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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war.

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((........werewolves? xd.png))


Slytha growled sofly and tossed a pillow at him weakly. Maybe you *are* a demon then. She crossed her arms. And Fayt said *I* was the nonaffectionate one. HA! What a lie. She narrowed her eyes.



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((No, those things would get their furry asses kicked -.-))


Albel raised a hand and caught the pillow. Albel dulled his eyes and smiled. "Yes, perhaps I am." he kept smiling and shut his eyes. Albel turned and left the room. He shut the door behind him and went back into the library.

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((In new moon they destroyed some vampires..))


Slytha laid back down and rolled her eyes. I was just kidding. You seem to take a jokes to far. Though I'm really not one to talk. She sat back up. I've slept all day, there is no way I can sleep anymore.

Edited by snowdragon10

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((yeah, but vampires usually win....))


Take jokes too far? By what do you mean that? I was just leaving so you could sleep. he said passively. Sleep, or I'll sit on you. You're sick he grumbled.

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((OMG!!!! First a guy started making fun of texas, then my race! ITS SOO ONNNN!!!!!!! *grabs shotgun* come here you stupid *******!!!!))



I though- oh nevermind. I can't sleep anymore, and you sitting on me won't change a thing. I'm to bored to sleep, if that's possible. Slytha sighed. How can someone that's sick even survive if they go through *this*? She crossed her arms.

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((Reason 1 I don't live in Texas: Murder is allowed after dark on your property....))


Albel yawned again. Tired or not, don't get up. he scolded. Albel opened his eyes. I don't know but as long as you're sick, you're going to endure it..." he laughed slightly.

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((Okay En'K'Haral, let's post where we left off))


After Icefire and her friends quickly disappeared from sight, Atlas growled and thought, 'Da** you, Icefire! The next time I see you, you won't escape easily without taking a bruise or two!' "Enough, It's time for rest! Everyone go to caves and sleep. Tomorrow, we'll be destroying another village before we migrate to the western region of this continent," Aeolus said to the horde as he walked into his cave and the dragons went into their cave. Atlas looked at the human slaves and growled, "Alright you bozos, I want you to give me a good bath before I go to bed!" The humans obediently went to get soap and water and began to wash Atlas all over her body from tail to head and between her toes. Then after they were done washing, rinsing, and drying her, the slave masters put the humans back into their cages and Atlas went into her cave to sleep.


After some hours passed, it was 2:00 at night and Atlas was starting to have a terrible dream. In it, she was surrounded by vicious mindless zombie dragons. They made creepy growls and groans as they walked slowly to Atlas. "No, stay back! Get away from me!" she screamed terrifiedly as she casted fire spells at the approaching zombies, but her magic had no effect on them. So Atlas started flying away from them, but then there were more zombies from the air and they airboned in a fast speed towards her. They knocked her to the ground and now the nearest zombies were a foot away from her. "Nooo!" Atlas screamed in fright. Then the zombies sank their extremely sharp fangs onto her flesh and started to tear bits of her off. Atlas screamed loudly as the zombies ate her.


The red magi dragoness jolted up from sleep as she gasped loudly and found out that what she had experienced was just a nightmare. She quivered in fear as she thought, 'Stupid old man! Thanks to him, now I'll probably have more nightmares like this one!' Last season when she was still infected with dragon poison, she had been captured by hunters and sold to a middle-aged human who discovered the ancient magic spells that humans once used and decided to make Atlas his test experiment. One of his spells had sent her to her worst nightmare. In it were the same invincible zombies who surrounded Atlas and ate her. She probably would have experienced this again had Slyha not rescue her.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((good thing its after dark hun? This was my reply to him....



Slytha rolled her eyes. I'll get up if I want to. She turned around so that her legs were hanging off the bed. Right now, I want too. She looked over the edge of the bed. Hmm... How do I get up without hurting myself...

Edited by snowdragon10

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Albel growled aloud. He went back into the room, opening the door roughly. "I said stay in bed" he scolded. Albel moved to Slytha and forced her back down. "Quit moving around"

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(( :B ))


Slytha rolled her eyes. "Then what am I suppose to do? I'm not tired, but I am bored." She crossed her arms. "Now, can you let me up? Or do I have to wait untill you leave the room to get up myself?"

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((Hey do you know the anime Kuroshitsuj?))


Albel glanced over at her. "Do you WANT to die? You can't get up until you feel better" he muttered. Albel looked off somewhere else. "Stupid girl" he muttered under his breath.

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((I only know like two animes...))


Slytha rolled her eyes. "That was my point. Either you can take me downstairs, or I can go down there myself." She crossed her arms. "You decide."

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((One of them is Inuyasha, right? >:3))


Albel smirked at her. he tapped her on the forehead with his index finger. "Just you try. See what happens." he said, smiling oddly.

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((no... but isn't that the one with that furry guy that can turn into a giant dog or something? I think you mentioned it before..))


"Maybe if you let me up then I would." She rolled her eyes. "So I guess I'm going downstairs on my own then? Well, not a problem for me. I'm sure I can by myself."

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((Yeah, I showed you the video showing the sit commands, right? Wolf and I were joking about how Albel needs one of those spell necklaces...))


Albel got onto the bed and crawled on top of her, pinning her there fully. "Go ahead and try" he said, looking down at her. "I told you, I'll sit on you if I have to, you're not getting up till you get better." he smiled oddly again. He topped it off with a slight cackle.

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((yah "Sit boy!" xd.png he just wanted to eat his food! he kind of deserved it though..))((lolz, your post is kid of messed up.. xd.png ))


Slytha narrowed her eyes. "I dought you will actually pin me here for long, and hour, maybe." She rolled her eyes. Now, let go of me. Is that to much to ask for?

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((Kind of? He really does. If you watch the first episode, you'd be like THANK GOD! when he gets it. Oo.....wont reveal spoilers though tongue.gif


and only if you have a dirty mind))


"I don't know..." Albel paused, snickering. "I might stay here all day." he yawned in a mocking way. He shrugged slightly. "Just be glad I'm somewhat of a gentlemen." he said, smiling oddly again.


((Now *that's* messed up tongue.gif))

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((Not like I'd watch a anime about a guy with a big furball on the side of him xd.png ))


Slytha growled softly. "Gentlemen ha, yeah right. I dought *this* counts as being a gentlemen. So let go of me." She narrowed her eyes.

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"It does. I'm keeping you from killing yourself." he said, rolling his eyes. "Don't tire me out, I might fall" he teased. "Besides, considering everything I can do, I would say I'm quite a gentlemen." he shrugged again.

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((That's Inuyasha's older brother, Sesshomaru.))


Albel tapped her on the forehead again. "And a lady would have a clean mind." he laughed slightly. "Don't say I'm not a gentlemen. You'll encourage me." he laughed. "As for the couch, I've already told you the reason. He raised an eyebrow. "You really like that couch, don't you?" he asked in a way that made it sound like she was a creeper.

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((You don't, that's why I mentioned it.))


"You're making it worse." Albel said passively. "Just go to sleep. No matter how much you whine, I'm going to just sit here." he said, shutting his eyes in a passive way. It seemed whenever Albel used a passive voice, it always ended up sounding like it was mocking you.

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"I told you, I'm not tired. Your voice is kind of annoying sometimes, you know that right?" She growled softly. You better not fall asleep!! She certainly didn't want *that* to happen.


((has no one other than red posted for two days?))

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((No, they poofed Oo well....Krissi asked for a recap but yeah...))


Albel made a fake yawn. "I don't know, if you don't sleep, I might." he teased, snickering again. "Stay awake if you want, but you're staying in bed." he muttered.

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