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Eragon (semi-lit)

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((ok... anyone know how to knock a shade out? she'll kill Zailik... she most definitely will.... shhhh.))


Draith glanced at Raven, her sights now fixed on the retreating Zailik. The dark flame was still in her hand but instead of being around her hand it was in a small packed ball, floating in her palm. "You can, Raven, if you still wish. Either way this'll be fun." Her eyes flashed slightly as Draith looked at Kianna. "so you got what you wanted, Raven won't be harmed, she wouldn't have anyway." Anyway in a way she would have felt, why take chances now when things can get better later? Draith added in her head, a small cruel smile crossing her face. By now Zailik had took off running, but not in the direction she thought he would, he was running to the lake where the ice she had started now reached part of the shore. That ice would hold him for a little while, before he got to the middle where the ice thinned and continued to creep its way across. A third of the lake was covered, she figured, if you looked at it from the air. Why does he recruit idiots and terrors? Draith wondered, watching Zailik slip and slide on the ice.



Why was he running? Why didn't he just wait to see what Draith had said? Zailik was no fool, Raven had provoked her even more than she needed to be, being true to her nature, Draith wouldn't stand down after that. So he took to running instead of dieing, except maybe he should have chose solid ground instead of ice that Draith still had control over. Zailik stopped, spinning around which was the only way to stop himself from falling into the lake water. "As much as you are crazy I'm not going to fight you." He said calming, wishing he'd used another word other than crazy.

Draith wasn't crazy, far from it, she was worse than that, far worse than any crazy man he'd seen. Zailik remembered his fair share of comrades going insane, his friend had which he was forced to kill. Those memories still haunted him. But what caught his attention was the fact Draith wasn't going after him, now he could see why. The ice below him had cracked, obviously thinned in the area around him.

The ice was cracking more than it should have though, water was rushing up greedily at his ankles, begging for the ice to keep going under so they could grip their icy claws further into his flesh. One loud crack bothered him, the thicker part of the ice now had broken away and was sinking fast. And I had to come out here, of all places! The farthest away from Draith, the farther away from shore you get. Zailik thought, knowing that he wouldn't make it to shore with the help of the ice, it was sinking too fast. How cold was the lake anyway? Zailik didn't want to find out. So then how would he get out of this mess? He wasn't going to shore, not until Draith at least calmed down, but he didn't want to drown either.


((...ice, cracking, not fun. 'specially if you think you're already dead anyway in icy cold water, stupid friend and their whatchamacallit thing that they took me out on the ice with. yes I've had this happen, although rescue saved me, actually something that scared me for once but, but I never touched water, just stayed on a large piece of floatyice (floaty ice oh jee what next?) ))

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(do you mind if Raven saves him or would you try to kill me for it (joke) xd.png )

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((He needs to get out of there, but beware, Draith's sights are set... he won't like the idea coming back. Pugglemuggle!!! Should I spill it!? Fill everyone in? Or shall it be a forgotten secret of secrets of secrets that are forgotten?))


((Offtopic\ ever hear of Hotel 626 or/and Asylum 626? They're fun games if you're Draith twisted like me... although it's 18 or older so I kinda lied about my age, sssshhhh! they're fun! fun in a scary (fun) way. ghost stories come alive in one of them, you'll see what I mean if you try them. Haven't tried Asylum one though, will tonight. They open at 6pm and close at 6am, not sure what timezone but considering they're open for me now....if I disappear I'm either freaking out, or having a lot of fun.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(um… I’ll take that as a yes then… but so she can save him from a watery death/grave could you make the ice crack sanding him plunging down into it‘s dark depths.. Or something like that)


(wow why cant my brain be as awesome as it was with that that for my posts xd.png )

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(('cause Draith lives inside me and nearly killed my neighbor, which I didn't mind at all rolleyes.gif ))

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(What xd.png ….. WHAT does that have to do with Zailik plunging to his grave in the dark ice magic covered water)

(and in this post that you make can you (if you want that is) make Zailik fall in the water…. I really (for some strange reason) want Raven to make Draith even more annoyed/ happy )



Edited by dragonsword

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((Oh? So now after you made her mad (sssshhh) you appeal to her? How nice xd.png now if only this could really happen, I'd be dead before I even knew I was.))


Draith watched the ice more than she did Zailik. The thicker part of the ice cracking and now sinking was her doing. He'd drown unless he came to shore, she knew this and knew the consequences that came with his death. She'd deal with those when they came, it wouldn't matter anyway, the damage would be done by then. "Feeling rough waters already Zailik?" Draith called, the black ball of flame making its way across the water. "Hopefully you won't mind that one coming to say hello." She added, enjoyment filling her voice. Just the thought of what she would do if he came back pleased her, let alone imagining how he would go when he drowned.



