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The Agnimitra

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((Maybe I do? But, Kazabazuha is near my place though a couple of hours away... so it cannot be in the half ghost town xd.png I do remember a place you were not sure. But Sayuk does not know and I intend to play it so... no metagaming from me. For some purpose sake Kira I'll consider you open the door which is not locked I forgot to do that... Sayuk is not thinking straight so it took a while before he moved. If it's not fine tell me and I'll change it.))


When someone knocked on his door Sayuk panicked even more making it impossible to conceal his scar. What should he do?! Run? Attack? Play innocent? NO! He could not do that! He might recognize him! TO make things worst a voice made it clear he had never left his mind.

"You little brat! You have no idea what is waiting for you here I'll have to prepare my toys then. That is... unless you make me proud. YOu know what I mean."

And Dretch left leaving another mind attack on Sayuk who let out another short yell of pain and feel back to the floor holding his head. He was going crazy, he was done for, if he ran Dretch would find him, but if he killed enough people or managed to remain unnoticed her he might be fine. He prepared to disappear not taking any precaution when he heard the door creak open. He was still on his knees holding his head facing the corner of his room when he though this little game was over. To make things more complicated he could not focus anymore and was shivering like that little kid had done. He snapped at the one who had opened the door whoever it was.

"What do you want!?"



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((ah, it's fine. when Sayuk yelled in pain, Inazuma would have heard it and opened the door if it was unlocked. He'd be worried something was wrong. And there is something wrong. XD))


There was no response when Inazuma knocked and instead he heard a cry of pain which alarmed him. He couldn't wait for Sayuk to open the door at this point. He turned the handle, and surprisingly found it unlocked, and rushed in to see Sayuk on his knees holding his head in a corner of the room. Sayuk snapped a "what do you want" at him, looking like he was in pain and confused.

"I heard a cry of pain. Are you alright? What's going on in here? " Inazuma inquired. He was on his guard around Sayuk though, since he didn't think he could trust the Agnimitra. Though, he noticed something different about the others' face but it was hard to see.

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When he heard the voice his heart sank deeper. Inazuma! Why him!? Sayuk was doing his best not to show his face to the other agnimitra.

"I'm fine now go away this is my room! Let me have my privacy!"

He almost added " unless this is too much for you guys", but refrained from doing so. He was still shacking and the headache was not going away fast enough nor was his huge scar! He cursed Dretch a thousand time in the next few seconds before doing so again right after. He was really angry and needed peace! Something that guy didn't respect. He was probably on to him, as the murderer. Maybe he had been spying on him?! Maybe that's what he had felt all day long? He clenched his teeth.

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"You don't look fine," Inazuma said sternly, not planning to leave, "you look like you need pain meds."

As they spoke, Inazuma tried to get a better look at Sayuk's face by crouching down in front of the other, peering past his arms. There was something oddly familiar about what he could see on Sayuk's face. Did he hurt himself? Or did something fall onto his face? Maybe it was a scar, which was what Inazuma's mind focused on as the main possible answer if his suspicions were correct.

Edited by Kira1

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When Sayuk realized the man was now in front of him he quickly backed away in surprise and fell on his back. He half crawled away, which made him reveal his face and in a final attempt tried to stand and run out of the room, but stopped half way, closed the door by slamming it shut then while having his back exposed to Inazuma focused on grabbing his knifes, if the other one came too close he would attack him. He also started forming some ice in his shelves to use it quickly if needed. The man had seen his face and Sayuk had noticed his look. If he could not take him down quickly he would have to do something else to please the master. He didn't want to have torture again cause he failed even if it was because of Dretch himself!

"What do you want from me!?"

Edited by Skarx

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Inazuma watched as Sayuk fell back, startled and his face became exposed. Inazuma could then see the scar on the others' face and knew what it was. Sayuk ran to the door, but stopped, slamming it shut and had his back facing Inazuma as he demanded what the other wanted.

"I want you to tell me what's going on," Inazuma said seriously. Blue lightning began to spark around his fingers as he became slightly agitated with Sayuk. He hated anyone that was working for Dark, and Sayuk seemed to be one of those people. He could feel a murderous intent from Sayuk, which most likely meant Sayuk was ready to attack Inazuma. Though, Inazuma didn't step any closer, instead just staring the other down, though he was glaring at Sayuk's back.

