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Eragon (semi-lit)

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Clara nodded slightly pulling her shirt back over her tank-top so her shoulders were not exposed and stood up facing Draith. "He went off to get something to eat..." she said smiling. "Food would be welcoming yes" she added while also looking around the field once more the smell of dead men burned her nose making her stomiach uneasy. She turned to Draith, "What are we going to do about all of this...?" she asked raising one eye brow indicating the field.

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Draith nodded slightly. You can come with to get the food if you like, then you can pick what you want. She looked at the field then turned around and started walking to the food tent. I don't really know what we're going to do with that mess, we could leave it there for one. But then that would be an eyesore so... She continued to ramble on what they could do thinking out loud as she sometimes did to clear other thoughts that confused her.


((I have to stop putting end tags with color= on them.....))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Clara nodded slightly listening to Draith talk. She felt very uneasy and unsure about her fighting, she looked up at the sky watching for Ketu to return. When Draith finished she sighed, "Well...me and Ketu will help dispose of the bodies when he is back. Clara felt a sudden burst of annoyenss and refusal from Ketu and thought to him, You WILL help Ketu we helped make the mess we clean it up! she thought to him though the thought sickened her also. As she felt Ketu agree she sat down an ate a little bit glancing around as if she was going to get yelled at.

Edited by Sinder

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((Is the battle done yet?))

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((yes pierce it's done.....as long as it took you lost your popcorn in a fire))

((somethings wrong here......I forgot to post Draith- wow....))


Draith stopped and turned around. You...alright? I guess we could do that.....but how will we, they're a tons and 3 of us. I doubt anyone else would help much....so much to tend too... She shook her head and began walking to the tent again. Is bread ok with you? I think that's all they have left for now as far as food goes.

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(( *sighs and hands more candy* ))

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((I edited sinder....I forgot....I shouldn't be up but I am.....never sure how that worked.))

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Clara nodded still not saying much, "Bread is fine Draith thank you..." she pulled out some of the chesse and meat from the night before. She laied it in front of them and cut small portions for both of them. She sighed, "Well the others don't have to help...we have magic on our side as well as Ketu im sure a bunch of bodies wont be to hard to pick up" she said. She stil felt uneasy, "Do you think...you know I wasn't organized into a group...do you think ill be in trouble for fighting when I wasn't aloud to?" she asked Ketu mocking her question. Ketu after eating 4 deer headed back connecting his thoughts with Clara's so he knew what was going on.

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Draith sighed and headed into the tent fully aware of what Clara asked. She came back out with 2 slices of bread and handed one to Clara. No I don't think you will....Roran isn't like that. A bunch of bodies can be hard to move if you do a lot at one time or one right after another when you aren't ready or still recovering from something. She sat down stiff still from the battles.

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Clara felt releaf wash over her when she found out she might not be in trouble. Ketu's roar rang in her ears as he landed outside her tent and forced his huge nose into it the smell of cooked deer filled the tent making Clara hungryer. She smiled, "Well...true but im sure we can manage" She tossed Draith some of the ointment she had used before, "Its from a plant I found while by myself, it helps with being sore..." she smiled.

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Draith looked at Ketu's head. You ate well from the smell of it. She put some of the ointment on then handed it back to Clara. I'm sure we can manage as well, just with some breaks inbetween so we don't over due it. She smiled and took a bite of the bread.

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Ketu's chuckle rumbled through the tent as he pulled his head out. He laid down outside and yawned flapping his pale green wings. We have a LONG day ahead of us he thought to both of them looking at the field. Clara handed some chesse and meat to Draith and combined her with her bread, she took a bite and swallowed. "Well...im sure we can get things done" she leaned back in her chair and looked outside only to fall over. Ketu laughed throwing his head back in loud roars and rumbles, Clara...are...you...ok? he asked between laughs. Clara picked up a rock and chunked it at him and he laughed harder.

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Draith laughed a bit. Careful the chair might attack you. She said jokingly and smiled helping Clara get things in order again. We will get much done today with Ketu's help. She looked outside at the field. I still can't believe I fell for that old trick....and let it happen too. She ate some of the meat and cheese.

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Clara got back up with Draith's help and looked outside also. Ketu looked around, Ill be as much help as I can he said while Clara sat back down. Clara narrowed her eyes to Draith, "Oh don't say that, it was a mistake, don't feel like its your fault we won!" she said putting on a cheerful face for her friend.

