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The Agnimitra

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Brick sighed again and took his hand off his dagger before flicking his tongue out in a very dragon like manner. He was always annoyed when Yin trapped him in one of her illusions and always wished he could find out what was fake and what was real quickly.


"Yin do you think you can scratch up another mission for me? I'm not used to sitting around anymore, I would perfer to be out there doing something to finish this war more quickly." He said figuring that he could return to his old life as soon as the war ended and that would happen faster if he could convert or kill more people. He felt wierd just sitting around while everyone else was doing their part to put the war to a end or serve their own purpose while everything was in chaos.

Edited by monkeyboy225

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(Sorry i havent been on! I when skiing all weekend)


Leo smiled with sheer joy as the egg cracked even more. As the sun finally set into the horizon, Leo was filled with a bittersweet emotion. As one thing seemed to end, another began. The small life inside the egg found the strength in itself and came into the world, bursting from its shell. It glowed a soft blue as it collapsed into Leo and Arasi's laps, the strain of hatching to much on its little body. The sun was low on the horizon and a moment of joy soon turned. Leo looked to Arasi and said, "I'll try to see you again, I promise.". Leo withheld the searing tears burning at his eyes, he would not let her see him cry, not this time, he had to be strong for her.

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Shadow sighed strolling through a bending hallway very slowly. She'd made so many turns she stopped counting after the tenth turn right. No she wasn't going in circles, she'd made just as many left turns but never felt like counting exactly how many turns she made. A faint yell came from behind her but Shadow ignored it. Soon after she found herself on the floor after being knocked into pretty hard. "Excuse me! What was the hurry!" She yelled pushing herself to a sitting position starring at the boy who had run into her. "S-s-sorry. I didn't mean to, I yelled for you to move a few moments before." Shadow could tell he was scared. Standing she reached out a hand to help him up. "Then I suppose ending up on the floor was my fault. Although you still didn't answer why you were running." The younger boy grabbed her hand with a worried expression but half smiled. "I was-" He turned when a few more shouts rang through the hall. "Sorry but I gotta go!" With that he took off running again. Shadow watched the boy scurry off as a group of older kids came chasing after him yelling and screaming various things. She also noticed one was covered in something, what that was she didn't want to know.

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Midnight and Inazuma headed inside the mansion, and as they crossed the front parlor, a man ran up to her, a panicked look in his eyes.

"What's the matter?" she asked him, wondering what could cause him to look so flustered.

"We found a chef, in the kitchen, dead," he sputtered out.

"What?" Midnight gasped, her eyes widening in surprise. She looked to Inazuma who had the same reaction, and the two followed the man to the kitchen.

The blood was still everywhere in the walk-in pantry, and the body was laying on the floor with a sheet over the chef.

"Oh my god..." Midnight gasped at the sight. "How did this happen?"

"We're not sure," someone answered, "it's like the killer just disappeared."

"Disappeared? How is that possible?" Midnight questioned, looking at the scene.


Of course, as soon as he came back, it turns out there's been a murder. Yet strangely, they said the murderer seemed to have disappeared. They said that it was obviously stab wounds, one in the torso and one through the neck, which was why no one heard him yell or anything. Whoever killed him was smart and they couldn't find the murder weapon, and they couldn't really tell if the stab wounds were from a knife of not.



Arasi smiled brightly when she saw the hatchling emerge from the egg. The cute little thing was tired after pushing its way out of the egg, and collapsed on their laps. Leo then looked to her and said he'd see her again soon, which she took as the beginning of his goodbye.

"No, don't go yet," Arasi said, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. "Not so soon," she said into his shoulder. She didn't want him to go just yet. Though, she could tell that he was trying to be strong and not cry for her and she smiled at that. He was always thoughtful like that. Well, she would be strong too and not cry either. It would not look good if she came back, eyes all red from crying. Someone would wonder what had happened.


Ddraig led the way to his apartment, going at an easy pace for Mark. He did his best to make it seem like this was the pace he wanted go walk at, and that he wasn't doing it for Mark. When they reached his apartment, he held the door open for Mark, and told him where the restroom was since he figured Mark would want to wash up.

