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Eragon (semi-lit)

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Kianna nodded at Draith’s first comment, secretly relieved that she wasn’t the odd one out. At the second remark, her back stiffened, unsure of how to answer. She wasn’t sure whether she should mention the Varden or not, but speaking of Eragon was totally out of the question. Angela had given her strict orders never to say so much as a word about Eragon to anyone outside of the Varden. However, Draith and Zailik had provided them with a meal, and invited them to their camp; or at least Zailik had. Perhaps it was fair to tell them a little about who they really were, even if they couldn’t say everything?

“We… Came up from Surda. Honestly, this was actually just a hunting trip, until we saw those soldiers earlier. I suppose it would appear as though out arrival was rather convenient, but truthfully it was only a coincident…” she said. “However, the why question is different…” The question was something she’d been pondering lately. Why had she decided to come along? She could have easily stayed back with Angela, yet her decision had been very unwavering, despite the possible dangers. “I came because I wanted to prove that I wasn’t completely useless, and I refused to be left behind. That’s pretty much all I can say about myself,”


((Absolutely, D-sword! I wonder how they should meet up? *ponders*))

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(how about Will's pet wolf-shadow-could run into the clearing by the lake that they’re at... I could have some soldiers chasing them to so they have an excuse to be running wildly around the forest at night)

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(ok.. but until she get here I'll have the soldiers find out that Will is gone))


Will turned his head as yelling came from the camp they had just left. "I think they just found out I'm gone" he muttered, there was a horn blast behind them. he looked over his shoulder to see a bunch of soldiers on horse back riding after them. "DRAT... they can see us" he growled.


Raven and Emily both jumped as a horn sounded from some where in the forest. "what was that about" Emily asked.

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Akira startled by suddenly being picked up froze but she decided it wasn't that bad. hm this is kinda fun She said to Will as they rode on his giant wolf. The poor thing though. But I like how it feels like were flying on him. I can't wait till I mature enough to fly. Akira said to will then she curled up on him. She was ready to sleep when she heard a horn blow Yikes. They see us. She says. Then she started shaking with fear. She was just a hatching she couldn't do very much yet.

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it's okay Akira they can't hurt us when they're that far away[/color] Will said in a soothing voice to the shaking dragon. Shadow sped up as if he could prove that the soldiers couldn’t catch them. Ghostwing who was perched in front of Will and akira, hooted in agreement and ruffled her snowy wings.

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Really! Thats good. Akira told Will then she stoped shaking and felt safe enough she decided to take a little nap. So she curled up and fell asleep.

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(sorry I was eating)

(HD where are you)


will guided Shadow, they whent in and out of the shadows cast by the moon.

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(no problem. and yes where is he...)

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((tuesdays I have band practice from 6pm to 8:30pm EST so that's where I was. Meeting is fine with me. Tomrrow I have graduation so I likely won't be on later that day.))


Draith stretched her back a bit before leaning back against the tree. "Well, that's at least something good to know." She sighed, wondering if telling Kianna a little more than what Zailik knew would hurt. He'd find out soon enough anyway and besides, he already scolded her for coming so near to Surda anyway. "Surda is actually familiar to me somewhat... I had something planned that never really worked out though." Draith looked down at Kianna with a slight smile, still leaning against the tree. "Otherwise you might have seen more of me around. Both of which can be a good and bad thing." She shrugged, looking back out ahead of her, playing with a bit larger black flame this time. She noticed a horn but didn't move, she'd heard this before and knew what was going on already.



Zailik looked past Emily, watching the fire slowly die. He thought about helping it back up to its full potential but decided against it. He flinched when a horn sounded and immediately looked up at Draith who seemed to not have noticed. Did she know? Of course she did, she'd been a part of this many times before. "Draith, should we?" Zailik asked, wondering what exactly got away this time.


