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Eragon (semi-lit)

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(Oh ok that's what a shade is. *slaps herself for forgetting* sorry.)

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((What? Huh? *takes a second look* Read it wrong xd.png skipped and replaced a few words, no wonder I came up with pie. That's what you get for trying to watch TV and read... anywho, it's fine. truly is. none of anyone knows anyway, besides my annoying, really really creepy neighbor and Draith, but so far my neighbor and Pugglemugle are the only two (that I know of) who know who she really is xd.png now see, I FAIL! Completely!))



and all I did was click a link to go to a scroll for a friend who wanted me too. I am waay to trusting of such people xd.png . me trusting? Who said!?)) Edited by Dragonhatchling

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((I'll post Kianna tomorrow...))

((DH, I was able to figure out your post, but I had to read it twice. xd.png))

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((I won't be on all day today, probably will later tonight. Anyone hear of Erie PA? Well that's where I'm going... shopping *shudders* it's torture from your parents... 'specially mom, who shops all day when I just go in, get what I need, get out. She goes in, looks, searches, looks some more, buys a thousand things she doesn't need and goes to every store in the mall and around that area.... yay mom dry.gif ))

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Kianna nodded to Draith, accepting her words. In context, it wasn’t difficult to figure out who Layel was, even if it had thrown her for the first couple seconds. It was strange. Her name hadn’t changed when she became a… whatever she was, but that was because she was still there, unlike Layel. The girl wondered if there was anything left of the girl Draith had been before the spirits had corrupted her. If there was, it probably wouldn’t have done her any good anyway, but it was still an interesting concept. Now that she thought about it, she wondered if the spirits would tell her what she was and why. Perhaps they wouldn’t mind telling me such things… When they spoke to me earlier, it seemed as though they only wanted to be treated like what they were. Having a conversation with them shouldn’t be too much of a bother, could it? After pondering the idea for a few moments, she decided to investigate it later that night after everyone had gone to sleep.

“So, what’s going to happen to Raven and Zailik, or have you not decided yet?” Kianna asked the shade, curious as to what her plans for them might be.


((DX Don't know what to make her say... tongue.gif))

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((? ok, before you go to far, how am I supposed to know what Kianna is? And you do realize Draith hardly sleeps right? A night of sleep can last days with her depending on what goes on... and if you get Kianna mixed up again so she's more incapacitated than she is now, Draith is going to fix that as odd as that sounds...))


Draith smiled a little when Kianna brought up the situation of Zailik and Raven. "I'll leave Raven alone as long as she decides she does want to be left alone. Zailik though, Zailik will have other problems besides who's left alone and who isn't." Why the sudden change of asking personal questions to who was going to be in trouble? She was bound to find out, whether or not she really wanted to. Draith looked over to the island, knowing now that the reason her fires were blocked was due to something keeping them that way. Elf scum always getting into other's business... She thought, growling slightly before calming down. "What do you plan to do now that you've seem to run out of odd questions to ask?" She asked Kianna, wondering if anymore sudden questions would pop up about her.


((A game I played with my neighbor to get him to leave me alone. It's giving the nicknames of states or cities/towns. It ended oddly unless you read it carefully. Start;


Me: New York. Pete: The Empire State. Me: Yes, now Jamestown. Pete: Jamestown what? Virginia? Me: No, Jamestown, New York. Pete: Huh? Well, I don't know who Jamestown is and I'm pretty sure he doesn't know New York, whoever that is. Me: .....

/end. Anyone get it?))

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(huh ?? that makes no sense.


Can someone please have something interesting happen to my char. As long as she doesn't dye and Draith doesn't find out about her.)

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(okay Akiraa)


Emily had snuck away from the shade, the boy, and Kianna. She was walking along the lake when she saw something shiny sticking out of a bush. Emily walked around the bush so she was in the tree line, then she slowly pushed the branches of the bush out of the way and there she saw on the ground the dragon that Kianna had told her about…..


Akira there’s one of the girls walking your way Will exclaimed to his dragon.



(there does that help with her boredom?)

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((New York. Jamestown Knew York. A slight change to those. They sound the same. He thought I was saying a guy named Jamestown knew a guy named York.... or wanted to make a joke. And if you don't want Draith to find your dragon person who's name I mix up with yours (one A or two?) then what do you have in mind? Second thought, scratch that, the last time I did that it ended up with somewhere between 30 to 40 new people trying to kill us all xd.png . You guys did say you wanted more but never said how many rolleyes.gif ))

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(1 A for dragon 2 for my username. And yes it does Dragonsword thanks.)


