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Eragon (semi-lit)

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((Alright...now how to fix that? DRaith perhaps since Zailik'll have no clue...))


Draith looked over when she heard Kianna yell. A snake seemed to be on her shoulder, not on it, in it. She couldn't help but smile a little and stood, walking to grab her knife. Yanking it out of the tree, she walked back over to Zailik who was already over by Kianna trying to calm her down. "You sure you want help?" Draith asked, nodding to the snake. "Sleep on it?" She already knew the answer though.



Zailik tried his best to calm Kianna and calm the snake. It's fangs were in her shoulder pretty good he saw and it seemed angry. When Draith came over he barely noticed until she spoke. "You could help you know. Get it off or something." He said, knowing he'd be able to if Draith didn't. She had her knife with her which Zailik was sure would at least unsettle Kianna or Raven, perhaps even Emily.


((too tired to help....wait until tomorrow if you can.))

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( I don't care i like to play either good or bad. I am indecisive on these kinda things)

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Kianna peered up at the knife in Draith’s hand in horror. The girl began to panic, partially from the presence of the shade’s dagger, and partially because of the black spots that were beginning to cloud her vision. Her fingers and toes felt completely numb, and the dead feeling seemed to be creeping up her arms and legs as well. It was extremely unnerving.

Looking back up at Draith, Kianna felt increasingly uneasy. “Wh-What are you g-going to do with the knife, D-Draith?” she stuttered.


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((then choose a list of who you'd probably want and lets see who says what.))


Draith smiled a little when Kianna backed away. She stepped forward, grabbing the snake and cutting off the body, head still on Kianna's shoulder. "Getting the snake off, what else would I use this for?" She asked Kianna with that crooked smile of hers. "Now hold still." Draith said, muttering a death spell to insure the snake was dead. "Now lets get the fangs out." She said, reaching for the snake's head again.



Zailik walked behind Kianna so she wouldn't back up anymore and watched Draith remove most of the snake. The head was still there which bothered him more than the fact she was actually helping. "She won't hurt you. Just calm down a bit, you're making the venom spread faster." The snake's body wriggled still by his foot. Now that bothered him even more than the head still lodged in Kianna's shoulder. He hated snakes, dead ones not so much but dead ones still with a small amount of life urge in them bothered him.



((back now. plan to be on/off all night...gonna watch a few shows maybe if they're new if not then I'll be on on all night, if parents allow. Math regents went well I think...now that's done with schools almost over, just a couple more days! laugh.gif ))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(Anyone who wants to be I am really not picky and i have no clue who 1 can be a dragon rider and 2 who isn't one. Sorry about this if it makes it difficult sad.gif )

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((not difficult just seeing what you have to say is fine....and pretty much Emily, Kianna, and Zailik (unless I've missed someone) are not riders. I'd advise against Zailik though, I have too much to go with already. Truly sorry 'bout that.))

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(ok thanks. So Pretty much just post if you want to be my rider)

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Kianna felt as though she was going to be sick. The snake’s head was still embedded in her shoulder, still injecting venom, and still putting her shoulder in a lot of pain. She found it slightly odd that Draith was helping her, despite the fact that she was a shade, but it wasn’t really very high on her list of things to worry about. Right now, the girl was concentrating on the poor body of the reptile that was wriggling hear her feet.

“You know Draith, the poor little guy didn’t really do anything wrong… I did roll onto him, after all,” she said feebly.


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((Really? That's all you could think of saying xd.png Kianna sounds like me when I had something similar happen...although it was a Garter Snake not letting go of my wrist...my mom cut it off 'cause she didn't want to pry it off or let me take it off....her running at me with a knife was odd xd.png ))


Draith grabbed the snake's head and removed it from Kianna's shoulder. It was easier due to the fact it was dead but the grip it had was surprising taking that into account. "I help you and all you can say is how wrong it is to get a snake off of you this way?" She asked Kianna, dropping the head of the snake by it's now still body. She wiped the knife off and put it back before looking at Zailik who stared at her and the snake. "You don't like snakes do you?"




Zailik looked back up at Draith when she spoke. He'd been fixed on the body of the snake and then the head when it fell. "Sorry, didn't catch that. What'd you say?" He asked, his voice a little shaking. He still saw the snake wriggling, head and all, in his mind. Snakes as a whole he hated, venomous ones he was afraid of. His mother had helped one of his brothers get a snake out of their house once but when one of his younger brothers got bit, combined with the scream he'd had, that caused Zailik to fear snakes since. Snapping back to reality, Zailik looked at Kianna. "You alright now?" He asked, worried she might have the same problem his younger brother did.


