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Eragon (semi-lit)

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((I'd be ill-tempered in that situation. xd.png I don't blame her.))

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((While i'm in charge don't worry about 4 lines. When Nick comes back though I bet its going back to 4 lines.))

Roran nodded at Draith and said "So can you teach me something I don't already know?" He wanted to learn as many things as possible.

Edited by cshoes

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((Or he'll lighten up a bit from you being such a good person watching this.))


Draith looked at Roran. Depends, how much and what do you already know? She smiled watching clouds roll acroos the sky.


((will be back closer to 7pm est.))

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Roran thought and said "I know how to use fire, light, how to heal and how to throw stuff."

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((severe thunderstorms suck, they don't last long but show up all day. Why not have one and get it over with?))


Draith smiled. Then I guess I should teach you how to use water. Adurna is the spell you should use for now. She waited for Roran.



((If I'm not on later, blame the storms for my power going out.))

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Tesni nodded. "I'll be around if you need me~" She called, padding around another tent and disappearing into the throng of people.

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((I'm back and clearly no one else is. Am I that bad?))

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((for good or no. Or is this some trick? Where's the cameras? *looks around*))

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((picknick is white wolf of snow. too bad I stalk this like my bearded dragon stalks me......which is odd......next thing you know I'll wake up with 200 beardies on me biting me to death xd.png))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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OOC: I need to know who's controlling Eragon, like, now.

((Are you playing Saphira? YAY! You're here! *huggles*))

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((so i killed it temporarally/....if on;y i could spell!))

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((I go find him.))




((he's using his CP.....don't ask how I know that! You should know how!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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OOC: he is flying with Saphira, a few miles off from the varden, looking for the new riders in order to train them. I can explain Saphira's and Eragons absence from the rp Easily, they were on a raid planed to weaken Galbatorix.

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((that was quick......I'm on vacation from the 13th to the 25th so I might not be able to get on....if I do I'll do my best, I give you my word. *leaves to go to bed*))

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OOC: K, thanks.



Near The Varden


You know I expect a lot out of you from this, little one, Saphira told her beloved Rider softly, smiling a bit as she let the wind whip at her face and tear at her wings unrelentlessly with no effect. She was almost as determined as her Rider to weaken Galbatorix, if not destroy him altogether in time. Anything for her homeland.


Saphira laughed as she thought of how weak Eragon was compared to now. She showed him those memories, wanting him to laugh at them as well, trying to lift the mood a bit. Everything was a bit grey and dull right then. Saphira didn't exactly enjoy grey and dull. She preffered full color and liveliness when it came to flying with Eragon. One of her favorite memories was Eragon finally figuring out that his dragon was a girl, not a boy.

Edited by White Wolf of the Snow

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Nick was seated between Rein's two front legs, leaning against her chest using it as a backrest while he twirled his fingers in the dirt, making patterns before blowing them away and starting all over again. He looked up at the sky, they sun showing though the cotton like clouds. He looked back towards his drawings and erased them, starting once again to draw. He stopped after a few long minutes and leaned back, letting out a long, bored sigh.


Nick opened his eyes, looking into Rein's emerald green eyes. "I'm bored out of my mind" He complained as he wondered when this Eragon person he had heard about earlier would show up. It bugged him even more that he didn't have any children his age to entertain him, and even when there was, they were to afraid of Rein to come near him.


Rein yawned, expanding her jaws wide open, her razor sharp teeth shining in the light. She nodded in agreement, she was also bored. Rein placed her massive head on Nick's lap and closed her eyes, listening to the world around her. She missed the soft pillows back in Falador, which she use to lay on.


Eragon laughed as Saphira shared the memories, he was stressed, but he tried not to let it show, he was nervous about teaching one Rider, let alone a group of them. He felt he wasn't ready for this, but he knew he had no other options. These new riders needed training as soon as possible. Eragon tried to relax as he surveyed the land below.

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Near the Varden


Saphira could feel the fringes of Eragon's stress, revealing all of it completely. She smiled as he laughed, and that smile widened as she read what he was thinking.


Don't worry, little one. If they get out of hand, I'll be there. Don't worry, she said gently. They may have dragons, but I bet they've never seena dragon as big as I. They'll be thinking 'If I know what's good for me, I had better listen to Eragon.' Just you watch. she added, laughing still, her chest rumbling.


And lookie here, we're almost there! she added in. She wasn't lying. She lowered in altitude a bit, merely gliding on the currents of wind that happened to catch her wings.

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"I'm not afraid of them disobeying, I'm afraid of me, messing up their training, there is so much I don't know and understand, how can I possibly teach them anything?" He asked her, still tense.


As Nick was looking up at the sky when he noticed a big blue dragon not to far away. He tapped the top of Rein's head gently telling her to look up.


By the time Nick had Tapped Rein she was already aware of Saphira's presence. Without giving Nick any time to respond, she stood up, gazing at the older dragon.


As Rein Suddenly stood up without warning, Nick fell backwards. "Owch" He said as his head hit the blunt part of one of her talons.


Oops, sorry! Rein said chuckling slightly as her rider fell backwards. She bent her head down and pulled Nick up by the scruff of his shirt and put him down next to her and then returning her gaze towards the nearing dragon.

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Near The Varden


Saphira laughed lightly.


There you go again, worrying. I'll correct you if you start to say something wrong, and help you out the best I can if it comes to them asking something you don't know. I'll teach their dragons, you'll teach the Riders, then eventually we'll teach them both at the same time. Just move it along nice and swift. Step by step, Saphira said, her voice reassuring. She landed in the clearing before the dragon and the boy, the gales of wind created by her massive, feathered wings no doubt causing their balance to waver or to fall over.


Saphira examined them as she crouched, allowing her Rider to unmount. She looked over hte boy, his health, as well as the health of his dragon. She could sense their strong bond, which was fabulous indeed.


Hello, the sapphire colored dragon greeted, smiling a bit.

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Nick looked up at Saphira in awe, Rein was big enough for him as she was, now he wondered how big she was going to get. He watched their every movement, Eragon and Saphira both, his eyes blazing with curiosity.


Rein looked over Saphira and Eragon, returning Saphira's smile as she decided they were no threat to Nick or herself. She replied with a simple greeting Hello Rein said telepathically to Saphira.


Eragon looked over Nick and Rein, focusing mainly on Nick Well, he is.... rather young, don't you think so? Around 13 only... this may be harder then I thought Eragon thought to his dragon partner, still tense, but not as tense as before.

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