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Eragon (semi-lit)

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Draith observed Will for a moment, smiling slightly before returning to the cold, expressionless look she had before. This would get fun later if he kept up this act.


Zailik talked with a few of the soldiers, all of which denied firing the poisoned arrow. "Someone had to do it. I don't have to be the first to find out either, Draith very well can in my place." He'd had a habit of using the shade as an excuse but then so did his officers when he was training. She never seemed to mind though, at least from what he'd heard.


((there happy? too tired to actually think of something.... good night and that's final. unless you want things blowing up for no reason, I seriously almost put that thanks to the tv and a really dumb commercial. I'll most likely be popping on all day tomorrow until later, like 5:00pm EST is when I leave and won't be back for the rest of the night. AND Saturday night/afternoon to Sunday morning, afternoon I won't be on at all, this is all in EST so 12 noon is so-and-so a time where ever you guys are....then next week I'll be on later but not on during the day and not as late as I have been. Day camp for outdoors stuff with helping in research for a friend, he only calls it day camp so the parents aren't worried about their children wondering around in the woods. He knows what my neighbor did to this town....))

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OK Will. I'm coming. Akira said. Then she ran through the bushes till she was at the tree Will was tied to. Akira then crawled into Will's cloak and said OK Will I'm here let me know if you want me to do anything. After that she curled up and listened closely to what was going on.

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I don't think I need you to do anything right now Will thought to her.

he tried to stay awake and listen to what was going on, but his eyes kept wanting to close. he blinked and shook his head, but his efforts were in vane his eyes closed and his head slumped forward on to his cloak covered armored chest and he was already in a deep sleep.


(I see you pugglemuggle xd.png ... you can't hide)

Edited by dragonsword

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Akira decided that if she wasn't really needed yet she should take a nap. She was pretty tired. And she was hidden safley. With that she closed her eyes and went into a soft sleep.


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Raven walked over to Emily. "what do you think about all this?" she asked.

Emily shrugged her shoulders "to tell you the truth.... I'm so confused that I don't know what to think" she confessed


Will had a dream about his past. when his parents and siblings had died.

he shifted in his sleep and mumbled something about Fire.

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Akira dreamt about being an adult dragon. Flying through the air and breathing fire. Being able to protect Will as well. Akira smiled while asleep.

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((*curiosity gets the better of her* sleep.gif Okay, DH... I give in. Could you PM me the plan? :3 I'll tell you what I've been thinking about doing, and we can see if it'll fit in with yours. I doubt it will, but I'm not seriously concidering it...))


"I was just curious about what I was getting myself into, that's all," Kianna replied, a little off guard. She tried to make her voice as even as possible, but near, the end, her voice wavered slightly. An average human wouldn't have noticed, but Draith was definitelly not an average human. She decided to continue her statement, a feeble attempt to cover up her minute mistake. "Actually, why shouldn't I know where I'm going? My question is reasonable enough..." Great. Now she was pressing the shade for information. Every miniscule falter or hesitation was blatantly obvious to her, now that she was listening for them. Luckily, her last statement hadn't been too full of the blunders, but the first mistake had definitely been enough to make the shade at least a little bit wary. The girl kept her face carefully blank, despite the growing panic in her heart. Oh god, please don't let her ask any more questions. Please, no more...


((Random post. I didn't even have a plan for this one. tongue.gif))

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Will's dream turned into a nightmare about that dreadful night that every thing and every one he had known and cared about was torn away from him, leaving him alone with a broken heart and battered soul.

Will's eyes flew open as he cut off the memories of that night. he shifted on the hard ground and his armor gave a little clink. his hood had fallen down and knocked his red hair into his eyes, he shook it out of the way and looked at a girl that not been there when he had gone to sleep.

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Akira startled awake when Will adjusted. Huh what happened Will. I was sleeping then you moved. Is everything okay? Akira asked Will then she yawned.

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((yay for random posts. they're always fun no?))


Draith watched Will for a little while as he slept, thinking over Kianna's questions and statements. "No matter how reasonable, you still don't need to know where you or this boy is off too." She looked at Kianna again with a slight smile. "If you're so interested in where we're going, I always found it better to watch for a bit before asking questions to someone you hardly know." Had she actually given advice to someone? Ignoring that, the shade turned to watch Zailik who, once again, was himself in personality.

