the person who had tied the strap around his wrist could free him, so he would have to somehow convince Midnight to untie him. He watched as Finn began his probing of the Agnimitra's mind, with a little bit of horrified fascination. If he failed in his mission, this same thing might happen to him on the other side, except it wouldn't be as gentle.

The Agnimitra writhed on the bed, his skin taking on the texture of scales along with his slitted eyes, and the air around the man was getting colder, actually freezing his own coat. The guy was more harming himself then harming anyone else, and it was disgusting to watch. Sen wanted to go knock the guy out, but he was still tied down to the bed.

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((Sorry I've been gone has anything happened to Brick or anything? Plus can I please get a recap?))

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((it's perfectly fine Skarx. ^^ sorry about taking so long to post. first there was a convention I went to, then returned and had to get my wisdom teeth removed, so i've been quite tired.

I'm glad that you're back monkeyboy!

nothing has happened to Brick. go here: OoC thread

it has a summary of what has happened. we're on a new day now to start fresh somewhat.

anyways, i post now.))


"Finn," Inazuma said, gently placing a hand on the others' arm. The touch made Finn realize what the other Agnimitra was doing and he quickly pulled away, noticing how cold the other was becoming. His breath was quick as he stepped back, sitting down in a chair provided.

Since Sayuk was strapped down and drugged, there wasn't much he could, but there were still Agnimitra there to drug and restrain him. After all, they couldn't be too careful with someone like Sayuk.

"Anything?" Inazuma inquired to Finn, who nodded, still out of breath.

"Oh yeah, quite a bit, and he's defintely part of Dark's army and our murderer," Finn replied.


Midnight's focus was on Sayuk when Finn began to read his mind, watching as soon Sayuk began to struggle even more. Inazuma then had Finn stop when Sayuk froze his own shirt to the point it broke when he shook his head, screaming for Finn to get out.

But Inazuma could handle it, so Midnight brought her focus back to Sen, who had been healed and was ready to go it seemed. It was a good thing he was strapped to the bed though, since this way maybe he'd actually listen to Midnight. He was so eager to get going, she wondered if he'd ever slow down for anything.

"Listen," she said to Sen, bringing his attention to her, "I'll untie you but only if you leave with me for your mission. I'm leaving anyways, so we might as well leave together. Since it doesn't matter where I go, I can go with you. I can even help with your mission in anyway you need."

She figured Sen would most likely agree since he wanted to leave, and Midnight was the one who could let him leave.

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((Yay! A post!))


As soon as the other stopped invading his mind he felt much better, but he was still really angry. Finally tasting the blood in his mouth he forced himself to calm down. When he tried to put his head on the pillow he noticed he had quite a couple of shard close to his neck and having no way to move them he forced them to melt. He then put his head on a wet pillow and listened to the others. As the other, that Finn, mentioned he was part of Dark's army and the murderer he snorted.


"What about it? What are you going to do about it? Kill me?"


He was just looking at the ceiling. He didn't even have the focus or the energy to change completely back to a human. That drug was doing a number on him since he couldn't really think that straight. Was he really going to die here? What a meaning less life he had.


He noticed that Midnight was going to leave with that kid. He wondered... how much did she hate him now for what he did? She brought him here after all. Then he wondered how Dark would take the news, probably won't care. Worst came when he thought of Dretch. He was doomed or in for a lot of pain if he miraculously got away. Sayuk patiently waited in the bed, strapped to it and drugged, to see what those guys were gonna do. They weren't any different from the army to him. When you see an enemy you kill it. That was simple logic no? How would they do it? Drug over dose? Nah probably too kind. Tortured? Maybe. He left his thought float around unfocused.



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((lol ^^))


"Ha, we're not going to kill you. Might be a chance that you'll work for us instead of Dark, though for some reason I highly doubt that, but you never know. For now we're just keeping you locked up and drugged so you can't do anything but sit there. And eat of course, since we can't let you starve really," Inazuma answered Sayuk's question in a light manner, even though the situation should probably have been dealt with a more serious approach.

"Geez, you've made the bed all wet form the ice now," Inazuma sighed, motioning for some nurses to get everything cleaned up. One of the nurses, whose power was over water, stepped forward, placing her hands on the pillow and bed. The water slowly began to move towards her hands as if she was a sponge soaking up the water. After a little while, she had dried up all the water on the bed, leaving it dry like before, as well as Sayuk's clothes that had become wet as well. When her job was done, she stepped back to continue with other tasks.

