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Eragon (semi-lit)

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((that took way longer than an hour....what now? chsoes your turn to do something in this battle....or sinder's if she's on...))

((I got nothing.....might as well take down another magician although it seems to easy.....I'll wait until they get closer- more fun.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(( Im on but I dont really know what to do...))

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((Battles bore me. *omnoms more popcorn*))

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((cshoes needs to get back on.....I'm bored doing just that. do something random that will help sinder.....need more popcorn pierce?))

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(( um ok...attack urgals right?))


Clara watched as some of the town folk were getting attacked and growled as she hopped off Ketu. She pulled out her bow and aimmed and firing at the nearest enemy. She looked at the others wondering how long she could keep the enemies away from them. As she and Ketu finished attacking some of the enemies that were coming through she looked over at Ketu who was also killing, his claws and teeth covered in blood.



Ketu looked at Clara and she ran hoping on his back. Together she didn't really care if she was not in a group she thought to Ketu, Now or never eh? He growled and took off into the air flying higher then the others, he dived down on some of the enemies letting out a roar and snarled, Stupid! Get outta here! he growled to the them. Clara looked at Draith and swung her head in a invitation to join the fight a huge smile on her face knowing she was gonna be in HUGE trouble.

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((eh....kinda--uragls=friends now--soldiers=bad bad trouble.))

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Roran immediatley jumped into the battle, smashing heads with his hammer. A group of about 15 soldiers attacked him head on. He killed 7 of them almost instantly, but then the others came at him. Yarbog came out of nowhere and barreled into 4 of them. Roran hammered the rest. Yarbog met Rora's eyes and they nodded. Roran ran off, smashing heads as he went.

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Draith had killed 2 other magicians and they're guards when she noticed Clara fighting. She smiled glad then ran over. Looks like you need some help huh? She stood there watching a very odd smiled on her face. She pulled out her sword and hacked through a couple soldiers charging for Clara. I'll take care of the one's charging you, alright? She sliced a few more soldiers glad to be here instead of on their side.

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(( ah ok thanks ))


Clara saw Roran jump into the fight, she smiled. Ketu growled as he saw a group of the soilder's aiming at them with arrows and dived at them showing his teeth while Clara carefully aimed her bow shooting down most of them while Ketu killed the rest with his tail. Clara looked around while Ketu landed and hopped off only to get attacked she concentrated and as they came closer she aimed her bow. "Brisingr!" she shouted. As she shot the arrow a blue flame ended it killing the soilder and flaming the others beside them as Clara increased her energy. She smiled as Draith came over and nodded happy for her to be helping. Ketu roared again his eyes blazing as he bit a few heads off the soilders and spit them out, he looked at Clara and Draith, Taste like rotten meat... he laughed

Edited by Sinder

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Draith saw what Clara had done. She dodged another soldier as she did she grabbed him. You do know your the fool and not me Mark, right? Before he could answer he was dead. Draith turned and faced Clara. Great, just be careful if your going to do th- She stabbed another soldier then turned back around. He was still alive, screaming in pain. Maybe I should just leave you here....what do you think Clara? end it or let him suffer? She smiled at the word suffer still watching the man.


((fun....my type of fun.))

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Roran saw Draith torturing a soldier. He ran over and pushed Draith, smashing the man in the head. Roran was spinning all around, fighting soldiers lef tand right while saying to Draith "We don't torture people. Get a grip Draith, you are starting to slip!" With that he pulled Draith up and started killing any soldier that came into view. Soon there was no soldier within 10 feet of roran.

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Clara looked at the man and narrowed her eyes, she felt he should die in pain. Ketu growled listening to her thoughts and Clara shook her head, "No one should have to suffer..." she said as Ketu grabbed the man and ripped him in half. Clara turned back to the soldiers and killed one after the other only using magic once. Once Ketu had his back turned she aimed at another Soldier and fired only to feel a HUGE pain in her back. She callapsed as well as Ketu, he growled and turned to see an enemy drving a dagger into Clara's lower back, he snarled in anger and killed the man with one bit on his neck.

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Draith glared at Roran then stopped realizing what just happened. Sorry, and thanks. I'll try not to do that anymore. She stood shaking a little watching Clara. Good job by the way Roran, and you too Clara and Ketu. She smiled faintly. Then she saw what had happened to Clara. Draith ran over and cast a healing spell at Clara's lower back. Even though you probably didn't want me to help, it's done. She helped Clara up carefully not to anger Ketu more.

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Roran looked around and saw that Clara and Ketu were hurt. He looked around and saw Draith and beckoned for her to follow. He went over to Clara and Ketu and said "Help me fix them!" Roran reached into his energy and said some words in the ancient language. A bright purple light came out of his hands and went into Clara and Ketu. He stumbled and stopped the spell. He looked at Draith, waiting for her to help.

Edited by cshoes

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((did it edited it))


((so now you fix it cshoes. my compter was being slow....))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Clara felt the pain ease her on her back and she growled standing up and smiled at Draith, "Thanks..." she looked over at Roran who had fallen and was about to help when she saw Ketu already there nosing him up, Careful son... he growled to Roran putting on a dragon smile and thrashed his tail killing all the soldiers around them. Clara looked at Draith, "You ok...?" she asked noting she was gong to let that one man suffer.

