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Eragon (semi-lit)

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(( blink.gif *tries to calm Will down* she can help you. and I'm not kidding about that. she really can help. *tries to stop laughing* .....I'm really cracking up right now...not sure why but I find this fun in a way.))


Draith was knocked back off her feet from the large gust along with the soldiers. What the? She thought, getting back up. She looked around as some of the soldiers were knocked out cold, probably from hitting their head on something just right. The light feelings was more intense now for Draith but she ignored it still and sighed, relaxing the flames slightly. "Do that again and it'll get worse." She said, glancing back at Zailik. Looking back at the wall she spotted the boy farther up but barely, the smoke was clouding her view through the small hole. "I'll ask for the third time, would you like help? I can offer a degree of help if you'd like, otherwise I could let you burn too if you want, either won't matter to me." Draith personally preferred the latter but decided to make an exception.



Zailik wasn't sure if he should have but he moved up to Kianna and knelt next to her. Excuse me for this, but I think Draith wants to know if you're alright and not to mention I'd like to know if I had anything to do with making that mist stuff appear. He said to Kianna mentally, hoping once she woke up that he wouldn't get attacked by her either. Having a shade still angry at you, whether or not they seemed to be, was enough for him at the moment.

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“I‘d prefer not but as the other choice is burn to death I guess I have no choice“ Will gasped to the shade though his teeth in pain as he pushed himself off the ground and staggered to his feet. he lurched forward gasping. he staggered and cried out as the flames finely reached the side of his chest and his breathing grew raged.


(DH you made an evil shade xd.png ..... how dare you)

Edited by dragonsword

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((.....your post went poof xd.png . the good ones are evil. the evil ones are good. make sense? draith, she's altogether different.))


Draith smiled a bit more and let the flames die down a bit. A crash sounded to her left and it showed a soldier who'd fallen through a burnt log. "One way to get in." She said to him, getting the flames out of the path there. The light-headed feeling was greater now but Draith knew she had to ignored it a little longer. "Alright. Well help you'll get." She called to Will, walking inside the barrier with what was left of the conscious soldiers behind her. Flames skirted around the group but didn't go near thanks to Draith but in doing so this took a considerable amount of energy out of her each time.

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Will gasped for air as he leaned against a tree. Akira get out of here….. And don’t argue with me he told the dragon as he pushed her with his foot into the trees. Will slowly lifted his dark red head to look at the approaching shade and soldiers. He glanced behind them and saw the soldiers that his spell had knocked out, he gave a small smile then gasped again as the small fire that was left on him slowly and painfully clawed it’s way across his chest under his armor. He clutched his chest with his right hand -his left arm being burned- and closed his eyes against a wave pain.

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Akira frowned but did as Will told her but she said to him I'm only hiding till I think your actually captured. She then ran and hid in the bushes.

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((see, right there, there's the button! *presses and falls onto ceiling when world is flipped upside-down* then wouldn't this be the floor?))


Draith spotted the boy and couldn't help but smile at her work. She muttered a few words and nearly fell from the spell as the fire left Will's body. "Better a bit?" She teased somewhat, coughing a little. Three soldiers then rushed Will with ropes and extra rope if it was needed. "Just be careful with his burns, we don't want him to have a heart-attack or go into shock." Draith blinked a few times to clear her vision. Maybe she shouldn't have wasted her energy on Zailik, but then again- it was worth it. "I'll take care of your burns later if you come quietly with us. We won't try and hurt you, and if they do, well they know what will happen to them." She said to Will, referring to they as the soldiers.


((alright....well I'm going to bed, I may post in the morning or if not somewhere like 3:30 perhaps, or later. Later I can be on all day after 3:00pm est so... and ya know what? I hate being an hour, 2 hours, 6 hours, -insert number of hours ahead of you reading this- ahead of everything. Bad New York bad! It's bad enough I have to watch my back now...idiots they are...such idiots. blink.gif and, we've live, good night! smile.gif ))

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Akira sad saw Will get tied up and said to him stay safe Will. She then ran through the bushes towards the direction the girl said Varden was hoping she was right.

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Will, slowly and with grate pain, limped along after the shade. His left side and chest burned with pain at every step he took. Akira be carfull.... I couldn't stand to loss you he pleaded with his dragon. The soldiers led him out of the hole in the wall and back into the clearing. the boy groaned and clenched his teeth as his injured left leg slipped in the sand, a soldier stayed him by holding the boy’s right shoulder in a tight grip.

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of course I will Will. Akira told him as she ran through the forest. Watching as trees passed by.

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I know Akira Will said, mentally sighing. The soldiers guided a half past out Will past a group of two young girls and a man who were around a third girl, will was almost dead on his feet so he didn’t see that the girl laying on the ground was the one that had helped him. The soldiers sat him down a little ways away from this group and propped his back on a boulder. The soldiers did not leave but stayed to make sure that he wouldn’t get away from them again.

Will closed his eyes against to pain, then he past out and it all went black, and he slumped against the boulder and knew no more.

