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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war.

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"Oh ok." She let go of his wrist. "If you did go hunting it still aplies." She sighed in releif. "I was sure you would have gone hunting by now. Maybe there is a chance for you to be kinder one day." She froze, remembering what Fayt had said about not pointing out his kindness. Oh shoot. I just ruined it.

Edited by snowdragon10

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Albel growled, taking his hand back. "Go back to sleep" he said harshly. Albel didn't want anyone's pity. He didn't want people to believe he was good. Whenever they tried, it only made him think of everything he'd done in the past.

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Slytha sighed sadly. "Ok." She pulled the covers over her. Maybe I should just stay silent for the rest of my life. Everthing I say just seems to make you upset. She looked to the side.

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"Just sleep" he said in a more relaxed way. He left the room. Albel went and laid on the couch in the library. He fell asleep rather fast. The house seemed to be really quiet today.


((g2g D: nn))

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((K me 2))


Slytha sighed sadly. I tick everybody off. She pulled the covers over her head and closed her eyes. Goodnight Albel. She had trouble sleeping, but after an hour or two she finnaly fell asleep.

Edited by snowdragon10

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Malice had followed the hord into the caves. He sneered at the slaves in disgust but restrained form killing them since the hord seemed to lay claim to the human servents. The location had been a little high up for his liking but it would have to do for now. He found a spot to sleep, however, despite his best efforts he had a hard time going to sleep, the fury at the traitorous Fern and this Icefire kept him from sleep. When exhuastion was finally about to take him to sleep, Atlas's scream jolted him awake and on gaurd once again. He had risen to his feet and looked about sharply. When he didn't see, smell or pretty much sense anything he communicated with Atlas telepathically.

"What is wrong?"




Ayos had watched Fern for some time but felt his eyes getting droopy. He laid his head against the branch he was on and closing his eyes he drifted off to sleep.

He dreamt of flying through the skies. Watching as the land pased below, everything felt gentle and pleasent. Flying on the dream brought him to the ocean and before he knew it he was over an endless expanse of water coasting on the ocean winds.


((Hey guys sorry for my sudden absance, also I will not be on during weekends and evenings eastern time anymore.))

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Atlas heard Malice talking to her telepathically and replied, 'Nothing, it was just a nightmare I had. But don't worry, I'll be okay, because it was only a horrible dream about zombies.' She was still frightened by that nightmare she had.


Meanwhile at Sophia's cave, Starwing was sleeping with his adoptive siblings when he had a dream. In it, he saw a flock of birds in the sky and wanted to join them, too. So he ran after them as he flapped his wings and then he started to fly towards the flock. When Starwing was in the air, the bird dragon hatchling became happy and joyful as he and the flock flew over the large sea of forests and mountains. It was a wonderful he was having.



Edited by Red Dragonette

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Albel opened his eyes at rustling sounds. His vision cleared and he saw Fayt sitting on the couch opposite from him. He feet were propped up on the coffee table and he was looking through a book. "Oh you're up. Finally, I was so bored. Slytha and Rika are still asleep." he sighed. Albel remained quiet.

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((don't worry 48844 I will think of something))


Malice sighed quietly and sent.

"A dream about Zombies? Why on earth would you dream about that?"

Malice stood up and and started looking for Atlas.




During his dream Ayos began to twitch. Eventually he unconciously launched himself out of the tree and landed squarly on top of Fern. The jolt snapped him awake and he was on gaurd and growling winthin seconds. After a short while he came around.

"I am sorry Fern are you ok?"

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'Well last winter, I was weakened by poison that a group of hunters injected in me. Then a month later I migrated to the south where I was captured by some more skillful hunters and sold to an old human who tested various spells on me. One of them sent me to another dimension where I was surrounded by invincible zombies and they all started to me,' Atlas told her story to Malice as she shuddered at the memory of that horrible past. 'But then later, I woke up back at the man's lab and found out that it was only an illusion that the man casted onto me. That illusion came from that time about 70 years ago when I fought a half-breed at the dragon cementary. He used necromancy to bring back the dead and have them attack me. I tried to fight back with ice magic against them since my powers were only limited to ice during winter, but the zombies were too strong for that type of elemental attack, since their only weaknesses were fire and light. My nightmare was similar to that past, but only this time they were immune to fire. It was so frightening, I've never felt so powerless and scared in my entire life! I really hoped that I wouldn't go through something like that now, but tonight, it had happen again! Sorry I sounded like a scared and pathetic weakling to you, Malice. It's just that these memories are so terrifying!' Atlas hated to look weak in front of anyone; she wanted to keep her reputation as one of the strongest dragons in the world. Edited by Red Dragonette

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Malice shook his head as he finally found Atlas.

"A dream is a dream no matter how frieghtening. Besides everyone has a weakness. This is yours."

He said sitting down in front of Atlas.

He didn't have the usual hardness in his eyes for a sec but this soon passed.

