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Eragon (semi-lit)

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Will felt the poison leave his body. he blinked and lifted his head then froze as he saw a shade in front of him. he started to sit up and saw two girl standing behind the shade.


Raven saw a boy some years older then her in the middle of the soldiers. but she still kept an eye on draith as she healed the boy.


Emily stood a little back from the others, she didn't like soldiers vary much.

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((I'd freak if that happened to me. xd.png literally freak.))


Draith smiled as the boy was feeling better. "If any of you do this again, even if by accident-" She stopped when Zailik winced. He expected her to hurt someone but that wasn't going to happen. Not yet.

Zailik opened his eyes again when no one screamed. Draith actually didn't burn someone alive for this? Was she alright? He looked at Raven and Emily still, hoping this wasn't just going to be another massacre but this time with ones they'd actually helped.


(DH sees Pugglemuggle and would like her to know that.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Akira sighed with relief as she saw Will sit up. Do you feel better now Will? She then looked at the group that was around him. She knew there was a lot of soldiers but now there was also others that weren't soldiers.

Edited by akiraa

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yes I do AkiraWill told her, then he tensed as he remembered the soldiers. grate I'm going to be they're prisoner again he thought glumly forgetting to shield his mind. I don't have the energy it would take to run for it, and I won't call shadow.... they'd just catch him too he sighed and let his shoulders slump. Edited by dragonsword

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Akira then remembered that the soldiers want to capture Will. That's good Will. But what are we gonna do? We can't very easily escape. Akira really wished she was bigger. If she was full grown she could torch the soldiers then fly her and Will out of here.

Edited by akiraa

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((off to bed now. see you guys tomorrow but not as late...family schedule gone for an hour sometime. then I'll be back on.))


Draith read Will's thoughts easily, both meaning too and not. She smiled a little and watched Zailik who glanced between her, Raven and Emily.

Zailik sighed hoping he wasn't going to be blamed for this.


((all I got. good night...labtops dead))

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I don't know Akira he thought to her. he got slowly to his feet, watching the ring of soldiers as he did so.

he flinched as the leader stepped out of the ring and walked up to the shade. the man stopped some feet away. "I don't know what imbecile did that... but if you wouldn't mind we have orders to take this... this boy pensioner" he said spiting out the word "boy" as he did so.

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Akira heard the soldier and was so mad she really wished she could torch him. Well hopefully we'll think of something till then please try to be very careful. She said to Will. She then searched to see if there was anything she could use to help Will without being seen or noticed.

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I'll try Will thought to her. he sidled towards the gap that the leader had left open. the soldier, that the first time will had been they’re prisoner had pined Will to a tree, reached out and grabbed the boy by the collar of his cloak. "oh no you don't" the big man growled as he pulled the boy back into the middle of the ring.


(pugglemuggle where are you? dry.gif )

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From what she could see in her hiding place up in the tree, the soldiers, Zailik, and Draith appeared to be working together, and they were healing the wolf-rider. The dragon had run off into the bushes, but she was fairly certain her two “friends” had seen it. How could they not have? Frankly, she was surprised they hadn’t noticed Zephyr. The girl let out a sigh of defeat. This doesn’t make any sense… Are Draith and Zailik on the side of the soldiers, or the side of the wolf-rider? she wondered.

“Draith, what exactly is going on?” she asked mentally, trying to convey her confusion about who they were really trying to help. “Are you going to attack the soldiers or not? Should we, if you do not wish to? What shall be done with the wolf-rider if he is not rescued?”


((Yeah... Kianna doesn't really want to upset Draith... and for a good reason too! xd.png Otherwise, she might be helping you right now...))

Edited by Pugglemuggle

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Akira wandered in the bushes looking for something when she saw a girl. Will there's a girl around here as well. Be very careful. This group just keeps getting bigger and bigger. She then runs in the opposite direction of the girl. After getting a few feet away she seddled back down into the bushes and waited to see what happens.

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Raven kept watching draith just to see what her answer to the soldier would be.


"drat" will muttered as the big man plopped him on the ground, but the man kept his grip on the boy's collar.


