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Eragon (semi-lit)

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((Draith never ran off.))


Zailik spotted the group of soldiers and a fire. He hadn't started it so who did? Do we have more magicians around? Or am I the only normal one here? He asked Draith mentally. No. Why? Draith looked in the direction Zailik had gone to see a faint glow from that area. "Idiots." She muttered.

Zailik stopped, hiding in the trees and pulling his bow back.

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Akira started crying when will didn't reply and the soldiers surrounded them. She quickly pulled the arrow out of will and smelt that it was... Poison! Will! Will! We have to find help. The arrow it was poisoned and the soldiers have us surrounded. Please Will!


(sorry this was supposed to be sooner. My internet froze on me so i had to open a new page and it reloaded everything but it said it was 3 posts behind not including mine so sorry unsure.gif )

Edited by akiraa

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((I edited....and will wait a few more minutes. *tries to find a way to get rid of flood-control*))


((It's fine. I expected that so I didn't do much, just had Zailik watch from some trees.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Akira....... I can't.... can't move...... the poison is spreading to fast Will thought to her. the edges of his vision started to darken.


(sorry HD my bad xd.png )

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((would you like Zailik to help? I'll edit this if you do.))

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Akira worried decided she had to run over to the group of people and hope they were friendly... If not they would be in big trouble. Will I... I gotta go and see if that group can help. I can't let you die. Please hang in there.

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No... Akira your one of the last dragons..... no one can see you Will said urgently to her. and I don't think I will die....... they wanted me alive before........ he trailed off as pain racked him, making him shudder and clench his hands into fists.

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(( blink.gif *puts up huge warning sign about a shade who'd love to get a dragon in her hands before she's yelled at again*))


Zailik saw the boy between the legs of the surrounding soldiers. Great. Either he's dead or very close to it. He thought, starting to get up but stopping when Draith sent her disapproval to him. After that was over he did stand, just a bit slower and without his bow ready. Zailik walked out of the trees quietly. "Alright, move aside. Unless of course you want him dead. Then be my guests, I'll just leave so I don't get burned to death." Zailik said, knowing Draith had sent a warning. These soldiers should listen to him if they were smart, he was of higher rank out of most of them.


((jeez sounds like something draith would use...or has...but no one knows of that xd.png not like it matters, that guy's dead... oh and oops. never said that.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Sad she couldn't help at all Akira said Alright Will just please make sure you live. Even if they did before they could want to kill you now. But since you don't want me seen I'll go hide. Then Akira ran to some bushes and hid.



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Will heard a voice and the soldiers moved out of the way. all he could see saw the soldiers legs as they made room for some one.don't worry... I won't die with out a fight he said to Akira

Edited by dragonsword

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I'm hidden. Just let me know if you want me closer to you or if you want me to come out. She then watched and waited in the bushes for Will to call her.


(geese slow computer makes things hard.)

Edited by akiraa

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((aren't you glad Draith didn't decide to come? The soldiers probably would have been burned away... good times good times...))


Zailik nodded when the soldiers parted and saw fully how badly this boy was hurt. He didn't even notice the dragon who was hidden fully in the boy's cloak. An arrow laid beside this boy which seemed to have originated from his shoulder. "Alright, lets see..." He muttered to himself, kneeling next to the boy's shoulder. "Just stay still. This shouldn't hurt much, if at all." Zailik laid his hand on the boy's wound, muttering a healing spell. "Any better?" He asked, taking his hand off.


((and if that doesn't get rid of the poison, you always have Draith who knows a thing or two about herbs amazingly. although she has too because....))


((Flood control you will die one day!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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((and what shall we do about that then?))


Zailik sighed and looked around at the soldiers. He didn't like where this was getting too. And what should I do if one of these idiots poisoned the boy and me healing him doesn't help... He asked Draith.

Draith's only answer was a rush of dark energy at Zailik who in turn yelled out in pain loud enough for her to hear. You help him. Or you let him die and die yourself. She said back to Zailik mentally with a smile on her face.

