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The Agnimitra

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When a way to happy agnimitra came up to him waving and all Sayuk knew who it was... especially since it was a man not one of the nurses who had developed a liking to him since he was always around helping them. Surely enough Inazuma came to him and talked to him, even started WALKING next to him. Gosh was that guy invading! Sayuk was really not used to have anyone being so with him. Usually people stayed away because he was unfriendly or they knew who he was.


"What do you want?"


If anyone acted nice it was always to ask something from him. What did HE want with him now? HE didn't even bother looking at him after the first what-do-you-want glance he gave him and walked steadily toward his job room. It never seemed to far away.

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"Just saying good morning," Inazuma replied, noticing how angry Sayuk seemed, but he didn't really care, "besides, I'm on my way to the guard house and I know you are too, so we might as well walk together. It's better to have company."

Sayuk probably wanted to be left alone, but Inazuma wasn't going to do that. No, Inazuma was the kind who would stick next to the people who wanted to be left alone. He just liked to bother them a bit. Besides, you never know, the person just might actually turn out to be a nice person that you could get along with.

Though, in this case Inazuma was hanging around Sayuk just to see if he was the murderer or not. Plus it was fun to bother the other Agnimitra.

Edited by Kira1

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So that guy was not going to leave him alone, fine. He never replied to him and went on to the guard house who finally showed up after a couple of minutes. Once there Sayuk went to see his scheduled patrolling work. West side of garden again. That was close to where he had killed those guards. He then noticed a warning note saying to be extra careful not to get killed and to watch each others back.


As he prepared to go there he wondered if Inazumi would follow him to his duty, he didn't see his name on the patrolling panel. The guy was still around in the room though and he could almost feel the glance he was receiving. He was sensitive to those things, else he would have been a bad assassin. He finished packing his bag then noticed he had forgotten to bring food, too bad. He was used to it anyway. That done he left the guardhouse to get to the garden and waited for his squad to get there sitting in the grass, silently staring at the forest. What should he do about Inuzami? Get him in a trap? That guy had to die or go away at least. Before his master talked to him again.

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((Inazuma, not Inazumi. ^^))


While Sayuk looked at the schedule for his watch, Inazuma spoke with the captain of the guard, chatting all friendly like with him as if they had been friends for ages. The conversation turned a bit more somber as the two talked about the recent murders. Inazuma told the captain that they would soon find this murderer, and that he himself was doing all that he could to find out who it was.

When he saw Sayuk leave the guard house, Inazuma wrapped up the conversation between him and the captain, saying he couldn't talk for long because there were things he needed to do. Instead of simply following Sayuk to his post, Inazuma went out of his way to make sure the other didn't notice him. He was able to keep a good distance away while still being able to watch Sayuk. It was also lucky that Inazuma found a place where he could hide where Sayuk could not see him unless he came over to the spot. Now to just see what would happen.

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Sayuk waited there until all of them joined him. He didn't talk to them and they didn't talk to him. A bit more and they would be ignoring him. Most of the garden section guards knew how he was from the talking done by his first squad he was in. Once everyone was there they moved into the forest. Sayuk was feeling uneasy, but could not find what was making him so. The only thing he was glad was that he was finally away from that annoying guy. As time passed Sayuk's stress kept rising, he knew trouble was just running his way and he had no way of knowing WHEN it would hit him. Knowing the master, he was bound to at least get a message today.


Sure enough it did. Around noon a voice tha brought a chill up his spine rang in his head like a doom bell.

"Sayuk! My favority apprentice!"

Wrong. So wrong! He was his toy not his apprentice!

"How have the killing been? Hope you didn't slack off when I was no looking? If you think killing a simple cook would be enough then you're in for a LOT of trouble."

If it was not thanks to his power over ice who stopped him from becoming too hot an sweaty he would be swimming in it. He did good staying composed though only acting a bit more nervously which the others didn't notice.

"N-no... I-I killed four people, a-a patrolling squad. Please don't ask me more I'm probably already in deep trouble!"

He asked is tormentor who in return just laugh. He probably just put himself deeper. He should have thought about it before asking...

"Hahaha! No boy. NOW it's getting exciting! Haha! Kill another one. NOW!"

"N-n-no! I'll do it later... I-I can't do it now I would be found! I promise I'll do it before sun is down!"

