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Eragon (semi-lit)

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Draith watched the were-cat run. That was odd even for a normal cat. She went back to work saying nothing else to Clara or Ketu. She was confused but it wasn't her business so she stayed out of it.

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Ketu watched the cat run off but his scales tingled, Something is NOT right... he thought to Draith and Clara. Clara nodded as she watched the cat run, she bit her bottom lip and watched as the cat ran back into the tent as well as its master. Ketu growled showing his teeth he carefully moved in front of the tent and waited, I wonder whats wrong... he said looking at the tent while Clara stepped in and looked inside. She ran out quickly and looked at Draith her eyes wide, "The...its!" she pointed at the tent fear in her eyes. Ketu growled, It woke up! he snarled.

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Draith looked at Clara, puzzled, she then remembered the ra'zac girl who was being taken care of by Angela and the were-cat. It did? Could have sworn that thing was going to die. Hm, well she's a mystery I'll never forget. She smiled grimly watching the tent. They should be careful she's bound to be disoriented maybe even angry, which makes her more dangerous than she already it. Draith still puzzled on how she could have lived watched the tent for any sign of movement.

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Clara panted and looked at the tent with weary eyes waiting for any movment as well, her heart beat faster. She looked at Ketu who had his eyes fixed on the tent seeing things only HE himself could see. Clara looked at Draith, "Do you think we should help...or let that cat and lady work ok it?" she asked knowing Ra'zac could kill very easyly. Ketu growled and stepped to the tent once more his head low and his eyes narrowed trying to see what he could do.

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Ceita's head whirled. She cautiously looked around the space she was in. A tent, it seemed. Drying plants hung on the wall, giving off a strong, sickening scent that only added to her headache. Other than that, nothing seemed very remarkable, aside from the strange-looking feline that had sped away as soon as she looked at it.

At least it wasn't too bright.

Ceita closed her eyes again, trying to remember what had happened. And why just about every part of her body hurt.

"Dear? Are you awake?"

Ceita opened her eyes, looking over in the direction the words had come from.

A human. Perfect.

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Draith shook her head. I don't think we should help. If there's screaming of any sort, run and don't tell me no got it. She said more of a command than question. She didn't want Clara or Ketu to get hurt, if she had t she'd take care of ra'zac herself.

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Ketu gave Draith a stubborn look not, no one ordered a dragon around. He looked at Clara it was up to her wether he attacked or not, he chuckled at her thoughts. Clara sighed and looked at Draith, "Deal...but if you get hurt don't you think for one second im gonna sit back and watch" she said with a stubborn voice that matched Ketu's thoughts.

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Draith rolled her eyes annoyed. Always getting off on the wrong foot aren't we? If, I get hurt you won't be able to do anything about it anyway..... She smiled and continued to watch the tent. She looked at Clara then to Ketu holding their gaze.

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Clara snorted, "Well I just we will see wont we?" she asked smiling. Ketu chuckled once and flashed a protective glare at Draith, Ive killed Ra'zac before...once when Clara was sleeping... he said as if to prove a point. Clara smiled continued to look at the tent and narrowed her eyes waiting for something to happen.

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Draith turned her gaze back to the tent. I see, well I'll see what you can do later Ketu. She shut her mind then so no one could enter incase the ra'zac should somehow try. Draith smiled knowing what Clara meant, happy to hear her say that.

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((yes we wait. no random stuff....darn.....where's hollyleaf she does random stuff to entertain me..... *sits and waits*))

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(( *sighs* I would do something random but I cant think of anything ))

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((Sorry guys. I was away at another site.))


Ceita released a low hiss, showing all of her pointed teeth at the human.

Angela sighed. "Oh, come now. A temper won't help you heal any faster."

Ceita continued to snarl, then turned her face away and closed her eyes. Her head hurt!


((I gtg.))

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((alright....now I need to figure out what to do....anyone got something they want drawn?))

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(I'm bored on here too~ Is there some sort of adventure happening soon?)

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((there was....a battle/war......that Clara and Draith and Ketu took care of...with some short help or Roran otherwise not sure.))

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(Oh. Well, I'm going to have a picnic. *Sets up blanket and put sandwiches, lemonade, and cookies.*)

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(Like, duh! ^^ All the thread are invited while we wait for something interesting to happen~)

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(Good day! Have a cookie~ ^^)

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((Cshoes we need you back here so you can be chased!!! *smiles but looks innocent* Cookie! Thank you.))

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(You're welcome~ *Hands out sandwiches.* Tuna, anyone? How about ham and cheese? ^^)

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((*waits for Cshoes*))


((Ceita: Can I kill the human yet?))

((Me: No.))

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