Edited by dragonsword

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Akira sad heard Will then reached to reply but found he was passed out. Sad she started to cry and run at the same time. She really wished she was bigger and could fly Will out of their. She felt really useless right now.

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[Recap? You guys post like crazy...]

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(sorry some one else will have to recap you

I gotta go to bed see you tomorrow dry.gif )

Edited by akiraa

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“What are you doing, Kianna?” a voice asked inside of her head. “We are not weapons to use whenever you like, and we are not servants to follow your will,” The voice was strange; it wasn’t male or female, old or young, singular or plural. It seemed to come from all directions all at once, but didn’t echo like she expected it to. “Who are you?” she asked the strange being.

“You should know who we are. We are the spirits who dwell within you. You refer to us as ‘your spirits,’ but in truth we do not belong to you,” they said. “We have taken control of your body temporarily to explain this to you,”

“Tell me what?” she asked. This was all news to her. Never once had she thought that her spirits- no, the spirits- could communicate verbally with her, or think like she did, for that matter.

“We belong to no one, and are your equals, not your subordinates. We fight along side you, not under you. We have no intention of controlling you longer than necessary, but we may be forced to if you continue to wield us like a dagger or a sword,” they said. "Although we are not strong enough to overpower you, we could if it was essential to our survival. Keep that in mind during the following battles,”

Their statement about their strength frightened her. What did they mean they could take over her if they needed to? Did they mean that they were the ones deciding whether or not she became a shade? It all made absolute zero sense. “What now?” she asked them. Something in the back of her mind was bothering her, telling her that she needed to wake up. It made her anxious to awaken once more.

“Now we shall deliver your punishment for ignoring us and for treating us improperly,” said the spirits with an obviously grim air.

“What punishment? You won’t kill me… will you?” The girl was seriously starting to panic. Punishment? They were going to punish her now?

“As to ensure you do not mistreat us again, we shall confiscate your vision for the time being. We expect it to return over the next couple days, as it would be too much of a bother to withhold it longer, and that length of time should be a sufficient sentence for one who acts ignorantly,”

Oh god. No. They were going to make her blind? With Draith around, she’d be an easy target, unable to defend herself. “Please don’t! There’s a shade who could possibly obliterate me if I became as defenseless as a blind woman!” she pleaded.

“Farewell, Kianna Neldasdaugher,” said the spirits as the slowly released their hold on her.




As Kianna woke, she felt as though she should be seeing something, or at least registering a picture, but nothing came up. “No. I’m blind. Oh no.” she cried in disbelief. “They took away my sight,”

Beside her she could sense the presence of her two friends, and the company of what she thought was Zailik. “Raven? Emily? It’s you, right?” she asked, searching for them blindly with her hands. “I can’t see you anymore. Not at all,”


((This took forever to format. Yay for blindness! biggrin.gif))

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(( xd.png someone will not be happy amazingly. she had plans for you that I didn't tell you about Pugglemuggle...))


Draith sat down atop another rock with a smaller tree growing on top of it. She held her head for the light-headed feeling was getting stronger. Draith saw the boy pass out and noticed most of the soldiers had stayed by him. Kianna had woken up too but mumbled something about loss of sight. Did too much didn't you? She asked Kianna, closing her eyes for a moment to try and clear her head. Draith swayed a bit and opened her eyes again. "Great." She mumbled, leaning against a tree. One of the soldiers noticed but she raised a hand, signaling for him not to bother. Again her eyes closed once she was sure the soldier wouldn't come, soon after she was out cold against the tree.



Zailik looked at Kianna confused. She really couldn't see? How? "Zailik's around too as well as Emily and Raven. Are you alright besides the fact you can't see?" He'd heard of magicians taking away the ability to see but Kianna getting it taken from a they? Who was the they? Zailik looked over at Draith to see if she'd help but noticed the shade had actually passed out. Worked too hard I guess. He thought, shaking his head slightly.

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Raven reached out and took hold of Kianna’s hand lightly stroking it. Can I help you at all? The elf asked. her inner voice was thick with concern for her new friend. Do you know what happened to you?


Emily was struck dumb. She had not known that magic could punish it’s user so severely as to blind them. Now she definitely didn’t want to be able to do magic, not that she ever really had.


(gtg soon sry)

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[Recap? You guys post like crazy...]

[Can someone please tell me what's going on? =3]

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((RECAP SO FAR: /just don't kill me if I missed a few things\ Ok. Draith and Zailik were making their way down to Surda and camped while Kianna, Raven and Emily were going on a hunting trip, along with Eragon and Saphira. Kianna, Raven, and Emily somewhat met up with Draith and Zailik during a "random" soldier attack. Most of the soldiers left so Zailik offered to let Kianna, Raven and Emily come to Draith's camp. Eragon and Saphira offered to keep a watch out and flew above them to watch since Draith and Zailik didn't, still don't, know about them.

Will came along to bother the lingering soldiers who camped not far from Draith's camp. Those soldiers ended up capturing him and he found a dragon egg near where they left him until morning. The egg hatched and Will made a run for it with the dragon, Akira. They rode on a wolf he owned and soon got hit by a poisoned arrow, knocking Will off the wolf and out.