His anxiety was finally noticed by the rest of the group who asked him if he was alright. Sayuk brushed them off and they returned to their patrol angry saying how he was a pain and he was probably not made to be a guard since he didn't seem to be able to take on a bit of stress. For all they knew he probably was weak and useless. Sayuk wanted to make them pain, but killing THEM would be dangerous. He waited until he was finally back to the mansion and quickly went to his room after unpacking his bag. He was also told not to come for the evening patrol by a chef of patrol who had clearly heard from the others. What a NICE day it was! Once in his room he closed his door and laid in his bed looking at the ceiling. Who and HOW would he kill? There was still some family here. They were good targets. Yes, unrelated to him and easy prey. He would need to get his mind straight again though or his mark would reappear... stupid scar...

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Inazuma stayed out of sight as he followed Sayuk and the rest of the guards to their post. It was broad daylight, so if Sayuk was the killer, Inazuma doubted he would be stupid enough to kill the guards right here. Still, Sayuk might have some plan if he was the killer.

Though, Inazuma became confused when he noticed the brief change in Sayuk's expression before the Agnimitra composed himself again. The other guards soon noticed his anxiety, but Sayuk just said nothing was wrong, and they went back to ignoring him.

When Sayuk was heading back to the mansion, Inazuma was still secretly following him, not letting Sayuk notice his presence at all. Eventually Sayuk went back to his room, but Inazuma didn't follow him in. Instead, he would wait to see when Sayuk would leave his room to continue following him.

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Sentinel woke up and rubbed his eyes, yawning. It was morning, but it was so bright he couldn't tell, and anyway he didn't have his glasses on. Putting them on, Sen blinked, then got changed into his clothes. He went over to the mirror hung on the wall and stared into it, combing his hair. A boy the age of 15 stared back at him, with unusually deep blue eyes and white hair started back at him, wearing glasses. Sen sighed and looked away. This was kinda like a morning ritual for him, his elder had teased him so many times about......Sen flinched at the thought as his mind brought up the scene that was so often in his nightmares, of the only person who had cared for him dying right before his eyes. Sentinel quickly opened his room door and proceeded to the kitchen, yawning again. There was a ton of drama at the Resistance base, as always. Sentinel was kinda the loner of the group, just staying out of everyone's way and keeping his head down and doing his missions without question, mostly by himself. Sentinel figured almost none of the base knew what type of dragon he was, or his power. Sen had been absentmindidly walking and hadn't realized he had reached the kitchens until the warm smell of baking reached his nostrils. Sen sat down at a table and waited, as the cooks weren't done making the breakfast. Oh well.

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After washing and dressing, Midnight headed out of her room to the kitchen where breakfast was being prepares. Her stomach grumbled loudly, demanding to be fed. almost like a zombie, Midnight trudged down to the kitchen, sitting down at a table as she waited for breakfast to be ready. She yawned, covering her mouth with her hand before looking over to who she was sitting next to. He was a young Agnimitra, about 15, with blue eyes and white hair. Midnight thought she had seen him around before, but couldn't place a name to the face.

"Good morning," she greeted him with a tired smile, but tried to appear kind. It took her a little awhile to actually wake up in the mornings.

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Sen whipped around in his seat at the voice, then relaxed again. Jeez, he was so tense all the time, but that was a good asset when doing missions for the Resistance. He leaned back in his seat, watching the girl out of the corner of his eye. She seemed really tired, almost like a zombie. She probably wasn't a morning person from the look on her face. "Good morn." Sen said, falling back into a habit he had never broken. Instead of saying 'morning', Sentinel always said 'morn'. Anyone he talked with always thought he was crazy when he said that, but there were plenty of other weirdos in this place besides him, so no one really minded. Just then the cooks placed out the buffet-style breakfast, as anyone wishing for food didn't have to wait to be served. Rising up from his chair, Sentinel went to the laid table and grabbed a plate. He and the girl were the only ones in the kitchen now, but that would change soon, give or take about half an hour. The guard's shift was almost over as well, so the buffet line would be crowded soon and all the good stuff gone. Sentinel surveyed the food. Oatmeal, eggs, bacon, ham, toast, to name but a few. As a daily breakfast special, someone had made pancakes. This brought out a small smile from Sen. Those crazy cooks he thought, heaping five of them onto his platealways trying to raise the morale here. Sen headed back to his seat, where zombie girl was still sitting.

