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The Agnimitra

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Sayuk's movement were slowing down, for two reasons. He was getting magically exhausted and blood lost. That didn't stop him from pushing the blade away so it only hit at his right shoulder ice armor. It melted a good part of it and he felt the poison on the blade burn through his clothing. He decided to go for a much more brutal assault while he still could. He used his now fully grown ice tail, which was solid and flexible to catch the man's leg in an attempt to pull him and making him fall. While he did that he attacked with both of his claws and broke out most of his back armor to make a rain of shard fall upon the poison Agnimitra. He wanted him dead for blocking his path so. His right arm was still pushing the weapon away while the left went for the guy's left side. As he attacked his vision became slightly more blurry and darker. The blood on his face which had frozen when too close to his eyes thanks to his power began flowing on it once more as his armor slowly degraded.

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(Well still, it'd be more interesting if Sen was taken hostage...)

A tail made of ice hidden behind the man's back wrapped around Sen's leg, pulling him to the ground. The enemy lunged toward him, both ice claws outstretched, and behind them a rain of needle sharp ice shards. Sen had difficulty blocking one ice claw, but now two? Impossible. Already weakened from his blood loss, Sen could not block all of the ice shards with the poison he spat out, but luckily he had dissolved the ones that had been in danger of piercing his vital organs or head. Instead, the rest of them imbedded themselves his lower torso and legs, causing him to cry out. The right claw was still keeping his weapon at bay, holding it in a crushing grip so he could not use it. The left claw went for Sen's side. He closed his eyes, his glasses somehow still managing to stay on dispite the battle.

There was a tearing sound, and he felt immense pain in his side. He slowly opened his eyes, but avoided looking at where the left claw had gotten him. From the gasps and retches behind him, it did not look pretty at all. Sentinel felt something warm flood there, and knew from the red tinge of the ice claw, it had gotten him badly.

Sentinel could barely stand now, his left hand still locked in the right claw's grip, because he was still tightly holding his weapong, which was dissolving the right claw pretty quickly. He tugged, and in a shower of steam, his double bladed staff broke free of the claw. The only problem was, now Sen was exhausted, both magically and physically. He wouldn't last much longer against an enemy he supposed had training in this sort of thing. After all, the enemy was a murderer, but he had the same problem too. After all, that guy didn't know a 15 year old could pack this much fight. Lunging forward like in a last, desparate attack, Sen tried stabbing the guy in the heart, but he was off balance and missed, missing the guy's torso by a couple inches.

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((True, but I really don't see how an exhausted, confused, bleeding and one that believe he's gonna die would want to do that. He just think they'll kill you if it means killing him. He doesn't think they hold one's life that much. Sorry but I'll make use of the army behind you before you get too hurt, they would do it anyway, can't fight all night long now. : P))


Sayuk felt a great pleasure as he saw blood come out from his wounded prey, though it didn't show on his blank face. His ice tail broke of into ice dust that immediately melted along with the rest of his armor creating a large puddle of water under him. He backed away not to get his by the poisonous guy desperate attack, which missed him only by a bit then hit the guy with what remained of his claws, which didn't cut anymore because of the melting. The hit, he never knew if it landed on the boy, hit something. The crowd then came into action one of the main thing he noticed was some zapping sound then flash of light as lightning bolt landed in the water he was standing in. The electricity made all of his muscle suddenly get really tense making it impossible for him to stand, yell or do anything else then fall paralyzed in the warm water puddle which started to turn red from his blood. He hear voices, but he could no longer understand them, he could not see who was around or where the boy was.


Was that how he was going to end? It was not so bad, at least it'd be quick. He would have preferred to live though, maybe they wouldn't kill him immediately, question him about Dark's army. They probably knew who he was now, well some of them probably did, like Inazuma and the elder. The mark pretty much sold him out as well as his ice power and white hair. He pushed those thought away and tried to focus on the people above him. They seemed unsure what to do with him.

Edited by Skarx

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As Sentinel pulled back, the guy made one last his with his melting claws. It connected with his side, the wounded one, and knocked him back a few feet. He gasped for air, panting. His lungs and stomach heaved, and he was sweating heavily. He retched, and blood came out. He must've damaged an organ or something...Sen thought, clutching his side. The crowd, which had remained motionless for the entire battle, rushed forward, a electric user zapping the puddle of water the enemy was standing on, causing him to fall. The crowd surrounded him, unsure of what to do with him.

