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Eragon (semi-lit)

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Akira felt herself enter and she quickly found the memory she was looking for. She then left Emily mind and said Thank you. I'll try to get there. She then told Will I'm heading for the Varden I found the directions. She then quickly bolted through the bushes on her way to the Varden.

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Go fast and go carefully Will called out with his mind to her


(gtg see you tomorrow)

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I will. She quickly replied to Will as she bolted through the forest as fast as she could.

(sorry writers block)

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((Alright then. I'll find something to do... around.... .... somewhere....))


Zailik walked to the edge of the island, stepping into the water just a little. "Not really. I'm sure Draith will want to kill me when I get back, or if I get back. She might try to before hand... if she realizes we're trying to leave that is." He turned to look at Raven, a slightly smile on his face. "So I guess... we don't get noticed... or something like that." He shrugged, chuckling a little. "I'm not that strong in the magic ways of life as others I've known, but I might be able to help... might." Zailik added, hoping he could be of some help to Raven if she asked for it.


((to bed I go... maybe. if I get there.... I don't need that much sleep do I? ....not really... it doesn't do anything to me anyway, no hyperness, no tiredness, no crazyness (I already am... just not severe enough to be locked away... pete better not get my door unlocked again or-) no nothing except writing longer for some reason... Pugglemuggle! Draith wants Kianna to say something or she'll get bored and you don't want her bored.... burnt forest back in time shows all.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Kianna was relieved when Draith said she’d leave Raven alone, but became nervous again when she asked what she planned on doing. Perhaps she could ask the spirits she hosted right now? That way she wouldn’t have to be secretive about it later that night. “I… I plan to have a little talk with the spirits inside of me and see what they can tell me. In fact, I think I’ll do it right now, if that’s alright… I should be fine,” she told the shade a little anxiously. After telling the shade what she was about to do, the girl took the wooden rod out of her pack and unwrapped it from the cloth. To her surprise, a small jolt of electricity coursed through her body when she came into contact with the rod. The feeling was actually painful, unlike the previous times she'd touched it. The pain wasn't extreme, but it did cause her to drop the shaft rather suddenly. The message was clear. The spirits wouldn’t be bothered to answer her every question. “They won’t come...” she told the shade, disappointed.


((D: I didn't post because I thought I'd already posted... I had this post ready for, like, a day or something. Luckily I didn't have to edit it... xd.png))

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((aw.. I shouldn't be laughing as I read that. I shouldn't... others should.. WHY AM I STILL UP!? 11:50pm here and I have a busy day tomorrow... well busier than usual))


Draith watched Kianna, a little surprised by her answer. Once Kianna had said her spirits wouldn't come Draith chuckled a little, not surprised at all. "They are not toys or tools. They only submit to what you've been through on their own accord, not yours. They allow you to call them when they want." A small smile crept up on her face, more sinister than usual. "Use them the way you have too much and who's to say you won't have a relapse of what I think happened to you before all this." Draith stated, her gaze glancing over to Emily who had moved. Something seemed off about that but she didn't pursue it just yet. She sighed, glancing at the rod. "And who gave you that? Not every day you see those around here, or anywhere for that matter." She looked back up to Kianna, suspicious but not showing it.


((careful where you tread, the ground is unstable here and will not give warning to when it may break.))

((what I actually have going through my head. Let them learn the way they learn. If they do not head to the warning it isn't your fault. If they learn then and there you can trust them. If not, kill them all and be done with it. my quote, my way of getting pests to learn, which is all the more fun when your target doesn't die and ends up begging the whole way through until you've had your fill.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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“Well, yes, but… I guess I had some odd notion that they would speak with me like a friend, seeing as they didn’t turn me into a shade the first time…” Kianna mumbled, feeling embarrassed. What had she been thinking? Her question had seemed important at the time but now it sounded incredibly trivial. I must only ask them about things that directly affect what will happen to me… she thought, deciding that this was their reason for speaking with her earlier. They must have thought that I was in danger of screwing up and getting myself killed by Draith… but she wouldn’t do that, would she?