Zailik had tears in his eyes now, blurring his vision. He hoped the yell hadn't deafened the boy. "Sorry." He whispered, getting odd glances from some of the soldiers. "I might be able to try one more thing." Zailik added on, checking the boy's wound again.


((And somewhere in the rule I think (at least it was there when I last checked) there is a rule about no one-liners. I'll check to make sure though.))

((Direct quote without the quote button. "No less then 4 lines per post, I understand writers block, but please try." ))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Will flinched as who ever was trying to help him yelled out in pain."it's okay" he tolled the man. will gave another shudder and the dark around his vision darkened and started to take over. "I think it‘s getting worse"



Edited by dragonsword

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((oh...you're waiting for me to respond...well I'm researching that just to be sure I have it right and haven't missed something...so...intermission? improvise? something? I'll be a few more minutes, not too long, promise.))


((k, didn't find anything. making things up is always fun unless you want Draith to help...))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Akira watched as a unknown man tried to help Will. She then saw and heard him cry out. Will what happened? Is he helping any? Remember you said you wouldn't give up without a fight.


(I can easily create somthing for a few minutes. wink.gif )

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(I don't care if you bring her in as long as she dosn't try to kill Will xd.png )


I have no idea what happened Will told Akira. as he shudered again.


Raven stared at the shade, why was she smiling


Emily looked to where the yell had come from.

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Zailik muttered another spell that should take the larger effects of the poison off. "Almost done. I'm just going to get a little help." He whispered to the boy. Draith, I don't think I can do this myself. I don't know any poison healing spells. He expected another attack from the shade but instead got nothing.

Draith watched Emily and Raven. They head it too which satisfied her a bit more. "That was just Zailik." She said, not bothered by it at all. "And perhaps you two would like to come along? Kianna can come if she wishes but I'm going to check in on Zailik." With that Draith turned, still with the grin on her face and made her way toward Zailik and the boy.


((she won't. she won't. she can't. if she does she's dead. got talked to about that the first post I made since this started over....although it wasn't really said. she got scolded by someone she herself doesn't even want mad.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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I really wish i could help. If i was older i could. I know i could. Just hang in there. Akira said to Will. She then watches even closer. Edited by akiraa

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(I saw)


you are helping me Akira.... if they could see you we both would be worse then dead right now Will encouraged her. he couldn't talk but he gave a little nod to show that he had heard the man.


"I'll come" Raven said watching draith closely


"that was Zailik...." Emily asked as she ran after the other two

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Really! I feel better. But i'm still very worried about you. Akira said happier knowing shes helping just by hiding.

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((I made sure caps was off this time. sorry bout before.))


Draith nodded. "Yes, that was Zailik." She said simply, spotting the soldiers, Zailik and the boy ahead. Well I'm here mostly. Did you figure out who did this yet? Or were you too busy trying too hard? She said mentally, watching the soldiers to see if she could pinpoint who had done this.

Zailik stood and lowered his head when Draith came into view. No. I never asked. I was more focused on the boy than anything. He answered to Draith, backing up so she could see what was the problem. "She's here to help also." He added so the boy might not think he'd die tonight.

Draith chuckled slightly and stopped when she saw the wound. Easy fix. She thought, putting her hand on the Will's shoulder. A small red light glowed for a moment before Draith's hand raised as she stood. "That should have fixed it. Unless anyone else has something to mention about that wound." She said, watching the group of soldiers.

Zailik saw Emily and Raven had come along. He wondered why for a moment before seeing Raven seemed a bit different and kept a close eye on Draith. They must have heard me yell. How loud was I then? He thought, not letting Draith hear it.



((ok who turned the 'drain your labtop really fast' button on? and where's the charger!! ....))

((holy almost midnight! I probably will have to get off soon...but, it's only 45 mins of school tomorrow so I should be on to post something all day if I haven't fallen asleep...))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(geese its already almost midnight were you are its only 9:30 where I am so i have.. an hour and a half left on the computer. Yay! xd.png)

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