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Eragon (semi-lit)

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Draith laughed. I should, shouldn't I. Need help? She looked at Clara. An arrow flew past her head, she turned around. You idiots forgot-- that won't kill me and it's useless anyway. She blocked another arrow and burned the bow a soldier had. He pulled out his sword but as he did was dead before he could even make another move. Idiots..... She mumbled glaring at the rest who soon backed up and ran. She turned back to Clara and Ketu. They should have done that before, Galbatorix won't be happy when he finds out his men are cowards. He should do something about that-- oh wait I forgot he needed me for that too, can't do anything by himself anymore. She stopped after that thought smiling at Ketu. I'd love to see you both in the air someday.

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Ketu looked at Draith then at Clara who smiled brightly. Ketu looked back at Draith, Well...before me and Clara went through fighting in our heads moves we could do as one...and well we can fight from the air...but we don't want to leave you... he said concern in his voice. Clara smiled and patted Ketu's side, "In a few minutes we might go an fly but right now let help with the ground work shall we?" she asked. She watched Draith and thought to Ketu, She is a wonderful friend, not many would put there life out like this after one day of meeting... Ketu smiled and nodded as he growled at another soldier who came closer and smiled as it ran away, Why did they come...did they think we had no dragons or riders? he said his mind open to Draith and Clara.

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No Ketu they knew what they were up against. They didn't have a choice from the looks of it. Galbatorix wants every rider dead that poses a threat to him. Well pretty much the whole Varden he wants dead. She looked at Ketu then to Clara. He's probably doing this now to weaken us then going to send more men in to finish us off....he had me do that before to a city, seems like a perfect time to do it now. Draith watched another soldier run when he spotted Ketu and laughed. I really don't see the point, they see a dragon-- they run. Why, they were trained to fight anything not be cowards. Another group of soldiers came, a magician with them but no one attacked just yet. Figures....I'll take care of them, you can go flying and help out above if you like I'll be fine. She attacked the magician head-on without magic this time. He didn't see it coming and the soldiers ran after he was killed, Draith laughed.

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Ketu laughed and then grew serious, We need to tell the others then, Ill fight to the death even if im exausted...but if this is the first squad then we need our second squad to be ready along with theres... he lowered to the ground waiting for Clara to hop on. Clara sighed and hugged Draith tightly before hoping on Ketu, "Be safe my friend...Ketu and I will be above you the whole time..." she smiled. Ketu licked Draith's arm slightly and rose off the ground not to far but enough that he could attack. He dived at some of the soldiers who he killed in seconds as Clara shouted out magic setting men on fire as well as suffecating others with water from there own body.

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Draith was surprised by the hug and lick but she was even more surprised that she let it happen. She smiled and watched Ketu and Clara. Be safe Ketu and Clara for some are stronger than they appear. We'll tell the others once we're completely sure about the second attack. I'll go find that out. She ran back into a group of soldiers and grabbed a man who seemed to be a commander of the group. She held her sword to his neck watching the other soldiers for a second then turning her gaze to him. If anyone moves your the one who dies, got it! The man nodded slightly. The other soldiers stood watching scared. If you give me the correct answer to my question, I may just let you go unharmed, The commander looked at Draith and nodded again. Good. Now tell me, is there a second squad after this coming to attack or is this it!? Draith put the sword closer to the man's neck, he nodded once and another soldier mentioned that there was a second squad coming. Draith killed the commander and the rest of the soldiers soon after but left one. Just for the record I did say "may". She smiled at the last soldier who ran screaming. Draith opened her mind to Ketu and Clara. It's confirmed, there is a second squad coming. Do you want to tell Roran or should I? Also can you see anymore from up there?


((going to eat....at 11:19pm xd.png wow, way past dinner......I'll be back soon.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Ketu scanned the area below him watching as Draith made her kill. I can see you yes, I also see another squad coming in slowly from the south they have spotted me and Clara and are talking to there commander...Im not sure if thats good or not...should I attack? he asked. He dived back down at some of the soldiers and bit down on there armor killing them like flys. Clara sat on Ketu's back till he dived and she landed neatly beside Draith, "Roran should have seen this coming...look..." she pointed at the south side where thousands of men stood ready to attack.


(( xd.png ok il be here ))

Edited by Sinder

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((back obviously....I think i need my brain checked it says to many obvious things....))


Draith looked where Clara pointed. Oh...great, there's no way that this will go over well. I'm guessing all of them aren't just for me are they? She added trying to make better of the situation. She stood motionless watching as the massive army attack. Not just Roran who should have seen this coming, I should have guessed it before all this started. There were too little of them before to be all Galbatorix sent. Draith tried contacting Roran but couldn't find him. When we need him, he's gone- some hero he is. She mumbled to herself.


((that was quite odd, it sent this and then gave me a blank screen.....who possessed my computer! It's messed up as it is already!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Ketu growled in annoyenss, Well...we have to stop them somehow...good lord I wish I could breath fire... he said in a upset tone. Clara glanced at him sharing her comfort with him it seemed to help. She sighed, "We do need to think of something...with so many of our already dead or hurt...how are we going to do this..." she said confused. She watched as the intire squad moved in some with tourches and Ketu narrowed his eyes and lowered his head between both girls and looked at both, How bout this...Brisingr...burn everyone of them with the fire they have with them... he suggested. Clara smiled to Draith, "You can ride with me on Ketu if youd like."


( Its magic!!!! blink.gif ))

Edited by Sinder

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((Is the battle over yet? I ran out of popcorn.))

Edited by Pierce

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((no pierce not yet but it's getting good. *hands more popcorn* there don't run out!))