(gtg before I get killed)

Edited by dragonsword

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Kianna heard a rustle in the bushes below. She listened carefully without looking down, and extended her consciousness to the area where the sound came from. Her mind came into contact with the strange mind from before: the one she assumed to be a dragon. Carefully as to not make any sound, she peered down. A couple of feet away, she saw a small, purple dragon, probably now more than a couple of days old, but the looks of it. Oh my gosh…

“Emily! Raven! The wolf-rider has a newborn dragon!” she exclaimed mentally. “I haven’t told Zailik or Draith, because I’m not entirely sure where their loyalty lies. Please don’t tell them unless we know for sure we can trust them. If the wolf-rider is captured, we need to take the hatchling back with us to the Varden. The little one won’t be safe anywhere else…”


((I'm actually quite confused... What are Draith and Zailik doing? Are they helping the Empire or the boy? I thought that Draith was rebelling against the empire... I mean, by coming so near to Surda, and disobeying orders. Hmmm... I suppose I'll have to wait until morning to find out...))

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((I see I've done a very good job at hiding and making things noticeable. What you're asking, Pugglemuggle, that will be sorted out as we go along. Both thoughts are dangerous for us all. To add to this, I did say I had something planned for Draith that may or may not make you all happy.))


Draith watched the boy and one of the soldiers for a moment. She then nodded and signaled for the rest to assist in his capture if help was needed. Nothing is going to happen to the boy Kianna. Just don't attack or you might be the one attacked. She smiled slightly and watched Zailik help tie up the boy again.

Zailik knew what Kianna had said to Draith thanks to the link they still shared out of the shade's courtesy. They'd apparently confused these new arrivals. He stood and faced Kianna, a small grin on is face. "If you're worried you shouldn't be. No one's died yet and we don't plan to have anyone else go down that path." Unless they get in our way, right Draith? He added after his comment to Kianna.

Draith's smiled grew a bit but she said nothing to Zailik. "This will make sense soon. If not, well, then we'll make adjustments."


((School's out! and to help this along with approving and stuff, I PM'd nick a suggestion of getting a new co-person to do this since Cshoes never comes/came back and he said that I could do help out. So instead of this thing crawling along with people waiting when people send forms and us bothering Nick, I'll help. That alright? Being busy and bothered at the same time doesn't seem a good mix to me is my reason.))


((and Dragonsword, who said you'd get killed? That's not a nice thing to say to someone.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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“Very well, Draith, as long as no one will be hurt…” she replied with her mind. She knew Draith and Zailik were hiding things from her, but she wasn’t going to bother them about it, as she was hiding information as well. Very carefully, she extended her consciousness just enough to lightly touch the mind of the young dragon hiding below her. She was sure to prohibit another from entering the conversation, but still keep the hatchling’s presence hidden.

“Greetings, dragon. I am Kianna. Don’t be afraid of me. I have half a mind to pick you up right now to take you to my other friends and have you sent to the Varden in order to keep you safe. I know a fellow dragon who would probably escort you. She’ll probably be pleased to meet you, I should think. However, it’s your choice whether you stay here with your master or fly to safety,” she explained gently. “Please note that your decision will affect many more people than just you and your rider,”


((Yes, DH. You've done a very good job of confusing me. xd.png))

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Akira felt someone unknown in her head. She listened to what she said and said in reply after trying to connect with Will for him to hear. I'll come only if you help me save Will. Then I'll convince Will to come to. But I won't leave Will behind. I waited to long to leave him here. I won't let those soldiers take him without me following. Akira then focused on blocking out the unknown person and talking to Will Will we need to go. Please tell me you have a plan. She then let down her guard so that the unknown person could say what ever else she had to say.

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((Is that a good thing? and I don't have anything to say.... 'cept I'll be gone from lets say 6:40pm to 8:20pm or maybe more for the later time. Family thing. not sure how long it'll be since no one around here tells me anything.))


((then again maybe I do have something to say. Would you like to know what I have planned?))

((tell you about that later if you want. have to go now...so I was an hour off, well give and take I did a good job guessing xd.png not!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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“Very well, then. I won’t force you to leave, even though I probably should. But I can’t help Will. I’ve been told that he won’t be harmed, and I’ve also been told not to meddle, and by a shade, no less,” she told the small hatchling. “Even though I would like to rescue your rider, I feel that there is a plan no one has bothered to tell me yet, so I think it best that we simply lay back and watch how it plays out,”

Kianna hoped very much that Draith wasn’t working with the Empire. The shade was probably the only person in the entirety of Alagaësia who could even begin to understand her. She had been hoping that Draith could help her get more control over the spirits within her, but that obviously wouldn’t be happening if Draith was on Galbatorix’s side. I shall not disgrace my brother’s memory by joining the evil army of Galbatorix, she thought.