Once Mark was inside, Ddraig closed the door and went to the kitchen to get something to drink. He asked if Mark wanted anything to drink.


Yin looked at Brick, thinking about his request.

"I don't know," she said, kind of taunting him about it, "I suppose I could find something. Not sure if you would like what I find for you though."

She smirked at him, thinking of what kind of tiresome job she could give him. It seemed the only tasks right now were the ones to find temples that were still hidden and recruit whoever they could into the army.

Edited by Kira1

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Brick shrugged and figured it would just be like Yin to give him a bottom of the barrel job which was only suited for grunts. "Considering it's you I'm asking for a assignment, I'm a little scared what you can think up. You can also just send me to the front lines if that help you pick a assignment for me." It didn't really matter to him what she could think of for him, just as long as he was able to stretch his wings for atleast a short while. "Well if you can find something I'll still be here. Maybe I can get some sleep now." He said and as he turned away he shifted back into his dragon form and swung his tail just barely over Yin's head as he sunk back into the ground so that just the top of his body showed with his wings spread out over the ground. Edited by monkeyboy225

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Sayuk randomly roamed about a bit then headed towards the kitchen. That’s were the killing had happened and everyone around there should be aware of it by now. If he was asked something he had an excuse, he was there for the nurses. As he slowly approached the kitchen he saw a crowd forming slowly, but there was still very few Agnimitra around. As he walked near the kitchen door he recited mentally every curse he knew in every language he knew for Dretch. He was causing him trouble again and would probably make him in even more trouble later today or tomorrow. It was bound to happen it was in his nature it seemed. When he got in the kitchen he took a quick glance around. It was messy, but no food was being wasted as some cooks were currently working on finishing quick dishes for them. They looked at him suspiciously when he entered. He was a new guy so he was expecting this. Paying no more attention to they look he came closer to one of them for questioning.


““You, what happened here?”


The boy looked at him like he should have been aware of the situation. Turned the steak on the other side then answered him. There was a pained look in his eye showing that his prey had been rather important for some people. Oh well, not like he should care about that. Work was work anyway. The steak he was cooking was never asked if it wanted to live either why should he care about them?


“One of us… was murdered…” The rest got stuck in his throat.


““I see. Where has this happened?”


“Why should you care!? Who are you anyway!?” He was getting angry now.


“I’m working as a guard here now and the nurses have asked me to come and gather information about this case…” Sayuk the heard a voice he could recognize. It came from the back of the room. He looked in that direction and then walked to the meat shed. Midnight’s voice and some others.


"Disappeared? How is that possible?" Midnight said.


Better not stay behind the door, he backed away a bit and waited for Midnight to come out of there. If he could he would get her information to better turn it against her and the others. What he knew they would have learned the cook had been stabbed twice and there was no weapon around. What he had just learned was that they could not understand how the killer would have just gone away like that. This made his power to disappear a bit more dangerous for them to learn about it. Better be extra careful now. He looked at the inside of the shed and decided to go to them.


“It reeks of blood here. I heard someone got killed.” He looked at the body without any emotion. Like he usually was. That guy had a lot of blood. ““Is this him?”

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Leo hugged her back, a feeling of joy surging through him. The hatchling still slept on their laps as Leo and Arasi embraced. Leo would stay with Arasi as long as she wanted him to, it was worth it no matter what the risks.

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"We're not sure ourselves," was the answer Midnight received. She sighed and looked once more over at the body.


She heard Sayuk something and turned to see him there.


"Oh, hey, Sayuk," she greeted him, "yes, that's the chef that was killed."


"It's no trouble, but I would prefer to change and get washed up," Inazuma answered. Midnight nodded and together they left the kitchen.


"You should be scared," Yin replied with an evil little smirk at Brick. "I'll let you know if I find anything," she said, walking off in search for something for him to do.


((aw, Leo, give me more to reply to. I mean come on, can't you think of all the emotions they're feeling?))

Arasi held him in the hug for awhile longer, but as the sun sank below the horizon, she knew she had to leave soon or else she wouldn't get back in time. She let go of him, looking down at the hatchling and stroked the top of it's head, before gently putting it on Leo's lap so she could stand up.