Draith smiled. That's a good idea Ketu but for that many men, even though there is fire already there it will take a great amount of energy to do it. How about this Clara, you ride on Ketu I'll ride on my own beast. She smiled at Clara and Ketu. The squad moved closer slowly which gave Draith an idea. Clara, Ketu fly above them and Clara cast brisingr. I'll stay on ground but I'll need you both to cover for me alright? I'm going to give them a rode block they won't forget even after this is over, with your help of course. She smiled and ran a few feet away from the squad.

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((*omnoms popcorn. again.*))

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((your going to hurt your popcorn!))

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(( *hands candy also* ))


Ketu nodded as Clara eagerly climbed aborad him and Ketu took off. He circled a little bit above Draith and when he was sure it was ok he took off to the squad and roared some covered there ears looking up with fear in there eyes. Clara smiled, "Brisingr!" she shouted holding out her plam to face the fire in front of her. The men shouted in suprise as there tourch's fire came to life. Clara looked over at Draith wondering what her plan was. Ketu continued to circle over the men while Clara held out her spell as long as she could without passing out.

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((Squee! *snatches candy*))

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(( *growls* hey NO snatching! ))

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((oooh candy! wait that'll make me hyper....which only works at night xd.png so no candy.))


Draith saw Ketu circle above her. Alright here goes. She shouted a few words, the flames spread making a large wall infront of her but more burning the soldiers. She added a few more words and the flame went out replaced by a dragon made out of fire who was walking through the men. Draith staggered a bit but regained her footing. The dragon disappeard leaving chared bodies in it's place. They're all yours Ketu and Clara! She shouted looking up at them then fighting off a few soldiers tired after the spells.

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Clara smiled as she watched Draith and Ketu dived after she was done. Ketu roared once more as Clara shouted Brisingr again setting more people on fire. Ketu landed beside Draith, Clara jumped off of his back and smiled at her friend, "Thanks! That was awsome!" Ketu looked at Draith with narrowed eyes and gave her energy, There...I know that took a lot of energy...

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Draith felt Ketu's energy go through her. Thank you Ketu. Your welcome Clara, but I'm not sure what for.... A couple more soldiers ran at them but got only as far as Draith sword before toppling to the ground. She shook her head. If they had a choice they wouldn't be here at all. She watched more run from the scene screaming in terror. Most certainly wouldn't be here if they had their way....Clara, what you did I am very proud of. You've improved a lot and I mean a LOT since last time I saw you use magic. Good job. She smiled adding to Ketu, you did great too like always. Draith looked around her smile grew bigger. I think we got them all, at least the one's who stayed. She chuckled watching the faint figures of fleeing soldiers.

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Clara blushed at Draith's comment and tried not to let it go to her head. Ketu on the other hand arched his head high and the end of his tail twitched with happyness. Clara laughed her blue eyes bright and the golden flakes sparkled with laughter, "Wow Ketu! Come on stop that!" she said watching the thoughts go through his head at Draith's compliment. Clara looked at Draith, "He is so crazy, he wants you to say more about him being great" she laughed as Ketu got inches from her face and hissed.

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Draith couldn't help laughing at what Clara said. So you do Ketu? Well I'm not lying you both are great and great friends to have around too. Don't hiss at her too much Ketu you'll hurt your voice so you can't roar. She laughed and rolled her eyes acting like she said nothing. Draith cleaned her sword and put it back in it's sheath. Maybe we should be getting back to Roran, and take a rest we need it from today. She looked at Clara and smiled at Ketu.


((i'm going to bed, good night/ correct that--I might be going to bed....if I feel tired enough to force myself to sleep))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Ketu could have blushed but didn't he made a face at Clara which she had to laugh at. Clara smiled and pulled Draith onto Ketu without question and they took off. Ketu weakly landed beside the others and Clara rolled off his back onto the ground weak from fighting and she fell asleep. Ketu chuckled and wrapped his tail around her also passing into a deep sleep.



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((one more post--this is it--and I'm forcing myself to go to bed. I swear I'm becoming nocturnal!))


Draith smiled at Clara and Ketu sleeping and found a spot to rest herself. She was very tired from todays unexpected event, Good night Clara and Ketu, you both did a wonderful job today. She whispered and after a few more thoughts racing through her head she soon fell asleep near Clara and Ketu.

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Gayle heard the horns that meant that a fight was about to happen. Gayle did not know what to do so she when to the tents where she has helped heal hoping to find someone to ask what she was to do. when she got there she found the women there very busy preping of the wounded that would be there soon.Gayle jumped right in and started to help thinking I can fight in the next battle I am need here right now and so is fire she can help guard the tent if need be with that she called to fire who came running up and took her spot allowing the 2 guards to go to battle.((please bring Nasuada to my tent so she can meet fire and gayle))

Edited by kibbie

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(( Idk where she is))


Ketu blinked his massive eyes slowly and raised his head slowly. He looked down at Clara who was rubbing ointment on her neck and shoulders, Good morning little one he said touching his nose to her back. Clara jumped slightly at Ketu's calm loving voice and smiled, Goodmorning Ketu sorry im just sore...lot of fighting took place...she said looking at the land in front of them that by force had become a huge battle field. Ketu stood up and streched his wings and neck extending them greatly and shook his head, Ill go hunt, be back in a flash he smiled taking off. Clara nodded and rubbed more ointment on her shoulder feeling the long scar on her back and flinched.

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((pierce gave nausada up....someone else has her I think.....don't completely take my word for it.))


Draith woke up slowly. She saw Clara but no Ketu. Did he take off somewhere for fun or did something happen? She stood sore from yesterday but smiled at Clara. You want me to get you something to eat? Draith looked at the battle ridden field. Some day that was, wasn't tit. She walked over to Clara.

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