Sen swayed menacingly, his vision all blurry. He started to fall, but countless hands caught him. They held him up, and the faces over him blurred and were fuzzy. Sen blinked and tried to get back up, but a voice said "Easy there, boy. Don't move now, or you'll aggravate the wound."

It was over. The battle was finally over, with both opposing forces worse for wear and injured. Assisted by many other unknown people, Sen finally got over to where his enemy lay in that puddle, looking dazedly up at the faces around him.

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((I don't post and this happens? D:))


The battle between Sayuk and the other Agnimitra happened so fast and then in the next moment both were on the ground, wounded terribly. Luckily there had been water and all these electric users around to zap Sayuk and render him unable to move. Inazuma rushed forward through the crowd of Agnimitra to Sayuk.

"Take Sayuk to the infirmary so he won't die. He has useful information we need. Make sure he can't escape. Use whatever bindings along with spells and such that you can to keep him from escaping," Inazuma ordered and a group of Agnimitra nodded and set to work on doing what he commanded. Wanting to make sure nothing happened, Inazuma went with them, since he spotted Midnight amongst the crowd of Agnimitra. She spotted him as well and gave him a worried look about what had happened. He just smiled, waved, and left her to clean up things here.


Midnight stood there stunned when she saw Inazuma leave, leaving things to her. With a grumble she turned to the mass of people assembled in the hall.

"Help clean up this mess! Dry up the water and repair the surrounding area. Healers, quickly, take care of Sen. You know to not move him until we can stop the bleeding. It's a bad wound and needs to be treated now." Midnight commanded to all of the Agnimitra near by. Quickly they sprang into the action, beginning to clean and healers coming to Sen's side. The thought of healers brought Rain and Puppy to her mind. She hoped the two were alright. But now was not the time for those thoughts. Sen needed to be taken care of. Midnight went over to him and knelt down by the boy's head, setting a gentle hand on his head to get his attention.

"Sen, can you hear me? You did good in stopping Sayuk, but next time, let others help, or else I'll be the one to kill you for your stupidity," she said to him, not harshly, but gently, which made it all the more scarier.

She wasn't very used to all these young Agnimitra around, who were foolish and jumped head first into things.

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(Yep.It's Karma. Deal with it biggrin.gif.)

Sen stirred as someone touched his face, and he looked up to see Midnight standing over him, with a concerned look on her face. After she had finished the lecture on how stupid he was to go into battle by himself and that she would kill him next time he did it, Sen said "Well, Midnight, anyone from the crowd could've jumped into battle at any time without consequence, but they didn't, and this is how it ended up."


Despite Midnight talking in a very scary, calm voice, everything else was in organized chaos. Sen realized there were healers at his side, checking him over, and others running around cleaning the water off of the floor, from where his poison had melted the enemy's ice armor.


Someone touched his wounded side, and Sen's back arched in pain. The hand quickly withdrew, and Sen fell back to the cold stone floor, utterly exhausted. He needed to train some more, and get stronger if he was going to survive here. One measly battle with the forces of Dark and here he was, lying helpless on the floor with a huge hole in his side, experiencing pain everytime someone touched his wound.


Sen winced and writhed a little as the doctors pressed cleaning stuff on his wounds, but firm hands held him still as they applied large cotton swabs to his sides, shoulders, legs, and other places too. Wow, he really had gotten beaten up by this fight. Finally, it was done, and he was properly bandaged. He was lifted up onto a stretcher, ready to be transported to the hospital wing.

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((Measly battle... Sayuk is a lieutenant general in Dark's army and much older than you. Idk, but I do think you could have been worst off if we compare what a knight-in-training could do against a full fledged knight. You got 15 years old right? (Sen's age) >:3))


Sayuk didn't really understand anything that was said, but he was quickly tied up like a sausage, carried away to what reminded him of the infirmary and put in a bed on which he received a couple of binding spell since he couldn't move as much anymore. There he received some very basic treatment to stop the blood flow and left there. His body was still a bit numb from the paralysis, but he could at least feel his fingers now and his sight was slowly coming back. Which... he preferred had stayed dark a bit more when he saw all the evil glare from the Agnimitra around including the nurses who's look would have killed him if it was possible. He took a look at himself. He was both tie together and to the bed forced to lay on his back. He was at everyone's mercy...


Something then crept in the back of his mind, a faint laughing he thought came from his own desperate mind, but soon realized it was not.

"You find this funny?"

"Very much yes. What will the little toy do now? If you manage to get out of there, maybe... MAYBE I'll consider forgiving you from being such a useless toy."

"Oh thank you..."

"Oh? So you think you can be sarcastic with me boy? We'll see about that."

What came after was just an extremely high pitched sound that invade his mind, which he could never close when Dretch was speaking. He winced and tried to pass through it without letting out a sound until it stopped. The master was gone after that. What could have made him in such a bad mood? Did one of him more recent toy managed to run away. He then caught sight of Inazuma who was looking at him.

"So you didn't kill me now, what do you want from me before doing so?"

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((Yeah, but Sen doesn't know that information...))

Sen lay on the bed next to the enemy, whose name he had discovered was Sayuk. Sayuk had a complete binding spell put on him, so he wouldn't be able to escape or attack. Doctors were now ushering about all of the crowd except for some important people out of the hospital wing, believing it to be too crowded.


Sen looked over at Sayuk. The Agnimitra was wincing, but Sen didn't believe it was from his wounds. This seemed to be true pain, mental pain from an outer source, but since Sen was only 15 and didn't have access to that knowledge, he had no clue. Finally, Sayuk spoke to an Agnimitra who Sen didn't know. Sayuk seemed to know him. "So you didn't kill me now, what do you want from me before doing so?" the guy said. Sen stared at the guy, not surprised in the least. If he had been captured and bound like that, he would've said almost the exact thing as well, but seriously. Sen retorted to Sayuk "Isn't it obvious? The resistance probably wants info on Dark's army and on Dretch as well. Seriously, you were powerful in our fight, but it doesn't seem like you have brains." Sen said.

Edited by Darkshadow

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((oh, Darkshadow, healers have magical healing powers.

also, math=death of Kira's brain.))


"Information," Inazuma replied to Sayuk's question, "and we don't do the whole torture thing much. You'll most likely brag about how you can resist torture, so why waste the time when we have other methods at our disposal."

Inazuma just shrugged, before pointing to five Agnimitras, who were not nurses or doctors, and told them to stay around Sayuk's bed and watch him. They were to not leave their post for any reason unless someone took their place.


Midnight walked with the healers as they took Sen to the infirmary, leaving the other Agnimitra to finish up the job of cleaning. When they got there, they happened to set Sen next to Sayuk. As soon as she saw the other, she shot a cold glare at him. At the moment, she would have loved to go over and choke him, shake him violently, and curse him for tricking them. Though, Inazuma would pull her off before she could do anything, and she had more self control than that.


((sorry, brain is dead. posting as best I can. >.<))

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Sayuk simply looked at Sen and ignore the brat, but when he said he had not brain he gave a simple comment to the boy.

"Says the one who nearly got killed in a stupid way wanting to fight alone. Shut up and learn brat."

When Inazuma told him he was not going to be torture Sayuk only looked at him not knowing what to say. Getting information without torture? How would they do it? He was going to see soon anyway so might as well wait. Hmph. Bragging about resisting torture. Like hell he would he was far from proud of it! It was useful though... Then he saw Midnight and knew what was coming. The cold I-hate-you look came as he expected.

"Why hello Midnight, came to see me I"m touched." He said sarcastically. "Feeling angry that you got tricked so easily? You people are way too trusty." He finished much less loud almost to himself. He then looked back at his new guards then back on Midnight. "I'm binded both physically and magically, wounded and exhausted and still you put FOUR guards to stop me? Well... I feel honored. Now what do you want from me? If it's just looking do so all day if it make you so happy." He was quickly growing bored of all of this and not knowing what was coming was making him a bit more edgy.

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Midnight turned her back to Sayuk when he spoke to her, not even replying to his rude comments. She knew if she replied, then he would just say something back, she would get angry, and it would end up with her viciously attacking Sayuk. Now was not the time for that.


"Tied down and injured and still making comments," Inazuma said, shaking his head, "well, I suppose it could be good for us if you're feeling so talkative. Anyways, yes, plenty of guards because I just don't know what to expect from you. You could have any number of tricks up your sleeves, which is why I'm staying. Can't have you running off when we have just captured you."

Inazuma considered the possibilities of how to get information from Sayuk, and knew it would be better if Sayuk wouldn't be able to fight it. Drugs worked well, and with the knowledge of magic that Agnimitra had, it was easy to come up with some very useful drugs. Not to mention all the powers Agnimitras have developed.

