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Eragon (semi-lit)

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Akira heard Will and yawned. Sure. Whats your plan? She then climbed out of Wills pocket and cloak then ran to the back of the trees and cut Wills ropes. She then ran back and hid in his cloaks pocket. (sorry if theres typos or anything. I'll fix them when i get on the real computer.)

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my plan... my plan is to run for it Will said as he got to his feet and bolted across the clearing. hold on in there Akira


Raven jumped as the boy's eyes flew open and he shot off towards the other end of the clearing

"what the" Emily said as she started to her feet.

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ok Will. Akira then held on as she felt Will run.

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Will ran faster then a normal human thanks to his elven blood. he could hear the soldiers shouting and running around behind him, he heard the leader yell something as the boy ran around the rocks by the lake.

Will slipped and skidded on the pebble mixed sand, he looked up and slid to a halt as he saw a man holding a young soldier in his arms with a girl at his side. “drat it.... so close” Will growled as he franticly looked around for an escape root he could use.

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Akira felt Will running very quickly and slipping a bit. She then felt him stop. She then asked him Will, what happened? Why did we stop? Is there a problem?(This will be my last time on tonight. Sorry phone dying.)

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(kk Akiraa see ya latter))


there is some people in front of me... I'm stuck in between the soldiers and these three.... on seems to be past out though he explained to Akira.

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Kianna jumped, startled when the boy, Will, appeared suddenly a few feet away from them. This was her chance. Now, she would be able to fulfill her promise to the small hatchling.

“Move. Over there,” she directed the boy, pointing to a small clearing in the trees. Her pack was still on her shoulder, so from it she drew her special wooden rod. Her breathing relaxed slightly when the shaft made contact with her skin, allowing the familiar warm presence to come forth, surrounding her in the usual purple haze. ((*SHOT*)) Soon, she had enough energy to use magic. After a few moments of muttering, the clearing where Will and the hatchling were standing opened up into a long pathway lined with a tight-fitting barrier of tall trees. The entrance was blocked, preventing anyone from coming in or out.

“This should delay them for a while and buy you some time, but it won’t last very long. Make haste!” she told the boy with her mind. “Go south to Surda, and there you will find the Varden. They will take care of you and ensure your well-being,”

Only seconds after she’d finished her spell, something happened deep within her. A new swirling cloud of mist engulfed her as her inner spirits took control of her body, forcing her to the ground. They pushed her into the darkness, and she remembered nothing more.


((She's not dead, just unconscious. I'm considering making her go blind after this, possibly forever, possibly until she can find someone who can cure her, or perhaps just temporarily. What are your thoughts? I just feel like I've made her too... awesome? I want something bad to happen to her. xd.png))

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((they made a run for it I see xd.png I'll be right back after I sort something out with my dogs.))


Draith turned around, letting the soldier she held go, as the boy who was supposed to be tied to a tree made a run for it. "Don't just stand there! Get him!" She yelled at a couple of the younger soldiers who stood gaping as the boy ran. Zailik, we've got a problem coming your way. She sent to Zailik hoping if she couldn't get to the boy in time he might just run right into Zailik. Draith shoved one of the soliders onward and took off after, continually yelling at a few who persisted that the boy was already gone.



Zailik had already guessed something was amiss when he noticed Will ahead of him. Great. He thought, watching Kianna pull a rod from her backpack. What are you-" Before he could finish, Zailik remembered the last time Kianna had used this rod and watched as sort-of the same thing happened. Mist was all he could see soon enough which Zailik didn't like. After it cleared a bit, Kianna was on the ground and the boy seemed to be behind a blocked path. Draith half scared him from behind when she showed up, clearly unhappy. "I know. Go get him." Zailik answered before he was yelled at. Running, he stopped at the barrier, checking for wards or trap-spells. Finding none, a small fire sprouted beneath the barrier in Zailik's hopes it could provide a possible breaking point.


((bad happen to Kianna? I have something in mind... but you won't like it, neither will she xd.png although someone else would.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Will stood in complete shock, he had no idea what was going on. he jumped and let out a cry as magical fire suddenly sprang up from under the wall, he could see cracks starting to spread over the face of the wall.

“oh that cant be good” he said with a groan.

He turned and started to sprint down the trail not caring where it led to, all around him the only thing he could see was dark trees covered in shadows.

“I don’t like this….. I realy don’t like this” he said increasing his speed.

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((yes Kianna failed at getting Will out sooner. I see you made a comment of that before. Once again I'm stating the obvious xd.png ))


Draith watched Zailik as he attempted to get through the barrier. A small fire like that would take hours to get a hole big enough to get through. She silently walked over to Zailik, moved him out of the way and added a few of her own spells to the fire he created. The fire soon turned a darker black and grew a bit, burning more around but it also was searching for a way to possible follow the boy. Draith felt the effects of these spells soon after but refused help when she saw Zailik offer. "You obviously can't help yourself through here, how would you help me then? Besides, I don't need help, I'm fine."



