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Eragon (semi-lit)

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Will was startled when Zailik took out the knife. He looked at it warily then nodded his head. “if you don’t mind…… it would be greatly appreciated” he replied.


Emily reached out and took up the boll of soup when Draith had gone. “do you knead help eating?” she asked Kianna.


Raven jumped off of the boulder with a yawn and walked over to a tree, it was far away from the soldiers but still close to Zailik and Will, she jumped into the air and grabbed one of the branches. She pulled herself into the tree then started to climb it until she found a strong branch that she could sleep on. She sat down on the branch leaning against the trunk of the tree and closed her eyes.

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“Thanks!” Kianna called back to Draith, facing in the general direction of the lake. Her head turned back toward Emily when she asked if she needed help eating. “No thanks,” the girl chuckled. “Luckily, I’m not that helpless,” The soup Draith had given her was easy to locate, thanks to the rather noisy manner the bowl had been set down. It didn’t taste all that great, but she didn’t complain. Food was food, no matter what shape or form.

Absentmindedly spooning the broth into her mouth, she began to realize all the unnoticed events that went on in the forest. Her ears were able to pick out at least five different bird calls among the disregarded cacophony of songs. She listened, content, for several minutes.


((Don't even ask, becaus I don't know either.))

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((first of all you used a word I don't know how to say, Pugglemuggle, cacophony. But I know what it means...just can't say it. And what am I, or we, not supposed to ask?))


Draith watched Raven for a few seconds and smiled shortly after. She walked over to a smaller rock, in between the area where Zailik and Will were and where most of the soldiers were. Sitting down, Draith threw a good sized rock into the water where it landed farther out in the lake. Once the rock had touch water the surrounding area froze, revealing two unlucky fish that had gotten either hit by the rock or caught in it's freezing grip. Draith then pulled out a small red-leather book and began her skimming to pass time.



Zailik nodded, putting the knife away. He judged Will's ability for a moment and decided it would be better if he'd pick the bowl up and do what Will asked. The soup was cold, or seemed that way since the bowl wasn't burning his hands. "Just tell me what to do and I'll do it if I'm allowed." Zailik said, noticing Draith was acting stranger than normal again.


((red book, she'd read it all and knows it by heart... which reminds me, I can't reread books because once I read 'em once, I seem to have them memorized and can skip to a page to get to a part someone wanted pointed out. That, I hate. Some good books I can't reread... I want too so badly but I end up skimming through and finishing way shorter than needed.))

((the strangeness to this all is my secret and no ones to know about no matter what happens. I found a few things that'll be useful to others around whether or not they know it, perhaps Pugglemuggle does if she remembers, and you'll be surprised once my plan gets to critical and everything comes crashing down. Much fun this will be especially since I can finally get rid of my neighbor once and for all! he will be the only one not enjoying it which is all the better for the both of us and not him.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Emily sipped out of her own bowl. The soup wasn’t as good as it had been the first time she had eaten it but it was still food.


Raven drifted into the half sleep of the elves, instead of dreaming, the elves relived they’re memories but still were aware of what went on in the waking world as they did so.


Will shrugged. “you could help me drink the soup by holding the bowl” he said to Zailik.

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((.... *tries not to laugh* and no it's nothing here... just... something Draith'd like I'm most certain. but there is something here, Zailik did pick the bowl up, I just didn't come out and say that.

The soup was cold, or seemed that way since the bowl wasn't burning his hands.
right there.))


Zailik nodded, a little confused. "Alright." He said even though the bowl was already in his hands.



Draith shut the red-leather book forcefully and looked over the lake, the ice slowly creeping out in a circle. By now it had doubled and caught what looked to her as an unlucky bird, a smaller one, probably diving to grab a fish. She looked over at Zailik and Will, seeing Zailik was helping feed the boy. Draith smirked a little, noticing one of the soldiers coming at the two. This made her smile but only because of the thought behind it. The soldier screamed when he was nearly behind Will, burned and trying to put out the flame. "Idiot." Draith said, seeing his broken knife fall to the ground, why was he carrying a broke knife? The blade was half gone and it further broke when it shattered. Must have been a cheap one that couldn't take flame. Draith thought, noticing that it was already charred in spots.


((RANDOM STUFF! Quick I'm running out of ideas....I am, Draith's not... which hers.. hers are, well-))

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Kianna thought she heard a scream from somewhere on the bank. “What was that?” she asked Emily, confused and a little nervous. Quickly, she got up and began her slow trek down to the lake once again, groping trees and bushes as she passed them for support. “I hope everyone’s okay—” Just then, her foot caught on a protruding tree root, making her fall onto the ground face first. Blindly, the girl fumbled around, trying to find something to grab onto.


((Yeah... I fail at being smart. XP I suppose cacophony is more of a negative description, right? sleep.gif I'll change it to "medley" to make it more positive.))