When the shade asked her about her rod, the girl was slightly startled by the question. “Oh, this? My… superior gave it to me. It basically stimulates the spirits and allows them to come outside of my body, though now I’m not sure it does anything,” she sighed. “After all, they make their own decisions… If nothing else, I can at least use it as a weapon to shock people with,” she joked. She had become rather attached to the shaft over the last few days, memorizing the patterns on its sides and gazing at the strange runes that decorated it. Her previous knowledge of the spirits told her that it was probably curteous to use the rod, because the energy it gave them could be seen as a sort of offering for their service. However, if they wanted to help her, they would, and if they didn’t… they wouldn’t.

On another note, I need to come up with a name for myself. As I’m the first of my kind in recorded history, I don’t think there’s a word to describe people in my situation, as I’m probably not a shade…” Kianna said. “Would you like to help me think of something?”


((I really do need to come up with something... A Radiance, perhaps? A Luminos? I'm just thinking that since Shades are called... shades, that she might be called something similar to light. Heelp? O_o))

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((We could... look it up... and see.. if we get... anything? although... I didn't... for my... thingy-ma-bob of confusionness.))


Draith didn't expect Kianna's last question at all. She was right about being the only one in history like her. "And why do you think I'd know what you are?" She asked, knowing that she didn't have the slightest clue to what Kianna could even be. Whoever her superior was should have told her, or at least Draith figured they should have. She wasn't an unlimited well of knowledge. "Perhaps your superior knows, or maybe even your spirits if they finally decide to talk again." This was getting odd for her, she had other things to attend too that didn't revolve around helping a little girl figure out a title for herself. But then again, they were closer than it seemed. Draith thought about what Kianna could be and what she wasn't. She could of been a lot of things but wasn't progressed to a shade yet. Draith pulled out her small red-leather book and flipped through it before glancing at Kianna. "See if you can read any of this. If you can, go ahead and take a look through." She said, handing the book to the girl. At certain times it was just a book of already read and tried spells but there were certain pages that needed one spell to make them appear. Those pages had information on many of the creatures in Alagaësia. Most of the pages were in a language long forgotten except for her. If Kianna could read even a word Draith wouldn't be that surprised but would take note of it for later.



((Radience almost sounds (well makes me think) of Aura... Luminous makes me think of a light bulb... you know, the bright part in that little coilly thing that I think is just two rods and a small small copper wire coated with something. this is all i got and it may or may not help, certainly didn't help me any. uh... we could call her Kianna.... just plain stuff on types of spirits which was what I've been getting from the beginning... google doesn't help obviously, even when I entered Kianna's case... yep, I've got nothing.))

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Raven grinned. “I got just the thing” she said. She muttered the spell that would bend light around her and Zailik making them invisible. “there… but be warned it will not make you foot steps invisible or the waves you might make when you swim but it should do for now” she said leaning on a tree as her knees started to buckle under her.


Will had -somehow not to his knowledge- fell asleep as Kianna and the shade talked.


Emily watched the dragon until she disappeared amongst the trees then, turning on her heal, she walked back around the lake to were Kianna, the strange young lad, and the shade were still standing.

She jumped onto a boulder and sat cross legged on it watching as Kianna and the shade talked, she could not hear what they said though.


(Pugglemuggle you could call Kianna a light-shade if you want to)

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(really I have no clue what you could call her. Sorry.)

(umm Is the varden still in the mountains. I've read the books but it's been awhile and I don't like to read books over. really the only series I like to read over Is the Twilight saga.)

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((*pats Dragonsword on the back lightly* 'cause friends say i hurt 'em when I congratulate so lightly it is. and Good one! And me being a 'nerd' *imagines candy* that spell Raven used also doesn't account for making your shadows invisible, so since the sun's up, that may be a problem biggrin.gif ))


Zailik was a little freaked when Raven had muttered the spell. He didn't like the idea of being invisible but it would have to do. Now why hadn't he learned this spell in his training? He figured it had something to do with not wanting anyone to get away. "Uh, thanks, I think." Zailik said to Raven, guessing she hadn't moved. He couldn't even see his own hand, how could he see where she'd be? He noticed the shadows though, the faint outlines filled in black, a light black, barely enough to see. So this didn't take care of shadows either? That made sense to Zailik.



((They're in SURDA which if yuo look on the first page, the smallish part of dashed line seperates SURDA to the rest of the decimated world. Currently we are at that lake to the right somewhat, where it's started with a T, I think... and the forest to the right of that is also where we are. Not far from SURDA at all, not at all.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(good thanks. and actually the closest lake is called Furnost.)