((I might actually not be here today...weekends are when I run around in a forest for fun when I don't have homework....I seem to get lost a lot though, dad's fault, he never brings a map (don't know where it is or where he got it) and runs off leaving me there to find me...never do, he finds me later when I'm sitting on a rock by the lake trying to get my crow friend to come say hi if he's around. Scared dad once that way, amazing how smart crows can get xd.png serves him right though, 14 and I'm left alone in the woods....or at least it seems that way.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Kianna watched as Draith pulled the head out of her arm. “No, no, I’m grateful, it’s just…” Kianna gulped a little, staring at the twitching snake body. “Never mind. Thanks, I’m fine,”

Just then, the final wave of poison tore through her body. The girl’s throat began to convulse, and she leaned over and was sick in the bushes where, presumably, the snake had come from. Immediately, two more angry snakes leapt from the brush, searching for the one who had disturbed their home. Kianna yelped a little and stumbled away before they could embed themselves in her shoulder again. Unfortunately, she tripped on a tree root, and hit her head hard on a rather large rock. Normally, that wouldn’t have been enough to make her pass out, but the combined effects of the poison made it possible. Her vision went black, and she remembered nothing more.


((That's all I could think of. xd.png She's such a clutz))

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((jeez...just make more work for someone who didn't want you all there in the first place. Zailik's going to get it later I presume. ....dad still hasn't decided yet if he will take me to forest fun...this time though, I'm the one who's doing the running off and he's the one getting lost.))


Draith watched Kianna fall but made no move to catch her. She didn't care much what happened as long as they were alive. The snakes hissed and one coiled up, ready to strike. The other went for Zailik, following him as he lured it away from Kianna. "At least you help now." Draith said to Zailik, dodging a strike from the coiled snake. "Such stupid creatures." The snake lunged again but missed at Draith's quick footing. She smiled, stepping forward and loosing a rock from the ground to be able to pick it up. Once the rock was in her hand, Draith walked behind the snake, watching it as it followed her movements. "Being stuck you won't be able to cause harm, yet you won't be dead yet either." She said, dropping the rock onto the snake. The snake hissed and squirmed, pinned by the rock, but it still attempted to strike at Draith.



Zailik continued to lure the other snake away, nearly tripping over an upturned rock. The snake lunged at him and he jumped back, landing onto a larger rock. "I hate them and what does this one do? Comes after me. Just what I wanted." He muttered, standing up when the snake tried striking again. "Brisingr." Zailik yelled, watching the snake catch flame and squirm a few moments before being still. It smoked a bit but at least the snake was dead.


((any better? where's Dragonsword anyway....she needs to get in on this chaos or just see whats going on.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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((Oh... Kianna is proving to be quite a bother. :/))

((Oh, and my sister's having a slumber party tonight, so I may not be able to get on.))

Edited by Pugglemuggle

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(I'm soooooooooooooo sorry guys. I wasn't home for some time..... akiraa if you want I can make a new person to be your dragons rider... I was going to make one anyways)


Emily sprang to her feet. somehow she had drifted off to sleep. she sprinted forward and chopped the head off of the snake attacking the shade.


Raven snapped out of her thoughts. she looked up and saw Kianna laying on the ground. "Kianna" she yelled as she got to her feet and ran over to the girl's side. "you'll be okay. you can't give up.... not like my sis, I won't let THAT happen again. not to you" she said lifting Kianna's head. she saw the bite marks. "snake poison" she whispered as she set Kiaan’s head down and got to her feet. She turned and bolted into the trees looking for the antidote.


(HD no one but Kianna and Emily knows that Raven is an elf...... but I'll let Zailik know but darith doesn't yet ok)

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((You mean Draith, right? XP))


Kianna regained consciousness rather quickly. She saw Raven run off into the woods, and Zailik defending himself from a snake. The girl inched toward her pack nearby, not wanting the others to have to take care of her. Her fingers fumbled as they struggled to open her pack. Eventually, she managed to pry it open, revealing its contents. With trembling fingers, she withdrew her wooden rod. Instantly, the poison in her veins seared red-hot, making her yelp quietly. A couple seconds later, the pain went away, leaving her body free of any snake venom. The purple haze began to envelop her body, but she decided not to let it spread. Kianna pushed the rod back into her bag, carefully covering it in cloth.

“It’s okay, people. I’m fine now…”


((xd.png I just wanted to make something happen. I didn't intend it to turn into such an event!))