Akira heard Will say a girl was coming her way and she startled awake. She then heard he r bush rusle and looked up to see a girl looking down at her. Who are you and what do you want. She said to the girl as she tried to think of a way to tun and hide if she was a foe. She then quickly said to Will She found me!

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Will cursed under his breath as he heard what Akira said.


I-uh nothing grate and-er mighty dragon Emily said to the dragon that was glaring up at her. I am sorry if I disturbed you from your nap she added hastily

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Yes but I probaly shouldn't sleep anyways Akira said surprised by the girls kindness. um whats your name?

She askes the girl.

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Emily though about if she should tell the dragon her name or not but then she decided that she could. it’s Emily she thought to the dragon. And if I may ask what is your name? she asked.


whats going on Akira Will asked her.

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My names Akira. She replied to Emily. She then heard Will and said She's friendly. Her names Emily. No problem so far.

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Will let out a sigh of relief. That’s good to know he said to Akira


Emily inclined her head to the dragon it is an honor to meet you Akira she said.


((blah I have writers block major time ))

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thanks. I'm happy to meet you as well. I'm curiouse is there anyway you can get that odd girl over there to let Will go. She asks as she points with her tail towards the girl talking to Kianna (Draith).

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((Aw, such a nice thought, young dragon, unfortunately for you... that's not going to happen anytime soon.))


((Couldn't help myself. It's in my nature! laugh.gif ))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Emily shook her head. I think not, for you see she is a shade and she won’t change her mind about keeping him as her prisoner she said sadly to Akira.


Raven stirred and opened her eyes. She blinked in the bright sun light as she looked around the small island. She saw that Zailik was asleep and she put out the white fire, then she retreated to the shade of a small bush.

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Oh She replies sadly to Emily. Well would you happen to know where the Varden is? I got lost while heading there and went around in a circle. She asks Emily. Will, That odd girls a shade and won't change her mind. But I'm asking the girl if she knows where the Varden is. She tells Will.

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Zailik woke himself with a flinch. He'd dreamt he fell from a cliff while not paying well enough attention to his surroundings. Zailik heaved himself up realizing that sleeping on a small rock didn't do his back any good. Perhaps paying attention was a good thing, realizing rocks were around would have helped. He looked around, noticing the fire was out and Raven seemed to be behind a bush? Was that her? He looked closer, confirming it was. Well at least we're not dead. He thought, noticing the fires Draith had made were out now. But why?



((she can change her mind, it just depends on if she wants to or not. which at the stakes at hand, she's wiser not too than to do so. already yelled at once, twice, no second chance for her....))

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And does she? Will asked.


Aye if you want you can go through my memories of the way to the Varden Emily told Akira.


Seeing that Zailik was awake Raven got to her feet and brushed the sand off her pants. “did you have a nice nap?” she asked cheerily, her kind’s moods could change as fast as the wind at times. “I’m glade to see my spell lasted and we’re not burned to a crisp” she added with a smile.

She retrieved her hat from under the bush, where it had slid under, and knocking the sand out of it she put it back on her head.

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Yes she does! She replied to Will. She then said to Emily I'll try my best to get it She then tried to enter Emily's mind and find the memory.

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((won't be on from 6pm to 7pm my time.... summer reading I've been putting off... being forced to read an hour every day now. But since I have 4 huge books (bigger than Brisingr) to read and have to do 3 essays (long essays, longer than normal...) on each, I best be getting started right? Now I wish I was more of a speed reader than I already am xd.png *continues to whine*))


Zailik nodded, standing up but nearly falling over. He regained his balance, blushing from embarrassment and sighed. "So... how do we get back without being attack again?" He asked Raven, knowing if Draith saw them she'd probably start the attack again. "I might be able to help if you think you might need some, or just plain want some- either way's fine with me..." He didn't want to get Raven mad or even half mad with him. It was bad enough Draith and Raven didn't get along but an elf wasn't supposed to be tolerant of a shade and vice versa, so that was expected. He still hoped that neither or them would pursue the fight again.

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“um…. Well you see I didn’t really think about that” Raven admitted to Zailik. She blushed and gazed at the ground in between her black booted feet. “so-um do you have any ideas?’" she asked glancing up at him then looking back at the ground.


Emily slowly lowered the barriers around her mind, putting up barriers was the only thing she had learned to do that was related to magic.


Good let me know when you find the way to the Varden Will said to Akira

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