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He found funny that Midnight ignored him, but left that there, she was bright enough to know he was going to comment all she said anyway it was the only thing he could actually do now. Then Inazuma spoke again.

"Making comment take no energy really, you just use your brain." He said looking at Sen. "All the time you are taking make me wonder... did you ever caught anyone before? You don't seem used to questioning. I"m talkative for personal reasons, but... why do you think I would have ANY information for you guys anyway? I might just be a lowly soldier."

With that he just closed his eyes to rest a bit. He would need his energy later on.

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"Hm, there's plenty that you could tell us, I know that. Also just because I'm not used to questioning someone doesn't mean mean we don't have interrogators," Inazuma replied, "since I doubt you are a lowly soldier. But until we work out all the little details, you'll just be sitting here."

Inazuma then pulled out a little book from his pant's pocket, sat down in a chair, grabbed a pen, and opened the book. It was a pocket book of sudoku puzzles which Inazuma would use to occupy himself with since he didn't really have anything he needed to say to Sayuk. Seemed like a waste of time to him. Besides, the other seemed to want to rest, judging by the way he closed his eyes.

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Sen bit back a retort. He needed to focus, like his elder always said. His elder...Sen bit his lip so hard it started to bleed. No matter what, when encountering the enemy, Sen was always driven back to his elder's final moments, and his helplessness at the situation. Tears welled up behind his eyes, but he blinked them away before anyone saw them. After all, one must not show the enemy his weakness. The healers were almost done with healing him, and his aching side felt a bit better. "****, man, you took a chunk out of my side."Sen said to Sayuk. "Next time, aim for the heart. That tends to kill the enemy a lot faster, you know." Sen's glasses were off right now, so he was practically blind, as everything around him was very fuzzy and blurred. He could only make out a few shapes to the right of him that he assumed were the guards, Midnight, Sayuk, and the guy Sayuk was talking to. If they weren't, Sen would definitely seem insane to all others. Reaching out his hand, Sen grabbed his glasses from where they were placed and put them on. Then he realized he HAD been facing the other direction! He turned his head quickly, hoping that no one had noticed his mistake.

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Sayuk was resting when that brat spoke again. He mentally sigh then talked back.

"Look kid be glad you are alive and don't act so tough after surviving a fight against a weakened enemy. You'll bite more than you can chew if you do that. Now shut up before you prove how dumb you are."

Stupid kid. It's not like he didn't try to kill him, but trapped and weakened has he was forced to be aiming is a lot harder. HE then had a though that brought little light to his mind. About Dretch choking on some random food. Wouldn't that make his day. Sayuk tried to turn to his side, but the pain made him stop and he simply decided to sleep on his back. It was going to be long anyway might as well catch some sleep.


((Sorry not much else to write until more happen))

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When Sen made the comment about how Sayuk should have hit him in the heart instead, Midnight fixed Sen a stern glare.

"Don't say such things with such carelessness," she scolded him, "you should be glad you're alive."

Midnight couldn't believe how idiotic Sen was being. Was she the only sane one here? Sen was saying stupid things, Sayuk was working for Dark, and Inazuma was just plain weird.


"Ah, he's young, Midnight, let the kid learn from his mistakes. Though, I suppose if he makes the mistake of getting hit in the heart he won't get a second chance," Inazuma said with a little chuckle.


"That's exactly my point, Inazuma," Midnight snapped back. Inazuma just put his hands up, meaning he didn't want to argue, before going back to his sudoku. Midnight just glared at him for a moment before turning back to Sen who had put on his glasses a moment ago.

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"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I'm leaving now." said Sen, ignoring and pushing off the doctors around him. He wanted to just leave right now. He pulled his shirt over his bandages, then shoved past the crowd waiting outside. He just knew there was a mission for him this time, or else he'd just go to his room. Either way, he wasnt' sticking around here.


Near the medical wing was the place where they assigned missions to all the rebels. There was a huge wall, riddled with hundreds upon hundreds of small slots, each with a name above it. This is where missions, written on small slips of paper, were given to each rebel, depending on their skills. And there was his slot, the last one on the seventh level on the left. Sen didn't see anything in it, but when he looked closer, there was a very small slip of paper in it, unusually small. He picked it up and headed back towards his room, where he could read it in private.

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((Kira I need you to do something for me to post....))

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((oh sorry Skarx.))