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Roran got up with Ketu's help.

Then he smiled at ran back into the fray, smashing as many heads as before.

He turned back to look at Draith, Clara, and Ketu for a second, then turned around and blasted several men at once.

He then retreated to a safe spot and started searching out the magicans.

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((meh beardies eat too much...lettuce.))


Draith smiled at Clara. I'm fine now but if it happens again, get away from me alright? She stood then went back to searching for magicians but kept and eye out for any soldiers who come to close. If you get in anymore trouble with too many soldiers, let me know they'll be dead in an instant. She smiled at Clara and Ketu. She's getting much better at magic, and it's thanks to you that she's alright Ketu-- keep it up your doing great. She added in her mind to Ketu and smiled as she said it.

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Clara smiled and nodded, "Sure sure ok" she smiled as she aimed at another man coming at her waving his arms around like an idiot on somthing waving a dagger and threw it at her. She fired and he dropped down dead. Ketu looked at Draith with thankful eyes, She couldn't have done it without you, thank you he said as he narrowed his eyes at upcoming me and showed his teeth, they looked at Ketu then back at Clara who held out her hand as it began to glow and they smiled and backed up turning around and ran away. Clara laughed and looked at Ketu who was smiling also, he batted his wings and flew in the air a small bit dragging his tail around knocking men over one by one. Clara smiled at Draith, "thanks for helping me!" she said as she watched Ketu dislodge the men near them.

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Draith smiled concentrating an another magician she found. Your welcome Clara. She winced as the magician tried to stop her from entering his mind. Everyone's an idiot here aren't they... she mumbled. A bright flash began to show around them but it stopped shortly after, the magician who cast it fell to the ground. Draith had her hand out a small light around it which soon disappeared as the magician fell. ...a very stupid magician to try that with me around. She smiled at Clara and watched Ketu for a moment. Then set a few soldiers on fire as they ran. She saw another magician ordering them to stay there ground, she smiled and yelled to him, You might as well let them run, there's no chance of you winning this war. Your just to stupid to figure that out I see.... A ball of fire came hurtling towards Draith but it was blocked with a simple raise of her hand. You might as well stop now and leave along with the rest of you. She smiled and cast a spell that left the magician standing in the middle of a wall of fire who soon dropped dead.



((I believe that's the longest post I've ever made in a roleplay....))

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(( For real?! Congrats lol ))


Clara watched Draith as she put down the magician's so easly and thoughts raced through her mind. She smiled at Draith, "You GOT to show me how to do that!" she said excitedly. Ketu looked at Draith and then at Clara he felt her strenght and thought to Draith, With my help I know some ancient Language...I can teach her some while we are fighting he suggested. As he talked to her he looked at a Magician who was muttering dark magic under his breath and was looking at Ketu himself, he backed up slightly unsure what to do Um...Draith...? he growled.

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Draith saw why Ketu was upset. She nodded to Ketu. Just stay still for a second. Act like you don't notice I'll take care of them. She walked slowly forward still looking at Ketu then sprinted to the magician and grabbed them her hand glowing slightly. I wouldn't continue if I were you. She let loose a yellow light and the magician stood paralyzed for a second fear in his eyes. Draith stabbed him in the heart and he dropped dead at her feet, she turned back to Ketu. Taken care of the semi-hard way. She smiled and walked back. I have to show you how to do that spell huh? It's one you already know with some words added, how about I tell you while we're fighting? She looked at Clara smiling then at Ketu. Your help would be appreciated very much.


((thank you.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Ketu watched as Draith took down the magician and let out a roar of laughter. No problem my friend and thanks he shared with Draith his friendship showing her he know had FULL trust in her thoughts and feelings. He looked at Clara who was now fighting off more than one man with nothing but daggers, she seemed to be doing fine but he looked at them, when they saw that Ketu was looking at them they started backing up. Clara had time to strike down her enemies then and smiled to Ketu, "I wanta learn!" Ketu smiled and nodded to her, and easy one is risa, it means rise, when you say the word thrust out with your palm and it should send the object flying he smiled looking at Draith with red eyes, I miss anything? he asked.

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Draith smiled and shook her head. Nope. You got it all right. She laughed at the sight of the men backing up from one look of Ketu's eyes. Cowards they were before as well, never learned much. She threw another soldier to the ground then stabbed him. She swung at a few more after she was done a few couple dozen soldiers were lying dead around her from everything that had happened. She smiled at Clara. Your very good at hand-to-hand combat as well. So are you Ketu. She added after watching everything go on.

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Ketu's laughter rummbled in his belly at her statment. Clara smiled brightly, "thanks Draith! You as well are very good!" she smiled. Ketu lokoed at Draith with one huge eye that was about the size of half her body, Me? good at hand-to-hand combat? HA! You should see me in the air! he laughed. Clara looked at Draith and Ketu her eyes narrowed, "What are you to talking about?" she asked showing that Ketu had blocked his thoughts from her, she smiled knowing it was not anything bad. She stepped back looking at the other soldiers trying to get to them but over the dead body's was hard.

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