"I guess I should leave now," she said, quietly, trying not to cry.

Edited by Kira1

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Brick just gave a snort lifting dust into the air before he realized something and swung his head around to call after the retreating Yin. "Yin, if there is a opening for a promotion anytime soon, would you put my name down on the list." He then rested his head back down hoping Yin would do him a favor just this once, but he never know what evil thing she could think up for him.

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After nearly a hour of soaking in a hot bath, Horo finally let the water run out of her tub before showering off to make sure she was completely clean. When she finished, she put on a fresh dress and attached the belt that carried her sword. She drew the blade quickly and checked to make sure it was clean and sharp, free of scratches and chips. After sheathing it, she deftly put her hair into its normal braids and stepped from her room. After a little walking through the halls, she saw Yin and Brick having a discussion. When they had finished and she was closer she gave a sharp salute to Yin and spoke saying, "good afternoon, Lieutenant General." She then nodded to Brick in acknowledgment, but rank came first in a situation like this she felt.

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When Midnight greeted him he greeted her back. That's what he should have done first...


"Hello. Do you know how he got killed? Is there a clue about who the killer might be?"


But just as soon he realized she was gone from the kitchen... Too bad. He inspected his victim. Yes the wounds were clear and there was no trace of him or anything else on the body or around. Except from the ice HE knew was from his spell. Lost amonst the rest of the ice. A nice job. NOw what to say to them? A knife, hit in the throat and the heart. Died quickly. That should be good enough. When he saw the the others around were quite uncomfortable with him staring and examining the corpse he left the kitchen too after cleaning his hands in a sink. As he made his way back to his room the nurse seemed to have taken over his place, sitting on his bed and chatting together. He opened the door completely staring at them.


"Oh finally you are back! So? What did you learn?"


"He was stabbed twice with something sharp, like a knife in the throat and the heart. He must have died quickly."


When he saw the look in their face he wondered if he had been to direct in his answer. They looked even more scared and sad. What a troublesome bunch. As soon as they left he closed and locked his door and went to bed. Dretch was bored so he was bound to contact him again. Too ruin his life even more. He then wondered who could be the next person to die. Heh. It was going to be a bit more than some random person. But, maybe the number would make it better? Yes. One of the patrol squads. That was a good idea.


He knew where they were patrolling and it would be an easy job. He looked around his room and outside the window. No one. He unlocked his door, opened the window and waited a bit. When he was perfectly sure he was alone he crafted more ice blades that he sticked inside his coat and on his skin near his blades. When he had seven of them he stopped making more. He used his power again to disappear. He was going to make Dretch happy by getting his side work done quicker.


He left by the window and slowly entered the forest trying not to touch anything or break a branch. He then waited in a spot where he knew a patrol was going to pass soon. Sure enough the four of them came into view. It was risky, but he had faith in his abilities. He stalked them waiting for an opening. By listening to their conversation they didn’t seem to be aware of the situation back at the temple and were a bit careless. The last one of the group was the perfect target.


He went right into his back and prepared one of his ice blades. He then stabbed the poor guy in the back, piercing his lung and hopefully getting the heart damaged as well. The blade immediately melted to his command as he disappeared again before he was seen. The man he had just stabbed didn’t seem to understand what was happening to him. The other three turned quickly after their friend had yelled in pain.


“What happened?! OMG. Sten! Contact the temple. Tell them we’re under attack from an unknown source!”


As the group itself ran to help their friend, Sayuk stabbed another just as quickly. Two down, one more to go. He knew a message had been sent to the temple; soon someone was going to come here he could not wait form them neither to transform nor to get out of here alive. He backed further away and sniped them with his remaining ice blade using his power over ice again. Both fell down in pain, the ice shards having deeply dug into them. One had three shards while the other got the last two. He looked at them die and then proceeded to examine the corpses. Maybe he should have used another way to kill them, but it was too late now.


He left back towards the temple for the temple. He needed to know what was going to happen there and find Midnight. She had the information he wanted and those he was going to need. He actively searched for her asking around if they had seen her and getting sent to different places in search of her. He didn't pay attention for what she was doing when he found her.