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(lol... but you did)

(opps sorry I did mean draith)


Raven heard Kianna's voice behind her. she skidded to a halt and spun around. "are you sure your okay?" she asked walking back over to her.


Emily joined them. she knelt down next to Kianna. "Raven the bite mark is gone" she exclaimed.


(Akriaa if i's okay with you can this be your rider>





Username: Dragonsword (but you can call me D.sword or DS)

Name: will

Age: unknown.. he could be 15 or older

Gender: male


Likes: fire

Dislikes/Fears:Empire soldiers, and deep cold water

Appearance:(At least two paragraphs)user posted image he has two swords the bigest he has on his back.he is tall with pointed ears and three silver earrings on his right one, he has dark red hair that almost looks like it is black, and red eyes that are ringed with a faint gold at the pupil, he wears black and silver armor along with a cloak and linked dragon choker. ( a choker is a necklace incase you didn’t know)

Personality: he keeps to himself and is kind of a loner. Others think of him as strange and dangerous to those that are near him, but that is because they don’t know him for who he really is. He doesn’t try to stop the roomers about him though and is perfectly happy if people leave him to himself, though that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like people and he sometimes get vary lonely.

Bio:(At least two paragraphs) he lived a normal life with his family until some drunk Empire soldiers set fire to his family’s home. Will managed to get out but his family weren’t so lucky, they died and left him alone in the world to fend for himself at the tender age of 10. sense then he has hated soldiers and has searched for the a way he could help the Varden get rid of the Empire and it's soliers. when he reached about the age of 13 he attacked Empire soldiers and got to be known as to shadow warrior. The soldiers told stories that he was an angry spirit who had been killed in some great war and was now searching for revenge.

Preferred weapon:

* his two Swords, one of witch is a long sword and the other is a saber.

*the magic that he knows.


Magic user: yes. he was born with the talent to use magic with out talking in elven and has experimented with it all his life.

Side: he hates the Empire so Varden

Other: (the rider of akiraa’s dragon) he has a white owl. he also has a wolf that is as big as a horse. The owl’s name is ghostwing and the wolf’s is Shadow.

Wolf>user posted image

owl> user posted image )

Edited by dragonsword

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(yep i like it. I was hoping for at least a half-elf so yeah it's perfect)

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((wow...well I'm back. Back and not lost in the woods that is, never was this time. Lot happened with a not really at the end....little happened. And Dragonsword, I meant to say Zailik saw the elf (raven) so you knew it was Raven, not that he knew.))


Draith watched the snake's head get cut off and looked up at the one who had done it, Emily. "And I could have done that for myself. It was stuck under the rock anyway, not like it could have gotten free without help." She dismissed another comment coming to mind and looked over to Kianna and Raven, watching Emily walk over. Zailik had to be around, she'd heard him complain about the snake before. Spotting him she smiled a little, he was still atop the rock but now watching the group huddle around Kianna.



Zailik spotted Draith after she seemed to spot him. He probably looked stupid, standing on a rock still afraid of a dead and burned snake. Kianna was up and so seemed to be everyone else. Jumping off, he walked over to the group, staying out of the way but was still close enough. "So you're sure you're fine?" He asked Kianna, glancing at Draith who stood watching with a hint of disapproval about her.


((Speaking of snake, guess who found 4 dead Garters and a really big and mad rattlesnake. Guess who got lucky when the wind blew a branch on it too....except that branch got the not-so-lucky-one too, but she's fine... snake's not. Don't know why 4 Garters would be around though...they were dead but still.))


((and g'night to you all. Happy Father's Day if you celebrate it. Probably won't be on much tomorrow.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Aryn pondered it over and over in her mind, how could her mother or father never tell her of a lost brother. Trodding out, she clipped her new sword to her belt and walked out the wooden doors and ran her eyes over every single crack, every single line in the tree. It would be a while before she would return here. Placing her hands on the tree, she sang a song in the ancient language. It's meaning, was an oath really.

"Today brings me to leave

Yesturday brought me to decided

Tomorrow I will return

But not in vain

Tomorrow will be a while away

But tommorrow will come

And bring peace

Before my long live ends

I will bring tommorow

And maybe bring a lost one

So oh great tree

You brought me so far

I will never forget

The way you cradled me in your arms

The way my mother sang me this song!

So tommorrow will come!"


Aryn put all her heart into it and sang her loveliest voice possible. Turning on her heels, she made another oath to herself. "I will not seek vengence. Only hope. I will look my entire life and find my brother." Aryn lept through the forest, and took a steed. It was a white horse, not hers, but one horse of wonders and magic. Swinging herself over, she shouted go and it ran forward. The wind rushed in her hair and she laughed with delight at being set free.

Edited by Saphira BrightScales

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(just to let you know dragonsword I'm waiting for your new char to find my egg before i do any more posts in story.)

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((whole group followed Zailik to his/Draith's camp. Kianna got bit by a snake. I said Eragon would keep watch with Saphira and to be called if anything comes up that means trouble. Done! and I don't know what to say...'cept I'm off for today mostly.))


((and happy Father's Day to all fathers, uncles, grandpas, grandfathers, great grandfathers and the list keeps going. smile.gif ))


((See I can be nice. I'm no rock.))


((Just to give a heads up, I do have something in store for Draith and Zailik later, you all may be a part if you wish but it will end in a way someone might not like~ depends.))


((Saw nick, so he's not as dead as I think he is but-))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(sorry just got back... and happy father's day)


Will slipped through the trees. he could hear the loud noises coming from the soldiers small camp. "bet they didn't think I was real" he whispered to his owl Ghostwing.


he reached the clearing and slipped into the shadows cast by the tents. he inched over to the drowsing sentry and clamped his hand over the man's mouth. "if you make any sounds your dead... understand" he growled in the soldier's ear. the young man nodded his head, his eyes wide. “good” Will said hitting the man over the head with the handle of his long sword. “that should keep his quiet” he muttered as he slipped back into the shadows and got ready to attack the other soldiers.


Raven stepped back from Kianna to give her some air.


Emily walked over to her pack. she heard a small squeak coming from inside. "oh sorry William" she said letting her small pet out. he glared at her then glided over to Kianna, he perched on her shoulder licking the girl's cheek.


(I just saw nick... yay he's not dead xd.png )

Edited by dragonsword

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((not dead just neglecting this.... and Nick if you do stop by, how about getting a second person who can approve people and such that is not Cshoes. They aren't around anymore...along with a lot of others who seemed to have left and never came beck. 'cause that would be a great help to us all I'm sure.))



Draith watched the creature Emily took out. Kianna looked fine to her and all this was getting a little too annoying for her taste. Too many people who actually cared for each other, or seemed that way. Zailik was getting more like them each minute which Draith didn't approve of even though this was half her fault. She should have been more careful when they'd met, he wouldn't have gotten burned and wouldn't have gotten hit in the head too hard. She probably would have fared better as well if she would have waited a few more minutes to see his intentions. That bonus came with a special flask that she now would have to make over again due to it falling onto Zailik. It wasn't like he noticed. Draith thought, watching the group. That substance though did have a history of changing people over time depending on what happened to the one it had been used on. Perhaps scarring him then wasn't such a great idea. Letting him come with, horrible idea but too late to say he should go back now anyway. It was too late when he asked to begin with. She thought, looking up a little. She sighed and jumped, landing in a bit higher branch of a tree than she expected it to be. "Don't mind me." Draith said, leaning back against the trunk, thinking over a few things.



The wind blew, blowing cold and rain into Zailik's face. He didn't like where this was going. "Go on! Kill him!" A taller man yelled. Zailik stared at him for a moment before looking down at who he was referring to. A smaller boy who'd been no use to Galbatorix as both a magician and soldier. Zailik wasn't sure why he was chosen to do this but chosen he was. "He can still be of help though." He said to the man, a little confused. The man smiled and nodded. "Yes he can, so can you when you're dead." That caught Zailik off-guard. Were they always like this to the new ones? Sighing, Zailik plunged his sword into the boy's chest, wincing a bit when the boy screamed ever-so faintly. Silence followed after but only for a minute. "Good. She'll be happy to know he's gone now." The man again spoke. This was getting confusing for Zailik, these soldiers always spoke of a 'she' but who was that? A group to his left parted, bowing slightly as a figure walked toward him. He could see it was a shade but couldn't put his head around why that shade was walking toward him. "Salk get back to your post, along with the rest of you!" The shade yelled, who Zailik now saw was a female. "You though, you stay." He froze when she spoke to him, a cold smile on her face. "You've been here for a good few months yet have not been put to work yet unless it was under training. In fact there was a reason for that, Galbatorix has told me once to let you know this, you are being promoted to your father's rank but in order to do that you must prove yourself. Understand?" Zailik could only nod as the shade walked away. He'd only been here for three months and already he was being promoted. His father said it took longer and was much harder to get these types of rewards, so why was he of all people being promoted so soon?