Zailik didn't like the thought of drowning, or getting burned by Draith's demonized fire. Swimming was one thing he wasn't so good at, especially in this situation which too many things to worry about. The fact the shade was already beginning to enjoy this didn't surprise him, the fact she was trying to kill one of her own members did. Draith wasn't technically allowed to kill anyone without reason, the soldier he somewhat understood and would have done the same if he'd noticed, attacking prisoners was not tolerated either. But what reason did she have to kill him? Sure he called her crazy, even provoked her more to get her off Raven's case, but all that surely didn't deserve being killed. Apparently in Draith's demented mind it did.

While he was thinking the ice and the odd fire had progressed in their decent or assault. Zailik decided to try and reason one more time, knowing that reasoning with Draith usually made everything worse. "Can't we just sort this out? So everyone doesn't have to watch someone drown or burn to death? Personally I'd prefer just to live no matter what happens as long as I do." Draith had pushed him far out of his comfort zone and all the way down to begging, something he'd never done before. Throwing his life away to be tortured or killed didn't seem like fair choices. Drowning was a subset of both he supposed, two unfair, unexpected choices had to count for something right?

By now the water was up to Zailik's waist, the black fire skimming the water, coming ever closer to jumping and sinking its blazing teeth into his body just to get one last bite at a dead man. Drowning and burning to death is one odd way to die. He thought, sighing. Could be worse I guess.


((Pugglemuggle you're missing all the fun! Phase 1 is coming along full speed but will veer off course and crash very very soon, hopefully no injuries are presents- not! xd.png a head injury to Draith might be just what she need to be set 'straight' although she's normal if comparing to others before her.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(here -because you made me wait so long- I’ll just post this)



Raven watched as the Ice under Zailik cracked, then without warning it crumbled under the young man‘s feet, sending him sliding into the dark water of the lake.

Raven glared at the shade, then pulling off her hat and tucking it in her belt, she bolted over to the lake -with her elven speed- and dived under it’s glassy surface.

She saw Zailik sinking into it’s dark depths and swam down to him, her short silver hair flowed out behind her flashing like dragon scales. Her hair slipped away from her ears and revealed to Zailik the pointed ends on them. The elf grabbed Zailik’s arm and dragged him through the water to the lakes surface, they burst through and Raven -still dragging Zailik- cut through the water to a small island in the lake. The elf pushed Zailik onto the island then she climbed up herself. “you shouldn’t have gotten involved” she said to him as she shook her head, spraying Zailik with the water from her hair as she did so.

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((I could wait, I found pokemon entertainment with beating everything up thanks to an Arceus I have.))


Draith glared as Raven saved her target. She growled a little, watching as the fire chased after Raven and Zailik but was unable to keep time with them. "Always has to interfear. Someone always does." She grumbled, seeing that both were heading to an island. What a perfect place to strand them on. A small smile appeared on Draith's face, accompanied by a different flame, once similar to the ice. This one wouldn't freeze the water though, it acted in a similar way the darker fire would, meant to kill but in such a different way. This fire followed the other's path, already showing some of its potential. The water turned a dark black purple where the fire skimmed and occasionally a fish would surface, dead or at least on its way. Draith was already feeling the effects of maintaining the ice and other fire but she masked any sign of weakness as if it never happened.



Zailik allowed Raven to drag him to shore, he hoped it wouldn't be where Draith was. He noticed the pointed ears but didn't say anything, knowing that she may still be mad. When they arrived on shore he wasn't the least bit happy. "Look, I only got involed because I knew she'd take most of it, if not all of it, out on me instead of someone else who didn't need it. The boy who tried running for example. I could tell she never planned to actually fight you, somewhere along that path she'd turn and attack someone else, and no one would have time to do anything about it." He said a little stern. Zailik looked out across the water, spotting the different types of flame coming at him. What was with Draith and fire? "Looks like we've got unwanted and dangerous company coming." He mumbled, realizing the second ball was poisonous. He somewhat knew what the black fire would do, but the odd blue colored one was a different story. It was obvious poison was a major factor but if it was anything like the other there would be a hidden effect.

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“look I think I can fight my own fights” Raven said to zailik. “you should know that if the shade told you what I am. and I think she did.” the elf said. she watched the three different fires that were coming for them. She muttered something in the ancient toung and cast a protective spell around the small island, that they were stuck on, it would block the magic fire from reaching them. She staggered, as the spell drained her energy, and sank to the ground with a sigh forgetting to put her hat back on to cover her slanted eye’s and pointed ears. “grate now we’re stuck here” she muttered.


(sorry nothing to do With Will or Emily so far)

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(ehh Akira bored (check number of A's to know who))

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((fine with me... I might go to bed though... not 'till later though... least that usually happens.))