Zailik added a few more spot fires around Draith's fire who seemed to have a mind of it's own. "I was just making sure I wouldn't get yelled at later." He muttered, ducking when Draith tried grabbing him. He jumped back before she got a hold on him and looked around to see the soldiers trying to hack their way through the areas of the barrier that weren't on fire. "I'm trying to help. That's all, alright Draith?" Zailik backed up more when Draith advanced, she was mad, he could see that. "Kianna's the one who did this. I know you're mad but take it out on her or something, she helped him and even knew about your warnings." He didn't feel like dieing right not, especially since Draith really seemed angry at the moment. He ducked when a thin wave of flame came at him. Why'd it have to be me... Zailik thought, hoping someone might care that he was going to be fried.


((either way phase one of my plan is coming into play. Thank you Dragonsword for jump-starting it! You may or may not be surprised in the end.))

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(( laugh.gif your welcome….. I think))


Will made the mistake of looking behind him. He gasped, stumbled, and fell when he saw that the fire had grown and turned a sinister black. Why me…. He thought not knowing that he was echoing Zailik’s thoughts. Akira if I they catch me again I want you to run to the Varden and let them know…. You got that He asked her with a quiver in his inner voice.


Raven ran over to Kianna. She reached with her mind into Kianna’s. Kianna can you hear me? She asked the girl.


Emily hovered over her too new friends hoping Kianna would be okay. She llifted her head glaring at Zailik and draith then looked back down at Kianna.

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((Doubt? There shouldn't be any doubt. You're helping DS you're helping! *begins to get very excited and starts bouncing but stops when a lamp fell over* and.... I didn't do it!! *runs*))


Draith half growled under her breath as Zailik continued to back up. She saw the look Emily gave them but didn't care. Why should she? She didn't do anything to Kianna. "What's the matter Zailik? Scared?" Draith teased, sending another bout of smaller fireballs at him. She watched him dodge some and shield the ones he could. "What happened to fighting back when in danger?" Again another tease to see his reaction. Behind her the soldiers continued their hacking but didn't get very far until the fires spread to that area. With that the ones who didn't see this as a time to continue stopped while others who knew of the consequences continued.



Zailik held his breath when a few of the smaller flames burned him. He needed help right about now. Fighting Draith wasn't in his plans for life and he didn't plan on dieing at her hands either. "Draith just stop. We're trying. We're trying to get him back and without Kianna helping we would have had him." It seemed excuses were the only explanations that came out of his mouth, most blamed on Kianna.

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Raven froze when she heard what Zailik said. she let out a kind of discussed growl, her people didn't blame others, she had always hated people who blamed others and not themselves for things. she slowly straitened up and glared at the shade (she won't -at least for some time- call draith by her name) and Zailik.


Will saw the dark flam deepen and start to spread. he went to get to his feet but found that his foot had got entangled in something. he cursed loudly, his voice echoed as it bounced off of the trees. he knew the soldiers and they're shade would hear it. Will yanked at his foot but it wouldn't come loose, he started to panic at this point for the flames had started to crawl along the ground towards him "no" he yelled as they got even closer.

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((oh jeez. making friends now are we? *shot*))


Draith stopped when she heard what seemed to be a yell about something. It certainly wasn't Zailik who she saw continued to back up and was about to run. "Don't you dare." She said sternly. Looking back behind her, Draith saw most of the soldiers had stopped their trials of getting through the barrier. Once they saw her looking they all started up again, being careful of the flames. One of the soldiers broke through but barely. The hole wasn't even big enough to put a fist sized rock through it. "Keep going." Draith said, walking over to them. She now was really feeling the effects of the rounds of spells shot off at both the barrier and Zailik. Ignoring the faint light-headedness she lowered the flames a bit in case the boy was screaming from being burned. "Come here Zailik." Draith motioned for him to come as he just stood, glancing from Emily and Raven to Draith and back.



Zailik sighed slightly. Whoever screamed about something had stopped Draith from trying to kill him for now. He saw the looks Emily and Raven had given them and couldn't help but wonder what Raven was thinking right now. Reluctantly, he walked over to Draith who to his surprise didn't show any sign of hurting him yet. "Yes?" Zailik asked, making sure not to make the shade more angry.


((Kianna did help Will...Zailik couldn't do anything to stop her....he doesn't want to die so he tells the truth, sorta. I'm bored can you tell?))

