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Eragon (semi-lit)

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((do you? xd.png eh, anyway, since the house is now locked (you'd think the police, parents, someone! would care) and the neighbor or minions can't get in, if they do they're dead, I don't care if I get locked away...breaking and entering while I'm pretty much already asleep and not thinking right to begin with just is a bad mix. Torches, what will they do with those? I know, soak them in water and leave me along....I wish. police, aren't you supposed to actually help? some help they are, some help my parents are.... a joke, no, just no, I don't kid.))


Zailik stopped, sitting atop his rock he had when fishing before. "Then don't come. We'll just get killed by Draith later anyway... and yes I do have to tell her, although she probably won't find you anytime soon so it's just me that'll end up dead and later, later she'll forget all about you while focusing on how to dispose of me." He exaggerated the 'all' and sighed. Glum thoughts usually got the better of him but mostly it was the dry humor ones who showed their faces more often than the darker ones. "Go right ahead Zailik, keep talking to air and yourself, that's real healthy."


((now see...that made sense to me...I caught myself doing this once, although I could've sworn the person I was talking to was just next to me, I look and no one's there....found her at an ice cream shop a few good walks away xd.png what'd she do, run? well anyway, I'm going to bed. reply to anything I can tomorrow. and then I'll tell you when and when not I can be on.))

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(Fine I'll play the stooped soldier for you xd.png )


the soldier was crouching behind a big rock by the lake. why the heck did I have to run.. I didn't even shoot the kid he thought. "you say you only want to talk but how do I know that you wont kill me as soon as I show myself?" he called to Zailik. and waited for an answer.


(gtg..........sorry but I will be gone for some time cuz tomorrow I have to get a check up at the dentists, then on Sunday is my b-day party and one of my friends is staying until Tuesday so I wont be on until about Wednesday)

Edited by dragonsword

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((did you want too? 'cause you don't have too, I don't want to force it on you...too tired to do that, anyway that's Draith's job, or was...still is, still is. bad negative brain bad!))


Zailik swivlled around, he could have sworn he'd heard someone. "Well. One, because if I kill you then I'd be killed or at least eventually killed but tortured first is more likely. Two, I never said anything about killing you and am not that crafty of a person too, even if my life depended on it, which it sort of does... anyway, I couldn't kill you otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here now would I?" He continued to look for the source of the sound but kept seeing rocks.


((what time of day is it in this thing? is it still night?))

((speaking of night, this time I mean it, I'm off to bed. G'night!))

((DS, that's fine. I won't be on much tomorrow night to sunday afternoon probably and then the Mon-Fri I have 'day camp' all week so I won't be on real late like now...))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(I'll be on and off tonight anyways have a friend sleeping over.)

Edited by akiraa

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(um no I think it's erly morning.. but still kind of dark)


the soldier slowly stood up. "just to let you know.. I DID not hit the kid with the poison arrow!" he said. the soldier was still only a kid himself around the age of 18 or 19.


(now I mean it I am leaving and wont be on for some time xd.png .. so I'll see all you in about 5 days... GOOD BYE)

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(I would but I'm not a good recap-er)

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“Before you create an opinion about me, I would have you know that although I side with the Varden, I’m actually from more of a third-party, or so you could say. I don’t answer to Lady Nasuada or King Orrin, not directly or indirectly,” she explained softly, phrasing her statement very carefully in order to keep her words true. She was Angela’s apprentice, and Angela wasn’t controlled by any ruler or any sort. Angela was more of an ally to the Varden rather than a subordinate. “Therefore, my superior is not the leader of the Varden or the leader of Surda,”

Upon finishing her speech, the girl disappeared into the brush once again. Draith was sure to know what her plan was at the moment, but it didn’t really matter. The shade hadn’t forbid her from finding the missing soldier, and she hadn’t forbid her from interrogating him. All she had said was that any soldier who gave her information would be severely punished. But he’s already going pay dearly for his crimes, so why not make him pay a little more?