((And you weren't supposed to ask about my lack of ideas. xd.png))

((I think I remember your plan for Draith, DH, but I'm not sure...))

Edited by Pugglemuggle

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Will instinctively ducked his head and hunched down as he heard the scream of the soldier right behind him. “what the” he growled.


Raven jumped at the sound of the scream, forgetting that she was sitting a tree, and fell to the ground. she landed cat like and stared around waiting for an attack to happen as her eyes flashed a bright flame like red before turning a deep crystal blue.


Emily ran over to Kianna. “if they aren’t you cant help any way in you condition” she said sternly as she walked her friend back into the small camp.


(you ninja’d me PuggleMuggle xd.png )

Edited by dragonsword

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((you're not sure what, Pugglemuggle? I won't hurt Kianna if you say something, I can't anyway. Anywho...now I forgot what I was going to say... just great. Oh! Oh! I haz an idea! An influenced idea from someone Pugglemuggle should somewhat remember... 'cause, just 'cause.))


Draith first heard Raven land on the ground before hearing what sounded like Kianna, why was she out here again? It was Kianna except this time she was on the ground with Emily near her. Raven seemed fine and Will, Will seemed like Will, still securely tied to his rock. Zailik glared at her though which she returned with an innocent smile before getting and walking to the soldier. "And here's why you don't attack anyone without my say..." Draith started, pulling a hidden knife out. The soldier backed away instinctively and turned to run. Draith, though, was one step ahead, already having a hand on his shoulder. "Running never helps." She whispered, stabbing the knife into the soldier's back. She let go and he fell, a worried but confused expression permanently on his face. "Alright, anyone else?" Draith asked coolly, putting the knife back.



Zailik knew what Draith was going to do before she even got up. "You might not want to watch if you don't like to see anyone die." He whispered to Will, remembering the 'lesson' she'd taught during one of his training courses.


((sadly I would have liked that to have gone deeper into detail about a few things... but, we'll keep it like that, DH won't mind.))


((Hey you! Yeah you, look here! I will be popping on/off from now on until I eat (which I assume (everyone know the saying that goes with that word? No, that's fine with me) should be soon, and since my labtop's dead... well yelling about 'reserved power, reserved power' it's dead and needs charged, and my desktop is being confiscated by my dad for an unknown reason *thinks of pokemon unknown and how annoying they can get but how powerful they are* I'll have to wait until this thing, that's you labtop, is charged which may/may not take an hour or two.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Kianna stood her ground as much as she could in her current state. “I think I’d like to go back with everyone else… The forest is starting to feel a little… eerie,” she told Emily. With that, the girl turned back toward the lake and began to walk cautiously through the remaining bits of forest until she reached the shore.


((Mini post... DH, are you talking about that plan? There were... three plans that you told me about, I think, and I'm a little confused about which one you're reffering to. xd.png))

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Will flinched and closed his eyes as he heard draith’s dagger go into the solder’s back. He bowed his head -with his eyes still closed- as there was a dull thump from the soldier’s body as it hit the ground. “I don’t think I’m hungry any more” he muttered feeling sick and weak. It must be because I’m tired that’s making me weak he thought as weariness crept over him making his eyelids feel heavy.


Raven let out a low growl as she saw what the shade had done. Her eyes turned jet black as she sat down by Zailik and the boy. “don’t tell me you get use to that” she growled to Zailik. her eyes were still black but now they were tinted with dark red as she looked into Zailik’s own eyes.


“vary well” Emily said with a sigh as she took Kianna’s arm and helped her along to the lake.

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((....no...no I wasn't... I was referring (sorta) to the 'creepy' if you remember that. also unexpected little trip to nowhere but I'm on for a bit.))


Draith nodded slightly when no one else spoke up or tried anything. She returned to her rock and began acting as if she was skimming her book again, watching Raven, Zailik and Will. She hadn't noticed Kianna or Emily who were now at the shore.



Zailil sighed, avoiding Raven's gaze. "Alright, I'll just set this here then." He said to Will, setting the bowl down and standing up. He looked at Raven, understanding mixed with challenge on his face. "I have though..." He paused, glancing at Draith who now seemed amused. He looked back at Raven and continued, "You have too. At least to some degree..." Zailik spoke a little softer now, wondering if anyone else would speak about this as proof. "Otherwise you're most likely to end up as he did." He sat down again, watching the lake and trying his best to ignore Draith's odd smile that had crept up in the conversation.


((mip mipz. Not sure how long I'll be on but I'll be at least an hour, perhaps more since I don't seem to get tired anymore... never figured out why, it's not like I have candy or anything, never had a sweet tooth, one piece and I'm good for a month. I always liked the night, so much more fun and less noisy and crowded.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Akira watching Will saw something behind him but passed it off as nothing. She watched as the boy who was tossing rocks, Zalik if she rembered correctly, helped Will eat. She was suddenly startled by a scream. She jumped a little and heard the bush russle a little. She then saw a girl reading a red book stand up. She watched as she headed over to the scream. Scarred when she saw her kill a solder that was back there. Akira made a small whimper worried about what could happen to Will.

