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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty-One

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I'm struggling to string a coherent thought.




we're so fragile..


Some chores and I'll go to bed early methinks.......



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Posted (edited)

Humans are very fragile.

Sleep well.



@Dirtytabs, check your PMs. ;)

Edited by Lagie

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That is Punderful. Here comes the pressure to write an appropriate description. :)

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1 hour ago, Dirtytabs said:

That is Punderful. Here comes the pressure to write an appropriate description. :)

I am sure you are up to the task! :D

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I'm sure Tabs is! :)


Very pleasant lunch with my dad.

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Sleepy day. Cat is lying on me and was napping with me, she's still asleep I think? Or partially awake. Unsure.


The move has been stressful and I am exhausted. But, it's almost over. Everything is out of my place now and either here or at the storage unit since my parents already have furniture and cooking utensils, but now it's gotta be unpacked. I'm not doing that today.


Picked up my friend and their girlfriend/fiance(? unsure if they've proposed yet but they've openly talked about it with each other to my knowledge) from the airport yesterday. It was nice to see them again! Plus I figured out how to navigate picking up someone from the airport which is good.


I'm so tired. Think I hurt my wrist while grabbing boxes from my car yesterday morning so I'm holding off on crochet blanket repairs/border until it stops, plus trying to regulate computer to not make it worse, but I'm mind numbingly bored without something to do with my hands.


Here's Kiko from a few days ago if I remember how to do this properly on my phone. She has stopped hissing at my parent's cat Joy from under the door, so maybe in a week we can let them see a little more of each other with plenty of treats. There has been lots of bed swapping, treats/catnip under the door, and cat musical chairs the past two weeks.


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Cozy-looking cat.

Glad your move is done.

Enjoy the unpacking.

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I'm sleepy this evening/night. Just one of those days I guess.... 

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20 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Watched Mary Poppins tonight.

that's a fun movie! :) 


14 hours ago, Lagie said:

Bright and mostly sunny, with a cooling breeze.

i love days like this :) 


14 hours ago, sithdragon said:

Return date to finally go home in a couple of days............. 

yay! :) 

{{hugs to you for your friend}}



9 hours ago, Dirtytabs said:

Here comes the pressure to write an appropriate description. :)

i'm sure it'll be punny XD 


5 hours ago, Edenello said:

The move has been stressful and I am exhausted.


yay for kitty :) 

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Love this video.


"Oh you make me maaaad!!"




Friend belligerent in hospital.


Head injuries are bad.


We wait.



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1 hour ago, sithdragon said:

Love this video.


1 hour ago, sithdragon said:

Friend belligerent in hospital.


Head injuries are bad.

That is true. Hard for everyone. Hang in there. *hugs*

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Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Cloudy but the sun is starting to break through. I'm going out to a friend's for breakfast this morning.

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i have some eclipses growing up tonight. :D


so we're planning on a road trip for a few days in July, and we were all set with our kitty sitter.... until a few weeks ago when she texted saying she has a herniated disk and isn't allowed to work until like august! :o i asked if she could recommend someone, and she said she'd think about it.... but in the meantime, one of the manager/keyholders at my retail job has a cat, and she's worked at a kitty shelter before. i thought about it and did a quick calculation, and asked if she'd like to make some money for four days in july feeding our swarm and doing the boxes, and she said yes :) so she's coming tonight to meet the kitties and see our chaotic dinner time XD

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I hope she works out for you.


Chilling with the dogs. I've done all my errands already.

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Hope it goes well @trystan!


Joy was antagonizing Kiko under the door last night by bringing her a yarn strand that snapped off on accident and I didn't catch her dragging away. