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Eragon (semi-lit)

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(sorry. But still I really don't care what we call her I just wanted to be useful.)

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((I ironically didn't want you to think I meant you were not saying something you shouldn't have, if that makes sense...didn't to me.))


Draith looked around, trying to spot anyone in the water. No one. Good for now. She thought, believing they were on the other side of the island slowly making their way across to that side of the lake. Kianna's voice brought her attention back. She didn't catch half of what Kianna said but pieced it together by what she heard. "I'd prefer to wait, they run otherwise." She answered noticing the chipmunk's seed on the ground. Animals throwing seeds. What next? Draith thought, knowing the seed hadn't just fallen.



((Remember what I shared with you Pugglemuggle... the part where Kianna's situation made sense... that's what I called it in that small little creep part... so that makes sense to me.))

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Raven lightly walked over to the water. She stepped into it and started wading out hardly making a wave as she did so. She looked over her shoulder. “you coming or are you going to stand there until the shade get suspicious and tries to kill us again?” she asked Zailik.


(what is with everyone with the RP's...... they're all going crazy every time I leave dry.gif )

(oh and I fineshed 'Brisinger' the other day)


Edited by dragonsword

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((It's Brisingr... xd.png OMG Does an alot.png show up if you type alot.png? biggrin.gif I'm going to post this and see...))

((OMG IT DOES!! That's so EPIC! biggrin.gif))

((I think a censored thing like mudkips comes up if you "cuss"... I'm going to type cr*p... censorkip.gif.))

Edited by Pugglemuggle

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((the crazies are back... what should we do? heard that from my neighbor and his 'minions'... now they treat me like two people... why? How should I know! now I wish I had rope, a match, a nice quite room where no one would bother me (that was sound proof for the outside), a flamethrower (for fun later), a nice big place to throw 'em inside and lot 'em in, lots of time to watch 'em freak and scurry around like the rats they are and then I'd let 'em go, but only after a few burns are sustained. when they're out will they leave me alone? Nope, not going to happen!))


Zailik followed after Raven. "I'm sure she's already trying to figure out where we are. She keeps close tabs on everyone she's involved with, which includes your friends and us." He said to Raven in 'a-matter-of-fact' kinda way. He nearly fell while making his way out, a rock or something like a rock must have been the cause. "I just hope she doesn't mind when we do get back... I might have to get my bow then so she doesn't try and use it." Zailik added, remembering he'd left his bow on mainland when Kianna first showed up while Will was making his escape. That girl half scared him to death, no one should have been able to sneak up on him like that, well that wasn't entirely true, Draith could surprise anyone but Kianna? Kianna he didn't think would have been able to. "But if Draith does insist... are you going to fight?" Zailik asked Raven, remembering why they'd ended up on this slap of an island in the first place. He hoped her answer was no and that Draith would have forgotten by now, but if things did come to blows between them someone would have to give sooner or later.


((sleepiness make me write more? Since wh- I always knew that! Why'd I forget? xd.png yay longer post about nothing! I've done longer... much longer... and none of it was really to a story since no one was here... when I never left this alone for some reason unsure.gif maybe that's why this thing never died... I was always around blink.gif talk about no life! xd.png but I do have one... it just happens to also let me sulk online when no one's on... I'll shut up and go do something... like sleeping! it is almost midnight anyway, well half an hour too midnight but still.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(okay you go do that xd.png )

(why… why does every time I get on your all gone…. WHY)


“no” raven said flatly, her bad mood was starting to come back and you could hear it in her voice. “now let us go before we freeze to death” she said with a slight growl.

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((because I live in New York and my time's different from everyone elses here... so I leave a lot sooner... but I stay up later which would only be like 8 for you guys if I'm right with my time zones... anywho I won't be on all day and I'll be on later, like 9pm my time and probably all night until like 1 if I can stay up that late... band today dry.gif ))


Zailik could tell that he probably was causing Raven to get angry again. He continued to follow her though, now starting to swim since he couldn't touch ground. The water came as a surprise to him once it was up to his face, the coldness of it had obviously numbed the rest of his body just enough not to be bothered. Wonderful.. now I'll freeze while trying to swim. Zailik thought, sneezing slightly.



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Raven dived under the water so she could swim faster. The cold didn’t effect her that much but it did make her grouchy again.


((sorry writers block))

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Zailik followed after Raven underwater, now gritting his teeth from the cold.


((shortest post I've ever made ohmy.gif the world is coming to an end!!! *runs around screaming while she procrastinates on memorizing a band song that's due memorized tonight* Why'd I choose the clarinet! Why am I constantly forced to do stuff like this! Why can't I just go find a cave... with internet... and live there. 'cause that'd be fun until the rabid baby dragons come get me... and whoever let those out is probably in trouble.))




Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(oh no the world is coming to an end...... you have never made the short of a post befor.. NEVER)

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((*silently freaks* *goes back to practicing her clarinet before her parents get home* got 10 minutes... ready to fail tonight? sure I am.... if I don't come back.. lets just say the rabid baby dragons got me. at least I hope they do. or someone comes looking for those loose little things and finds me who then freaks out and runs. but where do I end up? Down a waterfall.))

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(Ima try and get back into this, but first ima have to overhall Nick and Rein. Once I get them to how I like them Ill try to jump back in.)

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((*highfives Nick even if he doesn't want one* Hello again. I think I went a little (more a lot) insane since you were last here.... but as far as anyone in my town knows I'm still the person who eventually will take over this small crazy town... never will I get that crazy. *looks around a little more* why am I even here when no one els- oh! I'll be on all night from now... until like 1am or even 2am (my time) if my battery on my labtop lasts that long.))

