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Eragon (semi-lit)

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Kianna quietly slipped away from the group. Emily’s “sugar glider” seemed to be holding the attention of Zailik for the moment. There were times when she felt as though people were a necessity, but this night wasn’t one of them. She peered up at where Draith was standing on a tree branch. A slight tug of her lower gut pulled persuasively toward the shade, almost like a magnet. Without even thinking, the girl padded silently over toward the base of the tree and clambered noiselessly onto a branch slightly lower than the one on which Draith stood. She was certain that she would never have been able to pull off that stunt even a couple of days earlier. Her clumsiness had always been the subject of many jokes during her childhood, but now, it seemed to be fading away. How strange…

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Oh yes. Here we go. Zailik gets mad and expects me to listen and hang on every word. That hardly works for Galbatorix, Zailik, why would it work for you? And yes I do tend to leave people alone, it's bad enough I have to be around the more annoying ones than those who'd actually understand I'll only kill someone if I have reason. Draith snapped back to Zailik, watching him flinch from the unexpected comments and remarks. She smiled at that, watching him for a moment before sensing someone below her. Draith glanced down, spotting Kianna and chuckled silently. Ok Zailik. Question for you, why do you think the more special one is on this branch? She asked just to see his answer.



Zailik knew why he had stayed away from Draith for a bit after they'd first met. She always had a comment for him, whether or not he wanted or expected them. He looked up at Draith, spotting Kianna. I don't know. Maybe she wants to talk? Or is getting annoyed, like you, about all these people around. He shrugged, turning back to Emily's sugar glider. One more thing Draith, where are we going next?

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(I think the soldiers that have Will are a part of the group that Emily, Raven, Kianna, Zailik, and your lovely shade were fighting... so they should be near them.)


two men walked forward and grabbed Will, one held his arms and hands behind his back wall the other one held his head so he couldn't try to bite again. "that's better" the man that had Will pinned to the tree said. he let go of Will and picked up a long length of rope. "hold him still will you" the soldier growled as will tried to twist out of the other soldiers grip "we're trying" they said though clenched teeth. when they had stopped his squirming the first soldier tide Will up with the ruff rope. " knock him out then toss him over by that bush' the leader said, then Will felt a sharp pain in his head and it all went black.


(nothing to do for Raven or Emily yet sorry)

Edited by dragonsword

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Akira heard a few more sounds before she felt something move the bush she was in what was that... is somthing near here... maybe its someone who can hatch me... or it could be somthing else... She thought then to try to get a better feel of what it was she adjusted wait towards the rustle. She rolled awhile before she hit something. It feels warm... and tall... Maybe it is a someone... I hope... I really hope... She thought to herself till she fell asleep.

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Saphira circled the sky and looked for anymore trouble. (meh, not good, sorry for the short post.)




Aryn rode out of the forest and quickly told her steed to stop. It pranced nervously and she watched from the corner of her eyes and group of soldiers. Humans came to the edge of the forest to cut down humans but never the lazy bummed soldiers. Leaping off her horse, she told it to stay and climbed up a tree. Watching from this veiw point, Aryn saw they were coming from a camp in a nearby town. The soldiers had no axes, only battle gear. Stringing a bow, Aryn pointed it to one of the soldiers and let it go. A yell and blood answered her call of warning. The rest of the soldiers scanned around, looking from where it came from. Silently, she shot another and with great speed lept off the branch and into another branch and shot another arrow. The soldiers whacked their horses and charged into the forest. Unable to stop them, Aryn went to the lead soldier and jumped down, landed on the horse and shoved the man off. He looked stunned and looked at her, pointed an arrow at his chest, she said to him, "Bring your soldiers or die." Afriad, the man gave a yell for help and soldiers appeared.

Edited by Saphira BrightScales

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((so thats one way to explain. and you'd think she'd know of what's going on with those 'idiots'- her call not mine- too....but would you like them near us? we can help if you want. Zailik and Draith will just have another rider to search for or attempt to capture cool.gif but who said I'd do that? DH didn't!))