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When Inazuma asked him to say what was happening Sayuk hear some sparks sound. Electricity. So that was what the other guy was. A lightning dragon. Heh. He turned around and raised his hand a bit, just enough to be able to move faster in case the other attacked, but not enough so the man would see his ice or weapon. Sayuk's faced Inazuma with a half pained, half hateful face.

"You want me to tell you what's going on!? YOu invaded my room, it's dinner time, I dropped my meal on the ground..." He pointed the wasted food. "The nurses are probably cleaning the meds room as they usually do and I should be there to help by now, more rumors are spreading and I guess YOU have a huge problem with me from the look of it." As he was fighting the pain, which was slowly receding. His face became more and more emotionless has he regained some self control.

Edited by Skarx

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((you're getting your times mixed up. You jumped Skarx's time ahead to dinner. Midnight's time is still morning. XD))


Inazuma guessed that all those things did seem plausible, if it wasn't for the mark on Sayuk's face. He didn't feel like being polite to someone who wasn't trustworthy.

"I do have a problem, and more of my suspicions have been confirmed because of that scar on your face. Have another excuse for that as well? I doubt you can trick me. I travel as informant and gather information all over, mostly on Agnimitra in Dark's army," Inazuma replied, meeting Sayuk's eyes and glared at him, holding the others' gaze to his.

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((Oups, modified it. As we say here. His carrot are cooked, his dog is dead xd.png.))


Sayuk didn't have much to say to Inazuma... though he was taking it pretty well if he really knew who he was. An excuse... something that would not be a lie...

"Someone found it funny to mark me like this. It's not like I go around and burning myself for pleasure. Trick you to what!? Get to the point! WHAT do you want from me!? If you don't answer then I shall take my leave I'm supposed to help the nurses, don't want to make them wait now don't I?"

Curse this mark. It seemed everything Dretch ever did do well was putting him in trouble! His shelves we all frozen inside now and the cold touch of it on his arms was a nice change to the hot temperature here.

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((lol, i think you mean his goose is cooked. and the shelves are frozen? I'm not sure I understand that.))


"I know that mark to be associated with Dark's army," Inazuma said, his voice strangely calm but cold, "and I think it's time you tell me who you really are or I'll just expose you myself."

Whether Inazuma was bluffing or not, he planned to corner Sayuk into telling him everything. If he could read Sayuk well enough, he could talk the other into a corner and get him to spill everything. By the way Sayuk started acting, Inazuma knew there was a way to crack that exterior. Perhaps mentioning names of member's of Dark's army might get him a reaction. There were several high-ranking members of the army whose name he knew. He just might be able to figure out where Sayuk fell in there as well. Many names went by in his head as he tried to match a profile to Sayuk.

Edited by Kira1

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Associated with Dark's army? Not in his mind. This was just the brand Dretch used to mark his toys. To tell them who was the boss.

"It's just a maniac's mark. I never heard of Dark marking his men. Though... I may not know all you do, informant. YOu want to know who I really am? Exactly who I presented myself as. Sayuk and I wanted to join the resistance. Try and expose what you think is so true. Be careful not to bite the wrong person."

Sayuk's pain was gone now so he could focus again and his face had returned to his usual emotionless one. His mind was still shaken though. Dretch had done too much damage and circumstances made his case worst. Like this guy he wanted to kill now.

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When Sayuk mentioned the mark of a maniac, a name came to Inazuma's mind. One who stood out amongst the ones that had been investigated, and quite a crazy and sick fellow too.

"How would you know about Dretch? If you're just now joining the resistance I doubt you would know him, unless you've met him. And I doubt you met him just by coincidence and received a mark from him," Inazuma replied, now seeing Sayuk for the spy he truly was. He wasn't letting Sayuk get away unless the other one could clear all suspicions and so far it wasn't going very well.

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Sayuk having such a short fuse started laughing, a sick and broken laugh of someone who never does and that something broke, when he named Dretch.

"HA. Haha. Hahaha. You think he NEEDS a reason to do so!? I DID meet him by coincidence, but it's nothing that concerns YOU! What does it change if I feel to his claws in what I do here!?"

His pupil were changing to those of a dragon as well as some of his characteristic like his fangs. While he was laughing faintly he had the shadow of a grin. He thinten his grasp on his blades as he stepped closer to the door. He had to leave this room. That guy was playing mind game and he was not in condition to do so.

"Tell me detective who do YOU think I am? I know you think I'm the murderer I'm no fool. Tell me why do you think I would be the killer?"

