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Kingdom Hearts.

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So go to the game's official website.

Official website=Breeding ground of spoilers.



If any the battle system for KH1&2 were fine with me. Of course I like to button mash my way through a fight.(Looks at GoD) Good times, Good times.

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It doesn't.

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "hugs tightly" Now I can dream happy dreams when I go to sleep right now.

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Huzzah! -raises a toast-

To all the fine folks at SquareEnix who will never, ever put us through the torture of another Card Battle system! Right guys? -looks at SquareEnix workers tied and gagged-

Hehe, you guys didn't see anything...

-pushes workers into a closet-

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-unties workers hands, gives them computers and stuffs and locks the closet door-

"You can't come out until KH3 is finished!"

-cuts a doggy door into the door for food-

Edited by nekoinu525

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-cuts a hole in the wall and builds a tunnel to a toilet and locks the bathroom door-


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I like the card system. xd.png Don't lock me in too, please. T.T


Yeah, in the sample fight videos pf BBS it looked much more like the usually way. They were released way before the game too, so no spoilers.


I might might be able to pull off Zexion with my own hair, if I straighten it. Might be a pain though. >.< And it wouldn't look quite right, it would be more of a realistic version.

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-debates whether or not to put Shadow in a box-

Can you even put a shadow in a box? Well, maybe a Shadow Heartless... Why am I talking to myself? I should stop now...

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Huzzah! -raises a toast-

To all the fine folks at SquareEnix who will never, ever put us through the torture of another Card Battle system! Right guys? -looks at SquareEnix workers tied and gagged-

Cheers. ^w^

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You can't put Shadow in a box! D: She's my best sticky fingers!

Feexed for lulz.

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Well, maybe you should train me. tongue.gif


As this isn't the FF thread: Magic system better in 1 or 2, including spells, upgrades, MP setup?

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I have been! laugh.gif


It's been that long since I played I can't remember D:


I think the MP system in KH1 was better though. Damn you Cure, taking up all my magic points.

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Yes, I is fast. And I'm sure I can steal quite well too, thanks. xd.png


I dunno.. I really love both 1 and 2, but I think I might like 2 a bit more. A little more fun to mess around with stuff.

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Would you mind letting me into the room for a bit? I want to have a 'talk' with them.

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-is lost-

but I love you guys anyway! ♥

Fortune just got FF1 (or was it 2?) a while ago and named the 4 chara party after some of us here in the thread. xd.png I'm a White Mage, Shadow's a Thief, Fortune is some other kind of fighter, and the other person whose name I can't spell but starts with a D is a Black Mage, I think.


I like the magic system in 2 better. Yes, the Cure taking away all remaining MP was kinda sucky, but I never used magic anyway except when Donald was too stupid to heal me. I liked in 1 where every hit was a little bit of recover though, while in 2 it was just a waiting game.

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Drer'Ahv, I believe. x3



It did charge pretty quickly which was nice. At least it would charge without you having to get it or something, which was nice.

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Aaaaahhhhh, that makes sense...


I'm not sure which magic system I prefer... I never really use magic unless I have to... (Or in the case of KH2, I'm power-training at Pride Rock)


EDIT: -hides the evil Riku sign necklace-

(My ex-gf made a clay necklace that looks like the sign thingy on Riku's chest when he's evil... and she ended up giving it to me as a birthday gift... -may take pics to show it off eventually-)

Edited by nekoinu525

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