Draith sighed and closed her eyes, sitting down while still leaning against the tree trunk. I'm actually not telling you that yet. I won't anytime soon either. It's just something I've tried before that didn't go too well. She thought back to that time for a moment but didn't go to far. Nasuada had been kind enough to hear what she had to say, even though it wasn't met under the circumstances Draith would have liked. It didn't end the way Draith wanted either but she expected that, after all she was a shade. Why did you want to know anyway? I told you sort-of where we were headed. And typical you being you said I wasn't allowed to go even this close to Surda. Again Draith was starting to get in a worse mood than she should have been. The only alternative to her plan was heading back but Draith didn't feel that much of a choice, she'd rather have been dead before heading back.


((and.... that's it. No Zailik. Just....I don't know...background information? guess you could call it that. Well you went deeper into Draith's scheme plan.))

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Will opened his eyes some time later. the soldiers had long sense gone to sleep for the fire was out and he could hear snores coming from the tents. he had been tossed at the edge of the camp out of the fire warmth so he was shivering and cold. he let out a soft moan that could not be able to be heard from the tents but would have been heard by anything in the bush. he looked at the bush and saw some kind of rock like thing sticking out of it, it was leaning on his shoulder. It’s a strange color for a rock he thought.

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(( blink.gif ow-a-mich Saphira. Seems like something I'd write actually xd.png and no, I don't own any rocks.))


((bye for tonight if anyone planned to see more of me...))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(-uh- what?)


Will shifted a little on the hard ground and rolled onto his side. the rock-thing slid out of the bush and down to his back, it brushed he bound hand And he felt a strange sensation run up his arm.

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((I confuse people a lot don't I? Your post Saphira, it was an ouch dragged out into a word I made describing something far worse than ouch but an ouch all the same. Now you alright?)) ((to not inturupt what Dragonsword and (forgive me if I spell your name wrong.) Akiraa have going, I'll edit, both with a comment and something so small to add Nick would surly kick me out, but I have reason! Anyway, Dragonsword, Draith's got a surprise in store for her later although how that goes out to play depends on who's involved and how badly you all want her gone.))


Eragon sighed, half asleep but still watching the ground as Saphira circled. If I fall asleep, let me know if something goes on please. He thought to her, his eyes closing again for a short time before shooting back open, fighting the sleep.


((a battle I never be able to seem to win...sometimes. 4 days straight no sleep, fun times for my parents, lots of yelling, scowling, hypering (not a word, I know) bouncing all over, really really long sentences that jumped around but somehow made sense later done in one breath, me collapsing on the floor passed out for somewhat like 3 hours....mom took me to the hospital which was odd for me. I hate needles too which I woke up too....nearly punched the nurse xd.png can you tell I'm tired? Going on my 2nd day too.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Akira woke up to a moan. what was that... She thought to herself. She then felt her egg move. She then felt somthing that felt like a hand. she felt a strange sensation go through her body. Its my rider!!! She thought. She then shook with excitment. She shook so hard she could feel her egg shake as well.

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Will froze, the rock-thing was shaking. "that can't be good" he said, his voice was dry and ruff from lack of water. sense he was bound head to toe he couldn't move an inch, that and he had no energy to move even if he wanted to.

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She felt so happy she got enough energy that she used her head to crack the egg. She kept hitting it till she got her head through. She then started hitting her egg with her body till she was finnally out. She then saw a boy. Only thing was he was tied up. She looked and decided to use her teeth to cut the rope.

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Will heard a cracking sound, then he felt the ropes loosen then fall off. he managed to push himself onto his stomach. he trend his head and gasped as he saw a small baby dragon. "were did you come from?" he asked, then he saw the remaining pieces of the egg. "oh'' he gasped as he realized what the rock-thing had really been. "it was an egg" he said in bewilderment.


Emily called to her pet and he glided over to her. She gave him a cracker and he began to munch on it nosily.