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Well, it seemed that possibly mentioning the Dretch guy could cause Sayuk to lose it, judging by how the other started laughing like a madman.

"Well, for one, I know Dretch isn't the kind who lets the ones he marks get away from his clutches. Second, you show up as a new member and then killings start. You are the only new member who has stuck around this place. And that demeanor of yours doesn't help either. So, Sayuk, I believe that since you have been marked by Dretch, that Agnimitra is using you to cause havoc here," Inazuma declared. To Inazuma, it seemed that Sayuk practically walked right into this, revealing that Inazuma's suspicions were correct. When Sayuk stepped closer to the door, Inazuma stepped forward as well, keeping the gap between them the same distance. In case Sayuk tried to run, Inazuma was ready to give chase, or attack Sayuk if the other attacked him.

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He was found, but he didn't do all the killing. What seemed strange to him though was that Inazuma said he had been forced to do so by the master.

"STOP CALLING HIS NAME! You think it's funny!?"

He needed to calm down. Breathe in, breathe out. He should cut to what the other wanted to hear before he named the master again. Sayuk had the superstition that if you name someone you could be more easily found by it or get it's attention and he wanted that maniac attention elsewhere. He feared it would coming in any second now to see if he had killed more. He just wanted a bloodbath and Sayuk was not going to do it unless... Unless Dretch WAS here.

"You want to know if I'm the murderer right? You know that answer yes I am, but didn't do ALL the killing here. Someone else killed to. not just me. What are you going to do about that? I killed the cook, the patrolling squad and that family though I should have killed the kid first the poor thing almost died from by itself when he saw his father die. You wanted it I gave it to you. Now what? You want me to confess all of my sins? I don't have all day to do that so don't bother."

The stress Dretch was putting on him was still weakening his will, but he was already done for so why now tell that guy he killed them. He was curious as to what he was going to do. He was not allowing him to leave that's for sure, but... it would be funny to see if he could actually catch him. He was surprised when someone knocked on his door and opened it.

"Sayuk? You there? I know you are I hear voices, why aren't you coming to the nursery today?"

Nataly came in smiling to him, but her face changed when she saw the scene. Sayuk with his scar and Inazuma with his hand electrified.

What is happening here? Did Sayuk do something?

She asked backing away to the door confused slightly scared. Sayuk tried to save his face as he could.

"No we just have a little problem to solve on a matter. It's fine and it'll be over soon and I'll come and help you girls."

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((I am assumming it is still morning))


Gabe walked back into the clearing, holding a pair of rabbits by their ears. Today he was going to teach Ren how to skin a rabbit and cook it on a fire. She was curled up on the ground, her back to him. She was still pouting from when he told her she couldn't go hunting with him. She would have eaten the rabbit before he could get it away from her so he made her stay behind. He threw the rabbits down and pulled out a knife. She started to reach for them but he pushed them back with his foot.


She looked confused. "No eat?"


He shook his head. "You have to learn something first."


"Learn," she said with disgust. Learning wasn't easy and all she wanted right now was to eat. She started to reach for them again and he pushed her back. She hissed, irritated. She was hungry and he was in her way.


"Go get some sticks. We have to make a fire." He sent her mental images of wood in the forest and a campfire with roasting meat.


Her mouth started to water and she scrambled into the forest. She didn't mind eating anything raw but something stirred in her memory of delicious hot meat. When she came back with an armful of wood, he had already skinned and gutted one of the rabbits. He gestured toward the other and held out a knife. She dropped her load and sat next to him. He showed her how to skin it without destroying the carcass and he set about making a fire. She did well with the exception of a bite-sized piece of the ear missing by the end. They cooked the rabbits together, she turning the spit and he banking the fire. By the time they were done, Ren was practically hopping up and down.


He gave her the okay to eat and she grabbed one of them off the spit, yelped, dropped the meat into the dirt and began to cry. He sighed and examined her hand. "You don't touch hot things when you're human," he said carefully. Her hand was badly burned, and blisters were already beginning to form. He made sure she had learned her lesson before healing it, being sure to never touch her skin without the healing barrier between them. As much as he wanted to continue holding her hand, he dropped it.

She rubbed her hand absently, watching as he carefully slid the other rabbit off. She started to eat her own meal, the flesh delicious and tender, not like raw meat at all. She was gnawing on the bones by the time he was half-done, and he sighed at her. She frowned. He always sighed whenever she did something he didn't like. All she wanted was to make him happy. She put the bones down reluctantly. The marrow inside was delicious, but she would do this for him.