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Brick entered his room and hurried to pack his equipment. "I've had it with this place, everything is upside down now and I just need to get out of here." He muttered to himself as he started to open backpacks and laod them with food and water along with his knives and everything he would need to take care of his weapons. He then unrolled a long piece of cloth and laided three of his spears in the cloth along with his skull spear before wrapping it up again, he then gathered everything up and left his room not even bothering to lock the door behind him. Brick knew the penalty of disserting Dark's army but he didn't care anymore and quickly headed for the launch zone. When he arrived at that area he placed all his packs down and turned into his dragon form before picking all the packs up again and lifting off the ground. The good thing about him being a smaller dragon he could speed quickly across the barren ground as he headed for where he thought the resistance resided and that was the United Kingdom.

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Sayuk was lost as to what to think of this. He was probably lying. Trying to act friendly so he would lower his guard? No way. He only spilled so much information because he was exhausted, they drugged him and had an mind reading pro with them. Next time he would not be that weak that's for sure. He really had no idea what they wanted him for with them. Did they had people they wanted to kill to? It was the only real thing he could do and he knew he was good at that. One place or another would not change much, but this group here wanted to help those wretched creatures, the humans.


"You want me to kill for you guys instead? Nice change."


Be locked and drugged all day. What a life. He had no way to contact anyone now and he doubted anyone would attack this place. Not to get him surely. Heh... no one really knew he was here. When the nurse dried up his bed and clothe he was a bit confused. Why bother if he was just gonna get locked later? He was an enemy anyway.


"You people are so strange, irrational even. Why worry about my health if I'm someone you hate? I killed a lot of your people and frankly. I'm not ashamed nor regretting it. Your mind freak should know that after having a blast with my mind."


He looked at Finn who was sitting in a chair, before looking at Inazuma once again. There HAD to be something that guy wanted to achieve from being nice to him. No one would act that way normally wouldn't they? This whole place was too weird for him and he was getting more and more confused.

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"No, we don't want you killing anymore people," Inazuma answered to the first question, "And you're right, why worry about your health? There's no point if you're enemy right? And Finn will probably tell me that there is no hope for you and that we should just put you out of your misery. Is that what you want to hear? That since we're your enemy we're going to kill you?"

Inazuma at first seemed kind of serious when he began speaking about Sayuk's health and then putting him out of his misery. But the tone of sarcasm slipped in towards the end, which gave away that he was actually mocking Sayuk somewhat. A sly grin slipped onto Inazuma's face as he waited for Sayuk's reaction. Would the other Agnimitra take him seriously, or would he be angry at Inazuma for making fun of him? Though, Inazuma had to admit he was intrigued by Sayuk since the other had an interesting way of thinking. A bit predictable now, since Inazuma had started talking to him. He could sense a pattern and could only guess it was because of Dark and Dretch. Well, for now, he could have some fun messing with Sayuk until it was time to haul him off to the dungeon. Though, it would be a shame if Sayuk was given the death penalty since he was fun to talk with because he was so interesting and an odd character.

Edited by Kira1

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Sayuk remained silent for a while after Inazuma asked him, in a way he was not too sure was supposed to mean, if he shall be killed. These people were confusing, but the more he talked the more he wondered if they really meant that. It was so strange. He passed his life living in pain or blood and the first kindness he receive in centuries is from his enemy. He already didn't know how to react when someone is nice to him, like when he act as a spy, but from people who should hate him?


He had three choices offered to him. Go back to Dark's army somehow and go through Dretch punishment, kill himself or work for those weird people.


"I... I don't know what I want to hear. I don't understand why anyone would want a killer to work for them if it's not to kill. I don't understand why you guys are treating me this way..."


Should he... give it a try? Working for them? It was his best option and maybe... yes. They would not torture him he told him and he wouldn't have to fear their hate it seem since they didn't kill captured enemies that actually killed some of them. Frankly just to escape Dretch it was worth it. Even if just for a while. Maybe by the time Dretch caught him he would have something useful for him and might escape torture or at least a really bad one.


"What would you have me do? Guard duty? Not sure the guards would be too happy after me killing one of the squad."

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Brick let out a hiss as he finally reached the British coast, he quickly dove into the gorund to avoid detection by the humans as he travels through the United Kingdom for any resistance. He spread out his mind to probe for any cluster of minds which would represent a any sort of base. "Sayuk are you still here in this forsaken land? I need to find the resistance base." He mentally shouted out in all directions hoping that Sayuk would hear him and guide him to a resistance base, Brick knew he had to avoid Dark's army outpost that was also in the United Kingdom since he was dererted from the army.

Edited by monkeyboy225

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As Sayuk was lost as to what to think he suddenly heard something in his head and thinking it was another trick he mentally hissed at it. Then noticed what it was saying seemed strange.


"Who are you! Who randomly calls out someone's name like that!"