"Sen, you can't leave!" Midnight exclaimed when she saw him get up and begin to leave. She jumped up and took off after him, grabbing a hold of his arm to pull him back to the infirmary.

"You're in no condition to be walking around. Get back into bed and rest," she said to him, worried about his well-being. She wasn't going to take no for an answer either. He was injured and way too young to be able to stop her from taking him back to the infirmary.


Inazuma looked up when Sen left and Midnight took off after him. He then glanced at Sayuk, before looking back down into his book.

"Geez, Midnight was giving you such a horrible look a moment ago. She must have really started to trust you, judging by how much hatred I felt coming from her. Glad it's not directed at me," he said, writing in a few numbers in the puzzle.


((uh, i'll get things moving along with Sayuk after my finals are over and I have more time. I really should be looking up these possible essay topics that I will have to do tomorrow so I don't fail them.))

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((Sure when do you think it'll be possible to move forward? I don't mind a single post a day or per 2 days. I can be patient if you prefer to wait more than that too.))


Sayuk was almost falling asleep when Inazuma's voice rang. He looked at the guy doing something in a book. What was he doing anyway? Was he writing a report?

"Oh? Is it so important? She probably hate anyone from Dark's army."

He had been successful and that madman had ruined it all! He looked once more at the thing Inazuma was doing, even if he could not seen it.

"What are you doing anyway? It does not seem like a report or anything you barely write anything and erase just as much.

Edited by Skarx

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((well, I have a final tomorrow, and once it is over I'll have no more classes! So my brain won't be pressured to remember stuff for school and I'll have more time to think of what to do. ^^))


"Have you never heard of sudoku? Oh, right, probably not, since I doubt you pay attention to little puzzle games like these. Anyways, it's a puzzle where you fill in these squares with numbers," he turned the book around so Sayuk could see all the little squares. It was a three by three box, and each box was a three by three box as well, making it nine by nine, [/color=darkslateblue]"you have to fill in the missing numbers, but the same number can't repeat in a column and row. Each row and column will have 1-9 with no repeats. It can be quite difficult on harder puzzles."[/color]

Inazuma tried to explain it the best he could, but something like this wasn't very easy to explain.

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Sayuk had heard of it through his mission, but he never saw it before. He understood what was supposed to be done, but he didn't relate to how that was a "game" though.

"So it's to test your ability to analyze something? I've heard of it, but that's considered a game?"

Was the best he could come up to explain such a thing as to do that Sudoku. He heard of a lot of thing that were now considered as games, but he never experienced them. Dretch would have his skin if he ever did anything else then work and kill. The only game he knew was something called tag because his master always used it, on the mortal side, to teach him how to catch something or outrun one.

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"Sen, you can't leave!" Midnight exclaimed when she saw him get up and begin to leave. She jumped up and took off after him, grabbing a hold of his arm to pull him back to the infirmary.

"You're in no condition to be walking around. Get back into bed and rest," she said to him, worried about his well-being. She wasn't going to take no for an answer either. He was injured and way too young to be able to stop her from taking him back to the infirmary.

"Yeah, I can just leave the infirmary, Midnight. I've finally gotten a new mission, and I'm not going to just sit down and rest while this needs to be done." Sen struggled, but he couldn't break free of her grip. Jesus, this person is strong.he thought as he was yanked back into the infirmary. "Jeez, Midnight, stop it. At this rate you'll do more damage than that guy did if you keep pulling me. My wounds will tear open again."

Edited by Darkshadow

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((Um, Darkshadow, Sen wouldn't have been able to break free from Midnight's grip. She has a very, very strong grip. Seriously. She would not let go of him that easily, nor could Sen outrun her. Midnight is over 1000 years old. A 15 year old is not going to best her.))


"Yeah, pretty much," Inazuma replied turning the book back around to face himself, "it's fun though.

An Agnimitra then walked up to Inazuma to speak with him.

"Adam gave permission to use the drug method and we can use whatever kind that'll work," the Agnimitra explained.

"For this guy, the strongest we have. He's not some weak-willed fool. And no, I'm not interrogating him. Bring in Finn for that. He's the best at delving into people's minds"

The other Agnimitra nodded before going over to the doctors to tell them what they are to do with Sayuk, before heading out to find Finn.


((I can't believe I just used the name, Finn, of the goldfish from the goldfish crackers...XD))

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(edited my post. LOL goldfish crackers....*eats Finn* whoops, sorry. I just eated your probe. But he tastes fishy....)

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