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Eragon (semi-lit)

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Ayleth stuck her head out of the water as well as Kadaen's head. She got on the land and had coughed off the water that had went in to her lungs. (Now that you guys should be able to hear.)

Kadaen coughed some water in his lungs.

But he didn't have as mush as water as Ayleth.

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Draith chuckled at Wyrda's comment. Do I ever really sleep? Yes when I'm worn out other than that not much. I only need a little less sleep as an elf does. And yes I've been teaching them magic although we took a break to catch up on things. She looked at Clara. Nothing about flying though... I'm leaving that to the pro's. She looked back to Wyrda and added with her mind, that's you.


((G2G for now, be back later well in a bit a short bit. I do sleep sometimes in real life but not much, just like here biggrin.gif and no I'm not kidding!))


((back told yah it was short- no one else in here, I killed it again! I have to stop doing that *goes to other part of world far away from this thread*))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Tesni sat down on a log, and mused abotu her life.

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(( Hey guys, I can't be on for like the next week or so. Numbers, can you control my char? Sorry. Thanks. ))

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Draith left the group and went back to her tent. She got out her book again and sat outside bored and not really reading. She skimmed through it once or twice then just stared at a page waiting for a fool to come along so she could say hi.


((yes I am really bored and I am really staring at a book right now xd.png ))


((*thinks* maybe I should go back to them......staring at a book, come on I need a life.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Ketu looked at Wydra as the shower of water covered him, he narrowed his eyes. Clara tried her best to hold in her laughter but she couldn't she collapsed to the floor rolling around laughing so hard tears formed in her eyes. Ketu cocked his head at her and then looked at Wydra with wide eyes, You would teach me about flying?! he asked with excitment. Clara got up still laughing and walked over to Ketu and hugged his now soaked neck, "Im sorry Ketu...you just look so..."


Wet? Pitiful? he finished with a smug look on his face. Clara nodded an fell over once more to the ground laughing. Ketu laughed to then looked at Wydra still wondering if she was playing or not.

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Draith left the book lying on the ground and got up. She didn't care if it got stolen no one would be able to read it anyway. She walked back over to Clara, Ketu and Wyrda. Wet yes pitiful no. She said to Ketu simply before sitting down on a nearby rock. Clara would you like to try that spell again for practice if Wyrda takes Ketu on flying lessons? She asked closing her eyes, clearly tired from something.

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Ketu nosed Clara forward who stood almost like a statue at the question wondering if it was smart. Clara nodded slightly and walked forward and sat cross legged in front of Draith and noticed she seemed tired and instantly said, "Are you ok...maybe we should wait you look...disterbed..." she said with concern in her voice. Ketu opened his massive green jaws in a yawn and arched his neck and looked at Wydra wondering if she was going to try and take him away from Clara or not.

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Draith opened her eyes. Disturbed? Yeah I'm fine. Just a little tired but fine. This happens occasionally, nothing to worry about. She smiled and looked at Clara. So do you want to? Ketu doesn't have to go, he just seemed eager to me. She sat up straight against the rock wincing a bit.

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Clara smiled back but there was still a worried tone in her voice, "Ok...Ketu can leave if he wants to, I wont stop him if he wants to go." Ketu looked at Clara and then at Draith, this was a time he could let her go for a while and learn what she needed to learn, and him learn what he needed to so they could be stronger. Clara smiled once more at Draith, "If your up to teaching im up to learning!" she said energy in her voice.

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Draith got up slowly. Alright, how about having a go again with brisingr? Then we may go on further if I think you can handle it. She stood infront of Clara smiling with a little pain showing in her eyes.


((two liner- yay two liner and writer's block!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Clara caught the pain in Draith's eyes and she stood up searching her face trying to figure out what was going on, she put her hand on Draith's shoulder in a friendly way. "You need to talk...before we practice...I can tell your upset so don't say different" she said with a serious face. Ketu over heard Clara and looked at Draith, Whats wrong? This might be the time you can earn Clara's full trust...an have friends he said with a reassuring tone.

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Draith smiled at Clara. really its nothing serious just an old wound that acts up now and again. Nothing serious at all, if it was I'd be yelling at you or Ketu to get out of here just for the heck of being here. She added to Ketu, I'm really fine no need to worry. So are we going to get started or are we going to just stand here? She said to Clara moving away from her a bit. Do I get to see that spell or no? She smiled watching Clara closely.

