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Eragon (semi-lit)

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Will shifted as the pain in his left side and chest lifted. he mumbled something then drifted into a dark dreamless sleep.


Raven watched the shade as she walked over to them. she slightly tightened her grip on Kianna's shoulder to let her know that the shade was there.

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Akira, still running through the forest, saw the sun start coming up. She then thought to her self When will I get there. I'm tired and hungry. I wish Will was here. She then decided to take a rest. She found a bush and went and curled up in it and fell asleep. Not knowing her tail was sticking out.


(Will someone make something interesting happen to Akira. dry.gif )

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((like interesting how? and I don't think you want what I have in mind at the moment... someone's bound to be burned again xd.png ))

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((like I said before DH you made an evil/good shade xd.png ....... Akiraa you could have her get lost and end up going in a circle and she arives back at the lake or something like that if you want !?!?!))

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((like I said before, the good ones are evil 'cause they're not 'normal' and the evil ones are good. good= normal. although no one's ever normal.... we don't know what 'normal' is for a human. and... I wish I could burn my neighbor like Will got burned... although then jail or something might come up, a big huge cage with people around is all that is. I don't know what to do!!!! xd.png ))


((Akira. You don't want Draith to find you... no you don't. definitely not.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(Yes well Draith dosn't have to. but i like dragonsword's idea.)

Akira woke up and started walking the way she thought she was before she slept. Unknowingly going the opposite direction. After awhile of walking she stepped in to a clearing. looking she see's Will and everyone. Knowing she had gone around in a circle she hurried and hid in the bushes hoping no one had seen her.

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Will shifted and slowly opened his eyes. He blinked in the bright sun light as his eyes adjusted to the new light. He looked around at all the soldiers, he saw that something was wrong with the girl that had tried -and failed- to rescue him. He looked away, he didn’t want to think about what might have happened to her on his part.


Will looked out over the lake lost in his own thoughts.

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Akira saw Will wake up and said to him Will! I got lost and went in a circle. What should I do? She asked.


(sorry writers block)

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Will jumped as Akira entered his mind. That really stinks… um just stay hidden untill I can think of something he told her


((same with me))

Edited by dragonsword

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(I have nothing really to post except this:)


Aryn cocked her head and smiled. "Night night!" She whispered and knocked her bow on the leaders head. He itmedetly went uncosious. The soldiers started to aim but she was quicker. Mumbling a few words, all the soldiers were fast asleep and she sent a message to her father who wasn't too far away because she had only travled a few miles or so. "Father, a small group of soldiers heading your way," Then she got back onto her stallion and rode.

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((Saphira see giant recap above somewhere if you're lost and reading this page.))


Draith didn't mind a new day coming about. She liked the idea of having a fresh slate to start with all over again, even if her slate wasn't completely anew. She saw how Raven acted when she walked over and didn't much care, Kianna was blind somehow and needed to know. Will was up and better it seemed, clearly noticing something wrong with Kianna as well. The only one that Draith could tell who was bothered by this new day was Zailik. He knew how she got in the morning after something went or nearly went wrong. Draith only smiled though, letting him worry about what was to come.



Zailik didn't like the idea of having a score to settle with Draith, but then who would? The sunlight reflected off the water into his eyes for a moment before he moved aside a bit not only to get out of the light but get a better view of Will in case he should try and run again. He thought he'd heard a rustle of bushes behind him but tossed that thought up to lack of sleep. A new day meant new tasks or punishments depending on who's side you were on. Neither of which looked good to Zailik. He preferred the night when no one was likely to see him coming or going. It was always easier to get things done then.