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((flygon eggs....from trapinch when did my brain get that idea in it's head?))


Draith smiled a bit. You helped. Your the one who did most the work. She laughed somewhat. Never could have done it without you and Ketu's help. She ate a little more before getting up and walking outside to Ketu. She was glad they won but more proud that Clara and Ketu were getting better with everything they did.

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((Good. I think I'll go ahead and sic Ceita on you. *grins evilly and walks over to Ceita* *pokes C with a stick* Wakey wakey!))


Ceita slipped in and out of troubled dreams as quickly as one would slip on a cloak. Her dreams changed frequently, going from place to place. Sometimes she would be in Helgrind, sometimes hunting, sometimes locked in battle, but there was one dream she kept going back to, the most terrifying of all. She didn't know where she was, for it was too bright to see anything, but whenever she tried to move she found her hands bound behind her back, and her feet chained to the floor. She couldn't move, couldn't escape, couldn't do anything. She was totally and completely helpless.

But this time, for the first time, her dream changed. Not only was she bound and blinded, but the more she struggled, the weaker she became.

Then she woke up.


((Roran, I suggest you run.))

Edited by Pierce

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((xd.png wow girl you ok?))


Clara shook her head, "You did most of the work, we did all the easy stuff" she smiled. She followed Draith outside and stood beside Ketu who looked at Draith with a toothy grin, What human on earth with a pile of armor and no magic could ever beat a dragon? he asked laughing. He stood up and glided over to a group of dead bodies about 20 and started piling them up with his tail while he picked up a few with his jaws and put them in the same pile. Clara sighed and ran over to help setting the bodies on fire.

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Solembum was stretched out on a chair in Angela's tent, lazily grooming himself, when he heard the halfbreed make another noise. He rolled his eyes and turned to glare at her.

"Oh, will you just shut-" He froze.

The Ra'zac girl slowly opened her eyes, then blinked.

"Oh . . . oh c-cra-ap . . ." The werecat shot to his feet, all of his fur standing on end. "Angela!"

Edited by Pierce

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Draith ran over to help Clara and Ketu. She set some bodies on fire she watched Ketu. A very smart human could Ketu, one that knows as much about dragons as you do yourself. She continued her task making the fire bigger to burn more bodies.


((pierce Roran should run.....very very fast. xd.png I so want to see this!))

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((This is going to get a lot more interesting for Stronghammer, that's for sure. xd.png))


Solembum shot through the camps, yowling for Angela. He collide nose-first with Draith and went sprawling on the ground, before scrambling to his paws and giving the Shade a frantic look.

"Spiritkeeper! Where is Angela?"

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Ketu didn't stop pileing bodies as he thought, Well...ok but still... he said looking at the limp men. THEY didn't kill me...but almost killed her... he said looking at Clara remembering the dagger going through her back. He sent the horrifing thought to Draith as he felt what she felt at that moment and how scared he was. Clara dragged another body to the fire and threw it in. Ketu picked up another pile with his jaws and pushed more in with his tail. Ketu saw Solembum run out and hit Draith and tilted his head and Clara smiled, "Hey! Its a were-cat!" Ketu laughed, Werecat? Where? he said looking around.


(( *backs up* Oh SNAP! Roran you better make it like a 3 year old on sweets! *covers eyes* I cant watch!!!))

Edited by Sinder

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((Whoooo! Payback for Roran nocking me over! Yay.))


Draith was surprised by the collision. She knew the were-cat was here, but never knew it could talk. I don't know where she is, why? You look like someone shocked you what happened. She got up and looked at Ketu with a stern glare. Now's not the time for jokes, somethings wrong.

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Ketu lowered his head to cat seeing its fear he looked at Draith and nodded, Sorry... Clara reached out to the were-cat and rubbed it back slightly, "Whats wrong?" she asked instantly looking around as if she expected to see something jump out at them. Ketu also senced something wrong and held his head high and kept his body tense looking around for danger.

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"Ga-ah!" Solembum snarled in frustration, then sped away without answering Clara's question.




Angela was standing in an alleyways, talking to one of the soldiers about an infected wound, when Solembum ran full-throttle into her leg.

The herbalist looked down, then almost laughed at the werecat's frantic expression. "Goodness, Solembum. Did you step on a wasp again?"

The werecat spat at her. "This is not the time for humor! She's awake!"

The smile vanished from Angela's face. "And you left her alone? Well, come on, then!" The two sped off toward Angela's tent.

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