"Midnight! I had a question."




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Leo hugged her back, a feeling of joy surging through him. The hatchling still slept on their laps as Leo and Arasi embraced. Leo would stay with Arasi as long as she wanted him to, it was worth it no matter what the risks.

((Longer posts please? :3))

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(sorry i was half asleep and i didnt want to make you wait.)


Gently lifting the hatchling into the bag, Leo stood up to say goodbye to Arasi. He fealt another wave of sadness coming on and the only thing that could suppress it was the gentle breathing of the hatchling. Taking a deep breath, Leo turned back to Arasi, staring longingly into her eyes. Suddenly, Leo had an idea. Pulling out an extra pentagram necklace from his pocket, which was identical to his own, Leo handed it to Arasi. "Keep this with you, and if you ever think of me, you can just hold this close to you.", Leo said lovingly.

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Shadow walked along the hallway still wondering if that boy who'd run into her was ok. She soon found herself outside and quickly spotted Brick. She switched to her dragon form before walking on. When Shadow got closer to Brick she smiled and spoke softly but just loud enough for him to her. "Hello Brick. Do you need anything that I can possibly help with?" She didn't much care about rank at the moment, she was bored just wondering around the stronghold without a job. She watched the shadows gently ripple around her sides. It felt good being able to walk around as they should without being confined in a human form.

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Brick slowly lifted his head from the ground as he heard his name and looked over at Shadow while flicking out his tongue. He then quickly pulled himself out of the ground and shook of the dirt that clung to his scales and his frills flared out a little. "Shadow, hello there, I didn't see you come over. Sorry but I don't think you can help me with anything at the moment, but if you need something done I would be glad to help you." He said no very perticular on the status of ranks as he was a specialist himself, though he was low in ranking he normally worked behind the scenes.

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Shadow sighed hoping Brick would have something to do even if it was a small thing. "Alright then. Sadly no I do not have anything at the moment." She frowned shortly before smiling again. "Are you busy at all with other things? I've got nothing important or otherwise." She looked at Brick hopeful that he could at least talk to her for a little while. She still wasn't sure whether or not to go find Ddraig and ask him if anything needed to be done.

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"Unfortunatly I have nothing to do either. I'm waiting for Yin to get back to my with something to do but in the mean time you should enjoy the down time and jsut relax here with me in the sun." Brick said as he settled back to the ground and curled up on the ground before wrapping his tail around his body. "The sun is pretty nice and warm today and how can you not just relax and enjoy it."

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((I now have to go. I should be on tomorrow sometime.))


Shadow sighed again quietly to herself and laid down where she was. "Yes it is a nice day isn't it?" She asked knowing Brick already knew the answer. She watched her shadow on the ground and noticed the shadows on her body stopped moving. This didn't bother her much at all but it was a little less entertaining to watch a motionless shadow. Shadow looked up at the sky briefly, squinting to see how high the sun actually was. Not being able to tell from the brightness of it Shadow laid her head down.

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((Longer posts please? :3))

((already mentioned it to him Lorienne. ^^ I can be the moderator for me own RP, thank you. >w<))


Midnight turned when Sayuk called out to her, saying he had a question. She had been talking with Inazuma about his trip and the things he had discovered, but they both went silent when Sayuk came over.


"Oh, Sayuk, what's your question?" she replied, trying to not make it seem like they were hiding their conversation from him. It's not that she thought he was spying or anything, it's just that generally this kind of topic was only for those who had been with the rebels for a long time. The resistance feared that ones who had just joined might betray them and join Dark. For that reason, they didn't let them know too much about things.


((aw, Leo is so cute~))

With a smile, Arasi took the pentagram from Leo, holding it with both hands against her chest. She was glad she would have something to remember him by whenever she missed him. If she could, she would just run away with him, but there was no way to run from Dark.


"Thank you," she said, still smiling at him. She glanced at the sun, which made her think to hurry and leave before she was scolded for taking too long. Though, she would have to think of something to say to Ddraig about Leo. She couldn't tell him what really happened.


