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Eragon (semi-lit)

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(( Thanks lol let me see if I can find a smaller one though, it covers the bottom part lol ))

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((*whistles* Ello ppls!))

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(( *whistles back* sup, man idk what to do with this RP right now...))

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((No idea either... I've just lurked... A LOT. But I'll try to post soon. When I actually can sit on the computer and type...))



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((OMG I have requests to get done. O.o A LOT of them.))

Edited by Pierce

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((I have it sketched....I'll color it tomorrow. did I mention I've never drawn a wolf or wolf pup before and tried my best with this one? if you don't like it when it's done sorry to disappoint you in advance.))

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((Dont ever say that about your art dragon hatchling. Thats like saying that your not good. Trust me my entire world circulates around art and you only say that kind of thing if they ask you.))

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((Cshoes, all artists criticize their own work if it's anything less than perfect. I think it's genetic or something. xd.png Believe me, I'll draw a picture, think it looks good, then three minutes later I'll find at least five things wrong with it.))

Edited by Pierce

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gayle walked around the varden camp

many times looking for nasisa and eve.

gayle did not find nasisa or eve.

With fire at her side they whent to the food tent


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((Absolutly NOTHING else has happened since the last time I posted a recap. Sad, isn't it?))

Edited by Pierce

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((Pierce i was just saying that when somebody is asking for something don't make excuses for yourself. I would know. I'm a singer and i got to school for singing. I get a detention if I apolagize or make up an excuse for myself. Its horrible but if you have a cold you still have to sing. THere is only a handful of reasons why we can't sing that they except, like a doctor's note or losing a voice. Trust me i know what your talking about. I sang a solo perfectly in a competion then cried because i thought i had screwed it up. We ended up getting the highest score of all in that category so trust me, i know biggrin.gif))

Edited by cshoes

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((Pierce i was just saying that when somebody is asking for something don't make excuses for yourself. I would know. I'm a singer and i got to school for singing. I get a detention if I apolagize or make up an excuse for myself. Its horrible but if you have a cold you still have to sing. THere is only a handful of reasons why we can't sing that they except, like a doctor's note or losing a voice. Trust me i know what your talking about. I sang a solo perfectly in a competion then cried because i thought i had screwed it up. We ended up getting the highest score of all in that category so trust me, i know biggrin.gif))

((That's great, Cshoes. There's only one thing that bothers me about that post. If you have the time to come in here and make an OOC post that long, I'd think you can make a real post, too.))

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(Okay. Thought so~ ^^')

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((Cause i don't feel like it.))

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((Cshoes, if you can't post, that's fine, but don't block the thread with needless OOC. That is, after all, against the rules. It counts as spam.))


((Fine, since no-one else is going to post in this RP, I will.))


Angela sighed, glaring at the crowd that had gathered inside her tent. "Okay, everyone! I don't think remember inviting any of you in here! Out!" She shooed the group out of the tent, then turned back to look at the Ra'zac girl.

The creature was struggling into an upright position, with such a determined look on her face that Angela almost laughed. "Need a little help?"

The girl got about half-way, then collapsed onto the pillow again with an irritated hiss. She must have been in pain, but she looked like she was trying very hard not to look it. Angela sighed and rolled her eyes. "Acting tough isn't going to help you, you know. If you need me to--"


Angela blinked, quite taken aback. "Fine then! Have it your way! Just don't hurt yourself."

Edited by Pierce

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(Okay then, I will too.)

Tesni bounded through camp, loping through the tents with her hunter-cat stride, silent and smooth. "Angela!" She called, stopping. "Are you having problems with that Ra'zac?" Tesni asked, adding, "I heard hissing!"

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((I think i already told you pierce that i am a specialist in the ways of anything that is annoying, including spam. I think I also already told you that arguing with me and correcting me just makes me do it even more. But I will post.))

Roran walked away as Angela shood them all away. He went up to Draith and said "So can you teach me more magic? I'm better now." He really wanted to learn magic. It would put him at a great advantage to know how to use magic well. He wanted to defeat Galbatorix and keep his promise to Katrina that they would live in Carvahall. He was determined to keep his word.

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((back and I get yelled at about me saying my work isn't good? I wasn't even here....and all I have to do is color it......stupid busy day!))


Draith smiled at Roran. Of course I can teach you more. Did you think it was a one-time only thing? She asked jokingly. Draith was actually glad to be getting to teach some of her skills to others, she knew that Clara still wanted to learn more and figured having one more person around wouldn't hurt their chances at defeat Galbatorix.

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Angela poked her head out of the tent and looked at Tesni. "No, she's fine. She's just a little ill-tempered."


((I gtg.))

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