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Eragon (semi-lit)

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((Huh? I'm hungry and I found it.....just post!))

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((What am i supposed to post? and don't go looking for me in the naruto rp i'm not there.))

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((wasn't I was in GPX thread here. Make roran do something!!! NOW! Or I go get you hard way!))


((why did I just get a PM about peanut butter? never saw this person......*goes to check member list*))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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((He left again. I will eat him.))


((Ok, sorry DH, I'm going to spoil the secret to get him to do something.))


((Cshoes, Ceita woke up. Now POST SOMETHING!))

Edited by Pierce

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((PM about PEANUT BUTTER! nOOb sends me one......very odd.))


((CSHOES if you don't get Roran to do something I'm coming to get you!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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((WHAT DO YOU WANT RORAN TO DO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?))

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((why did I have sever error for over 5 minutes? this computer hates me.))

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((Fine i'm here now tell me what has happened.))

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((war's over.))


((Ceita woke up.))


((I got run into by that cat who's name I can't spell.))


((Clara and I are cleaning the mess from the war.))




((Nothing much Sinder, just the usual of me yelling.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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((Walk over to Angela's tent and ask Draith what's happening.))

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(( *tisks tisks* No yelling tongue.gif an thanks ))

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((yes do that before I die of me yelling!))


((em....yelling fun though sinder.....and not at the same time.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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((Cshoes, I have spelled it out for you. You have no more excuses.))

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Roran woke up. That last magican had put him to sleep as he died. Roran got up and found he could bearly move. He walked till he saw a tent and went in. He looked around and saw Draith. He smiled and then looked around. He saw Angela and sighed in relief. He said "I'm exhausted and can barely move. I need help." With that he fell to the floor. He tried to raise himself up but couldn't he looked up at them and said "Please."

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(( xd.png Ok fine yell but not at me, me no like yelling *sad face* ))


Clara saw Roran fall and ran over to him kneeling in front of him. She had little energy herself. Ketu arched his neck over Roran and growled, Your lucky your a friend... he passed energy to Roran enough to get him up and looked at Draith and Clara wondering if they would give him any.

Edited by Sinder

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((Plz answer my post. I need to get back to naruto rp.))

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Angela sighed. "Goodness, Roran! What on Earth happened to you?"

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((oh great.....now how to help.....oh by the way I'm outside....))

((No one-liner's pierce!))

Draith saw Roran fall. You were always the one who I was most afraid of overdoing it. Here. She cast a spell that would help him get his energy back quickly. Better? Draith helped him up.

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Roran looked up at Angela and said "42 magicians. The last one put me to sleep as he died. I can't move well and everything hurts." With that Roran fell over and went back to sleep.

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((oh my god...he's too preocupied (never could spell that) with the Naruto RP. We're never going to get far like this.))


((Oh and Cshoes if you ever do get back...you missed me.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Clara watched at Roran fell back over and shook her head. "Wow...even im not that weak after fighting..." she said looking at Ketu who rolled his eyes. He looked at Draith and smiled, What now? We have a Ra'zac who just woke up... he said mostly in a growl. Clara patted his shoulder the same question crossing her brain.

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((I'm also reading the Naruto manga online righ now. I didn't know that Rock Lee was a natural user of the drunken fist before. Nod if you know what i'm talking about, even if its just the character. xd.png HEy i took out 42 magicans and a bunch of soldiers. What did you do?))


Edited by cshoes

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(('scuse me!))


Ceita's eyes shot open. She recognized that scent! It was that Rider's idiotic cousin, the one who had killed Marieke, and then captured her.

She kept her head facing toward the other side of the tent, away from the human, and wondered how fast she could kill him. Maybe she would be able to before his freinds got her. She didn't know.

But it was worth a shot.

Edited by Pierce

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(( *nods* GO NARUTO!!!!!! lol leave me chare. alone she learning *turns head and sticks out tounge* ))

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