"Goodbye," she swiftly hugged him once more, before backing away as she changed into her dragon form and took to the sky. She flew away quickly, wanting to hurry back to the base, and to hurry away from what was causing so much heartache for her.


"I know what you could do, Brick!" Yin exclaimed, suddenly appearing next to Shadow, a grin on her face which looked a bit creepy rather than happy. "And Shadow here can go with you," she said, tracing a finger along Shadow's jaw line lightly.

"You could go and tell me what condition Stick is in. Last I heard, Dark had been in there with him, but then he left for some reason. Well, I want to know what had happened, but I must go deal with some privates, since they want to use my ability to scare some courage into those weaklings. So, you can go find that out for me."


"I want to know as well," Koi said, coming up from behind Yin, a blank look on her face, yet the want to know could be seen in her eyes.

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When Brick saw Yin give that smile again it sent a shutter through his entire body, he then reverted back into his human form so that he could be at eye level with the general. "Some how I feel sorry for Stick since I'm a little scared to know what happened to him when Dark went to visit him." He then looked up to Shadow who was still in her dragon form. "What do you think, you want to come along and see what has happened to Stick? Don't worry Yin, hope you will scare some of those privites for me and also see if there are any openings for a promotion." He then snapped a quick salute to Koi as she appeared.

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(("shudder" not "shutter". a shutter is on a camera. you shudder at something creepy like Yin's grin. lol Yin and grin rhyme. xd.png))


"I can't wait to know what happened to Stick," Yin said, which made her seem all the more creepy and sadistic. "Oh, I'll scare those privates really good," she almost cooed, "I've been wanting some new recruits to scar and torture with the darkness that haunts there minds."


Her face took on a really dark look when she said that, and then perked right back up into her creepy smile. She then looked over to Koi, smiling at the girl, who just stared at her blankly. She could see the fire dancing in her eyes though, which gave away her enthusiasm about finding what had happened to Stick.


"Well, I'll leave it to you then," she said, walking away in a rush, since she wanted to hurry to those poor privates that were stuck with her for half an hour. Which, in fact, was too long for anyone to be subjugated to her. She had cause people's minds to snap in five minutes, and they had to be taken away in a strait-jacket.


Koi watched as Yin left, absentmindedly returning Brick's salute, before turning back to Brick and Shadow.


"Well, what are you waiting for?" she said coldly, "let's find Stick."

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Shadow was half startled when Yin showed up. She lifted her head up to listen to what Yin had to say, quickly changing back to her human form after Yin was done speaking. Shadow weighed her options. She nodded to what Brick had to say about Stick and sighed. "I'll go." She said realizing nothing else was occupying her time. Shadow noticed Koi and saluted her out of respect before smiling slightly. "This should be fun even if its not."

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Brick nodded toward Koi and Shadow and started to walk the way he guessed Stick was being held. He stopped after a moment and turned back to Koi and sighed. "Do you know where Stick is being held? I have no idea where I'm going."

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"Do you know where Stick is being held? I have no idea where I'm going."


Horo had finally approached brick after he asked his question and said, "I will take you there if you wish Brick, I know where he is, and I believe Dark is still with him." Her tone was a little warm, better then previously, but still had the chill to set unknowing people on edge. Brick however, did know her, and most likely wouldn't be put off the slightest.

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((btw, Dark became bored of Stick and left the cell Stick was in. And now Stick has left because Willow helped him escape.))


Koi looked to Horo, the young girl that had approached them, with a cold stare. Though, that was how she looked at everybody. She was glad that someone would be able to take them to where Stick was. Perhaps they might even be able to watch Dark torture his poor brother. That would be interesting to see.


"Yes, take us there," Koi commanded her, which she could since Koi was a higher rank than Horo. However, Koi could not see how Horo became the rank she is now at such a young age. The girl was only 19. Well, at least she wasn't a general. If she was, Koi would have been ready to strip of her of such a rank if the girl could not best her in a fight.


But enough of that, for now, she was focused on Stick. A man who had given Dark so much trouble, yet was the only family Dark had left.

Edited by Kira1

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