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Eragon (semi-lit)

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Draith thought for a moment. Well....the best thing to try it on is a wound to see if your doing it correctly but.....I suppose it might work on something dead, although I've never tried it that was before. She really didn't have an answer to Clara's question or knew if it was really going to work on something dead.


((back I hope....))

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Clara thought, "Well...I could cut myself" she said with a unsure face. She thought it might not work on something dead since it was in fact dead. Ketu growled at the idea, Oh come on be reasonable Clara he said rolling his eyes while dropping the deer beside Eragon and Saphira.


(( Darn now I got to go right now! Brother! ))

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((That's fine I understand.))


Draith wasn't sure about Clara's idea. Or I could, instead of you. Or we might be able to go to the healing tent and see if they will allow us to try healing on of the patients. It was a thought but Draith wasn't really sure if the healers had anyone left to heal or even let them in unless they absolutely knew how to use the healing spell.

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((nothing much to recap just that Clara wants to learn how to heal and Gayle wants to learn where to go when another fight comes about so she went to Roran.))

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((Okay... I really need to post. Here's my best attempt! No remarks please? I'm just a little Slaphappy. xd.png


And what time of day is it? And what season also?))



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(( Haven't been on in a while, sorry. Looks like I won't be on till the end of the month. Can someone either kill my char or take over her? Sorry and thanks. ))

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Clara thought about this, "Well...ok sure I guess that would be better" she smiled glad she wouldn't have to cut herself. Ketu growled in agreement also letting his emotons overflow to Clara on her idea about cutting herself. The emotions Clara felt from Ketu burried her to the ground, the anger, and concern he felt made her heart melt, "Sorry..." she said looking at him as he landed beside her.

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gayle walked over to Roran and waited for him to notice her.

he was talking the a rider on a blue dragon.

Gayle was not sure what to make of the blue dragon because it was huge. Gayel hoped that fire would not get that big.

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Roran looked around and saw Gayle looking at him.

He thought that if Eragon wanted to talk to him he would.

He turned around and said "Hello Gayle. Can I help you?"

He waited for a response.

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Clara thought about this, "Well...ok sure I guess that would be better" she smiled glad she wouldn't have to cut herself. Ketu growled in agreement also letting his emotons overflow to Clara on her idea about cutting herself. The emotions Clara felt from Ketu burried her to the ground, the anger, and concern he felt made her heart melt, "Sorry..." she said looking at him as he landed beside her.

Draith looked at Ketu as he growled. I wasn't going to let her hurt herself anyway Ketu. Lets go see if they'll let us practice tat spell shall we? Draith got up and stood for a moment ten began walking towards a tent in the distance.



((I'm probably not going to be able to do anymore.....but we'll see.))

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(( LoL k))


Ketu looked at Draith and nodded, Yea...i guess your right... he said and looked at Clara who was now embarrassed. She slowly followed Draith into this healing tent so she could practice. Ketu followed behind then keeping both eyes on Saphira and Eragon, they had not spoken to them yet.

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((Um... Please don't kill Puppy's character? That means I would either die or go insane. And I'm just a wittle hatchie.... But I could take over Puppy's charater. I mean I'm already Rping the dragon... But it's up to you Nick, I suppose?))

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Draith talked to one of the healers in the tent for a moment then returned to Clara. She said that you could try the spell out if you wanted on that person over there. She pointed to a man who didn't seem to be that badly injured. They've healed him enough so he would die and were going to let him recover on his own. Draith smiled at Clara. This will be much better than injuring yourself.


((that's it I think, no time to do more, bye.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Ketu's growl in agreement reminded Clara of her mistake. She blushed slightly and walked over to the man and rested her hand on one of the man's cuts. She spoke the ancient language and felt the energy drain form her making her stagger a bit. She lifted her hand and saw the cut was not all the way healed but it was better, she looked at Draith wondering if that was right.


(( Darn lol byes ))

Edited by Sinder

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(( Why you laugh? What did I do this time?! Did forget to put pants on or something? laugh.gif ))


Sior- the size of a small horse now- flapped her wings in frustration again. Why can't I fly?! Her wings seemed alright, the wind seemed alright, and even Avenfiel said she should be able to fly. Then why could she not fly? It seemed like the world was just out to get her or something. And Avenfiel kept saying over and over that they needed to get to the Varden, to her friends. Now Sior knew the meaning of friends- allies. Why? Oh why can I not fly?


Avenfiel shook her head again, but couldn't stop the slight grin from coming. It was almost funny seeing Sior flapping her wings, trying to fly. They did seem maybe a little small though... She shook her head and shrugged. I don't know why you can't fly yet. You seem ready. I know you're big enough. At least i think so... She needed to ask Rein. Yes, that's what she would do. Ask Rein when Sior could fly.


((Hope I didn't do to bad in posting as Avenfiel...))

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(( xd.pngxd.png I hope not lol, it looks good to me *reads* ))

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yes, Roran I was wondering where I should go in a fight .

the last one I when the the healing tents and helped out there with fire guarding the flaps. I thought that would be a good place for me in till fire can fight. she can guard now but is not old enght to fight is this ok . I was told by Draith to see you about it. I can let you know when fire is good to fight

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((Sorry I cant spell))

Roran nodded. He said "Thats a good position in a fight for you right now. If you want to know when fire is big enough to fight you will have to talk to Saphira or Wyrda." He smiled reashurringly. Then he turned back to ERagon and finally said "Hello Eragon." He waited for them to respond.

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Ketu's growl in agreement reminded Clara of her mistake. She blushed slightly and walked over to the man and rested her hand on one of the man's cuts. She spoke the ancient language and felt the energy drain form her making her stagger a bit. She lifted her hand and saw the cut was not all the way healed but it was better, she looked at Draith wondering if that was right.


(( Darn lol byes ))

Draith nodded when Clara looked at her. Very good for the first try. When you preform a spell, you get a little more accustomed to it each time, therefore making you a bit stronger for the next spell. She smiled at Clara encouraging her to try again. So next time you use this spell or any others you should see a bit of a difference in how strong it will be.


((probably only be able to do one a night until vacations over.....))

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