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Eragon (semi-lit)

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Will nodded his thanks to Zailik as he took the water skin. He had some difficulty drinking the water with his hands bound but he managed it. After he was done he corked it and sat it on the ground by Zailik‘s foot, then he leaned back against the boulder and closed his eyes soaking up the sun’s warmth as it glinted on his slightly dented armor. His right hand slipped slightly out from under the cloak and revealed his strange glove-like thing that protected his hand when in battle.



(see look at his pic isn’t that a weird glove-thing he has in it??)


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Akira watched Will drink the water and thought of getting a drink herself. She carefully crawled close to the lake trying her best to stay concealed. Once she got close she got a drink. While getting a drink she saw a fish and heard her tummy growl. She quickly jabbed her claws at it and grabbed it. She then went back to the bushes to eat. Mm, Will I just caught myself a fish.


(ehh writer's block sucks laugh.gif )

Edited by akiraa

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Lucky you…. I’m starving Will joked to her. That’s awesome he added in a more serious note


(curse you writers block… I think it jumped from your computer to mine xd.png )

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(maybe laugh.gif )

I'm sorry your hungry but thanks. I wish I could help but I think you would just get caught again. Huh wonder if there was a way we could create a diversion. She said to Will. Thinking of if they could somehow create a diversion.

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((Will's glove thing is like a dragon's claw... why's it like that? Oh, and I'm back somewhat, I'll pop on if someone else posts. No diversions or Will will ( xd.png ) end up in the same spot he's in already, just much much worse. Draith promises.))


Zailik grabbed another rock and skipped it. Only two skips before plunking into the water. "Never was good at skipping rocks." He mumbled, chucking another rock into the water. This one didn't skip at all but created a splash as it entered the water. Zailik was in mid throw when his stomach growled quite loudly. "Well. Looks like it's time to eat. How about you, you hungry?" He asked Will, wondering when the last time he had ate.



((very big fail. substituted 'very' for 'well' before I fixed it))

((bored fail.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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“Umm… Yeah, I did,” Kianna said to Draith. “I’m sure they could have done more if they’d wanted to, it’s just that they didn’t want me to think I was controlling them, I suppose…” she trailed off. It made sense that the shade had been the only one to understand what had happened. Her situation was similar, after all. Well, except that the spirits were controlling her rather than the other way around. A wry smile distorted her face at the irony of it all.

The girl accepted the water skin Emily had offered her gratefully, swallowing the water in large, ungainly gulps. The water slid soothingly down her throat, wiping away the uncomfortable dry feeling. Her movements were still rather uncoordinated, though she was starting to get an idea of how the next couple of days were going to work.

“I’m starting to wonder how I’m going to communicate with them from now on,” she said to no one in particular. “I can’t just grab the rod whenever I need help like I did before. I’m afraid the shaft is pretty useless unless I’m in a fierce battle or grievously wounded,” Her own magic wasn’t very good at all, even though her vocabulary was relatively advanced. She could probably only hold a pebble in the air for a couple minutes, and even after that she was rather exhausted. Her fighting abilities weren’t the best either. Sure, she could hold her own in front of a couple of soldiers, but in a real war she would just get in the way.

“I’ll be back at the camp for a little while. Don’t worry about me; I can find my way,” she said, heading in the direction she remembered the camp to be. The going was rough, even though she could look in the minds of the animals hiding nearby to guide her. The whole experience was tedious and more than a little strange. It was odd, seeing herself through the eyes of hundreds of small, frightened creatures. Despite their help, she still tripped on a couple of tree roots on the way back to camp.


((Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. DX I'll try to post more often.))

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"hang on I'll go with you" Emily called after Kianna. she ran over to her now blind friend and supported her.


Raven watched after them a grim look on her face. She shifted her feet and tried to decide if she should go with them, she decided that she should stay and see what would happen to the boy and weather or not the shade and Zailik were with the Empire.


Will opened his bright red eyes and looked at Zailik. “vary” he answered as his stomach gave a low rumble.


(sorry I’m watching a move as I do this so it’s kind of short)

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((For some reason I'm up at 4 in the morning and stayed up until I remember my bored self could come here... I stayed up until 2 last night, why am I up now? xd.png ))


Draith watched Kianna and Emily leave. Raven was still around which confused her slightly. She thought over what Kianna had said, coming to a couple conclusions she may or may not like. "Would you perhaps like something to eat or drink?" Draith said to Raven, remembering that she might be hungry.