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((ah, don't just assume that Midnight has moved please. ^^ EDIT: hasn't moved. oops, lol))


Midnight smiled when he replied back, not really minding him shortening "morning" to "morn." Breakfast was then ready and was set out on the buffet table for anyone to have. The boy sitting next to her stood up to get a plate to fill up with food, as did she. Her stomach was eager for the food and she quickly scooped onto her plate what she wanted, especially the pancakes. She loved pancakes.

After getting all the food she wanted, she headed back to where she had been sitting. The boy was heading back to the same seat as well. She figured she might as well just sit with him since there was no one else there but them. A few people were starting to make their way into the kitchen when they noticed the food being place out and movement.

Midnight set her plate on the table, sat down, and began to eagerly eat the delicious food.

Edited by Kira1

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(I said that Midnight was still sitting in the same place. I never said she moved. Read my post again please ^-^)

Sen dug into his pancakes, hoping really to avoid the mid-morning rush when the night guards were off-duty, but it was too late. In a surge of that akin to a tidal wave, the Resistance guards surged into the kitchen, all clamoring for breakfast. Sentinel stopped eating his breakfast quickly, seeing as it was too late. The zombie girl was sitting next to him, eating pancakes as well. Curious to learn more about her, Sentinel said "So, zombie-girl, what's your name?"

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((I meant hasn't moved. XD my bad.))


Zombie girl? Was he talking about her? Well, it certainly was an interesting nickname to obtain from someone, but it didn't seem as if he was being mean. He simply didn't know what name she went by.

"My name is Midnight. What's yours?" she replied after swallowing her bite of pancakes. After speaking she ate some more off of her plate as she waited for him to reply.

Of course, there was no a rush of people in the kitchen and she had to speak up to be heard over all of the chatter. She was used to it though and didn't mind all the noise. It made her feel better about the situation. That there were all these Agnimitra here to make all this noise.

Edited by Kira1

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Sentinel took another bite of his pancakes, which he had lathered in syrup. He always had had a sweetooth. "Well, as for a true name, I don't know, but everyone I've known calls me Sentinel or Sen for short." His voice trailed off after he finished his sentence. In truth, it was the elder who raised him that gave him that name, but that was a very painful subject and Sen liked to avoid it as much as possible. "I hope I get a new mission soon." Sen said aloud, mostly really to himself. Midnight seemed pretty nice. He gulped down more of his pancakes.

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"Ah, well, it's nice to meet you, Sen," Midnight replied, after swallowing, then took another bite, not wasting anytime in filling her stomach. She heard Sen mumble about hoping to get a new mission, but her mouth was full so she couldn't speak right away. Somewhat of a plan started to form in her mind though as she paused to think about it. Here was an Agnimitra with nothing to do, and Midnight needed a new perspective on things. After she swallowed, she looked to him.

"Maybe you can help me with something. I've been needing another opinion on something," she said to him. She planned to ask him about the little clue they had about the gem. Since she was stuck on it and couldn't think of where else they might have missed. Either the resistance or Dark had already searched practically every continent. What were they missing?

Edited by Kira1

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((OOC: oh Kira, I was hoping that Sen's elder was the elder that knew something about the Gem, but was killed...))

"Maybe you can help me with something. I've been needing another opinion."Sentinel finished off the rest of his pancakes, then set down the fork and knife, curious. "An opinion?" he asked. He wondered who would want an opinion from a person they've never met except for about five minutes in a kitchen? Well, obviously this girl didn't think that was strange at all. Sentinel wondered what she wanted his opinion on. "What topic?"

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((Hm, except with the rough time line I have in my head, Sen wouldn't be old enough to have had that elder as his guardian. That elder died like over twenty years ago, 'cause yes this war has been going on for that long. A few years hardly means anything to an Agnimitra because they live for a very long time.))

"It's about the Gem," Midnight began, "we have the clue, but it's practically impossible to figure out what it means."

Midnight sighed, feeling a bit down that she wasn't able to figure this out herself. She prided herself in being quite intelligent and good at riddles, but this one just stumped her. It was so vague that it was hardly a clue of any kind. It didn't seem anyone on Dark's side had figured it out either since there had been no reports of changes in the army's movements.