"Again, you keep denying who did this, I'll find out one way or another. Now tell me who did this." Zailik said sternly to one of the soldiers but spoke to all of the group around him. A few glanced at each other but shook their heads. Zailik looked at them slowly, a small fire ball in his right hand. "Nothing to say?" He glanced over at Will to see how he was doing. The kid looked to have had a nightmare. Zailik turned back to the smaller group of soldiers to see one was missing. He looked around but didn't see where the man went. Guilty always run around here... He thought, glancing at Draith.


((oh, cool. reading up on a few things is fun. learn something new everyday. smile.gif ))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Kianna soaked up Draith’s words like a sponge. Although she was relieved that Draith didn’t seem to be very suspicious of her for her statement, her disappointment at not getting information was large enough to mask it. “Very well. I’ll figure it out eventually, with or without you telling me…” she replied to Draith. Draith obviously wouldn’t tell her unless it was absolutely necessary, but perhaps one of the soldiers, or even Zailik, would be kind enough to share their destination with her. Well, I can guess that they’re headed to the Empire’s Capitol, at least…

Edited by Pugglemuggle

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((pink? I must still be tired...I can hardly read that, but then again I can hardly read the grey I use for one of my dragons too xd.png there's another plan/idea up my sleeve Pugglemuggle, one I'm not so sure about using but you're welcome to comment on it if you want, I'll send it to you if you want... Draith's not a bad person, you understand that right?))


Draith sighed, humans could be so stubborn, even if Kianna wasn't completely human anymore she sure acted like one at times. "Try if you must. No one's going to tell if they care about their loved ones." This question, answer, another question and two more answer scheme was getting Draith annoyed. she caught Zailik's glance. Someone was gone, she saw that with a quick glance around him. Find him. Or I will and you'll both be sorry.

Zailik flinched slightly when Draith spoke in his mind. He'd forgotten about the link they still shared. He sighed, looking around once more. Where ever this man had gone he'd left quickly and silently. If I do find him, do you want him alive at all? He asked Draith, hoping she'd say no for once.


((this lost soldier can help someone if they want. Zailik never was very good at finding runaways.))

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((It's supposed to be lavender, but I guess it doesn't look like that...xd.png))

((You can go ahead and send me the plan... I may as well go all the way with this. And I know Draith's not a bad person! Why do you think I'm having Kianna like her? xd.png I guess all I'm trying to portray is that Kianna's suspicious of shades because of all the rumors and such...

Oh, wait, did you mean something else by that? >_<))

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((oh Pugglemuggle what are we to do with you xd.png I meant something by that yes, question is, what? That answer I'm not so sure about...I blame the fact I never really woke up. I'm just full of nonsense plans today aren't I? nonsense meaning they make no sense...if that's what they means, I truly forgot.))


If you could figure a way to have both I wouldn't mind that Zailik. Draith responded mentally to his question. She nodded to him slightly and turned to Kianna. "My turn for questions if you don't mind." A slight smile was on her face. What should she ask first? "Other than just wanting to know where this boy will get off too and what you might get yourself into..." Draith paused, wondering why Zailik still stood where he had been instead of checking the area before continuing. "Why do you need, or want to, know what's going to happen? All the reasons before hand were good ones but not good enough to actually be considered as reasonable reasons."

Zailik sighed when he listened in on Draith for a moment. Interrogating time again it seemed. Kianna should be careful though, Draith didn't give out information easily no matter what threats or fights took place. He shook his head before turning and walking off to the edge of the lake which wasn't very far. This soldier couldn't have gone far at all but which direction had he gone?


((if I confused you, I would have added a few more things to draith's comment but that would have made it worse I'm sure. experience in getting information out of a crazy 14yr old (odd he's the same age as me) helps....although I do wish he'd leave me along and take his minions with him))


((probably be back tomorrow sometime since my labtop's good as dead and I have to leave at 4pm est. I don't know when I'll be back tonight so tomorrow during the day is a safe bet.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Kianna sighed at Draith’s question, trying to come up with a believable answer for it. Her real reason was so she could know how she was going to free Will, just as she’d promised the young dragon she would. The motive she’d told Draith before had been true as well; she wanted to know if it was worth sticking with the shade, like the spirits inside her wanted to. But she couldn’t tell her about the dragon. It wasn’t her decision to make.