Raven watched the other members of the small group


(HD you know when you talk like that I have no idea what you are saying... and I don't really want draith gone (maybe xd.png ).)

Edited by dragonsword

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Akira couldn't help but laugh. It sounded like little peeps. She then thought to herself He is funny. I think i will like being with him. She then crawled over and curled up by him and looked at him waiting for him to register what he was now.

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Will was dumbstruck. he shook his head to clear it, then he reached out his hand and touched the small dragon on it's head. there was a flash of blue light and pain shot up his arm, he clamped his own hand over his mouth to stifle his yell. when the pain had past he turned his hand over so his it was facing palm side up and there at the center of his hand was the riders mark. “I’m a rider” he whispered more to himself then the dragon.

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Akira felt the the bond of the rider form. She then heard him say to himself he was a rider and Akira broke down laughing again. She focused on him and said Yes you are and i am your dragon. My name is Akira.

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Will became even more bewildered as the dragon spoke in his head. um.... nice to meet you Akira, my name is Will he thought back to her. I would like to sit here and chat but as you can she we are not really in the right place for that he added as a snuffling snort came from one of the soldiers in one of the tents.


(this is fun laugh.gif )

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Well where should we go? she said startled by the grunt in the camp. I will happily go anywhere Will. She then looked up at the sky. and waited for his reply.


(yes this is fun laugh.gif )

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"I have no idea where to go, but I do know how to get out of here" he tolled her, then he grabbed a tree branch and pulled himself up. he swayed as his head exploded in pain from where the soldier had hit him. Will imitated an owl's call and his pet Ghoatwing fluttered down to him. "go get shadow" he said to the bird and lunched the owl into the air.

Will slid back to the ground and waited for his pet's to come. he did not have to wait long for out of the shadows on the other side of the clearing stepped his horse sized wolf. "shadow over here" Will called quietly to the Wolf.


(gtg soon)

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Akira saw a humongous wolf come out of the bushes. She looked at Will and said Where did you find that wolf. Its humongous.


(sorry for the short post)

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Kianna looked up slightly and saw Draith on the branch above her. The girl was almost surprised to see her there, as she hadn’t exactly been paying attention to what she’d been doing before. Now, her instincts told her to get as far away as possible, while her spirits told her to go nearer. I hate this push-pull sensation… she thought. It’s so confusing…

I wonder if Draith is experiencing it too… Her bright silver hair gleamed when she glanced back up at the shade.

“Do you feel it too?” asked Kianna quietly, maintaining her steady gaze at the forest ahead. Eye contact wasn’t one of her strong points, and lately, it had actually been rather difficult. Her eyes tended to wander, unsure of where to look and for how long. It was much easier to simply avoid the connection.


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((DS she'll be gone for a short or long amount of time, just not forever.))


Draith opened her eyes when she heard someone speak. Kianna was still below her. "The fact I haven't told you to go yet might give you an answer. Then again maybe not, depends on where your thinking is." She smiled a little, playing with a small black fame. "But yes, I do feel it. It just might not seem that way." Draith let the flame die away and glanced down at Kianna. "So why are you around here really? I'm sure this isn't just your usual hunting trip." She asked Kianna calmly.



Zailik sighed, trying to keep his mind away from more thoughts of his training days. Instead his mind went to his father and those memories with him. He cringed remembering what had happened when the soldier told his family how his father had died.

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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I found him as a pup, he was half dead from a wild cat attack Will told her as Shadow padded quietly over to them. "good boy, now kneel down" he said to the wolf. Shadow obeyed his owner and knelt on his front legs. "sorry" Will muttered as he picked up Akira not knowing if she would like being picked up. he climbed onto Shadow's back, Will didn't have to say anything for the wolf to get to it’s feet. "take us out of here" Will said in the big wolf's ear. shadow tensed then shot into the trees and away from the bangger of the soldier camp.


((HD and pugglemuggle can they run into our group?))

((oh and you can call me DS but I like D.sword more... but I really don't care)

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