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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war.

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((maybe... tongue.gif anyway, Albel's voice is so annoying gah! xd.png ))


Slytha blinked open her eys a few hours later. She struggled to sit up and eventually jsut laid back down. I'm such a weakling. She sighed. Albel, you still there?

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((What? Do you keep listening to the videos of him speaking? xd.png I think his voice is adorable. xd.png it always seems to be mocking you though...


Though I like Fayt's voice better :3))


Albel opened his eyes. I'm out in the hallway he said. Need more water or something? he asked, yawning. Fayt woke up and stumbled out of his room. "I thought you died" Albel muttered, seeing how long he slept. "Sorry, was just really tired today" he said, yawning himself.

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No. I'm just bored to death. Would it really matter that much if I was on the couch or in here? She sighed. There's noting to do here. Besides, if you don't take me downstairs then I'll walk down myself. She crossed her arms. And if you block the door then I'll climb out the window. Your desision.

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((Is that a yes? Lol))


Albel stood up and opened the door. He went inside and shut the door behind him. He walked to the bed and pinned Slytha there by the shoulders. "You aren't going anywhere until you are better. I'll sit on you if I have to" he muttered.

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Slytha narrowed her eyes. "Theres no way your going to pin me down for a week." She crossed her arms. "I don't see how laying on a bed is any better than laying on a couch. Whats the big deal? I'm fine, just a little weak."


((no, I came across that post of yours where you were like, 'this is what Albel sounds like btw,' so I watched it and thats why.. he reminds me of malfoy off of harry potter, except not a coward xd.png ))

Edited by snowdragon10

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((You think his speaking voice is annoying? You should get a load of his laugh...it's actually kind of scary xd.png))


"If I'm sitting on you, I wont have to do any work. It's not like you're strong enough to move me." he winked at her. "The bed is more health for you body, there's more room, and it's warmer. You're staying here and that's final"

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((*shudders at the thought* xd.png))


Slytha growled softly. "Like I'd get any sleep with you pinning me down." She glared up at him. "I don't think you would anyway. If you did then you'd catch pneumonia the first night. So you wouldn't be able to after that."

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((hehe, he kind of sounds like a psychopath when he laughs))


"I told you before, I'd die for you." he said, looking down at her. "I'll pin you here as long as it takes, whether I get sick or not. On the bright side, if I die, then I'll fall on you and you wont be able to get up anyways" he cackled lightly.

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((lolz, krissi's probally like "Omgeze kiss her already!!!" xd.png))


Slytha sighed and looked to the side. "Fine. I don't want you to get sick or die either so you can let go of me. I won't get up." You can be so annoying sometimes. Or maybe stubborn is a better word. She rolled her eyes.

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((....cant show it....it's too....stupid...nevermind xd.png))


Albel got off her and smirked. "Heh, I thought so." he laughed slightly. "And of course I am, it's how I've survived so long. Being bold headed and cheating death."

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"Whatever." She rolled her eyes an then looked back at him. "How can you like being here? A human home. I'd much rather be in the wilderness anyday. Do you actually prefer human palces or is it because of your guilt or whatever."

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((*eye twitches at temptation to show Albel's laugh* ...It makes me laugh every time I hear it.....It's....so stupid.... *eye twitches again*))


Albel looked off to the side, smiling. "I prefer humans over dragons." he paused. "I know they can be stupid, but.... There's just something about them that's....appealing...." he murmured mindlessly.

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Slytha growled loudly and rolled over, buring her face in the covers. I can't beleive you could say that! I hate humans! They can starve for all I care! The only thing they are good at is destruction. They will try to destroy... everything....

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((*shrug* D: my cat tried to bite mah foot!))


Albel raised an eyebrow. "Weren't you just saying how Rika over-reacted for me killing that person. Yet here you are, doing the exact same, but for humans. As far as I can see, you have no right opening your mouth to that." Albel muttered. Albel was a killer, but he admitted it. He may have been a bit cold as a killer, but he didn't like hypocrites.

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"I wasn't overreacting, just stating the facts. Humans are evil, and you of all people should know that. They enslaved *us* not the other way around. We did nothing to provoke then. They saw we were strong, so they used us." She pulld the covers over her head. I'm done arguing. Just... just leave me alone.


((my cat ripped up one of my drawings.... sigh... *throws cat into snowbank* ))

Edited by snowdragon10

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((Yeah, sometimes I think of that...))


"Evil. Heh." he said, laughing at her. Albel could still remember Rika when she was younger. We are the REAL beasts. Breathing the devil's fire. he thought. If it wasn't for him, Rika would still be a sweet, dragon-loving girl. Like Chi is. "Our name means large Serpent. The serpent represents resentment and deceiving. Since the beginning, it always has." He paused. "So I wonder" Albel said, leaving the room quietly.

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Slytha sighed softly and shut her eyes. She didn't like fighting with Albel, but most of the time they didn't see eye to eye. Serpent means snake. A snake and a dragon are two very diffrent things. You see, humans enslaved all the dragons, not just the 'cruel' ones, all of us. That proves they are evil. I wonder what a world without humans would be like. It would be better, thats for sure. Slytha sighed again and began thinking of a good aplogy, but decided against it. I was stating my opinion, I have no reason to apologise.

Edited by snowdragon10

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Dragons were no different back then. They attacked humans for no reason like wild animals. And they still do, like your precious horde. The humans are a young race. It's like raising a child, they learn over time. Slaves turn to friends. Like the wolves breeding into dogs. Now they're man's best friend. he said, leaning against the wall.

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Humans were taking dragon hunting grounds, I don't think fighting for survival is 'no reason'. My 'precious horde' is one of the only things standing between dragon hunters and innocent dragons. Humans will never tame dragons. We will fight, and we won't lose. Slytha grumbled quietly. Dogs may have lost their fighting spirit, but dragons won't. I won't let that happen. She balled up her hands into fists. Its not a very good purpose, but its kept me alive long enough. Edited by snowdragon10

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What do you call Seth then? He offers himself to humans. I think you fail to see the point that many dragons enjoy being with humans. The hunters are hunting for survival as well. People yell at the alley cats for getting into the trash cans and making messes and such. All they are doing is looking for food he smiled faintly.

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I call Seth an idiot, brainwashed by the humans. His sister is the one who understands. Humans hunt for sport, we hunt for survival. She crossed her arms. At least the cats are cleaning up the trash, humans are just making more. I'm tired of arguing with you. I'm going to sleep. Edited by snowdragon10

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And then what would call Nick or Chi? he asked, shutting his eyes. He snickered slightly. It astounded him the lengths people would go to to say they're innocent. Albel knew the truth of both sides. He knew dragons were just as evil as humans could be. Except a dragon caused more destruction when it hunted or got angry.

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I would call them young. Eventually everyone grows up. They will be no diffrent. Humans are all the same. She rolled onto her side. Now be quiet. I'm trying to sleep.

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