((they'd know the signals and such...so... where's everyone now? I hate EST it's screwing me up with where everyone is on and such xd.png ))


((yes I am a she. Please get that right, the symbol is there to help. I've had people call me male before but that was when I had short hair and was younger.... *remembers the pizza guy* and now most people in my town think enough to stay away from me thanks to my neighbor. sarcasm\ Yay /sarcasm))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(oops sorry i will remember she... I did that before on a different RP called a she a he. I guess i don't learn my lesson very quickly blink.gif

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((If I sounded mean, mad or otherwise, sorry. I didn't mean that to be that way....just annoyed at the moment, constant doorbell rings and pounds on the door eversince I got home. Did I mention my neighbor doesn't leave me alone and a handful of his 'minions' don't either? For thinking I'm a shade (he does, seriously. which is odd because of here but I was here before this started) he'd leave me alone. Also thinks I'm a rider (had a bearded dragon (is a lizard) but it died a few months ago) so now he thinks Henryetta (Henry for short) died because I got 'into trouble' which gave me the remark of getting a life or I will hurt him. Talk to much, sorry.))

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oh its all right. No problem i was just saying biggrin.gif )

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((and i got off on a tangent. oh and I'm going to bed I think. Amazing tired this time...record of 5 days no sleep out the window...))

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Kianna nodded again, feeling a slight bit of understanding for Draith’s situation. When she had “risen from the grave” and returned back in her hometown a few months ago, her entire village had shunned her, causing her to be exiled as a “ghost” or an “evil spirit”. Her situation probably wasn’t at all similar to Draith’s, but there was something slightly alike about the two circumstances. She could guess that Draith had attempted to join the forces of Surda, bit had been turned away.

It didn’t really make much sense. The Varden had recruited Urgals and Werecats, yet they had turned away a shade, who was probably more powerful than both of those armies put together. Well, perhaps not the werecats. They seemed to be stronger than they appeared, if what Angela said was true. There must be more to this state of affairs than I can see…

A war horn sounded in the distance. Kianna tensed a little, preparing for any sort of immediate action that might ensue. After a couple of moments, the girl relaxed again. “I say we let them come if they’re going to come. They may not even be after us, anyway,” she said. “There could be some other person in the forest who they’re chasing,”

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Draith knelt to look down from her branch but instead of looking at Zailik or Kianna she looked ahead of her, trying to spot whether or not something was coming. "No Zailik. This is their problem. Let them handle it and if things get out of hand, don't bother, I'd say." She smiled a little but looked at Kianna. "Or they could be looking for all of us. Or just me and Zailik since they don't know about you lot yet."



Zailik listened to Draith speak. She seemed different a bit, more passive and patient than the on schedule, usually more gloomy shade he'd seen lately. Something was on her mind. "Right." Zailik said, turning back to the fire. Perhaps it was a good thing he'd left it out. He and more-so Draith would be in trouble for getting so close to Surda and from running when the scouting group came. He knew Draith had left against orders which in itself was reason enough for her to be into trouble alone. If they're looking for everyone here as well, we better watch who does what this time Draith. Zailik thought to the shade, watching the area around the fire for anyone coming through.


((11:30 out of school. Back home until somewhere around 6:25pm EST then I'm gone for at least an hour, maybe more. Hopefully after I can come back on since we are only in school tomorrow for 45 minutes....which I don't get. Why couldn't we just get reportcards today?))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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“True… They might be after us, they might not be,” Kianna said. “We won’t know until they come for us, will we? Or maybe we can…” she trailed off. Extending her consciousness outward toward where the horn blast came from, she searched for the minds of the soldiers, or whoever they were. Instead of soldiers, she found a boy riding on a… Was that really a wolf? And what was the animal he had with him? It was sort of like… Kianna looked back into the woods where Zephyr was hiding. Could it actually be another dragon? she thought in amazement.

A small ways behind the boy on the wolf was a group of soldier pursuers. “The soldiers aren’t coming for us after all. They seem to be chasing a… person riding a wolf,” she explained. Something insider thought it would be best not to mention the dragon. The Empire seemed to be after quite a lot of them lately.

((I dunno... XP))

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(( xd.png well no talking here. outloud that is...))


Draith raised an eyebrow at Kianna's comment but didn't say anything. She exchanged a glance with Zailik who ran up by the firepit to keep watch. Draith herself jumped from the tree but remained crouch on the ground from her landing.

