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Filter by unlocked breed on Trading Hub

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Being able to filter dragons on the trading hub by choosing "unlocked breeds" or a similar option would be really neat, especially for seasoned players using the hub to trade for new releases. At the moment, it's really difficult to filter for NR trades: some people write just their wants in the description box (makes sense since it shows up as "Wants" and not "Has"), while others specify the code but not the type and expect others to deduce the breed based on the image (again, makes sense if you're browsing through all the trades page by page), and even the ones that do say they have a NR might be using different terms (e.g. 'new pygmy' vs 'NR egg' vs 'new release' vs '[quoted bit from egg description]' vs '[nickname]'), which renders the search function kind of useless.


I do understand why the Trading Hub dropdown menu only shows items that you've unlocked on the Encyclopedia: lore-wise, you're exploring Valkemare and learning about different types of dragons, and not having the breed name on display right away adds to the excitement of "discovering" newly released breeds. However, being able to filter by "unlocked" or "unknown" breeds would not take away from the core function of the limitation: you would not learn the unknown breed's name, and new players who have not unlocked most of the encyclopedia would still see a bunch of different eggs and hatchlings instead of just one type.

Edited by Aie

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