He finished while she looked at him expectantly. She had a good reason to. Lately, he'd been planning all their days out, but today was different. He wondered to to best explain it to her. "We're leaving the forest, Ren. We're going someplace better, with other dragons." He sent her pictures of a warm cave and dragons laying together happily. It wasn't quite the scenario, but he needed her to come with him. Everything he;d taught her had been for this moment. He expected some resistance, so he was surprised when she thought it over and then nodded. She changed to her dragon form in the clearing, knocking over the dying fire and ripping her clothes. He sighed. There went another pair. He sent her to go get water from the stream. While she was gone, she stripped from his clothes and turned into his own dragon form: a blue furry dragon. Ren came back and spit a mouthful of water on the fire, effectively putting it out. He gave a dragon laugh and launched himself into the air, knowing she would follow.

She wondered where they were going exactly, and how long it would take to get there. But she knew that if he had to leave, there was no way he was going without her. She flew past him, the sun shining off her spikes. She would follow him anywhere.

Edited by futurelibkeeper

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Inazuma was about to speak when Nataly peeked in through the doorway, wondering what Sayuk was doing.

"Please leave right away," he said to her, and even though he said please, it was more of a command. Inazuma did hold a lot of power in the resistance and everyone knew that. If he gave commands, there was always a reason, and it was wise to follow them. He then looked back to Sayuk.

"I don't think you'll be going to help them anymore with these complications that will prevent that," Inazuma said to him, "you're coming with me to speak with the temple elder."

He began moving closer to Sayuk, planning to place a hand on the others' arm to keep him from running. Also, if Inazuma had his hand on Sayuk, he could shock the other to knock him out if Sayuk resisted. Inazuma knew that everyone would believe him over a newcomer like Sayuk, especially since Adam, the temple elder, was wise and would know who was lying.

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"Complication huh? Here's some for you."


As soon as the girl left Inazuma changed his approach and came closer. Sayuk was not going to let him get any closer, he needed to run, but he didn't know those hall well enough... he'd have to be careful. First reach the door, which he did rather fast since he was almost next to it, then stop the other guy advance. He focused on the ice in his left shelve, making the ice form in a couple of dangerous shards and sent them to Inazuma while opening the door with his other hand, then quickly ran into the hallway. That guy was probably have the guard ready to intercept him and there was too many people in the hallway to disappear, he needed that to remain a secret else... it would greatly kill how easily he could move around. He knew this hallway went to the nursery, but further then that... he didn't really know except it was close to the meeting hall. The other side had too many people in it.


He prayed that his worst nightmare would not come back now. Dretch was angry so he was probably going to come back to take it out on him soon enough. Why did all problem jump on him like this NOW of all time!

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When the icicles were sent towards him, Inazuma used his electricity to block them, and quickly dashed forward to run after Sayuk. In a matter of seconds he was running after Sayuk in the hall, and just in case he couldn't stop Sayuk alone, he alerted everyone else.

Don't let Sayuk get away! Inazuma shouted a mental message to every resistance member in the building, giving them an image of what he looked like and where he was. Inazuma sent a blast of blue lightning flying towards Sayuk's back which covered the distance between them in a flash. Unless Sayuk was expecting an attack like this from behind and already had a defense ready, the lightning would hit its mark and electrocute Sayuk.

Many Agnimitra from the rooms around them poked their heads out when Inazuma sent the message and caught sight of Sayuk running down hall. Quickly, the ones who had skilled with fighting took action, dashing into the hallway and ran after Sayuk with Inazuma. Around both corners at the end of the hallway, Agnimitra gathered, ready to stop Sayuk no matter which way he went. He'd have to have some kind of trick to get past them. Many elements were present amongst the Agnimitra, such as fire, water, and earth.

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When Inazuma sent his lighting bolt to him he quickly did what he could, expecting such an attack, to block most of it. He used most of his already formed ice to make a shield, but some of the zapping arc still touched him numbing his body. He didn't stop running, but he staggered a bit, something the other Agnimitra took profit in by hitting him. First came a blast of fire that melted all of his ice in his surprise and burned his now wet clothes slightly then came something he truly didn't expect. A door. Out of nowhere it opened and he ran right into it slamming his head into it. Confused and half blinded by the hit he was quickly trapped and put against a wall. He managed to make some ice to shield himself though from any physical hit and push back the attackers, though it was more a defense reflex than any real tactic. The place where the door had hit him was bleeding a lot.