Draith and Zailik knew about this afterward thanks to Kianna finding out so Draith sent Zailik to check on things. Once everything was in check, the group (Draith, Zailik, Raven, Kianna, Emily) met up with the soldiers who held Will captive.

Draith wanted to find out who shot the poisoned arrow and when a soldier ran away Zailik was sent after him. Kianna soon followed and Will then chose to make another run for it. He ran to the lake where Kianna and Zailik had the runaway soldier, Kianna spotted him before Zailik and used her rod Angela gave to her to create a dense forest for Will to get to the Varden on the path. It was equipped with a barrier to hold people up from getting in or out. Kianna passed out after this.

Draith sent the soldiers and Zailik to get Will but first to get through the barrier. A fire was set that spread through the barrier, accompanied by Draith's special 'searching fire' that ended up finding Will.

Meanwhile, Raven and Emily had found Kianna and suspected Draith or Zailik for hurting her. Zailik had gotten Draith mad and they fought for a short while. Once the barrier was burnt and hacked through, Draith went to find Will, offering him help with the fire that would soon consume him. Will accepted and Draith took the opportunity to capture Will again.

While this happened, Kianna had been punished by the spirits within her and lost her ability to see.

Once Draith had successfully gotten out of the pathway of forest, that Kianna had created, with Will still tied, she made sure he wouldn't go anywhere and passed out.

Akira ran off in the direction of the Varden as we speak. This is where we are now. :RECAP DONE))


((Side note: Eragon and Saphira are still flying/watching everyone.))


((just for the record, all the recap is off the top of my head, if I missed something or something is wrong- don't kill me. and not post for the furthering of story, I don't have anything to say. You're welcome Hollyleaf and whoever else needed it, if they needed it.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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“Umm… I think I’m alright… Just a little tired, and blind,” Kianna said, trying to pinpoint where Zailik’s voice was coming from. “There really isn’t anything you can do. I think their magic is stronger than all of ours put together… At least, that’s what they told me. They also said that I’d be fine in a couple of days…” she explained. A light touch from Raven revealed her elf-friend’s location. The girl turned toward her friends, a sad smile on her face. “I guess I deserve it, though…”

Slowly, her body adjusted to being sightless. With Raven’s support, she stood, disoriented and wobbly. “Really, I’m fine. However, it may take me a little while to get used to this,”

Something in the back of her mind was bothering her. With a jolt, she realized the worry was about Will’s escape. “Is the boy here, or did he get away?” asked Kianna in a small voice, asking Raven exclusively.


((sleep.gif I really seem to have spent all my creativity earlier or something...))

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Zailik sighed and stood slowly so he wouldn't scare Kianna. When she asked about the boy he knew she was asking Raven. He figured she wouldn't be happy with the news of him still being around. Zailik backed up a bit and turned toward Will. There he saw that Will was still asleep but surrounded a few soldiers. One of them continually glanced at Draith as if wanting her not to wake up. This made him smile a little. "Well Kianna, for whatever reason that you deserved this... this is quite a way to have to learn a lesson." Zailik said, turning back around to see Kianna, Raven and Emily.



((....being bored and having nothing to say is boring.))

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(you did forget something in your recap. Akira is running to the Varden after Will was captured again.)

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((thank you and sorry for forgetting it.))

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(your welcome and no problem.) biggrin.gif

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Raven gave a sad smile. “the boy was captured again and The shade sent a searching fire to find him -as she and the soldiers hacked down your barrier- it burned a lot of the boy’s left side and most of his chest when it reached him though” she said sadly as she supported her friend. “he is now past out” she added glancing up at Zailik with a look that said ‘I know you didn‘t do this’ then she looked back to Kianna.


Emily hovered around her friends not sure what she should do. She blinked in the early morning sun as it slipped over the trees


Will was still out cold as all this happened and he did not stir as the sun slowly slipped up over the trees and glinted on the lake water.

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((pugglemuggle you know what, my plan is going to change ever-so-slightly to add to something except I haven't figured out what I need to change to have my fun. so perhaps it won't change at all, my brain hasn't decided... anyway, this won't be fun, it'll be short considering I still don't have anything to say and am incredibly bored at the moment.))


Draith's eyes snapped open and she sat up on the rock, quickly remembering what had happened and why she was awake. Will was still there and it seemed Kianna had stood up, but why was she holding onto that other girl? Zailik and Emily seemed a little worried still about something. I'm guessing you're not alright anymore are you Kianna? Draith said mentally to the girl. She seemed not to be able to see.

Draith jumped off the rock and walked over to Will. A few of the soldiers left around him nodded to her, already knowing what she'd do. With a few quick words, Will's burns were gone and no sign of tramua was found anywhere else. Draith looked back over to Zailik who had caught her movement and smiled which seemed to unsettle him a bit. You and I have a score to settle after everything is sorted out. Was all she said to him as she walked over near Emily just to see what exactly happened to Kianna for herself.


((and. boredom you may come back now...))

((I'll pop in and out from now on. My computer's charging since it's dead so I'll find something else to do.... but, if you need me I'll come look.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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