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((lol same here))


Raven’s eyes narrowed and flashed red witch Zailik should at least find strange. “my people don’t GET used to violence we tolerate it. But only to a cretin point” she said.


Will drew his knees up to his chest and watched the tall girl and Zailik for some time, then his eyes started to close and his head to droop. He yawned then his eyes closed all the way and his head fell onto his knees as he slipped into a dream troubled sleep.

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((nightmares, those are fun. controlling your dreams are even better. spontaneous, no-say dreams are the best. dreams influenced by the eragon movie... for some reason I end up the one dead all the time... serves me right, I'm giving the insults to the wrong people xd.png ))


Draith laughed silently to herself, Raven was ticked it seemed which was all the better to set her mood straight. She slowly walked over to Will, Zailik and Raven, taking note that Will was asleep. "That's right..." She began, an icy smile on her face. "Your people disapprove of almost anything anyone does concerning who or what goes." Draith gave Raven an icy stare to match, noting the sense of Zailik starting to become uncomfortable. "It's a shame though..." She began, sounding almost sincere, closing her eyes for a moment and shaking her head slightly. Her eyes opened again shortly after, the maroon brighter than last time. "How much that can be wasted all these years with your people. So much potential, so many willing... all crushed at the hands of your people, Raven."



Zailik didn't like where this was getting too so he slowly got up and moved out of the way, noticing the rock Draith had thrown a while ago had caused a large circle of ice to form around it. That ice was still crawling its way across the lake, catching and trapping anything it touched. He sat next to Will, a little behind the rock in case anything was started. "Hey," Zailik started, tapping Will. "If you can move a bit, I would before you're caught in the middle of something that might start." He whispered, leaning against the rock.


((I was gonna say, Did dragonsword leave? then I found you... I'm still not tired and no I don't need sleeping pills, I choose not to go to bed yet.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Will started out of his sleep when Zailik tapped him on the shoulder. Will heard what Zailik said and he rolled behind the boulder and leaned against it next to Zailik. “What’s going on?” he asked.


Raven glared at the shade. “OH and who do you think my people are may I ask” she hissed. The shade was really starting to annoy her and that was something she never could stand.


“oh no that can't be good” Emily said when she was the shade and Raven staring daggers at each other. she came to a stop some way behind the boy and Zailik as she said it.

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((clever bot fails! I tricked it! it admitted it was a robot! which I knew but it was still fun.))


Draith laughed a little. "Anyone who actually pays attention can tell Raven... but for your sake I won't say." She saw how Raven looked at her which only fueled her good mood even more. "You'd have to admit what I said was true though, I've seen it first hand how badly your people constrain their limits and potential."



Zailik sighed, definitely sure something was going to start. He didn't hear Emily come up behind him, she half scared him for it. "She's never been one to pick a fight if you can believe that. Usually she's the one who gets into trouble for disobeying an order or not carrying it out exactly as it was thought to be done. And you're right, this doesn't look good." He watched Draith and Raven, wondering just why this was going on. "I'm pretty sure we should stay behind here... those two are getting at it." He said to both Emily and Will but said the second sentence mostly to Will.

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Raven bristled. Her hands clenched into fists, there was a sort of static electricity surrounding her body. Her eyes seemed to glow as her anger grew. “if you do know what I am… you should have known better then to say that kind of thing” she said through clenched teeth. Flames started to crackle around his fists like little pets licking her hands, but dangerous little pets that would bite you without a secant thought about it.

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Draith smirked, showing a flame of her own. This was darker, almost completely black and meant to kill if it wished. "Now we wouldn't want to start anything, would we?" She asked coolly, watching Raven, ready to counter if she started anything.



Great, now we'll all get burned. Zailik thought, ducking behind the rock more in case the flames decided to come this way. "Why?" He asked to himself, wondering what was going on inside Draith's head. On his second thought he didn't want to know, they were meant to act like this but for some reason she hadn't for a while, why the sudden change?


((*waves to Pugglemuggle* Hai!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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((Ohai I just wrote a post! biggrin.gif Had to look up the whole "No sooner... than" thing though. I got confused...))


Kianna didn’t need to see to know what was going on. As a general rule, elves weren’t supposed to like shades, and she doubted that shades would like elves, if only for that reason. On top of that, Draith had just completely disregarded one of the elves’ morals, further offending her elf friend. This wasn’t going to be good, not at all. In fact, it would be terrible, especially now that they’d gotten magic involved. I’ve got to do something… she thought.

