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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war.

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((Wow, Nick, Krissi, Wolf, Red, and everyone else have all been missing lately Oo))


"Then don't" he rolled his eyes. Albel put his hand on her shoulder and eased her back down. He went to go get Miko. "She's awake, but feeling weak." Miko came back into the bedroom. "Yes, you will feel week for a week or 2 even after you get better." she sighed. Miko gave Slytha some more healing magic. "Keep drinking that water" Miko said, nodding at Albel to pour some more. Albel lifted the leather pouch and dumped more of the spring's water into the glass.

Edited by Sai

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((I wonder why....))


Slytha sat back up as soon as Albel left the room. "Great." Slytha sighed and drank more of the water. "How long will it take for me to get better? Do you want me to do anything other than drink this?" She drank the rest of the water.

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((You should never have posted that video of the Easter bunny...))


"Nothing. The more you rest, the quicker you will get better, Slytha." Miko said, patting Slytha gently on the head. Albel sat at the end of the bed. "Just relax" he scolded. "Oh, you you touch her, wash your hands or you might get sick. And you'll want to wash this bedding before it's re used again." Miko said, glancing at Albel.

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((lolz, I'm watching it with my bro right now xd.png ))


Slytha tilted her head to one side. "Dragons can catch pneomina? I thought it was just something humans could catch." She glanced at Albel. Relax? I'm about to get bored to death! She sighed and crossed her arms.

Edited by snowdragon10

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((I showed it to my parents. xd.png))


"Dragons can catch anything humans can. We're nothing special like that. We may be stronger, but not godly" she sighed. Miko went downstairs and went into the kitchen. She looked in the fridge for a certain fruit. Albel looked at Slytha and grinned.

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((xd.png and Animals can't catch most human diseases....))


Slytha rolled her eyes. What are you grinning at? I don't find being almost bored to tears very funny. She crossed her arms. But I guess *you* would find that funny. She huffed.




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((Yes, but dragons resembled humans in many ways :/))


No need to get touchy. Just rest. Albel said, winking. Miko took out a pomegranate and an orange. She cut the orange with her claws and split open the pomegranate. She put them on a plate and took them upstairs. "Eat these" she said, holding the plate out to Slytha.

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((sorry, watching a moxie))


Slytha rolled her eyes. Easy for you to say. She took to fruit and muched on it. Its kind of sour. She grimised, not liking the flavor.

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"Yes, that's because they're full of antioxidants. They will help you get better faster" Miko said, smiling. "They are sweet too, so it cancels it out. Pretty tangy actually" she giggled. Albel just smirked, looking off. "So, you're going to be fine as it looks" Miko smiled, pouring more water into her glass.

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(back! the board went down or something....))


They still don't taste very good Slytha finished eating the fruit and set them back on the plate. She rolled her eyes at Albel. Shesh. someone would think your on happy pills. She looked back at Miko. "How long are you going to be staying here?"

Edited by snowdragon10

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((Yeah, nerd overload looking for the new VD eggs...))


"Well I was about to leave since you seem to be getting better. Plus Albel should be able to fetch you anything you need. Like food and water, no abusing" she laughed. Albel's smile was wiped off his face, dulling his eyes. I can imagine... he thought, glancing at Slytha.

Edited by Sai

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Slytha rolled her eyes. As long as you don't go pysco like you did last time, I don't think I have anything to worry about. She crossed her arms. "Ok. So do I have to stay here all day?"


((brb, got to eat))

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"Yes, no getting out of bed or sitting up...unless you need to go to the bathroom. Yeah, please don't wet the bed" Miko laughed again. "Anyways, I should get going" she said, picking up the water canteen. "Tell me if it gets worse" she said, leaving the room. "How adorable" Albel teased, looking at Slytha.

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Slytha growled softly and crossed her arms. "Hmpf" She rolled her eyes. I'll be surprised if I can stay in this bed all day. I bet I'll be downstairs or outside by this afternoon. She glanced at Albel. "Be quiet furball."

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((Got an egg))


"Yes, your highness" he teased, grinning. He was going to enjoy this. He took a few steps back from the bed. Albel tucked his left hand behind his back and his right hand in front and then bowed. "May I get m'lady anything?" he asked, smirking at her.

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Slytha narrowed her eyes. "You can start by hitting yourself in the face for me, considering I can't right now. Then you can back up and close the door behind you. While your gone you can look for the cure to pneumonia." She tilted up her head and closed her eyes. "Now begone mutt." She waved her hand dismissively.



Edited by snowdragon10

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Albel cackled lightly at her response. Though, his mouth was closed so it gave it kind of a creepy sound. "Feisty" he said, straightening himself. "That's no way for a lady to speak" he folded his arms across his chest. Albel might not really have been a gentlemen himself, but living in the mansion for a few years, he knew proper class.

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Slytha narrowed her eyes. "You are in no position to give me tips on how to be polite. You asked, so I responded." She rolled her eyes. "You see how long you can live in the wilderness by acting polite. You wouldn't last a week."


((xd.png I just realized something, Edward called Bella kitten somethimes xd.pngxd.png ))

Edited by snowdragon10

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((Jeez, trying to get a 2nd egg is like trying to play Spoons with 1000 people, and there's only 3 spoons.


and ****!))


"I beg to differ. As long as you are strong, it's just like rubbing the loser's face in the dirt." he smirked at her again. "And believe me when I say I can easily make someone kiss the ground" he said smugly. "Now sleep some more"

Edited by Sai

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((lolz Albel is Edward's evil twin. xd.png))


Slytha rolled her eyes. "I don't have to go to sleep if I don't want to." She crossed her arms. "And you can't make me. Unless you knocked me out, which I'm sure wouldn't help me get better. I'm not really-" She was interrupted by a yawn. "Tired anyway."



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((NOOOO *Beats Edward with a stick*




Albel winked at her. "If you says so....... M'lady." he cackled again and left the room. Albel shut the door behind him. He sat down outside the room to make sure she didn't leave.

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((must.. find.. garlic... xd.png))


"Hmpf. M'lady, ha." She muttered under her breath. "Might as well get some sleep. Its better than sitting here doing nothing." She took a drink out of her glass and laid back down. I would say goodnight, but I'm mad at you, so I'm not going too. She pulled the covers over her head and fel asleep.

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((No, once. But everyone else hasn't seen it. :3))



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