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Eragon (semi-lit)

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1: Drive them all away. Check

2: Go back to Naruto. Almost Check))

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(( yea...im fresh out of ideas ))

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The human left. Damn it.

Ah well. She would have her chance some other time. Right now she was probably too weak to fight, anyways.

Weak and in the hands of the enemy. Great.

Ceits stiffened as the human came back in. She whipped her head around to hiss at him, then looked away again. I hate this place.

((Fine then. Repost.))


((By the way, I drew some Ceita junk!))

Ceita Closeup ((Love this one! It looks exactly how I imagined her.))

Ceita Expressions ((The bottom-right is my fav.))

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((someone should actually play Roran that can actually be here when needed. Not One that leaves and doesn't come back.))


((Nice pierce!))

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((Hey I do come back when i feel like it. anyway im here now because nobody is in the naruto rp.))

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((and I can't imagine why this thing is so slow....no one is ever here except me because I have no normal un eragon rp related life!))

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The human left. Damn it.

Ah well. She would have her chance some other time. Right now she was probably too weak to fight, anyways.

Weak and in the hands of the enemy. Great.

Ceits stiffened as the human came back in. She whipped her head around to hiss at him, then looked away again. I hate this place.


((I will post this ONE MORE TIME.))

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(( *lowers head* hey I try to be on here...I cant help it if im not ))


Ketu growled at the Ra'zac as it hissed and showed her a row of white shinning teeth. If you hate it so much why don't you die! Do us all a favor! he hissed back. Clara looked at Ketu with suprise at his anger towards the Ra'zac and patted his shoulder to comfort her friend.

Edited by Sinder

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((Hey wait i lied, i'm in the naruto rp. Oh yeah and somebody really did come back so bye.))


((I'm a liar. I opened a new tab so i'm here for yins.))

Edited by cshoes

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((CSHOES! I'm waiting for Roran to respond to my post!))

Edited by Pierce

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((sinder I meant other certain people, your good.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(( blink.gif )) (( oh ok thanks tongue.gif ))

Edited by Sinder

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((w00t. I'm in charge!!!!!))

Roran walked over to the ra'zac and said "So why do you hate me? Why can't you hate the shade. I mean the shade is most likely to kill you!"

Edited by cshoes

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((Ok, guys. Let's all calm down. Cshoes, if you can't post, that's perfectly fine, but please stop blocking up the RP with OOC. That goes for all of you.))


Ceita hissed and turned her head away again, muttering a few Ra'zac swears.


Angela glared at Roran. "You know, Stronghammer, you're not making my job any easier."

Edited by Pierce

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((...wow and how do you think Nick will like that? lol )) (( Ok Pierce...Ill stop this is last OCC post for now... ninja.gif ))

Edited by Sinder

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((I responded. I hope your happy. Taking away my freedom like that. I mean i'm in charge i could kick you out so fast.))

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((uuhhhh....I'm going somewhere more lively!))

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(( Hey, you guys know how you can click no a picture in a Sig. and it will take you to that persons RP. How do you do that? ))

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((you take the address of the rp. you put:

[url= *insert address here* ] then put [img= *your image* ][/url]



((Ok? If you like I could do it for you sinder just send me the stuff.))

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(( Um ok let me try real quick If i cant ill ask for you to help me thanks smile.gif ))

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((your welcome. Good job Sinder!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(( Thanks!!! biggrin.gif I got it! ))

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