Zailik quietly snatched up his sword, attaching it to his belt and put his bow in his right hand, grabbing the quiver full of arrows with the other. He knocked one arrow and pulled back, experimenting how well the bow worked. For his use in other bows, this one was the best yet. Zailik established a tight mental link with Draith at her request that wouldn't allow anyone in without both of them knowing. Everything's set here. Should I restart the fire? He asked the shade, watching the forest in front of him, resting his bow with his left hand ready to pull back to fire. No. Not yet. I will if it needs to be, you just watch and shoot anything coming except for this wolf-rider. Draith answered back, not moving very much.

Whoever this wolf-riding person was they either raided one of the soldier camps or had something valuable enough to be considered to track. Kianna's hiding something Zailik. Otherwise she wouldn't have paused in the sentence. Zailik nodded subconsciously and steadied his position like he was taught to do during training. I'm not even going to ask how you know this. But this is why you're mostly the one to get information from the newer soldiers isn't it? Draith didn't see a need to answer that and shook her head slightly, laughing on the inside.

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Will heard the sound of hooves, he looked over his shoulder and saw that the soldiers were right behind him. “Drat” he growled as he urged Shadow to go faster.


Will was breathing hard as the soldiers gained on them, he could see a clearing and the sparkle of water. It’s a lake he thought as Shadow charged for the clearing. There was a sharp pain in Will’s shoulder and he tumbled off of Shadow’s back and rolled into the clearing. He tried get to his feet but the pain in his shoulder made him yell out and fall back to the ground moaning.


(there is an arrow in his shoulder… but it isn’t just any arrow it’s a poisoned arrow xd.png *Dun, Dun, Dun*..... don't even ask)

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Akira woke up when her and Will fell to the ground. Startled she started saying in Will's mind What? Where are we? What happened? Then she looked and saw Will and ran over and said Will, what happened. There's an arrow. And it doesn't smell right. She then looked around to see a group of people Will get up we might be in even more trouble. There's a group of people around here. Please Will get up. She said while nudging him. Akira was starting to get worried about will. She started shaking again cause she was scared and worried.

Edited by akiraa

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((and what am I supposed to say to that? xd.png improvise DH improvise! don't worry, whatever-the-name-is dragon won't get found.))


Draith sighed, extending her mind outward in all directions. She passed over the whole group but ignored them, ignored Zailik's question on what she was doing, letting her mind search to see how close the soldiers and boy were. She sensed a rather large wolf and a boy who seemed to her to be injured. A few of the soldiers who were closer by were still trying to get to the boy but acknowledged her presence but didn't press on what Draith was up too. They knew better than to ask.

Zailik meanwhile was counting his arrows and came to a total of 47. Hadn't it always been 48 when he used a bow? He sighed, getting over it quickly and watch ahead, listening for something to move and that included Draith. Whatever she was doing bothered him somewhat.

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Will barley heard Akira, his vision was starting to blur. he let out another moan as he tried again to get up. the pain in his shoulder increased and started to spread farther down his body.

the soldier whooped as they charged out of the trees and saw him laying on the ground, they didn't notes the group of people.

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"Well. They're closer, the boy seems hurt though." Draith said, standing up and still maintaining the link with Zailik along with the surrounding area. If you kill him you might as well be dead. She sent to one of the soldiers as a warning. "Zailik, to your left and down a bit, careful though, none know any of us are here yet." Draith said, signaling the direction the soldiers and boy were in. Our soldiers do though, although they may attack anyway considering what we've done already. She smiled a bit, putting over the thought of what actually might play out.

Zailik watched Draith, his bow still knocked and ready. He nodded and ran off in the direction the shade had mentioned. Brisingr. Zailik thought, satisfied when the fire started again. As a signal to whoever this may be... He said mentally to Draith wincing when she herself burned him a little.

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Will saw the soldier hesitate for some reason. he stretched out his hand and made fire spring up under one of the soldiers on the ground. the man yelled as he was burned from the flames.


Raven and Emily stared in confusion at each other as Zailik and draith ran off.

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