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Well, I wouldn’t had suggested it if I wasn’t. Wyrda replied with a smile. I only know the theory about dragons and their riders, and I surely can help out with a couple of things, but a proper rider will be the best master with that. So teaching all of you to fly is the best I can do. She added, and it was true. That until they were all ready to breathe fire and fight, of course… And she did knew about flying. It was her favourite thing to do, to start with.


She watched as Clara and Draith resumed their magic practice, and turned to Ketu once more. So anyways, do you wish to start now? I’m pretty bored, and we have nothing better to do. And don’t worry, we can stay close so you can keep an eye on your human. The dragoness said, knowing of how strong the bond between rider and dragon could be.


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(No one had heard Ayleth's coughing?? Strange. . . you guys could of heard her. . .)


Ayleth had stopped coughing.

Kadaen keeps his eyes on Ayleth.

He wanted her to stop swimming if she is going to have water in her lungs.

Ayleth still doesn't know that when she dies Kadaen dies.

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OOC: If one of the dragon/rider pair dies, the other has a chance to live, I HATE that stupid eragon movie, putting false info into your heads!

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(*Sighed* Fine... Is Nick going to Ayleth now??? I got her to swim in to a river to catch up with you guys.)

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(( yea nick i hate it too, missed so much of the story too, ))

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((why can't movie directors actually make the movie like the book instead of being so very cheap and adding false thins into empty spots so it's shorter?))

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Clara smiled brightly at Draith's question. She sat down in front of her and relaxed reaching deep trying to concentrate on not using all of her energy. Once she thought she had enough she spoke the ancient language, 'Brisingr' and from her plam there was a blue flame. Clara concentrated on the fire in her palm and it soon faded away, she closed her eyes taking a deep breath then smiled lightly.


Ketu looked at Wydra with a small hum, Sure come on she needs practice... he said though the thought of leaving Clara put wait on his feet. He flapped his massive green wings though he was not nearly as big as Wydra he was still big. He smiled down at her and started upwards and flew circles around her waiting for her to come.

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Draith smiled. You definitely learn quickly don't you? Your getting much better at that one too. She sat down level with Clara and took out her book again. She flipped through it. Let's see.......nothing to hard just yet but just a bit harder.......hm that'll do. How about we try 2, not at the same time but one right after another? We can do one if you want but your ready for them. She eyed Clara and the the book but keeping note of the page she was on.

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Clara smiled at the praise and listened to the rest of Draith's conversation and bit her bottom lip. She shook the odd feeling off of her that she had ans smiled she could try one after the other, she might not be ready for it but she might be strong enough. "Sure, we can try one after the other if you like, or think im ready for it" she said more like a question than a statment.



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Draith sensed tension in Clara. You can say no to the things I offer, I won't get mad at you. If you really don't want to do 2 we can settle with one for now. How about we go with one. Garjzla, just a bit harder to say but on the same level as brisingr. Garjzla cast light which has many uses as well. She smiled at Clara still looking for any sign of unease in her eyes.

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Clara nodded slightly hoping she had enough energy to do this new spell. She stood for a second with her eyes closed concentrating, "Garjzla..." she said clearly remembering that it could kill her if she didn't, she held her palm facing upawards. She opened her eyes to see light coming from her palm, her heart rate increassed and she felt weaker than before when she had used Brisingr. The light faded and she blinked her eyes trying to stay awake or from passing out, Little one, concentrate your doing fine, remember don't use all your energy she heard Ketu's voice ring in her head.


Clara kneeled down once more her side moving as if she had ran 1 whole mile without a break. She was not out of energy yer but she her head throbbed again. Then she felt the pain leave and some energy return, she looked up at Ketu who was humming over Wydra's head he looked at her. She smiled and stood up again her legs were sore but she felt better and she didn't feel like she was gonna pass out.

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Better. To help make sure you really don't end up killing yourself, She looked at Ketu, Try not to concentrate to much on the word or your energy. You'll do even better if you equal out both, by that I mean: concentrating on saying the word correctly and thinking about how the spell should react the way you want it too. Do you understand that? Draith looked back to Clara confirming that she did have potential she just needed everything in balance. We can stop now and take a rest if you'd like.

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