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Eragon (semi-lit)

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Draith nodded and waited. If I do have to show them, someone's not going to be happy about it. She thought worrying a little.

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Draith got up. Alright, do you want directions on how to get there or would you rather me show you? She asked smiling at Fire. I shouldn't have asked I just should have given them directions.... She though knowing what the answer would be.


((cshoes we need you here for a sec!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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I would you to come with us.

if you do not mind.

but directions will be fine too.

fire will e with me so it do not matter.

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Draith knew they really wanted her to come with so there was no misunderstanding with the directions. I'll show you where they are, follow me. She walked off hoping this won't get bad.

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thank you draith

I think fire likes you a lot

just look how she is right behind you

do you know any other riders.

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thank you draith

I think fire likes you a lot

just look how she is right behind you

do you know any other riders.

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I know three more, yes. Where we're going two riders are here as well. Draith pointed to the blue dragon as they walked. Roran is with them he's just behind the blue dragon Saphira's leg see? She showed them where Roran was standing. Draith was still uneasy about doing this and hoped no trouble would arouse.

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((I have to go)) thank you you do not need to come the rest of the way with me byb

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((It rhymes! Nooo! *dies* never liked rhyming but it seems to follow me everywhere....))


The fact that the new rider had already killed two shades was what made Draith very uneasy about meeting them but she did her best to hide that. One misconception and everything could go wrong in an instant, she knew that and knew it was better to stay away from them for a bit. They're going to have a hard time with teaching you Ketu, in a good way of course. She said to Ketu and Clara as more of a joke.

Ketu cocked his huge green head. Clara also looked confused she kneeled down while Ketu stood up, "What do you mean they would have a hard time training us...we arent that bad..." she said almost sounding upset. Ketu nodded, We could use more practice but...why would be hard to train? he asked also confused.

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((you do know sinder I walked away from you to show kibbie's char to Roran....))


Draith walked back to Clara and Ketu who were looking at her. Clara seemed upset.What? I left yes, why are you looking at me like that? She sat down by Clara and picked a blade of grass. She tied one end in a not and set it on fire letting it burn then let the charred grass fall to the ground.

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(( O no sorrys! ))


Clara laughed when Draith walked back to her and Ketu, "Hey, its ok I was working a small bit anyway" she said looking at her hand that know held a small wooden trinket. "But before you said me and Ketu would be hard to teach...why?" she asked putting the small triket back in her bag. Ketu looked at the blue dragon and her rider carefully waiting for them to do something. He looked back at Draith also wondering what the answer was.

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Draith looked at Saphira. I said that as a joke, they won't have a hard time teaching you from what people say about them. I found out who the blue dragon is and who her rider is. The dragon's name is Saphira and her rider is Eragon. Looks like Wyrda was right about them too. Draith watched them for a bit longer. Everyone says they're nice, but I guess that depends on who they meet. She said still a little worried.


((ah that's fine.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Ketu felt Draith's uneasyness and lowered his head. If they have a problem with you they have a problem with me he said nudging her slightly. Clara smiled, "Draith im sure you will be fine, I mean your a nice person, they can judge you from your past" she said putting her hand on her friends shoulder. Ketu nodded as then flashed another looked at Saphira and Eragon, We wont let them hurt you anyway he said chuckling.

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Draith smiled and laughed a bit. Thanks, but they're still going to want an explanation about it. She watched Eragon then looked at Roran. I still haven't figured out why he's like that.....just stands there expecting them to notice him right away like he owns them. She couldn't imagine Roran owning his cousin but he sure acted like her did.

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((Well eragon is always monitering the minds of everyone around him so of course roran expects him to notice him immediatley.))

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Clara smiled also, "Well...im sure if Roran thinks he is the boss and really he is not? Im sure Eragon will put him in his place REAL quick, wouldn't that be a site?" she laughed. Ketu chuckled as well and stretched his wings and sighed, Im gonna go and fine some food for the new comers, im sure they are hungry... he said before taking off. Wont be far if you need me he called out. Clara smiled and waved showing she heard, "Well...Draith im sure once they settle down things will work out, if you as me Eragon and Saphira look like they are going to show off" she said in a sour tone.

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((yet still you act like you own the place sometimes......and you finally show up but only to try and prove me wrong, which is never going to work.))


From what other's say they've done enough here to show off all they want. They are here to teach which means showing off their skill. Draith said wondering how good they really were in a fight and if it wasn't by luck that they had killed two shades.


((be back in 10 to 20 minutes. stupid dog why can't you learn to go to the bathroom when your supposed too!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Clara snorted, "Well I guess we will see wont we? Id just LOVE to be bossed around" she smiled. She looked at the pair again, "The dragon is beautiful though" she complamented in a friendly way. She laughed, "Don't you think that is kinda weird killing two shades? I mean is that even possible? I thought that was REALLY hard?" she asked looking at Draith now.

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((Trust me i can prove anybody wrong and if you want me to post then give me a recap and get white wolf on to talk to roran))

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((feeding dogs now....be back in another 10 to 20. dry.gif ))


Draith looked at Clara. Depends on how strong the shade is and how good the challenger is as well...it is supposed to be really hard though from what others have said. But I wouldn't imagine why it wouldn't be, who would want to be killed? She said the last part as a joke trying to change topics.


((cshoes if white wolf isn't on how can I get her to talk to you xd.png ))


((recap is Gayle is coming to you to talk about something......me and clara are doing what you read.....your standing.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Clara nodded and sighed, "True I guess...hey? Can you teach me that healing spell thing you helped me with when the battle first started?" she asked knowing the spell might come in handy. She also new the extent of her energy now, she picked up a small stone and threw it up in the air catching it.

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Draith watched the stone then looked at Clara. Of course I can. The spell is waíse heill. As you found out it can heal wounds completely if your strong enough. She smiled at Clara knowing she was ready. Then shot a glance at Eragon. If you can teach as well as people say you are good, then there is no chance of Glabatorix winning this war. she thought to herself.


((be right back, again....sorry about the post then leave for 10, 20 minutes thing))

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(( lol its fine ))


Clara listened and tried saying the words over in her head, waíse heill, waíse heill she thought. She looked around quickly a puzzled look on her face, "um...what can I practice with...I cant heal if there is nothing here...or do I just look for the glow?" she asked. Ketu listened into the conversation and chuckled softly while he carried a dead deer in his jaws while heading back.

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