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Eragon (semi-lit)

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Near The Varden


Saphira grinned at the young boy at seeing his awe as he took in Saphira's massive size.


Well, he is.... rather young, don't you think so? Around 13 only... this may be harder then I thought... Eragon pondered.


Look at the bright side, little one. He's thirteen instead of three, Saphira replied, her tone confident and teasing. It looked like she was the only one out of the Dragon and Rider to keep confidence in how well the teachings would go. She examined the boy and dragon once more, before kindly inquiring both of them;


What are your names?

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Nick looked at Saphira as he heard her question, breaking from his trance he answered aloud "My name is Nick"


And mine is Rein Rein said right after May we ask of yours? She asked


"I guess your right.." Eragon said, less tense then before.

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((I had fun being in charge. And Nick, when you said that White wolf was a literate rper you weren't kidding. White wolf you are the best RPer ive ever seen. I probably won't be on most of today.))

Roran concentrated and said "Adurna." A small ball of water came out of the ground and hovered near his hand. He pushed it back and forth. Finally he drank it, releasing the spell. He smiled. Then he stumbled a bit. He got up and shook his head, clearing the tiredness from it. He heard the sound of a dragon landing and followed it back to the clearing. He looked around and saw Eragon and Saphira. He walked over and stood behind them, waiting for them to notice him.

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OOC: Cshoes, now you may be stuck for days waiting for her to post! I think she can only get on at night, or at least when its night at my house

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(Hey guys, sorry, I've been busy and couldn't get on. I see that the fight has ended xd.png, Wyrda wasn't very helpful in it, was she?


Could someone tell me where are we now? Where are Eragon and Saphira? I want to meet them!)

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"Hold still! I'm almost done." Andela swore under her breath as she finished re bandaging the Ra'zac hybrid's arm. "Besides, you hardly have a right to complain. It's your fault for opening the wound in the first place."

The Ra'zac girl hissed what sounded like some foreign curse, but didn't protest the situation any further.

With a small hmph, Angela tied the bandage, and stepped away from the halfbreed, who looked up at her with a glare that was capable of impaling iron.

"It was your own fault!" Angela insisted, not caring to hide the exasperation in her voice, before turning to storm out of the tent. She turned to look at Solembum, who was curled up in a corner of the canvas structure. "Keep an eye on her. If anything goes wrong, there's an Urgal stationed outside. He should be able to take care of it."

Solembum watched in bewilderment as the herbalist walked out, then he turned to look at the Ra'zac. The creature met his eye, then snorted and turned to look at the back of the tent.

"Pleased to meet you, too," the werecat retorted dryly, curling his tail around his paws indignantly.

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OOC: Saphira and Eragon are talking to Nick and Rein xd.png they are MINE! STAY AWAY OR REIN WILL NOM U!

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((It's true. Rein already NOM'd Ceita. It wasn't pretty. xd.png))


Angela walked over to the small company of people that had gathered in one of the streets, then immediately sought out Nick and his dragon. No sooner did she find him than Saphira and Eragon showed up and started talking to them. On any casual day, Angela would have waited her turn.

This was not any casual day.

"Forgive me for interrupting, Shadeslayer, but may I speak with the young rider for a moment?" The herbalist's voice was dry and brittle, and it was quite obvious that she wouldn't take "no" for an answer.

Not without a verbal brawl, anyways.

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Tesni watched curiously as Angela took Nick somewhere to talk about something.

Edited by Hollyleaf

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Tesni watched curiously as Angela took Eragon somewhere to talk about something.

((Not Eragon. Nick.))

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(Oops. Edited; my mistake~)


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(Oh. Oops again. ^^')

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OOC: she didn't take him yet

((You can respond now.))

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(( Sorry I was off, what I miss?))

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(Nick your evil and selfish D:!


Still… Good luck on trying to fit Wyrda on Rein’s mouth xd.png)



The purple dragon hissed, annoyed. As soon as the fight had started, she had been taken back to her home via magic. Those stupid dragons… they had wanted to make her stay away from the danger, but Wyrda wanted to fight! Now she was finally out of the country again, and heading back to the Varden’s camp. She felt guilty for not having helped in battle, but then again, it hadn’t been her fault.


