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Eragon (semi-lit)

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Draith noticed what Clara was doing. I think I made it worse. Maybe it's better Ketu if you and I just let her be for a while, let her get her thoughts straight and come to one of us on her own when she's ready to talk... Draith said to Ketu trying to make a suggestion. She out the fire out and sat watching Clara for a moment then got up. I do think it's better if we let her be, so she doesn't feel like it's her fault so much. Draith said a blank but confused look on her face.

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Ketu nodded slightly, bowing his head to Wydra and stepping backwards. He stood next to Draith and lowered his head to her's, She is talking to me now...she said she is drawing a picture of me he chuckled softly eyeing the sharp dagger in her hands. Clara glanced at Ketu and Draith and sighed, it was not right to feel this way, even if she felt it was her fault she didn't have to let them no about it. She backed up form the picture of Ketu on the tree bark smiling when she noticed it looked just like him. She looked at Draith and Ketu once more before walking up to them with a embarrassed smile on her face, "Hey...sorry..." she said in a small voice almost sounding like a whisper.

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Don’t worry Ketu, you did nothing wrong… you were protecting Clara. Wyrda said, feeling guilty that he was apologising. It was her who had done nothing to help the Varden. We can continue whenever you want! She glanced down to see Draith, and waved her tail as a greeting. The purple then watched Clara, wondering what was going through the human’s mind at the moment. She too, as Draith, noticed that she seemed a little down.

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Draith looked at the picture then at Ketu. Wonderful job! It looks just like him. She said with a smile. Draith looked at Clara then at Ketu. Takes some great talent to do something that great. Is she better now or can't you tell Ketu, if she isn't I don't want to make things worse by asking/talking about the wrong thing. She thought to Ketu still smiling. Draith noticed Wyrda tail waving to them, she waved back and looked up at the purple ragon. Great to have you back Wyrda.

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Clara's golden flakes in her blue eyes glittered with the thanks. She smiled looking back at the tree, "Na thats just a small picture, its not that good, ive not even practiced in about a year. She glanced up at Wydra noticing the purple for the first time since Ketu and her left. Ketu lowered his head back to Draith, She is fine, she seems to be thankful for your complement...I don't think she is upset anymore from what I feel... he said though wondering if she was just hiding her emotions. Ketu snaked his head around so that it was beside Clara, she smiled and leaned her forhead on his cheek and tickled the soft skin under his throat. Ketu glanced quickly at Wydra, Ill start back after we find out who the new rider is... he said glancing once at the blue dragon.

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(What's going on now?)

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Draith smiled at the sight of Clara and Ketu. That's good, even better that she's not still n=beating herself up over it. She turned around looking at the blue dragon and her rider then to Roran. Why must he always do such nonsense? She muttered out loud wondering why Roran hadn't just walked up to the new pair since it seemed he knew them. Wonder what they'll say when they find out how many dragons and riders are here. She said glancing at the blue color of the dragons scales. Nice color of blue for a female.


((Not much....Eragon/Saphira landed and evryone is trying to say hi/figure out who they are what they do blah blah blah, do i need to go on?))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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After a while, Wyrda landed near the group, curios to see what they were looking at. The dragoness arched her neck to look at the piece of tree bark, and flashed a draconic smile. That is nice!. She commented, looking from the trunk, to Ketu and back at the drawing once more.


She then turned her head to watch Eragon and Saphira in the distance. I wonder who they are too. Most likely, they must be Eragon and Saphira… judging by the colour of the dragon’s scales, her name fits that description. Wyrda muttered, mostly to herself.


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Ketu listened to Draith's comment about the blue dragon. He lifted his head and looked at the rider and his dragon closely. He cocked his head slightly, the dragon's scales shined in the sun light almost blinding him, he rolled his eyes and looked at Clara. She smiled, You still look more handsome... she smiled patting his shoulder. Ketu chuckled and twitched his tail with comfort as he still glared at the new dragon and her rider. He looked at Draith, They look strong... he said narrowing his eyes. He stood up on his back legs and flapped his wings letting out a loud roar in greeting to the newcomers. He looked at Wydra then back at the new dragon and rider and smiled, teachers huh? fun! Clara smiled at Wydra and huged her neck, "Thanks!"

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Draith nodded. Yes they do Ketu. That's one more reason I haven't gone over there yet, don't want to cause trouble or more misunderstood rumors. She said then looked at Wyrda. Nice to have you around again. She smiled at her then turned back to the new pair. If they are Eragon and Saphira and they are as good as everyone says it'll be fun watching how well they teach all of the riders. Draith said in a bit mocking tone knowing very well that one called Eragon had killed two shades prior.

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Tesni sat down on some random chair, and twirled a lock of her long hair.

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Clara looked confused, was she the only one who was confused? Ketu growled and boasted, Id very much like to see both of them order any dragon here around, I no I wouldn't follow anyone's orders he said tossing his head in the air. Clara smiled and said aloud, "Anyone but me right sweetie?" she asked batting her eyelashes at Ketu who laughed and lowered his head. I have no choice but to follow you he said then looked at Eragon and Saphira through narrowed eyes.

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((It rhymes! Nooo! *dies* never liked rhyming but it seems to follow me everywhere....))


The fact that the new rider had already killed two shades was what made Draith very uneasy about meeting them but she did her best to hide that. One misconception and everything could go wrong in an instant, she knew that and knew it was better to stay away from them for a bit. They're going to have a hard time with teaching you Ketu, in a good way of course. She said to Ketu and Clara as more of a joke.

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Tesni got up again, and started prowling around the tents. She darted towards a little dog, who barked in fear and shot off towards it's owner somewhere. Tesni sighed, and tucked a lock of her hair behind her slender pointed ear.

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((what......I scare you?))


((I have to stop editing things.......Sinder I replied and probably got everyone confused with my editing....))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(( G2G sorry...cant reply ill be on 2morrow i hope bye yall!!!))


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(See ya!)

Tesni ran through the throng, looking for something to do. A lock of her hair slapped her face again. Argh... She thought, getting out her headband and slipping it on.

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((meh I'm too busy......wait....crud! hope he doesn't notice that......*goes to color wolf picture that hasn't been touched for a week*))

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(Uh.... okay~)


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((eeww....man I suck at drawing wolves......redrawing it! Don't yell at me that I'm not allowed to crit my own work when I'm not here, if I am then go ahead and yell all you want.))



((so bored....I always end up killing it until tomorrow and it magically comes back to life....guess that's good.))

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((recap: Eragon, Saphira landed everyone is trying t figure out who they are, why they here and so on. Battle ended while ago.))


((coloring your wolf pic right now....not to sure if I did wolfy right although it does somewhat look like a wolf, just that it's my first in a while--very very long while-- and I'm a bad drawer, I think so anyway, others say it's wonderful unsure.gif......))

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((welcome....I may have to color it once I get back from vacation....then i get it to you, how's that? and sorry it's taking so long...I'm busy with a life I thought ended during summer.))

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Wyrda tilted her head at the others exchange of words. She had been told that the new pair was good, and they were certainly the oldest pair around, but still every dragon and rider could be excellent if they tried hard enough. She chuckled slightly at Ketu’s words, and turned to face the green dragon. If you’re not going to let anyone to teach you, then you’ll never be able to use your potential fully. Every dragon holds an immense power, but the problem is that one has to learn to use it. The same goes to their riders… The purple paused, flashes of the various lessons she had received, and the years of practice she had gone through coming to her. You can learn some things on your own, but its better to ask for advice to those who can give it.

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