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(yes I can.... but as for the thing with Kianna Raven doesn't know what happened so she isn't doing anything but glaring at draith and Zailik)


Will saw the flames go down a bit as they reached his boot, but they didn't stop, he scrabbled at the vine that had wrapped around his foot but pulled his hand back when the flames brushed his fingers. "no, no, NO" he yelled the last "no" as the flam jumped up his leg. it looked as if it had been looking for him. "COME ON" he yelled as he yanked at the vine. "LET ME GO".

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(("searching flame" is fun. I have no idea why I did that xd.png *blames getting lost today and making her tired which she just realized she couldn't spell tired right* Raven will know maybe. Zailik still doesn't know she's elf yet... and lets help will without helping will while knowing we're helping will without knowing we're helping him.))


Draith ignored Zailik for the moment when she heard another few yells and smiled a bit, someone clearly didn't like the fire. She closed her eyes and sent more of the black flame out past the barrier. It would hopefully join with the other flame spread out along this area to find whoever it was that was yelling. Opening her eyes again, Draith smirked at Zailik who took a step back. She rested a hand on his shoulder, holding him in place as heat eminated from her palm for a short bit. "Now go see if you can wake Kianna." She released Zailik, pleased with the burn he now had on his shoulder. "Perhaps you'd like extra help in there!?" Draith called, signaling to the soldiers to continue their assult on the barrier as she kept the fire away. More of the light-headed feeling slowly crept into Draith's mind but she continued to ignore it, knowing if she gave in this might be the last chance she had to recover her prisoner.



Zailik was surprised when he hadn't made a sound as Draith burned him. It hurt now but he hardly felt it before when it was happening. Listening to what the shade had said, Zailik strolled over to Kianna, Raven and Emily but stayed a few feet away from them. He held his right hand to his left shoulder, wincing slightly as another pain shot through him. He didn't say anything to Emily or Raven, knowing Raven clearly hated him for something.


((computer's gonna die... I might be able to save it. Saved it.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Akira replied to Will about going if he gets captured OK but I'm going to try my best to make sure that dosn't happen. She then heard Will yelling no and knew something was wrong not caring if she was seen she jumped out of his cloak and saw his foot was caught in a vine and there was fire all over the place. She, not caring if she got hurt, bit the vine till it snapped and crawled back into Will's cloak. She then said Hurry lets get going before they catch us. and then held on tight.


(sorry it took me awhile. I was kinda grounded till I got most of the dishes done.)

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(um what will Raven know *she looks around with a look that says ‘I am eagerly confused’ and scratches head*)


Emily moved out of the way of Zailik but she still kept her eyes on him.


Raven stayed where she was and continued to glare at Zailik.


Will saw more flame join the flame that was already jumping up his leg “OH COME ON…” he yelled but it then turned into a scream of pain as the fire jumped onto his arm and bit into the exposed skin under his Chan mail sleeve. it crawled even farther up his arm and his screams grew. He tried to put the flames out but just managed to make it worse.

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((uh... I'm not sure xd.png I don't even remember putting that! Bad sleepy brain bad!!))


Zailik looked at Raven for a second before looking downward more. "I didn't touch her at all you know. She had some mist stuff around her when I was around." He didn't move toward Kianna to wake her up but stayed right where he was, hoping he wasn't going to get attacked again.



Draith smiled and chuckled a bit, hearing the flames doing their job correctly. Instead of reducing the flame again, she actually added a bit more to it in hopes both the barrier would collapse and the boy might get trapped. "Would you like any help perhaps!?" Draith asked again, watching some of the soldiers glance at her as she continued to laugh slightly. This was getting fun for her.

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Akira heard will scream. She then peeked out to see the flames on Will. Not knowing what to do she jumped on his arm and started hitting them with her tail hoping it would help. While doing so she yelled in Wills head We need to go! Hopefully we will find some water or something!


(When can a dragon breath fire? I'm just curious.)

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((uh....when they're older...not sure exact age though. I don't think it ever sa- I'll look.))

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((.....*stabs google* I already knew that! well, when they're older. more specifically when they're 'one' with the rider is what I see. other than that nothing says. most of it says that they're 'one' they breathe fire and not before so...))

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Raven nodded her head and stepped out of Zailik’s way but she still watched him.


Will was in pain, he raised his arm and sent a blast of air that would knock an elephant off it’s feet, his spell swept around the wall and hit the soldiers and the shade. Will knew that it wouldn’t put out the flames but he hoped that it would brake to shade’s hold on the magic. His spell drained a lot of his energy and the pain grew. he winched as Akira's tail hit his injured arm. the flames grew and swept up his arm reaching for is chest, he let out the loudest scream of all and curled into a tight ball shuddering.

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Akira worried stopped hitting Will and started licking his injured arm. She started saying to Will Will we have to go please. Please get up. Maybe if we get to the Varden they'll help. Come on Will.

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