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Eragon (semi-lit)

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Angela walked over to the small company of people that had gathered in one of the streets, then immediately sought out Nick and his dragon. No sooner did she find him than Saphira and Eragon showed up and started talking to them. On any casual day, Angela would have waited her turn.

This was not any casual day.

"Forgive me for interrupting, Shadeslayer, but may I speak with the young rider for a moment?" The herbalist's voice was dry and brittle, and it was quite obvious that she wouldn't take "no" for an answer.

Not without a verbal brawl, anyways.

((Repost. Nick, I'm seriously going to eat you if you don't respond.))

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Tesni cursed. There was absoulutely nothing to do.

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((I'm sorry, guys, but I prefer to be involved in literate, serious RP's. So far, this is turning out to be neither. I was probably wrong to expect that amount of quality from this roleplay, but my love for the Inheritance cycle prompted me to join. I'm afraid that this thread hasn't delivered. I'm going to have to quit. It was a pleasure meeting and playing with you all. Goodbye all.))


((Someone can pick up Angela and Solembum's roles, and as for Ceita, we can just say that she never existed.))

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((um.....from the looks of it things went horribly wrong.....who got Pierce mad?))


((Bye Pierce we had fun while it lasted......*goes to mope about loss* Yes I am really going to do that!))


((literate serious roleplays.....I'm almost always here, with nothing to do.....now that'll be even more.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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OOC:Well, I don't know maybe it was ALL THESE SHORT POST! Anyways, I opened more dragon spots.


PS. I am mopeing about the loss too, I hope no one else leaves, and Peirce, if this RP dies I'm blaming it all on you!

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((like that's really going to help the situation......I've already been in a roleplay that died from the maker going on vacation....everyone forgot about it and now no one knows how to come back so they quit.))


((I really hope this doesn't die....))

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((Recap plz))

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((nothing really happened.....cept pierce left....for what I don't know and don't want to know....))


((all that happened was I went to talk with Clara, Wyrda came back and the rest was left as is before.))

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((tell me where you are and what your doing and I'll come talk with you.))

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((alright....I'll see what my head can come up with....hopefully nothing stupidly crazy...))


Draith left Clara, Ketu and Wyrda to go look for Gayle. She walked around the campsite for a bit then walked over to Gayle's tent hoping she was in there. Gayle, you there? Draith asked looking around to see if she was outside.

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"Yes ,who are you. you can come in if you want but

be careful my dragon fire is sleeping. On secent thought I will

come out there so you do not wake fire up is that ok .

would i like some bread"

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((now how come this computer's slow when I come here, everywhere else it's fast. Your "would I like some bread" part confuses me....))


Draith waited for Gayle to come out. My name is Draith and the reason i know your name already is because I overheard someone talking about you and how cute your dragon is.

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" cool name, do you know where I should go if there is a aother fight. I just when to the healing tent with fire to help there because I am a very skilled healer and fire guarded the way into the tent. you are the first person I have met here"

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Well you could if you wanted I suppose, be a part of it, unless you'd rather help the wounded. Draith never thought about helping the wounded much but knew how to help incase something should happen. Although you might have to have a talk with Roran or Nasauda, more so Nasauda since she seems to run this place.

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I when there because fire is too little to fight.


but I wanted to help she is a good guard soon

she saids that I will be able to ride her.

I can,t wait!!!!!!

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Draith thought about Clara and Ketu riding together. Well when you can ride her maye you can help but I'm not one to tell you that for sure, you should-- we should talk with Nasuada or if she's busy I'm sure Roran would help a bit. Although, Draith was just going to tell Gayle where Roran was if she wanted to know. Draith wasn't going to greet the blue dragon now know as Saphira or her rider Eragon until everything was clear to them.

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do you know where they are,

I meet Roran when

I frist got here but have not seen him again.

Should I get fire to come to

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I know where Roran is, I haven't seen Nasuada in a while. Draith was a bit uneasy hoping that directions were enough and she didn't have to show Gayle where Roran was. Maybe you should get Fire to come if she wants to.

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