"I say chaulk it up as another reason to eliminate the human race."

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Atlas felt a little relieved when Malice told her that everyone has a weakness and that was nothing no one should be worried about. She smiled at him said, "Thanks Malice. I feel a lot better now after talking with you." When Malice said that this will be another reason to get rid of the human race, Atlas replied, "Yeah, they'll pay for making all of us dragons suffer all kinds of horrible things like this. I can't wait to wipe out another village, so that they'll feel the pain that we have suffered at their hands!" She was feeling eager right now to tear down another human home and burn every pathetic human inside.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Malice smiled as he saw that Atlas was getting fired up.

"Why does the hord keep slaves?"

He asked looking towards the cages. The question had been on his mind for a while.

"Why haven't these humans been killed? What is it that makes them valuable? All they do is menial tasks that we are more then cabable of doing ourselves."

The last statement hinted at slight frustration.

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When Malice asked why the horde was keeping humans as slaves, Atlas answered, "Well Aeolus and I thought we didn't needed slaves until one of the slave masters said that they could used the humans as spare food in the winter when prey becomes extremely hard to find. Plus they also wanted to make the humans suffer the abuses that they have given us, such as bossing them around, torturing them for fun, feeding them stale moldy food, and etc. Yeah, I think we're pretty much capable of doing everything ourselves. But at the same time, I'd like for them to feel our pain so that they'll learn not to make anyone else a slave again."

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Slytha opened her eyes slightly and blinked a few times, bushing away the rest of her sleepiness. She yawned softly and streatched her arms, then her legs. She scooted off the bed and managaned to stand. She was still a bit wobbily, but a lot better than the day before. She walked to the door and cleared her throat. Unhumm. I'm going to the bathroom.

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....Good for you... Albel chuckled. He knew why she was telling him, but it still sounded funny. "So, why aren't you sleeping with Rika? Liking the couch like Slytha?" Fayt laughed. "No, just making sure Slytha doesn't wander off. She's too bull headed." Albel muttered, rolling his eyes at the thought.

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((She mentions the couch one time.... and blam! Everybody thinks theres something wrong with her xd.png ))


Slytha rolled her eyes. While in the bathroom she decided to take a shower. After she was done she put her clothes back on and walked outside. When her hair was wet it turned a dark grey color. She shrugged and decided to go downstairs instead of going back to her room. She made it to the stairs and tok a few hesitant steps down then. I'm recoving faster than I thought. She grinned.

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((What? She mentions it all the time! She refuses to sleep unless she's on the couch! You gotta admit- it's kind of weird xd.png))


Albel got up, watching Slytha. "Hey, careful!" he scolded her. Albel moved over to Slytha and picked her up, concerned she might fall. He walked down the stairs and set her on the couch. "Happy?" he asked. Fayt could her the material crunching on the couch from someone sitting on it. He started laughing because he knew it was Slytha.

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(she prefers more open places, she has a fear of closed in places xd.png She *IS* a dragon after all, they aren't use to living inside))


Slytha rolled her eyes. "I can walk. My legs aren't broken." She kicked her feet to prove her point. She turned her head and glared at Fayt icely. "Your treading on thin ice as is. Don't give me *another* reason to want to kill you."

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Malice thought that the punishment was fitting but he thought the risk involved was too great.

"What if they decide to revolt? THey may wait untill a moment when they can strike us down. lIke what if those dragons earlier today decided to attack? I don't think we could handle them and the slaves at the same time."

He stated while pondering the thought.

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((LOL that reminded me of a movie quote- "Rufered loves the wide open spaces." xd.png


and Fayt isn't in sight. He's upstairs.))


"You should marry that couch if you love it so much. Albel was right, you do have an obsession with it!" Fayt called from upstairs. He laughed again. Albel shifted his eyes to Slytha. He expected her to go after Fayt.

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(((gbndfknnhmhnth!!!! Inuyasha sounds just like a friend of mine!!! what the ****!!!!! ))


Slytha growled softly and glanced at the stairs. "I wouldn't waste my time on you. You aren't worth the effort." She looked back at the ground. Sleep with one eye open mutt. 'Cause me coming after you will make Albel trying to kill you look like childs play.

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((Hehe, he's an adorable demon :3 in fact, Inuyasha means Demon Dog.))


"Or the kitty kitty is too weak to get up and chase me?" Fayt asked, giggling. Albel dulled his eyes. Why do I have to be related to the idiot? he thought. Albel turned the other way and just smirked. He knew Fayt was playing around but he was really asking for it.

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Slytha narrowed her eyes. "You act like such a child. Next time Albel wants to kill you I may just let him. Or maybe it would just be better to stop him before he puts you out of your misery mutt." She crossed her arms and looked straight ahead. "I wouldn't give you the satisfaction of thinking you'd ticked me off."


((but he sounds just like my friend justin! Its creepy! xd.png I realized when he called the house yesterday, I kind of froze for a moment xd.png ))

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