Zailik sighed looking around just to make sure. His mind had once again traveled off to another scene at the training camp. That shade turned out to be Draith later on but one thing still confused him from that. Why was he promoted so soon? No one seemed to have answers and envied him for it. Soldier training was one thing, magic training another, being promoted after just three months of both? Insane surely. The boy he'd killed was a friend of his, Marith, he'd come from the same town Zailik had. Long friends they had been but when Zailik was given the order to kill him, it struck him hard. They had chosen him for a reason to do that but never had he figured out what had gotten Draith and Galbatorix so mad. He saw the group was still around, Draith, where was Draith? He saw her a few moments ago. Dirt was moved slightly where she had been standing. He looked up, spotting her again. She hadn't left which Zailik supposed was a good thing. Cute animal." He said out of lack of things to say, turning to Emily who he saw take the animal out.


((ta-daa nothing special. just me being bored and in a writing mood to give a bit more background on a few things... if I confused you about anything I'm sorry, just let me know if you really want it unconfused and I'll try and help. Zailik's father knew a shade but it wasn't Draith.... just sayin'.))


((labtop's close to dead....apparently so is Nick. Come back here sometime would you! See what i had to say above for the reason, one reason. We'd like to have you and Rein back anyway!!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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( laugh.gif no I'm fine)


Will looked up as he heard a branch snap under a foot, but it was to late, he saw three soldiers standing over him. Will tried to jump to his feet and draw his saber but there was a soldier that he hadn't seen standing behind him. The soldier grabbed Will and knocked the saber out of his hand. they struggled for some time but the big soldier managed to pin Will to a tree. "so your the shadow warrior" the first man that Will had seen sneered at him. "he's just a kid" the soldier that had Will pinned to the tree said putting his dagger to the boy's throat "we could just kill him now and get it done with" he growled. "NO we have orders to take him alive not dead" the man that seemed to be the leader snapped at the man.

Will tried to pull free from the man's grip. he bit the man's hand as hard as he could. the man let out a curse and grabbed Will's arms. "some one help me hold him still so we can bind this little worm" he yelled.


"thank you" Emily said. "he's a sugar glider"


Raven melted into the shadows. she sat down with her cloak drawn around her.

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((Zailik's past is more messed up than it seems, or that I've let it seem in the form.))


Draith shook her head and chuckled to herself a bit. She knew what had been bothering him. He was a fool at times when she thought about it. Humans can be such idiots. Although useful they'll betray you later on when someone has a better deal. She thought, watching the creature Emily called a sugar glider. You don't seem alright anymore Zailik. Something wrong? Draith asked mentally, adding her spin on the last sentence. Zailik had always seemed different to her, more useful even though he did cause more trouble for her plans.



Zailik nodded to Emily and sighed. He ignored Draith, he'd sensed her before during his vision which bothered him. It was bad enough she was there to begin with, having her snooping around for real made it worse. She apparently was the one responsible for ordering Marith's killing, that much he knew. Why she let him come along before also puzzled him. He'd have to get a mentor again soon for his magic training but perhaps he was wrong about Draith, she'd have a motive to kill him whether or not it actually was a motive or just her urge to get blood spilled again. No nothings wrong. Just thinking. Zailik thought back to Draith, hoping his absence in conversation wasn't causing anyone to wonder what was on his mind. How about trying to leave me alone for once? Ever since I met you you've been around somewhere near, either keeping tabs on me or just plain bothering me for your enjoyment. Ever just let someone be and bother something besides a human? He asked Draith, sighing a bit, knowing this would probably get him hurt or killed.


((I never said they had to get along. I never said they wouldn't either. But does anyone know what comes next or after next or after after next depending on how this goes? Adding spin on things is what I'm famous for (words in general) just ask my neighbor if you can. Speaking of which, school's close to be done and next school year I won't have to put up with neighbor or his minions in school, unless he has high-school minions...then I'm in trouble.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Akira although in her egg could hear some muffled sounds. Really the only words she heard was somthing that sounded like "bind" and "worm" Why would someone want to bind a worm... It makes no sense... She thought. By the feel of her egg she would say she was in a bush. She had no clue where though. All she knew is that by the sounds she had to be close by whereever that sound was coming from. Maybe there are some people... maybe even who will become my rider... but how will i get there... She thought. Thats when she got an idea. She thought that if she adjusted her wait to the sound she could make her egg move that way so she tried. Her egg tipped. But only the top of her egg made it out of the bush. Maybe someone will still see me... Maybe... Maybe...


(So that it makes sense Akira still in the egg has been there for along time so her thoughts not really doing anything drift in and out. But she still is intelligent enough to know whats going on and to do little actions in the egg. like enough to tip it to one side.)

Edited by akiraa

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