He wondered if his message go to the one asking him a question. He knew it was a close link, but it might be really cut up due to his drugged mind. It occured to him it might be someone from the army, but he wanted to be sure first. Why would someone be that interested in this place now?


"State yor business with the resistance now!"

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Brick hissed at Sayuk's bluntness and stuck his head above the ground as he breathed in a fresh breath of air and flared his frills. "This is Brick the specialist from Dark's army and as for the reason why I am looking for the resistance base that is classified information." He didn't feel it nessacary to tell Sayuk that he had deserted Dark's army since he would only drag him back to Australia to be executed. "I need to infaltrate their base and that's all I am allowed to tell you." Brick said as he continued to search for the base on his own but the more he stayed linked to Sayuk the more he learned where he was located and started to head in that direction as if he had a natural affinity to that location.

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"Heh. Do as you wish I don't care. Here is the location."


He mentally thought about it then tried to sent it over. After that he cut up the link completely. Which was not too hard. He wondered why they sent that guy to do some infiltration since HE was on the job. Had Dark decided to sent someone else? Maybe he already heard of his capture... which also made it weird they sent one so fast. Something was fishy... he would learn it soon enough. He wondered how long the drug would stay in effect.

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"No, not guard duty. We don't trust you, so we have to give you a job where someone is constantly watching over you. Also one where we can keep you inside. By the sound of it though, it seems like you'd rather work for us than face other consequences," Inazuma replied, then noticed that it seemed like Sayuk was speaking to someone through a mental connection.

"Is something the matter?" Inazuma asked, raising on eyebrow in curiosity as to what was going on.


((this is getting good, especially since Brick doesn't know Sayuk's situation, and Sayuk doesn't know Brick's situation XD))

Edited by Kira1

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((Haha! I admit, but I don't think Sayuk's gonna tell them. Directly at least hehehe.))


Sayuk focused back on Inazuma when he spoke again but remained cold to him.


"... I don't really care anymore and getting in the dungeon won't change a thing about my situation. I guess I could work for you. What do you want me to do?"


He was somehow very disappointed he would not get to kill anymore. Which surprised him a lot. He guessed it might have become like a second nature after such a long time of doing it. It was the only training he really had. Spying and killing.


"Nothing's the matter, but... I would be careful from strangers a bit more if I was you. Trust usually get you a blade in the back."


He tried to force his binding, but failed. Stupid things... He was getting some annoying ant tingling along his arms and legs now.

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Brick snorted at the strange sensation of the mental link being cut off and dove back under the earth as he moved closer to the location that Sayuk had sent to him. When he arrived he rose out of the ground and looked around to see anything and snarled wondering what was happening, he set down he packs and looked around the area wondering if the resistance was smarted then he took them for. "Now where can that base be, I wonder if they have some stealth or I'm just looking inthe wrong spot."

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"Alright! You can come with me on my mission." said Sen grudgingly, adjusting his glasses with his unstrapped arm. "But we're going to have to go through a swamp, so you've gotta keep up, okay? Our assignment is.."He glanced at the piece of paper, scanning it's contents. "A scouting mission of one of Dark's bases, okay?" He was extremely impatient to get on with it, and his right arm was going numb from the straps being too tight.

Edited by Darkshadow

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"Haha, I suppose we should work on the trust thing," Inazuma chuckled, "so why don't we start with you. You'll be strapped down here for a little while longer, until a healer decides they have time to take care of those wounds a bit more, and then we'll take you down to the dungeon, restrained and drugged, until we figure out what we're going to do with you exactly." He smiled as an idea came to his mind of something Sayuk could do. "And since we always need more people to do the dirty work, we could start you off with scrubbing floors."

Inazuma smirked a bit at the thought of a once killer for Dark, now scrubbing floors for the resistance. It was a bit comical in his mind, with the apron on and bucket sitting next to Sayuk as he scrubbed away with a large yellow sponge. He chuckled a bit before stretching out his arms and leaning back in his chair.


((Dark-kun, I'm not going to post for you until you've edited your post so it's just a scouting mission. ^^))

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At the idea of getting more drugs Sayuk frowned. He hated losing his grip, but he guessed that it was unavoidable. On the healing side...


"I don't need a healer it'll heal on it own. Not like I'm going to need my health that much against a floor and some dirt no do I?."


His wound we not so bad. He had just been paralyzed by Inazuma and slightly wounded by that kid. He was mostly exhausted. He noticed how Inazuma was finding it quite funny he was going to do some dirty, in a sense he was not used to, work for them.


"Can we get on with the program I can't feel my legs anymore."


((How long will I stay in the dungeon? I don't have much to do anymore xd.png Strapped like that. Scrubbing the floor, now that's just too much! xd.png))

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(note, edited my post, Kira)

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