But the shade wasn’t going to take her second reason by itself. Her face was kept carefully blank, but with a slight pondering look to it, making it appear as if she was trying to conceal the brooding. In reality, the look was all intended. What a sneaky little girl I’ve become…

After several moments, she decided upon an answer she hoped would satisfy Draith. “As a citizen of Surda and a capable warrior, it’s my duty to protect my home,” she explained quietly, as to prevent the soldiers from hearing. “If you and the soldiers were heading toward Surda or the Varden to carry out an assault, then I would have to attack or inform my superiors of your plan,”


((I think I'm starting to make her act more like a shade and less like a human... I guess that's a good thing though.))

((Is this color better, DH? XP))

((Edit: Nope, I don't like that color... I'm making it darker.))

Edited by Pugglemuggle

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no nothing is wrong... I just had a bad dream that's all Will told Akira as he watched what was going on. the shade and the girl seamed to be saying some thing about where the soldiers were taking him. why would this girl care about where they take me he thought to himself blocking his thought from Akira. Edited by dragonsword

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Oh. OK. Just wondering. Whats going on out there? Akira told Will. She yawned and then asked Will Do you have a plan yet? and to make sure he's paying attention she nudges him.

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nothing is really going on, there’s a girl talking to the shade she seems to be interested in were the soldiers are taking me..... and as for if I have a plan... that would be a big fat NO Will said to Akira. if he had been talking out loud he would have said it with a sigh.


Raven watched Kianna and draith as they talked, she couldn't hear what they were saying though.

Emily was watching the strange boy. then he shook his hair out of his face she saw that he had pointed ears "Raven look at the boy's ears" she hissed to her Elven friend.

Raven looked. then she gave a little intake of breath.

"is he an elf too?" asked Emily.

Raven shook her head "no..... I think he might be a half-elf" she said.

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A girl talking to a shade interested in where the soldiers are taking you Akira said then she mumbled in Will's head that if intelligible at all it would be barley I wonder if it's the girl who promised me she'd help you She then shook off and said I can't wait till we get out of here so I can eat something. I'm so hungry! Edited by akiraa

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oh man I forgot about that.... you just hatched you most be starving he said. He mentally give himself a kick for forgetting about food for his dragon.


(curse you brain block xd.png *bangs head on wall*)


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yes I forgot about it till now. But having some time i remembered. Akira told Will. Are you sure you don't have an idea of how to get out? You said you were to tired to run so why not sleep. Then you could be rested and then I can cut your ropes and we could run. Then when we got far enough we could ride Shadow, and get me something to eat! She then decided to sleep till he was ready after he told her if he liked her plan.

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((Aaah alright, my brain hurts...too much, way too much going on...blasted graduation after graduation after family gathering after graduation after the idiot minions my neighbor sends to take the "shade/rider" out of their town (me) and me yelling, swinging and screaming as they attempt to, once again, tie me up and lock me in the basement....which I don't mind due to the fact they can't tie knots and I'm out a window in an instant, running to my house next door, locking the door and then calling him to yell some more. fun isn't it?))


Draith smiled at the girl's comment. Crafty little... It then dawned on her that she didn't know exactly what Kianna was. She acted human but then also acted as a shade would in certain instances. Keeping her cool, Draith spoke just as softly as Kianna had, adding a slight twist in her words. "Well. When, if it may, come to that then I'll have some fun on my hands, won't I?" She sighed, satisfied with and how things were going so far. "As good a reason that is it gives me more of a reason not to allow you to know what is going on. You'll just have to watch like everyone else."



Meanwhile, Zailik had stalked half the area of the edge of the lake, looking for the runway soldier. "I know you're around here somewhere! Just come out! Draith's not around, I just need to talk." Need to talk? Where had that come from? "Come on. Soldier to soldier, just a talk that's all." No sound was around him other than his footsteps and breathing. Great. I lost him too... Zailik thought to himself, now starting to worry about what Draith might do.


((the lost, well runaway soldier is up for grabs if you want him to help or something....zailik's supposed to find him but as I said he's not very good at finding people. Draith's no better xd.png ))

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your a genies you know that Akira....... but why don’t you try to find one of the big pockets in the inside of my cloak so you don't have to sleep on my armor Will said to her as he leaned against the tree again.


it took some time for Will to find sleep with his hands tied behind his back and all, but he was so tired that after some minutes he had fallen asleep again.


(I hate you writer’s block)

(um HD how and who would this soldier help... if he is the one that shot Will then he's not going to help him)

Edited by dragonsword

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Akira did as Will said and found a big pocket in his cloak. She crawled in curled up and went to sleep. She went right back to the dream she had before she woke up.

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((you never know who's lurking around pretending to be a soldier...))

((plus I never actually said he did it. he was the one who just ran))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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