"The clue is this: You are either stupid or smart to go there."

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"You are either stupid or smart to go there, eh?" said Sen, resting his chin on his hand, puzzling it out. "If it meant a place, as in a hiding place, the only thing I can think of was a swamp. No one ever looks in there, but it could also mean it is located in enemy territory. Only stupid people would go into enemy territory, but also smart people might go there because it is that last place the enemy would look for someone or something." Sen said this, voicing aloud his thoughts on the matter. Not much of a clue, he thought. They could be talking about almost anything for that matter also.

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((Oh is Dark new here? New blood? *Blocks the exit* NO matter, you ain't going nowhere now! Haaahahahaha!))


Sayuk feeling that his room was getting hotter, though it was not quite true left his bed and opened his window to let some fresh air in. He was still felling uneasy and to make it worst... Dretch was onto him... So much for spying. They were not working well anyway so might as well turn back to his usual job if it meant he would get to stay sane longer. Displeasing the master meant pain and pain in larger quantity meant he would break again. Dretch had a way to make it unbearable. Sayuk looked to the sky. He missed his homeland, it was colder than this warm hell. It stick to your skin like... like... an image of Inazuma came to his mind. Where was that guy gone to now? It seemed like it really wanted to stay near for a while, but he was gone quite fast. Strange guy.


To change his mind Sayuk decided to do his dirty job. It was nearly meal time. Sayuk. looked around, but saw no one outside. He went back in looked around the room and found a nice hidden spot. No one could see him there. He used his power to disappear and waited for a couple of minutes then left by the window. If he remembered well the part of the mention with the family's in was in the left wing. As he quickly ran there he avoided any close contact with the people chatting and moving outside, mostly guard going for the cafeteria to get good spots they would get the shift around noon so they ate sooner. When he reached the left wing he waited for someone to open the doors for him slowing moving deeper and deeper, closer to the innocents that would meet their end. Avoiding contact was not so hard since half the families were gone now.


He walked all the way down the hall and chose the one the most isolated from the rest. The families around it had already left. When no one was around, he knocked on the door. He heard footsteps behind it and voices. All he made out was "door" and "coming". When the door opened the man was surprised not to see anyone. He looked on both side then, looking a bit bothered closed it again. A minute later Sayuk knocked again. This time the footsteps came faster and the door opened much faster. This time the annoyed man left the door frame.


"Who did that! Come on out little pest! I know you're hiding behind that corner!" He yelled.


The fourth door away from it opened and a young women poked her head out.


"Will you not yell please! You'll wake my child! He need his sleep we're leave later today!" She said.


What happened next in their conversation Sayuk didn't know, but he had an open door now. He quickly came in and found a nice corner to spy on them. It was a small family. Two parents and a child. Both parents had black hair, but the child had dark brown one. Strange. The kid was about 7 years old. Truly a young age to meet his end. Luck was not on his side. He slid his hand in his long shelves and started making his killing icicles. During that time the man left to look at the TV with his kid and the mother stayed in the kitchen to make some dinner. Safest road was to kill the women first, then the father and simply kill the kid after since it would be the easiest to kill. The place was too small to allow the adult to change shape, but the kid... was another story. He doubted it would come to that though. After finishing his 6 icicles he prepared himself. The icicle were not invisible so he would have to attack from behind. The throat was the best choice, but then again... the lower part of the head was an easy access to the brain. He chose that spot and when the TV made a lot of noise he stabbed her with his ice blade then grabbed her so she wouldn't fall to the ground. He froze the blood not the stain himself then moved lifted her a bit and put him in the kitchen lower right corner behind the wall.