Once she’d gone a little ways into the forest, she sat down on the ground, concentrating hard on the minds nearby. Her consciousness extended out across the wood, seeking out the rogue soldier. After a few moments, her mind brushed up against a mind in obvious distress, hiding behind a rock near the lake. With as much force as she could muster, she went down on the poor warrior’s being. “Where will your battalion be going now that you’ve captured the wolf rider? I could kill you now if I wanted to, but I’m going to give you a chance. If you answer, I’ll spare you. If not, you’ll be dead,” It was a bluff. She couldn’t kill the man, even if the words had come to her.


((Recap, you say? Will was captured after Akira hatched for him, and now Draith and Zailik and the soldiers have him as their captive. Kianna, Raven, and Emilyare with them as well.))

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Draith thought over Kianna's words after she had left. Either this girl really wanted the information just for information or something else was taking part. Putting that thought in the back of her mind for later, Draith actually started to wonder whether or not Zailik had found the missing soldier. If he had, shouldn't he be back by now? If you're busy ignore this, but busy doesn't count as to standing around looking for someone. Did you find him yet? She sent that message mentally, watching Raven, Emily and Will. Why did she let Zailik invite these people?


Zailik saw the soldier shortly after. He felt something brush his mind and then pass on which confused him a little. But he ignored that and Draith's message as she said to do. He wasn't standing around, he was trying to talk. "I never said you did." Zailik said calmly, jumping off the rock and starting to walk towards the soldier. He dropped his bow to show he wasn't going to be much of a distance threat but still kept his sword just in case. "I just needed to find you. Running away, even if you didn't do it, makes it seem like you had... I understand you didn't but that's my advice." He didn't want the soldier to run again so Zailik was being nicer than usual.


((Schedule: 7pm more like 6:30pm EST I leave. Won't be back until lets say noon EST on Sunday.))

(( blink.gif leave it to me to find something weird... eragon rpg online...just plain odd, and I died 7 times, I for some reason keep ending up where no one else is...something called The Land of Shades and guess what, no one's on! xd.png I fail!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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((Er... What exactly is the soldier going to tell Kianna? I would RP him, but I'm not entirely sure how he would answer. xd.png))

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((I don't know. And yes, before you scold me that I made him, don't. just don't. Dragonsword's thoughts I guess would be that he'd help since he didn't shoot what's-his-name and he's so young, not very sure where he's off too and such. Maybe mom was right, I can be a wise old soul when I wanna be...which is weird! epic music fun to listen too!! dry.gif and he knocks again...why can't he leave me alone!!!


er anyway, I don't know. I type what i think and thats what I think so that's what I think and there, now please prevent me from stabbing my neighbor...))


(( huh.gif severely punished is too easy even Pugglmuggle.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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((What you said didn't make all that much sense, but what I think you said was that the term "severely punished" is too good to describe the sentence he'll recieve. Dunno if I interpreted it properly though. tongue.gif))


“I-I-I d-don’t know where h-he’s going to be taken!” the rogue soldier stuttered. “The Ruler of the Empire ju-just commanded us t-to bring him b-back! That’s all! I-I don’t know anything m-more!”




Kianna listened to the man’s response, annoyed. She raked through the man’s memories, searching for anything that he might be hiding. However, her search didn’t reveal any new information. “Slytha,” she muttered. Immediately after the word left her lips, the soldier slumped to the ground, unconscious. Well, he was useless… she thought gloomily.


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((you are so going to freak Zailik out xd.png ))


Draith looked around, more so through the trees as she tried to spot Zailik. He wasn't back yet and he'd either ignored her or wasn't getting the message. Either way she didn't like it. Kianna had left so suddenly too, perhaps she'd run into Zailik? No he'd tell me if she had. Draith thought, watching the other soldiers.



Zailik stopped walking as he saw the soldier he was talking to slump and fall. He was confused but didn't show it. "Great. Just great!" He said annoyed, raising his arms. "Well, whoever did that, would you like to have anything to say? Perhaps you know who shot this boy?" He pulled his sword out just in case and watched the area for someone to come out if they chose too.


((information is what he needed, he won't get it and you know what happens then right?))