She smelled the air, the familiar scent of all the camp’s inhabitants filling her nostrils. She caught two new presences, however… one was a dragon, the other a human. Could they be those Eragon and Saphira she had been told about? Wyrda looked down, and spotted the pair down there, in the sky, accompanied by Rein and Nick. Back on the ground, she saw Angela coming out from a tent. Still, the dragoness just hovered up there, looking down at the other dragon’s and their riders, waiting to be spotted, and not wanting to interrupt them (¬¬, lol)


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((vacations the 14th to 25th sorry......could I have a recap? nevermind about recap.....I hate slow computer!))


Draith saw a blue dragon land who appeared to have a rider on her. After Roran was done she watched him walk over behind them and stand there. I'll never understand why he does certain things. She thought shaking her head. Draith watched the blue dragon, Nick and Rein but didn't walk over. Maybe this is the rider everyone says is supposed to train the rest? She thought amused at how one rider would even try to teach so many.


((figures now it isn't slow!))


((meh I need something to do....and yes I will be able to get on sometime each day during vacation. biggrin.gif ))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Ketu saw Wydra land and looked at Clara, she nodded understanding. Ketu slowly walked up to the huge purple dragon and held his head high, Im sorry I flew out of the flying lesson... he said. He looked at the battle field behind him then at Clara, Its my job to protect my rider...and well...she was in trouble... he said looking back at Wydra with protection in his eyes. Clara listened in on the conversation and instantly felt guilty that she had made his flying lesson a failure. She looked over at the new dragon that was blue and its rider, she turned her head away not really caring there was a new rider here. She sat down a little ways away and practiced a little magic pronouncing the words the best she could while she thought.

Edited by Sinder

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((now why on earth do I keep getting new n00bs sending pms about peanut butter?))


Draith turned away from the blue dragon setting her eyes on Wyrda, Clara and Ketu. She walked over by them but didn't interrupt what looked like a conversation. Too much happens around here in a day, much more than I would expect in a week. She smiled at Wyrda then looked at Clara who seemed a little down. Hm, she's blaming herself again for something that wasn't her fault. Draith thought judging by her expression.

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((it's happened about 4 times......why do they think I like peanut butter? Maybe I shouldn't go there....to say hi, which to be truthful I've only done once.....no clue where they find me....crazy n00bs!))

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(( lol true some people are just crazy like that))


Clara looked up as she felt someone was looking at her. She turned her head slightly to see Draith who had mostlikely seen her guilty expression. She flashed her a small glare, not a mean one just one that said she didnt really want to talk about it. She looked back at her plam that was moving water around her fingers curling it into a ball then expanding it. She shook her head slightly as she said curses in her head, she glanced back up at Ketu who was tossing her confused glances.

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Draith understood what Clara's glare meant. She watched her play with the water and smiled the looked at Ketu. She's getting much better at those spells, Draith said to him not trying to be nosy. do you know what's wrong or is she keeping that a secret? She sat down still watching Clara play with the water. Draith made a small flame show in her palm, said a few words and it changed colors from blue to silver then back to red-orange. This went on for a while as she played with the fire still wondering what the new rider was actually going to say when he finds out she's here.


((guess so.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Ketu laid both of his red eyes on Draith, She is thinking its her fault she made my flying lesson stop, she thinks that its not right she has to be protected he said flashing another glance at Clara. She wont let me try and comfort her right now, she is blocking me out right now, but Ill break the wall in a second but she is strong cause she is connected emotionaly to me he added. Clara glanced at Draith's hands noticing the small fire show she was making, the colors changing and stuff made her drop the water that was in her palm on to her lap. She narrowed her eyes at the wilted grass in front of her and the water in her lap, she sighed getting up. She put down her bow and took out her daggers and walked up to stand beside a tree and started carving pictures into the tough bark.

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