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Sort Groups by Number of Dragons

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Hello! I was wondering if it would be possible to be able to sort groups by various different things, mainly the amount of dragons in them, and also maybe visibility (highlighted, then public, then private) and date created? It would help when deciding on which breeding prjects to start/continue. Thanks!

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Are you asking a question? As in, are you wondering if this feature already exists or not? Then it would belong in the help section. Are you putting this up as a suggestion? As in, “I don’t think this feature exists and it’d be nice if it did”? Then it does belong here. Your current post is kind of unclear on this and so there should be some form of clarification imo

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11 minutes ago, Rosedamai said:

Are you asking a question? As in, are you wondering if this feature already exists or not? Then it would belong in the help section. Are you putting this up as a suggestion? As in, “I don’t think this feature exists and it’d be nice if it did”? Then it does belong here. Your current post is kind of unclear on this and so there should be some form of clarification imo

I think it’s fairly obvious that this is a suggestion or rather a request. And it’s not a bad one, once you have a lot of groups it would be nice to be able to change their order. 

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I thought about that once and it occurred to me that we can change their names - so we can number them if we like...

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Agree with Fuzzbucket. I number (and re-number) name groups often. For example, my Valentine group gained a 1 in front whilst I  needed it easily accessible.

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That's what I like about it - it's so easy to move them when you need to.

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It would be nice to have sorting on all the columns, not just the dragon count. Pull the highlighted groups to the top with a click.

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changing group order would be awesome, I'd like a custom sort on my group page as I have too many groups and it's a pain trying to find the ones I want

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I've made a similar (although not exactly the same) suggestion a few years ago. Would still love to get sortable groups.

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