((I turned a nice happy new day into a nightmare filled with Draith's type of happiness xd.png and I'm going to bed. See you guys tomorrow sometime but I won't be on for most of the afternoon like I have been, another party/graduation/family gathering thing.... just for the record, I prefer Zailik's way of looking at nighttime but Draith's ideas are somewhat hidden in this post. Just try and think like her and combine that with random ol' me and you get something very very fun on both terms which is probably why everyone still tries to kill me three years after I started telling my neighbor I am not a rider. He yet has to believe that...it's bad enough I yelled at him ONCE and he thinks I'm now a shade/rider which is odd, very very odd. Never was I that mean, or can be. Can't take it... reminds me too much of those pointy sharp needles *shivers* runons runons! man long sentences are what sleepy brain does...carp, this is bigger than my actual 'hey read this' post xd.png g'night!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Akira told Will ok I'll stay hidden. She the curled up in the bush she was in so she was comfortable.

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((wow! FAIL! I forgot I edited my post and wondered how Saphira knew I'd say that xd.png I do need sleep, I'm typing/talking waaaay too much.))

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((....now who said I was leaving yet? oh that's right, I did! xd.png aw man! .... bye for sure now, I think... well let's put it this way; I hope I'll get some sleep without having someone pick the lock on my door and wake me up. My parents don't really care 'cause they don't believe my neighbor does this, I find it quite funny actually. er, bye, for sure, yes. bye. well. good night, or bad night, whichever you prefer.))

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(bye I have to get off to till tomorrow.)

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((back and nothing to say unless you want the 'day' to be more of a dark one. Oh, and 7pm I leave for the rest of the night probably. That's my time zone btw so you can tailor that to wherever you are. Which I do believe one is California am I right?))

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((that would be me *lifts hand into the air and waves it about*))

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((I have a cousin who live is California. i don't see her much but I understand how different times here compared to there are. *bangs head on wall* Think of something would you!? Or are you broken?))

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(can we get back to the RP now pleas xd.png )


Emily went and got her water skin. “here drink this” she said to Kianna. “Raven will give it to you if you want” she said handing the water skin to her elf-friend.


Raven took the water skin with one hand but still sported Kianna with her other one.


(I know, I know that was stooped but I got bored and had no idea what to do… so pleas don’t yell your head off at me)

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((?? now why would I yell at you? That's Draith's job and besides she's currently thinking of a scheme to get Zailik into trouble.))


Draith just stood by Raven, Emily and Kianna. She occasionally glanced over at Will to make sure he was still around. Zailik seemed bothered by her presence but she liked that idea. She guess he was wondering just exactly what she had in store for him. "My guess, Kianna, would be you worked them a bit too much didn't you?" Draith said, finally speaking up. She smiled at the thought of what could have happened.



Zailik sighed, the sun was a bit higher and still persisted to shine off the lake and into his eyes. Draith seemed to be enjoying herself with her talk. He didn't want to even think of what she meant at the moment.

Walking back up, Zailik went to their camp and grabbed both water skins. One was filled completely with wine while the other didn't have anything it in. The one with wine must have been Draith's that she refilled since he remember drinking everything from both of them.

Zailik made his way back to the lake and slowly walked over to Will. "Want some?" He asked, bending down to fill the other water skin. "If you're wondering what it is, it's just wine, or you could have this one if you want." He set the wine skin down by Will as he filled the other with water.

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Will was suspicious but the dryness in his throat won him over. “I’ll just have the water if I may” he said, his voice was quiet and ruff from so much lack of water and all the screaming he had done last night . “I don’t think I should have the wine” he added for he knew that he needed water right now and not the wine to satisfy his thirst.

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((I fail.))


Zailik nodded, done filling the water skin. He handed it to Will and sat down, at a loss of things to do. He picked up a flat but rounder rock and through it, watching it skip a few times across the glass surface of the lake.



Draith watched Zailik for a moment. She wasn't so sure of what he was doing but she was sure for the reasons of why. Will probably needed something to drink by now after last night with all the smoke.


((Pugglemuggle.... you're good at making things happen.... care to make something happen that can be done without me since I leave in an hour for a while and am not sure when I'll be back on? Yes I saw you around, that's what the Online List is for xd.png ))

((figures she'd be gone when I posted ninja.gif 'd by Pugglemuggle. and I leave now...so have fun without everything being twisted to knots while I'm gone.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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