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Kianna sat down on the ground, bored of all the people and her own uselessness. On a whim, she began to climb up the nearest tree, relying on touch alone. It was tricky business; one wrong move and she could break an arm. However, she managed to make her way up to the second branch about ten feet from the ground.

Once position in what she hoped was a safe one, the girl drew her lucky green pebble from her pocket. “Stenr, risa,” she muttered, making the stone rise a few inches off the palm of her hand. The endurance exercise was one of her favorite because of its simplicity and straight-forwardness. The pebble fell back into her hand when she got too tired to continue.


((Sorry I've been off... We need an immediate plan for them. D:))

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((plan for who? And why right away... everyone runs if you take it too fast... then you may not get another chance afterward... ... I'll catch something small on fire... well I won't... she will.))


Draith watched Kianna for a bit, amused that even blind she could climb a tree. Not many could achieve that feat. Once Kianna was up the tree Draith turned back to the island out in the lake. There was still no sign of Zailik or the elf which bothered her a little. If they'd gotten off the island on either side she would know so that meant they must still be somewhere on it. Draith sighed, watching a smaller fire in her palm. It changed color at her will which soon made her very bored. Walking to the edge of the lake, the fire was dropped into the water where it stayed, hovering above for a moment before it was sent underwater. The shade watched as it fought to stay alive for the few moments that it could, catching on a small twig nearby before being attacked again by the water. It lasted longer that she thought it might and was satisfied with the results. That got her thinking, if the pair was still on the island but further in the barrier that was up before should be down now. Perhaps it was time to try again but this time just to find them. Draith knelt by the water, resting her right hand under just a little before releasing a small red flame with a green/blue glow to it. The flame could survive underwater for quite some time but thrived better if skimming the surface. Draith watched the flame go, searching for either Zailik or the elf. It would first go to the island, then up on shore partway to find a trail to follow.


((poor little normal fire died... hahaa I do need sleep after all! well I'm going to bed and don't expect me to be on tomorrow until later that night... I hate having to practice an instrument my dog thinks will (probably... if I translate mad bark right) eat me... the other two.. nope not a word out of them, although Arya hardly ever makes a sound... xd.png guilty as charged if either or you caught that. but I'm serious. I have a chocolate lab male named Tucker, a chocolate lab female with golden eyes (literally gold) named Arya and a mischievous german sheperd named Sadie))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Raven’s eyes widened as she saw some blue fire racing towards her underwater. She swam to the surface of the water and grabbed, what she thought was Zailik, and pulled him out of the path of the fire. She watched it zoom past to the island before she let go of what most be Zailik’s shirt.

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((Sure scare the crud out of him while you're at it xd.png ))


Zailik choked on water for a few minutes after he'd been pulled by Raven, or what felt like Raven. What was that for!" He yelled in the direction he figured Raven was. He hadn't noticed the fire being to busy worrying about the cold water and how badly it had made his swimming seem. With his whole body numb it was hard to swim in the first place let along looking like a piece of paper being pulled along with a rope attached to some running kid. A splash caught Zailik's eye, a fish jumped out of the water, snatching a bug. That fish seemed familiar which got Zailik thinking for a few minutes. That was the fish that had smacked him when he caught it and ended up getting away after the successful hit. Sure.. go swim around and gorge yourself while I freeze! He thought, wondering where Raven was since he couldn't see her.

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(HA HA if I was him I would have freked out when Raven grabbed me xd.png )


“shut up” Raven growled. “or do you what to get killed by your crazy shade friend…… and for your info there was a fire ball the size of your head hurtling strait at us” she added. “now could you pleas swim a little faster so I can end this spell” . and with that she pushed him away and focused on swimming again.

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((so rude... I'd smack her right about now. I wouldn't care if she ended up drowning me or something... although then again I'm the kind of girl who'd provoke Draith just for the sake of making her mad... only after realizing I'd be dead sooner than later xd.png which if Pete (my neighbor) were around I would just put him in the way which hopefully would solve two problems at once... although if he's dead then... I'd probably be in big trouble. scratch probably, definitely is better.))


Zailik growled slightly before diving under again after he was sure Raven had started swimming. He figured Draith either found out they had left or assumed they had. He came up for a breath again, glancing back at the island while trying to spot the fire. A small glow was already on shore. Was that it? Just one? Zailik dived again and kept swimming, getting pecked at by a few smaller fish who didn't see him as a threat.

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((nothing really... just your usual of random stuff going on... which consists of people getting stuck in the middle of a lake on an island, a kid getting captured for the second time, others getting mad at each other and one of the others trying to figure out a few different things at one time.))

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(and Akira made it to the Varden. Why do you always forget my Char.)


Akira, who was sure she was at the Varden, spread her mind as far as she could to access any mind that would let her in. She then said Please help, My rider has been captured and he can't escape. Please help him." She then showed the path to get there with her memory. She then layed down and waited for people.


(I'm not controlling anyone except my dragon. That includes free people. Like soldiers for instance.)

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((because your little dragon friend ran off where no one was going. that's why. and besides, I'm not allowed to see you... either is Zailik. who should be somewhere around here...))

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((Well, what I meant earlier is that we need SOMETHING to happen rather than just amlessly posting stuff. ^^ I have absolutely no idea what to post. We need to have an idea or a plan about what's going to happen to our beloved charries. xd.png))

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((I do have a plan... I just... need Zailik for that... but first I need to charge my computer. I know Pugglemuggle, make Kianna see again.))

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