Zailik looked around for a moment, the soldiers were gone now that he was here. They were over in smaller groups, talking and shoving and having a good old time. Shaking his head, Zailik looked back to Will, judging how well he was bound. "Do you care what you get to eat? Or is soup fine?" He remembered Draith had leftover soup she'd made and possible some deer meat if he wanted that added. Draith, your prisoner is hungry. Who should get the food since the soldiers aren't paying attention. He said mentally to Draith, looking in her direction. Kianna and Emily were gone now but the other girl and the shade were still around. Where had the other two gone, one was blind after all.


((it's odd here when no one is around xd.png when I showed up, no one was on, now there's like 10 people.... never seen it so low.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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"yes pleas….. But no meat” Raven replied to draith. She looked in the direction that Emily and Kianna had gone.


“no I don’t care” will answered Zailik.


(sorry but I gtg so that is y this is so short)

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((...odd, I don't remember clicking to come here. But, oh well I'm here and that's fine DS.))


Draith nodded slightly. She turned around and started her way back to the camp to see if any food was left over. I'll get it since the other one left wants something. Does he like or care if there's meat around? We have extra is why and unless you plan on eating it all in the next few days it needs to go. Either way I'm getting it, I'm sure even if that boy doesn't want it one of the soldiers would. Oh and try and find out his name would you? She answered Zailik, the boy's name was important to her even if she had to figure it out for herself. Draith looked back, glancing at Zailik to see what was going on now. Draith saw both water skins and shook her head slightly. Leave it to Zailik to find the wine filled one. She thought, remembering how odd he got last time she left both out. Luckily for her one was empty of both wine and water, not that the water bothered her.



Zailik threw another rock as an experiment to see which would skip better, thin oval shaped or thick oval shaped. He didn't see a difference in either though since both never skipped. "Well, I hope you don't mind soup. Would you like meat with it though? Either way I find it good but that's your preference to decide." He said, looking at the water as a few ripples broke the glass-like surface. Another rock was thrown in before Zailik turned to face Will. "My name's Zailik if you're wondering." He said with a smile, grabbing the wine filled water skin and taking a sip.


((clueless crazy Draith...))

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Akira was really starting to get annoyed at all the rocks. Even if they weren't about to hit her they still startled her. Will I'm getting sick of all the rocks being chucked over here. She complained in Wills head with an irritated tone.


(sorry will be on and off tonight. goin to fireworks and have my little cousin here so.)

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((just out of the blue but I'm watching a movie so if anyone is on... I'll be on/off for a bit, I'll be around, just not paying attention. Bet you don't know what movie it is wink.gif ))


((lets see, how many times does he say something along the lines of, "But be careful." I'll count and find out... it rhymed mad.gif ))


((Draith, phase one of the plan is coming along nicely but there's something I didn't tell you about... and Zailik, you're in on this whether or not you want to be. This'll be fun once it starts. The prologue is getting to the point where the story comes in. Aw I'm enjoying myself much more than anyone can comprehend! Pure madness will ensue I promise! Oh I can't wait!! Haa haaaa!!! ))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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it's just this young man -Zailik- tossing them Will told Akira. the boy looked up at Zailik "it would be nice to meet you.. if it weren’t for the currant circumstances" Will said. "and no I don’t care if there’s meat in the soup" he said with a shrug of his shoulders. he watched the shade as she walked across the camp


Emily helped Kianna down the ruff trail.


Raven looked one last time after her friends, then she turned and walked over to the edge of the lake not far away from were the boy and Zailik were. She nimbly jumped onto a boulder and looked across the lake's glassy water. he picked up a flat rock and with a flick of her wrist she sent it skimming along the top of the water, when it reached some distance it slowed and slowly sank into the dark cold water of the lake.

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Kianna was grateful for Emily’s help, even though she didn’t express her gratitude verbally. Her mind was getting very tired of constantly seeking out the animals on the trail. Her mental skills were actually her strong point, but in the big scheme of things, they were rather low on the scale. She continued to stumble blindly along the trail, clutching her friend’s arm for support and guidance.

In couple of days… that’s when my vision will be back, she thought. Even now, she was starting to see a difference between light and dark, but it was very faint. If she turned her head up toward the sky, the sun’s rays were strong enough for her to discern from the darkness of the forest’s shade. However, she could have been imagining the whole thing.

When they finally reached the camp, the girl plopped onto the dry soil, exhausted. “That was a nice little hike, wasn’t it?” she said to Emily, her voice drenched in sarcasm.

((DX Haven't been on the forum all day. NEED TO BE ON MORE OFTEN!! DX DX))

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Emily sat down next to her friend on the ground. “aye… do you want some water?” she asked concerned.


Will leaned back against the boulder and stared at the bright blue sky. “that reminds me of when I still had a home” he said, with a sigh, to himself not knowing that he had been talking out loud.