Akira saw some buildings up ahead and headed for them. Hoping someone would see her.


(ehh writers block.)

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((THat's a city Akiraa... the lake does start with a T and is long but it's too fuzzy to make it out.... lets look and see, I posted it a while, I mean a WHILE back... I'll go look, I'll feel better that way.))



((The lake is called Tudosen. The city near it is Furnost, hence the dot right above the lake... stupid blurry map in spots! *pokes map*))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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((Blurry maps are no fun. That's why you make your own... just hope you don't do it wrong xd.png ))

((did pugglemuggle go 'poof' or is she somewhere somewhere... is Kianna better at all? Or is she still very extremely very confused of confusedness?))

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(well I saw her name a little while ago but I don't know where she is. *screams at flood control*)

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((censorkip.gif, I just remembered that Kianna CAN'T READ 'CAUSE SHE'S BLIND!!! Editing nao! DX))


((To me, light-shade sounds sort of like an oxymoron. xd.png Anima is the Latin word for spirit, so maybe that would work? I dunno... I guess the next time she uses her rod, the spirits will tell her...))

Edited by Pugglemuggle

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((Deleted! ...me thought you fixed that bump in the road.... fix it!! Fix it!!!! xd.png ))


((I won't fix the others... I'll make her look like an idiot. although there is a way you could have her read... but neither of us will tell you how, unless more information is given, information Draith needs... like per-say... something about another rider?? didn't hear it from me *flees*))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Kianna laughed a little. “I’d love to see if I can read that, but unfortunately I’m blind at the moment,” she told the shade. However, she was starting to be able to make out certain blobs of light and dark, making the shapes of large trees and the people nearby slightly visible, if not distinct. “I’m getting better, though. And as for asking my superior, I’m afraid I’ve already done that. She couldn’t tell me anything, which is rather unusual for her…” The girl remembered what Angela had said with a bit of homesickness. She missed the witch quite a bit, even though it hadn’t been that longs since they’d left.


((xd.png It's being fixed... You can go ahead and go on with your master plan, as she'll probably have her vision back all the way by the time it gets going. xd.png))

((Wait, you want Kianna to spill the beans about Will? Or Raven? Hmm... That could be arranged, if it's alright with D.sword... >:D))

Edited by Pugglemuggle

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((That would involve killing the annoying pest named Zailik. which I'm sure no one wants me to do, including him and DH.))


Draith chuckled to herself, Kianna had gotten around so good she forgot the girl was blind. "And for once I am sorry." She said, taking the book back. So the girl had asked her superior already. "I'm not so sure there is a name for the likes of you. You said it yourself, you're probably the first so then there wouldn't be a name." Draith said, glancing at the island. No Zailik or Raven shapes she could make out. Had they gone around to the other side? If so, no one was in the water yet. Emily was back, sitting on a rock watching the proceedings. Too many people in one small space for Draith. She didn't so much as mind how many people there were as much as she minded what they knew and didn't know. Although this group seemed fine for now.



((no about one who's gotten away before Will...))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(you could call her Supiritto washa which means spirit talker in Japanese tried Latin but didn't have it in Google translate.)

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(*shrugs* whatever I just wanted to help some.)

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((Wait, what? o_O *is very confuzled* Oh well...))

((I think I'll just leave it at half-shade for now... Though Kianna is also fine. xd.png))


“I suppose you’re right…” Kianna replied. A sudden thought about her elf friend's condition spurred her next question. “Should we look for them, or wait for them to find us?” she asked the shade. A small sound above her head caused her to jump slightly, taken by surprise. With her mind, the girl gently extended her consciousness outward, trying to feel the mind of whatever had made the sound. A tiny chipmunk was whittling away at a small pinecone, devouring the seeds one by one. How cute… she thought.


((I just felt like my post was too short, so you all got to see a small rat enter the conversation... xd.png))

((D:< It's hard writing about a blind person! I edited to get rid of the "followed Draith's line of sight" thing... DX))

Edited by Pugglemuggle

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((if she can't see how can she follow Draith's sight??? and I'll post in a few.))


((And Akiraa I was joking.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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