As he putted her on the ground he suddenly heard the man talk to the dead women thinking she was still cooking. He had to move fast that guy would quickly understand the situation when she will fail to answer. He readied four of his ice blades to kill the man, the second he left the couch to walk into the kitchen Sayuk hit him with them, making him fall on the ground in surprise and yell in pain, making Sayuk become even more stressed. The man was touched in the right arm twice, one missed and the last one had slide his face badly. Sayuk ran to him took out one of the blade in his arm and stabbed him in the chest holding him down with his right arm by squeezing the wounded arm. He left the man there to die and turned toward the kid, who was in dragon form, a small pale brown colored dragon with cute blue fins covering his back and join. He also had a blue crest on his head. His eyes were those of a desperate creature full of sorrow and fear. It had seen his father die and being stabbed by an invisible being. It was in the furthest corner of the road looking around quickly fearing that in any second the killer would appear and get him to like it did his father and probably his mother too. Sayuk felt a bit bad for the kid. Maybe he should have killed it first to spare him all of this, only thing he could do for him was killing him fast. Sayuk moved next to the scared child, who suddenly stared right at him with terrified eyes. When Sayuk looked down at himself he saw what the kid had seen. The blood on his hands. Mostly the father's one... Sayuk dash for the kid took out his blades making them longer has he did and striked at the trembling child first hitting under his jaw to lift the half impaled muzzle the hitting at the heart with a piercing hit on the still frail scales. The child died quickly, crying.


He had done his job, now he needed to erase the evidence. When someone knocked on the door he jumped in surprise and quickly took all the icicles form the bodies and put them in the sink melting them as he did then froze the blood on his hands has the knocking on the door became more and more frantic. Sayuk ran for the window and jumped outside breaking it and surprising a person passing close by. In the end the ones knocking smashed the door and came running in only to stop a few step and yelling when they saw the corpse. Sayuk ran for his life back to his room and jumped inside by the window he had left open. After being sure no one had opened his door and was looking he reappeared and decided to do some training. He did a couple of sit-up and other warm-up to past the time and his stress.


((I... I felt so bad writing this!!!))


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((Yes, Dark-kun is new, and he cannot escape! Muahaha! XD

and omg, i would feel bad about writing that too. D:))


"We've checked the swamp areas, and if it was in enemy territory I'm sure someone would have noticed. Plus, if it was, it would be practically impossible for us to get it," Midnight replied, frowning a bit as she thought about it. Where hadn't they looked? It seemed they had already searched all over the globe with no luck. Any lead they may have gained always turned out to be a dead end.

"We've checked all over Europe, North and South America, Africa, Asia, and if it was in Australia, Dark would have found it. Where else could it be though?"


Inazuma, being impatient, soon stood up from where he was and walked over to Sayuk's door and knocked. When there was no reply from the other, Inazuma knew that Sayuk wasn't in the room. He didn't even bother to open the door. Frantically he dashed down the hall as this made him even more suspicious of Sayuk. He knew the Agnimitra had entered that room, and he didn't see him come out. The only other way out would be the window. But why take the window unless you need to sneak out? And why would Sayuk need to sneak out?

Soon he heard some commotion from the area where the families stayed and Inazuma headed there to see what it was about. He pushed past the gathering crowd to see the dead bodies in the small home. It was obviously their murderer who he thought to be Sayuk. But how was he going to prove it? He had hoped to catch Sayuk in the act, but he wasn't very lucky this time.

Without speaking to anyone around him, Inazuma took off again, heading back to Sayuk's room. This time, he would find a place outside where he could see into Sayuk's room through the window where the other would not be able to see him. Luckily, there were plenty of high places where Inazuma could sit and see into the window while being hidden. Easily, the athletic Agnimitra climbed up onto one of these high places, and spied into Sayuk's room. This was when good eye sight came in handy. He was able to see clearly into the room as if he was only five feet away from the window instead of twenty.

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Having passed quite a long time training he removed his coat to cool off. Under it he had a light long shelved white shirt with blue lines on it. Some random scar could be seen in the lower part of the neck, but they looked like they extended lower than just the neck. He threw is coat on the bed then stretched a bit before sitting and meditating back to the window facing his bed. He meditated until dinner time came then put back his coat and left the room going toward the cafeteria to grab something to eat. He waited in line a bit and heard the news about his kill. People were getting really scared now. They knew someone was out for them. He refrained from saying much when people asked him about it. Only saying he didn't go and he was not aware of it, asking what had actually happened there. Then once he was served he walked back to his room like he usually did, closing the door again. He dislike crowds.



(I don't know what more to post...)

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((Oh noes!! *Takes out shotgun, shoots Skarx* I'M FREE!!! *runs out exit only to find a solid wall* *bangs on wall* NOOOO!!!! <--LOL))

"Have you tried any islands? Or Greenland, Antartica, the Artic Circle? Russia?" Sen suggested, thinking again. To get a break from his brain hurting already, Sen stood up again, placing his dish into the dirty dishes bin, along with some of the others. He sat back down again, sighing.