(sorry my brain shut down for this post)

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“If you’ve got any to spare, I would thoroughly appreciate it,” Kianna answered her friend. A loud sigh escaped her as she leaned back against a large evergreen. The tree was larger around than she and probably at least four others could reach hand in hand, while it was taller than most of the maple trees she was used to.

When the girl shifted her position slightly, she realized something she hadn’t noticed before: the tree was coated in tree sap. Quickly, she scooted away from the tree, but she was too late. Her hair was already covered in the syrupy goo. “It’s going to be hell washing this out…” she murmured, slightly annoyed. If this had happened at the beginning of their “hunting trip” she would have freaked out, running every which way in search of a water source to wash her hair in. Now, personal hygiene wasn’t all that high on her list of needs.

Edited by Pugglemuggle

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Akira said back to Will hmm well it's annoying. She then was surprised to see a girl by the lake. yikes she said to Will why reflexily jumping back in the bush.

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What!?… why did you say yikes Will said to Akira as he instinctively tried to get to his feet and draw his sword, but he just managed to make himself slide off the boulder and land heavily on his back in the pebble mixed sand. He gave a grunt as his head struck a particularly large pebble. “ow” he muttered unable to rise because his legs were bound along with his hands.


(gtg I wont be on tomorrow vary much with it being the 4th and all)

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((Jeez I go to bed and you guys come back laugh.gif one of these days I'll stay up just to see. and same goes for me as far as what dragonsword said. this is the only post I'll make since no one's up in my house....and it's not even that early!))


Draith walked down the trail she assumed would be easiest to get into the camp without scaring Kianna. She head Raven walking somewhere behind for a moment before that faded. Up ahead Draith did see the camp along with Emily and Kianna. Walking around the pair to give them room, she went to the fire that had once again gone out. The soup pot was half full but it was cold. The deer meat was neatly wrapped beside it which Draith picked up first. "Would you two like anything to eat?" She asked Emily and Kianna, grabbing the small pot and turning around. "This is just some deer and then the soup most of you had before."



Zailik threw another rock, discouraged that it didn't even skip. He saw Raven walked by and watched her for a moment, making sure she wouldn't try anything with Will. When she skipped her rock that made him even more discouraged. But the sound behind him covered that, Will had fallen over. "Here, let me help." Zailik said, uprighting Will back onto the rock. "The food, I'm assuming, will be here soon."


((I think I made up a word, uprighting. sure seems like it, everything else says it doesn't exist. oh well.))


Edited by Dragonhatchling

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“Thank you” Will said as Zailik helped his sit up. He leaned back against the boulder. “I think I have a headache now” he muttered. His head hurt where he had hit the rock.


(sorry but I gtg to town now)

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Akira replyed to Will Oh I was just startled by a girl skipping rocks. I hope no one heard me I jumped back so I'm guessing the bush rustled. She quickly looked around to see if anyone was looking over at her bush.

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Kianna turned her head up in Draith’s direction, unsure as to whether or not she was actually facing the shade. Unfortunately, she was looking at a tree instead. “Yes please. I’d love some soup,” Her stomach felt as though it had shrivled to the size of an acorn due to lack of food. She really hadn’t gone that long without food, yet she felt as though it had been months.


((Who's the girl? Is it Raven?))

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((after you see this I'll be asleep but I'll be on all day after 8:00am my time I'm sure, not like I have a life in summer. well there's homework but I won't read the three huge books probably until last minute, same goes for the papers I have to write /sarcasm about not finishing homework))


Draith poured Kianna a bowl and set it down in front of her, noisier than normal so she'd hopefully know. She also left a bowl for Emily if she wanted any. "If you want more, I'll be down by the lake again." With that Draith turned and set a course for the lake's edge. She got there faster than it took to get to camp though and soon spotted Zailik still with Will. A bowl was already poured for the boy and the deer meat was still around, bundled into a tight package of ready-to-go strips and chunks. Draith chuckled a bit, mulling over a thought that had come up before. "Here's you food, and some meat if you want it." She said as kind as she could, setting the bowl down along with two unwrapped strips of cooked deer. The other left over meat was stilled wrapped which Draith saw a few soldiers look hungrily at her assumedly for it. Draith left Zailik and Will, waling over to a smaller group and handing them two wrapped strips, a little thicker than what she gave Will.



Zailik nudged the bowl over to Will more, wondering how exactly he'd eat this if his hands were bound. He certainly wasn't going to untie Will but helping him wasn't out of the question, he had to eat after all. "If you want help, I'll help." Zailik said, pulling out a knife he'd found lieing by one of the unconscious soldiers. unfortunately that soldier never woke up so Zailik figured he'd keep the knife for the time being. He cut a smaller pieced from the first strip of meat, taking a bite to see how it tasted. Not the best deer in the world but considering it'd been wrapped for a day he didn't mind.

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