((I'm not sure if I'd like to know or not... If I knew, it might change the way my character acts, making her do things that she wouldn't actually do in the situation. Although I'm very curious, I'm going to have to decline. xd.png))

((Kianna's feeling not entirely trusting toward Zailik and Draith, but more trusting than she should be... She's holding onto her last thread of trust, hoping that Draith and Zailik won't go back to the Empire. Unfortunately, I've made her feel a sort of kinship toward Draith, so now you won't be able to shake her off as easily. xd.png))


((Actually, I have a plan for Kianna right now... She's a stable member of the Varden, so she won't switch sides, but she'll be travelling with Zailik and Draith for the next little while))

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Akira replied to the unknown girl Really you won't help. Fine. I'll just have to help him myself if this "plan" doesn't work. Akira then watched her rider and all the other people. Still trying to think of a way to get her and her rider out of here.

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“No! Don’t do that. Don’t let yourself become exposed. There’s a shade out there, and who knows what she’ll do to you if you reveal yourself to her?” she told the hatchling desperately. “Just… Follow. I’ll… I’ll do something tonight…”

With that, Kianna leapt from the tree and appeared fast as lightning next to Draith. Her sudden arrival was bound to make an impression on the surrounding warriors. She figured it would be best if the soldiers feared her, as it would make them less likely to attack her later on, and follow orders if need be.

“So, where are you going to take the boy?” she asked, trying her best to sound genuinely curious, but casual at the same time. Fortunately, her tones sounded pretty good, so the girl assumed, or hoped, rather, that there would be very little or no suspicious thoughts about her question.


((All part of my plan. *evil grin* MWAHAHAHA!))

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OK then. I won't reveal myself. As long as you do save him. Akira told the unknown girl. She then moved as close to the group as possible while still being hidden in the bushes. After she found a spot she layed down and watched and waited for her rider to call her. Edited by akiraa

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((longer than I thought it would take dry.gif aah so boring it was.))


Draith wasn't the least surprised when Kianna appeared by her. "No where that you need to know about." She said calmly. This was her only answer to Kianna. Her smile was gone now, replaced by an expressionless look she always seemed to wear. "Why do you ask?" Draith asked Kianna, glancing at her for a moment before signaling to Zailik to do as he pleased.

Zailik sighed, the fear of Draith taking out her displeasure of the poisoning on him was gone, at least for now. He nodded to Draith when she pretty much let him go for now. I'll keep an eye on the others. See if anything comes up as far as who did this and why this boy is so needed. He looked around slightly before walking around and joining a smaller group of soldiers who'd been watching the actions taken so far.

Draith noted how well Zailik blended with these men, being away for as long as he had and being stuck in the castle for a good while longer hadn't done anything to his ability to blend in with people around the area.


((She can come along. In fact, go right ahead Kianna. Draith won't mind I'm sure, if she does, well I'll sort that out. No harm done to what I've been planning Pugglemuggle. You sure you don't want to know a small little part of what's going to happen? I don't have to say here either.))

((Well since Dragonsword seemed to have disappeared even from the Online List, I'm going to bed since I have a late night tomorrow I presume... another family graduation, this one longer than the one I had tonight.... I wish i lived in a cave where no one would bother me, although I don't mind the graduation I do mind the people.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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raven and Emily heard Kianna but didn't reply.


Will kept his shoulders slumped and looked at the ground as he was, yet again, tied up. "just what I need.... a one way ticket to my doom." he growled under his breath. they disarmed him and put his weapons on the back of one of the horses.

the soldiers then tied him with a rope, acting as a leash, to a tree. "that should hold you" one of them said as they tied the last knot around the trunk.

Will sank to the ground, totally defeated, with his back against the tree trunk. he was exhausted, he closed his eyes and rested his head on the trunk as well. "this is the worst day I have ever had in my life" he said.


(they want Will cuz #1: he is a half elf. #2: he has attacked soldiers most of his life and they want to catch him to stop him. #3: the king/guy wants to get him to join them or to see if he is with the Varden so he can see if he Will tell them were the Varden are at..... does that make sense to you xd.png )

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Akira was starting to get ansie. Will was tied to a tree with out his weapons, So far mystery girl hasn't done anything, and she would probaly make it all worse if she appeared. That's when Akira had an idea. Will I think I could stay hidden and snap your ropes from behind. Do you want me to try? Akira said to Will. She then waited for a reply from him.

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Will smiled Akira... even if you did I don't think I have the energy to run for it... and I won't call Shadow sense this clearing is crawling with soldiers and he couldn't get to us in time[/color] he told her with his mind. see if you can get to me though so you can hide in my cloak he added.

Edited by dragonsword

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