((Off now and pretty much all of Sunday too. Monday later in the day, afternoon, I should be able to be on and that goes for the rest of the week.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Kianna heard Zailik give an aggravated call. Her feet moved quickely and souldlessly across the forest floor as she appeared slightly behind the boy. “He’s not dead, only asleep,” she explained, hoping Zailik would jump. That was incredibly cool… I never could have snuck up on him like that before…

“I just thought that since Draith told you to capture him alive, it would be easier if he couldn’t move. It shouldn’t be hard to wake him up, though, so you might want to be a little careful,”


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((shhh I'm not on and bye after this. I should be back on later, maybe.))


Zailik spun around and swung his sword when Kianna spoke before realizing it wasn't anyone who would attack him. After that kicked in he angled his stroke upward more to miss her. "Sorry. I didn't know you where there and expected someone else..." He hoped Kianna wouldn't get mad. Zailik glanced back at the soldier and sighed. "Yeah...I could've gotten him to come back willingly anyway I'm sure. He just seemed confused, not guilty." Looking back at Kianna, Zailik looked her over for a moment. "Why were you out here anyway? Besides coming to help me, you should've stayed with the other Emily and the other girl." He said more as a worried command than just a statement. Draith seemed to be the type to take advantage when there was opportunity, right now with Kianna away there seemed to be a very good opportunity to capture them as well if she chose.



Draith by now had some of the older soldiers lined up for a better look at both who was there and who might have shot this boy. She walked along this line, watching their every movement for some sign. So far each man had stayed pretty much perfectly still, looking straight ahead and showing no fear that she could see. They've learned from the last time I had to do this. Draith commented mentally, dismissing the line and having the younger soldiers line up now.


((I can stay another few minutes but if I don't post then I left. And what, no rescue of the Will? Well then it'll be harder to get him out then, and Zailik's warning is true, oh so true.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Kianna wasn’t bothered about the sword being swung at her. She probably could have dogged it if she’d had to, and if for whatever reason he’d actually managed to cut her, then she could heal the wound. However, she wouldn’t stand for him commanding her about. “I shouldn’t have stayed anywhere. I’m not your subordinate, and you have absolutely no right to tell me what I can and can’t do,” she said trying her best to sound menacing. It was rather difficult, as her head only reached as high as Zailik’s upper torso, but the dangerous look in her eyes should have compensated. “But since you asked why, I think I’ll tell you, because it’s a fairly reasonable question. I simply decided to take advantage of an opportunity that presented itself to me a couple moments ago,” she said, glancing down at the sleeping soldier. Even though it didn’t work out the way I would have liked…

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((Awe, such a nice person.))


Zailik shook his head and sighed. "I didn't mean it that way. Sorry if it sounded like it..." He looked at Kianna, the worried expression now showing on his face. "What I meant was, don't leave Draith alone with them and that many soldiers. I don't know if she'll try anything but it's best to be on the safe side." He, in truth, didn't want to end up taking back more prisoners. He was sure Draith would think of something better to do than come along unless told.



Draith watched the younger soldiers line up. There seemed to be a slightly more amount of them than the older, more experienced ones. A few, she could see, didn't enjoy this at all. Others just acted the way their superiors did. Again Draith went through the process of looking them over, spotting a couple who might fit in the category she wanted. "You three, forward." She said, motioning for the three mentioned to stand in front of her. All the others back away when this was called which didn't surprise Draith much. They probably expected something to happen and perhaps it would if one was found guilty.


((is Kianna really that challenged at intimidating people? although Zailik is used to it...but still, you made it sound like... well anyway I'll stop and hopefully see something come of this later. Seriously, while Draith's occupied- ))

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((Well, we do have to keep in mind that she's only 13 (well, 150, but still). She's rather... "vertically challenged". I don't entirely expect her to be able to scare someone that easily, especially since she looks like an innocent little girl... Well, maybe not innocent. xd.png))


“So are you implying that I’ve been the one keeping her in check?” Kianna laughed, giving up her intimidating demeanor. It was too tiring to stare someone down when that someone is a whole couple heads taller than you are. “I can assure you, if Draith decided that she wanted to take us prisoner, she could have either done so a while ago or done so now whether or not I was there. And even if I was, I’m not entirely sure I could stop her, though I could probably escape afterward…” she swished her bright silver hair, turning to look back at the clearing where the soldiers were. “Anyway, it doesn’t look as if she’s up to any trouble at the moment… Come on! Let’s take this man back, or Draith might decide something that neither of us particularly enjoy,” said Kianna playfully. Despite all the events so far, she still had some trust in Draith. She doubted the shade would really do anything drastic to her or her friends simply for the fun of it. Or so she hoped. Draith isn't like “normal” shades, she thought.