Draith sighed, turning her attention to other things as she waited for the fires to do their work. She watched Will and noticed Emily was around now, where'd she come from? Kianna probably brought her back, they were together last time she saw them. Draith walked over to where Will and Emily were, staying on the other side of the rock but to the side so they'd see her. "Fancy you're back." She said to Emily, glancing at the island before watching the two in front of her. The soldiers that hadn't fallen asleep watched Draith, knowing if she called for one or all of them, those she called better listen or they'd end up in Zailik's fate.



Zailik watched Raven fall, shivering from the cold of the water he was previously in. "I never said you couldn't..." He started, hands clenched so they wouldn't freeze. "I just didn't want anyone else hurt, I'm used to what she can do... mostly... there's times she surprises everyone though." He sighed, not wanting to use any magic to warm himself, that'd waste energy he might need, or so he figured. Zailik glanced at Raven before starring at the water. He sensed what she'd done knowing he probably couldn't have. "She never said anything about you, just what she told you is all I heard, and less of it than you think." He knew now his thoughts were correct when he saw her in the water, Raven was an elf which explained a lot about why Draith and her had gotten to nearly slitting each other's throats.

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Raven sighed. “well now you know” she said. She noticed him shiver with cold. Letting out another sigh she said the spell that would make a small white fire by Zailik. “there you go” she murmured as she laid down in the sand and closed her eyes drifting into her waking dreams.


Will started as he heard draith’s voice come from behind him.


Emily glared at the shade then looked at the island. She saw a small white fire resting in the sand by Zalik. Then she saw that Raven seemed to be asleep. She turned and continued to glare at the shade.

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Draith smiled innocently. "I hardly did a thing, they're the ones who chose to go to the island, Zailik's the one who chose to get involved. I only helped the process." She said to Emily, nodded to Will slightly. "Now that you've noticed a few different things, any comments to add?"



Zailik didn't even notice the fire that Raven had made. He felt its warmth though and welcome it gladly. Once it did sink in that Raven had done this, he saw she was asleep. "Well, thanks anyway..." He whispered, half asleep himself by now. He laid down, curled into a ball and fell asleep, hoping Raven wouldn't get madder than she was. He hoped the barrier would hold too, burning to death didn't seem like a good idea ever to him.

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((got sidetrakced. can't yu tell? I can't speelll anymre so, uh same I gueess since I odn't have a lif. oh jeez, i need slep, realjy bad. ansI'm too lazy, no tired since I vab't xee muc anmre to fid thiss. blink.gifninja.gifsad.gif g;nigh!))

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Kianna began to panic. This was about the worst possible thing that could happen right now. Her eyes started to glisten with wetness, and within seconds tears began to flow freely down her cheeks. What should I do? What can I do? Is there anything I can do? she thought frantically. Due to her blindness, she was having a hard time keeping track of what was going on, but from what she heard, Raven and Zailik were still both under Draith’s sword, so to speak. We need help… I can’t do anything in my current state… A crazy idea popped into her head when she thought that, causing her to reach into her pack and take out her wooden rod.

“I’m not asking for my sight back, I’m just asking for help,” she told the strange presence that began to melt into her own. “You shouldn't give me power, although that would probably be the most useful. I’m just asking for some advice,”

“We will not give you strength, but knowledge is something we’re always willing to share,” said the spirits. After a short pause, the voice continued, “Words are often times more powerful than the sword. Use them well, and you will obtain desirable results,”

“But what should I say exactly?” the girl asked, biting her lip. “I’m terrible at conveying my thoughts like that…”

“That is for you to decide” With that, the spirits’ presence company vanished, and she was left alone once again. Her thoughts whirled trying to come up with an acceptable speech, but she came up blank. I could improvise…

Kianna gulped nervously and walked a little closer to Draith. After a moment’s hesitation, she opened her mouth to talk, but no sound came out. Clearing her through, she tried to start again. “Umm… Do you really want to do this? Is this your decision, or the choice of another? How much control do you have over your actions?” she questioned the shade awkwardly. “Err… I guess what I’m really trying to ask is… Uhh…. Am I talking to Draith right now or am I talking to the spirits inside you?”


((I dunno if what she said made any sense to you guys, but I suppose it wasn't really supposed to. xd.png))

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((made perfect sense to me, Pugglemuggle, probably due to what I told you before.))


Draith listened to Kianna speak, expecting her to say something about how wrong this was and it shouldn't have been done. When she asked who she was talking too Draith could only smile as she turned around. "What do you think that first answer might be?" She asked Kianna, actually curious of her answer. Draith glanced back at the island to see how things were going, the fire had stopped but looked as if it was running into something. A small growl came from Draith as she looked back to Kianna. "As far as the others go," She started, referring to the questions. "This was completely my choice although it may not have been originally." Draith wondered why Kianna had asked such things, most of the questions should have been answered just by common sense. Layel was gone for good, only her memories stayed, thrown into a dark lonely corner so they would never be seen again.