((He's cooked better make this nice for him and a bit of funnyness. xd.png))

Edited by Skarx

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Sen halted as he was walking out of the kitchen; a mental message sent through his brain. It had an Agnimitra's name and profile in the message, along with a order to stop the person at all costs. Everyone else seemed to have gotten the message as well, because everyone else had paused as well. Sen kept walking out. So that Agnimitra was the person behind most of the killings here at the base. He walked past his room, then paused and turned back, grabbing his double-bladed staff from the peg by the door. He kept it in his hand, in case he encountered the enemy. There was noise up in the corridor ahead, and there was the Agnimitra that had done the killings, already blocked off from an escape route by other rebels who had gotten the message. Sen pushed through the crowd, his bladed-staff at ready. He finally got to the front and readied himself, preparing to attack the murderer. (Note: Skarx, I give you permission to attack my char and wound him and such, though nothing permanent, and in dragon form if you want to.)

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((Ok, let's play a bit then. I won't say I wound you unless it obvious so you decide how you receive the wounds or wounds you get.))


As his wall quickly died from the heat of someone's fire he noticed someone was about to attack him with a double bladed staff. So someone decided to have a simple fight against him? Fine, he was done, might as well bring this one in hell with himself. HIs hand being too numb from Inazuma's bolt he shaped big ice claws that came out of his shelves. It was around his hands, but he controlled it in another fashion. He made the first move slashing the air with his left claws while he slowly covered his vital point in a ice coat to prevent any fatal wound. He focused on both his claws and the protection as much he could to make them hard and heat resistant.


He curesed the fira Agnimitra, because of their fire he was sweating and they made him waste his energy by keeping the place hot.


((His "claws" are a bit like Hsien-Ko from Darkstalkers. Link if needed : Hsien-Ko))

Edited by Skarx

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((Well, maybe you could take Sen hostage or something so you don't die and can escape..))

Sen blocked the claws with his bladed staff, but only just, and he got a gash on his shoulder, tearing both his clothes and his skin. Time to try out his own moves. Sen concentrated, closing his eyes for a bit while holding off the ice claws. Finally, he was ready. His stomach had produced the poison, which now covered his skin in a thin layer. Sen spat the toxin at the enemy, which immediately hit the ice and started to melt it. Well, melting armor was a pretty useful ability with poison, though producing it was harder to do and took longer when he was in human form. Sentinel didn't want to reveal his dragon form here and now unless he was on the brink of defeat. No need to show off.

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((I don't think I'll die immediately. Sayuk has or at least has the possibility of having some really useful information about Dark's army.))


When the liquid touched his ice armor he heard a sizzling sound. That damn pest making him waste more energy just to fight of the acid! He made the ice layer on the acid covered spot wider then just let go of the affected area. A real waste of energy and he was probably going to use it more. Better make sure that trap of his stayed close! Since he was still letting his ice claws so close to himself he broke them into shard which as it quickly broke away went into the poison Agnimitra already wounded shoulder. He then brought his left claws back to himself and attacked from the other side while reforming his left claw. He could feel his energy being chomp away. This was maybe one of the rare moment where he could really thank Dretch for his... "training". He started forming an ice tail which he kept in his back and hidden from his attacking enemy.

Edited by Skarx

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The ice shard went deep into Sen's shoulder, and his blood splurted out, dieing the ice a light pink. Sen cursed inwardly. Of course the enemy would go for the wounded shoulder, as it was his weakest spot right now. The acid he had spat on the Agnimitra's armor had been covered up, but he could tell that it was taking a lot of energy to keep it that way. Sen pressed his luck and grabbed the ice claw with his other hand, which he had just layered in the toxin. The ice started sizzling and melting, which was trickling down Sen's arm, washing away most of the toxin. Sen cursed out loud this time. Why didn't he realize the water would wash away his layer of poison earlier? He let go of the ice claw which had been half-melted and grabbed his double-bladed staff, breaking off most of the ice shard embedded in his shoulder. It hurt, but Sen bet it wouldn't be that serious later on. Sen rubbed the length of his blade with his tongue, coating it in the poison from his stomach, to which it was impervious. He struck out at the enemy again, whirling his blades with a feint to the legs, and really aiming for the head.

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