((Eh. I'm starting to wonder if I'm doing to much to Kianna.... Having her at like an elf and shade and all... Perhaps I should take a bit away? >:D))

((Ignor the last art 'cause it doesn't make sense...))

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((hm, well if you want, go ahead. I think it's fine but that's me, the crazy one who understands more than she should.))


Zailik listened to Kianna and started to smile a bit. She seemed not to care much which helped calm him down. It did seem though that Draith was a bit nicer when Kianna was around. "I'm just saying that she's different when around you and I'm not sure why. She'll listen more to something and instead of taking it out on whoever it is that caused something, it usually is forgotten about or put aside for later." He sighed and nodded. "Draith definitely does take advantage if she wants." Zailik had experienced that as well as many others in the Empire. He looked at the soldier, thinking over what Draith might do if he wasn't brought back. "Alright." He said looking back the direction Kianna was. What was Draith doing anyway?



Draith watched the three younger men as they tried their best to stay still. She smiled a little imaging what could be done and what would if one of these actually shot the boy. "If you have something to say I'd say it now, things might be better for later." She said calmly, watching their reaction. Each of them seemed bothered by it but that was expected of them right now.


((looking back and reading some of my other posts I get the strange feeling I never wrote them... they're too good and descriptive for me... I don't even remember writing this one...so why's that? 'cause it's weird unsure.gif ))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Aryn pointed the arrow at their leader. "Now tell me what you are doing in this forest!" She commanded and the soldiers looked at each otehr nervously. "The king sent us." One slowly said. "Tell me more." Aryn yelled at the soldiers. "Ok, ok! He found out that if we make it to the heart of the forest we can spy on the elves and report back to the king. Just don't kill me!" The leader begged. "Pathetic, giving away your information to spare your live. Good thing your my enemy though." She hissed.


(gtg bye!)

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Zailik bent down and picked up the asleep soldier. "Well, I'll meet you back with your friends, unless you want to come along." He said to Kianna as he started to walk. I ignored you before for a reason. That girl you talk to more than anyone, she showed up. Although she ended up helping me with getting the soldier so I'm not so sure what she's up too. He sent to Draith mentally, trying to figure out why it looked as if some of the soldiers were lined up.



Draith watched the three soldiers for a few more minutes before selecting one to be compared with the one Zailik was supposed to get. She received Zailik's message and smiled a bit. "Well, it seems you'll have a companion soon." Draith said, grabbing the soldier she selected while letting the others go. He did his best to get out of her grip but the shade held him by his collar with little effort on her part. "You're making the same mistake as Zailik had, although right now he's fairing better than you might." She said cooly, turning him around as she watched for Zailik to come. Well once you get back he'll have a friend to be compared with.



((....ok... worst thing that's ever happened to me besides getting stabbed... and getting shots (I hate needles) is a bee sting, right in your calf muscle. Still hurts 6 hours from when I got it and I don't know why xd.png . but don't ask about the stabbed part. all a misunderstanding with a neighbor who has issues and I accidentally made him mad, but I ran. Just not fast enough it seemed. First day of 'day camp' done. um... I think it's 4, four more to go. Today's tuesday right? Oh jeez, I don't even know what day it is xd.png bad bad DH staying up way to late last summer this happened to you remember? your days ran together? That ring a bell at all?))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(I'll be way on and off I'm using my moms phone because I am kinda sick and I can't get on the real computer)

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((hello I'm back))

(I think I'll have Will get himself out of this mess xd.png ... cuz you all seem to be failing on that part)


Will opened his eyes. at first he forgot where he was, then the cramps of having his hands tied behind his back started, and he remembered that he was a prisoner to the Empire and he still hadn’t found the Varden.

"I am really starting to hate my life more then before.... witch I didn't think was possible" he muttered to quiet for anyone to hear.

Akira can you cut the ropes he asked her.I now have a plan he added.


(oh shure now you all leave xd.png )

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