The girl stood, facing her two friends. Although their relationship was odd, Kianna still looked up to Draith and thought of her as a comrade and a companion both. She was the only person in Alagaësia who could truly understand her, after all. How could she not feel attached to the shade?

But apparently, Raven could.

“Arguing about such matters won’t solve anything. You two obviously have very different opinions, and very strong ones at that. A fight will just make it worse,” she said soothingly, glancing in Raven direction. “I doubt either of you really want a full-fledged battle right now…” No sooner had the words left her lips than she realized the possible mistake in her statement. What if Draith did want a fight? The thought troubled her greatly and caused her to back away slightly from her arguing friends.


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((oh look, I'm now going to bed and will be on later tomorrow like after 8:30pm my time... band practice.))


Draith looked at Kianna with an icy smile that explained everything perfectly. She didn't care how this went as long as something was started. "If that's how you solve everything..." She stopped soon after and smiled a little nicer. "It won't be full-fledged anyway, nothing ever gets to that point." Draith said calmly, watching both Raven and Kianna.



Zailik really didn't like where this was going, now Kianna was involved. "Just stay here." He said to Emily and Will, not even thinking that Will couldn't go anywhere much even if he wanted too. He stood up and strode over by Raven and Draith, more so by Kianna. "She's right you know... fighting won't solve anything, especially not right now, we have bigger stakes at hand that shouldn't have energy wasted on an argument you both know no one will win." Zailik knew some of the words, most of them, would make Draith even more mad if you could call this that. But hopefully she wouldn't go after Raven or Kianna.

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Kianna slapped herself internally. This was so stupid. “If you want to fight so much, why don’t you argue with someone actually worth clashing with?” she asked to two of them, though mostly Draith. She could feel her heart pound in her chest with some sort of fear, but what sort it was, she didn’t know. It definitely wasn’t fear for herself, though. If their little disagreement came to blows, then she doubted she could pull them apart.

Nervously, the girl looked back and forth between her two friends. Her eyes pleaded for them to stop while she wrung her hands behind her back.


((Dunno what to do...))

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((Me nether. yes I spelled neither wrong. nether is fun to say.))


Draith glared at Zailik for a moment before answering Kianna. "So now you're saying your friend here isn't worth fighting at all." She smiled and added sarcastically, "How nice." Draith figured she knew why Kianna wanted them to stop but at the moment Zailik needed to understand one extra person was enough to say how this could go. "Zailik," She started, pleasure in her eyes. "Perhaps you'd like to take Raven's place?" Draith said as more of an order than a question. If this was going to get anywhere, why have it so someone continuosly told you to stop? Kianna didn't want her to fight Raven, then she wouldn't, not right now.



Zailik knew what Draith had in mind when she said his name. He could tell the question wasn't a question at all. This wouldn't end well for anyone in a fight, especially if Raven still wished to participate. He backed up a bit, hoping that for once the shade was joking. "How about we just stop this before anyone gets too involved." Zailik said quietly, knowing if he ran he wouldn't get far. Why's she always after me? He thought, remembering that Draith had said he'd get the favor returned for sneaking into her room and breaking a few things, even though what he broke was due to him being thrown back into a wall. And all I wanted to do was see why she was back.


((for not knowing what to do I'd say that's long.))

((good memories, good memories... such fun that was too, to bad he's still around, I would've liked to see him run off that cliff but he's smart enough to listen which I guess is good. no you are dreaming I typed that, and yes my neighbor is still alive but more scared than ever, hopefully he'll learn not to try to tie me up again, I broke the rope last time (wasn't very new so it was frayed and such) sad thing was I wasn't allowed to kill the pest.))


((Dragonsword: When, if, you see this answer something for me please; Do you remember Ivy? That name ring a bell at all? All I wanted to know is just to see if you did... I won't give information out though, besides you should (according to Draith if you want to think in informational ways) know who that is. But if you don't, no skin off my back- or yours.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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((ya DH she use to be my corrector before we started the RP over, then because I couldn’t remember her sheet I no longer have her in this RP)


Raven slowly lowered her fire covered fists and the flames disappeared with a loud ‘HISS’. “I don’t like to fight if I don’t really have to” she growled. Still glaring at Draith she folded her arms and waited for the shade to say something.


Will was completely and utterly confused at what was going on between the shade and the tall girl.


Emily breathed a sigh as her elven-friend refused to fight with the shade. She looked from Raven to the shade and then back to her friend waiting for what would happen next.

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Akira who was bored and tired curled up to take a nap. Will I'm going to sleep. If you come up with anything let me know. She told him before she yawned and actually fell asleep. not really caring what was goin on with anyone else. The only thing she would like is if they let Will go.

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Akira who was bored and tired curled up to take a nap. Will I'm going to sleep. If you come up with anything let me know. She told him before she yawned and actually fell asleep. not really caring what was goin on with anyone else. The only thing she would like is if they let Will go.

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