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((post more please Dark-kun ^^

and that's okay Skarx. >w<))


"Yes, we've checked Russia and Greenland since they are part of the different continents..." Midnight paused for a moment, thinking. "Have we checked Antarctica? Most Agnimitra don't go there because it is so cold..."

((come on, I don't really want to have Midnight figure it out since I already know where it is...))


When Sayuk left for food, Inazuma did as well, taking the food back with him to his stake-out spot. He ate as sat there, still watching from his hidden location, noticing that Sayuk was just doing usual things. It seemed that Sayuk might not do any more killings this day, but that wasn't going deter Inazuma from watching the guy like hawk.

Something needed to happen...

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((Ok. It's in... Kazabazuha!!!! I'm just too good. Arise from the dead. How dare you shot me!! *Hunter pounce* Raaaawr!))


Sayuk was eating his plate when Dretch decided to come in again yelling at him. He was angry and Sayuk made a bad move and his plate feel to the ground. He then put his hands on his ears hoping to lower the noise in his mind.


Scared Sayuk looked around to make sure now one was there then quickly went to the window and closed it pulling the curtain over it.

"I-I... I did..."


Shivering Sayuk went to the closest corner in the room his mark had appeared in his face marking him once more and just to remind him of it he looked at the mirror in his room which only made him panic even more.

"I-I... I did... I killed..."


"I killed a family!"

Silence. Was it good? When a searing pain invaded his mind as the blazing anger of his master burned in his head he let out one single short yell of pain and surprise.


The rest got lost in the flow of insult. When Drecth left his mind he laid in the corner trembling. Face toward the wall in his arms in an attempt to protect himself. What was he going to do!? He could not think straight right now because of that bas****!




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(If you already know where it is, why are you playing mind games with Sen? ~my brain hurts so much.....~)

Sentinel rubbed his temples, a headache developing already. "Well other than those places, I have no idea where the Gem would be otherwise, because my brain hurts right now." Sen looked around, bored. He started hearing people discussing something, something about a killing. It was probably just a rumor, but some people were looking pretty scared by now, talking in whispers of a person in the Resistance that was out to get him. Now Sen believe them a little, and was glad that barely anybody recognized him or could match his name to his face. Basically only this girl, and his superiors who gave him orders knew Sentinel's face, besides the people he saw everyday.

Sen stood up again, this time intending to leave. The huge crowd was here, and Sen was feeling a little self-concious. He really wanted to leave here, and maybe check to see if the superiors had any new orders or missions for him. He was sick and tired of being cooped up in this place, having been stuck here for a month or so. Sentinel wanted to try out his Agnimitra form some more, and develop his powers even further. "Well, Midnight, unless you want to talk some more, I'm going to be leaving now. I really do hate crowds, you know what I mean?"

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((Because there's no fun in that Dark-kun. ^^ I practically just screamed the answer just now. Did you not notice? Which continent was Midnight unsure if they checked or not? She didn't list it in the ones they had searched either. To me, it's practically screaming what it is. It's not hard. Come on, you can do it. Use a little bit of brain power that I know you have.

Maybe Skarx knows the answer?))


Inazuma mumbled a few curses when Sayuk closed the drapes on the window. He sunk down a bit, chewing unhappily on some food, before hoping down from where he was. Time to confront Sayuk instead of stalk. He wouldn't out right say he thought Sayuk was the murderer. No, he planned to just say hello and annoy the guy a bit. Possibly if Sayuk came after him, he could stop the Agnimitra. So far the Agnimitra that had been killed weren't ones that were skilled in fighting and such. Inazuma had the upper hand of a sixth sense to alert him to danger.

Heading inside, Inazuma went up to Sayuk's room and knocked on the door.


"Gee, a lot of help that is," Midnight mumbled when Sen complained about his brain hurting. She thought a young mind would have more potential, but she guessed he didn't use that brain of his much. Sen then stood up, saying that he was leaving since he hated crowds. Midnight was pretty much done eating, so she stood to leave with him.

"At the moment, I don't have much to do. I might as well leave with you," she said, glancing around when she heard talk of a murder. Great, another one, she thought sarcastically.

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