((Zailik's still asleep.... I had some history on Layel that I wrote but now I can't find it... some maybe it is thrown to the corner or rabid darkness and it got eated. xd.png but why in your our sane mind would you ask such questions!?))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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“But was it?” asked Kianna with a grim smile. “I’ve been noticing several things of late… Small things about me I wouldn’t even have thought about before this…” she whispered. “They’ve begun to change. Little words I say or even the tiniest movements I make. For example, if they weren’t influencing me right now, I’d be running away from you, screaming. But obviously, I’m not. They control me, even if I don’t know it completely. Sometimes the decisions I think are mine simply aren’t,” the girl explained, sighing. “I just wanted to point that out, even if it may not be your case…”

The girl was silent for a few moments, wondering what to say next. “To answer your question, I think it ‘ought to be pretty obvious after what I’ve just said,”


((I guess I'm just trying to prompt that one idea the Murtagh guy gave you. wink.gif I dunno... Kianna's bored, or rather I'm bored because I've got no idea what to make Kianna do. xd.png))

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((oh gosh, you dug that up again? the last time she was asked something similar to this she didn't know how to respond.. to Murtagh anyway, she was his prisoner rolleyes.gif but the others that asked clearly are not around. and the person playing Murtagh was a girl xd.png ))


Draith smiled slyly for a moment before the seriousness of the situation came to mind. How she managed to find the serious part, she wasn't even sure. "Well, those types of things do tend to happen when in such a situation, if not we wouldn't have known of a shade in the first place." Draith said, walking away from where Emily and Will were, she figured Kianna wouldn't want them to hear, if she had she wouldn't be whispering. "As of right now you're talking to both, even though one may not be physically here." She said, answering Kianna's question from before. "Usually things are normal, plain normal, for what you would figure to not be."

Draith looked back into the forest, standing still where she was, seeing to her left the soldiers who continually stared at her dumbstruck. They knew. They had too to understand what and what not to do in order to stay alive. "Anyway Kianna, this isn't something that can be just fixed, in fact I don't think it can." She turned, facing Kianna, watching how she was taking this in. "I've had a few things asked of me by a few different people, most I didn't even expect them to think of such things. But one thought stayed consistent..." Her voice trailed off, Draith wasn't even sure if that could be done, let alone to one who hasn't even begun to see how she has. "And yes, it was although it wasn't Layel's choice." She answered to Kianna first recent question, wondering if the girl would figure out who Layel was.


((perfect song just came up on my playlist xd.png fits so nicely! you did confuse me Pugglemuggle, just for a moment, I hope I did the same. Perhaps I should tell Dragonsword... I made the offer before to show her my 'plan' that will no doubt fall apart... unless, unless we get Zailik back here, but I never got around to it. Showing her the 'thought' might just confuse us all. Now see this is where I wish this was real (it'd be cool, come on you gotta agree) so I could get someone who actually might know to explain it... or just plain tell me. Why can't google show me the answers!!! and I still never found the answer to if he was just playing a game or did he actually mean that to Eragon? perhaps someone here might know...))


((Pugglemuggle + Dragonsword: If either, or both, of you are confused, PM me and I'll clear (try too) it up, and maybe if you want Dragonsword, Pugglemuggle, revise the 'thought' a bit and send it so you both can see, akiraa you are included if you want to be... ))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(yes please I am a bit confused on your plan and can somthing please happen to Akira as long as Draith dosn't find out about her. I'm a bit bored. *mutters about chores and having to leave town this to next weekend*)

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(aye you confused me too…. But mostly you just ended up hurting my brain though)

((I am now {and for the last week} been reading the 3ed book in the Eragon series/thing for the 4th time sense it has come out in stores….. I just got it for my B-day on June 28th and I’m past half way through it…. Just thought I’d let you know))

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((I can't reread books, once I read them I have them memorized... which sometimes is a good thing, mostly not though. I'll just post the 'thought' thingy-ma-bob here... it's not that confusing and well, I never had been able to figure out how to make it better since Aug 25, 2009. Yes, a while.

So here you go, the thing Pugglemuggle started to pull out after I just showed her on a random kick...


Using the ancient language to find each entity's true name (includes host) then using those to basically pull each apart from each other and if done correctly you'd end up with whoever it was before, if the host is still alive that is... But that has many more dangers, killing shade and or one who is trying this out.



there ya go, fixed some errors too as far as endings go.))

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(umm I've read the books and have tried to find out since I started but What exactly is a shade.)

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((specialty of fun. beast thing you can do is look it up- BUT! before you do that, I already have.




check that, if you want to know something else you can always just as somewhere, anywhere, I'm sure someone knows the answer.))

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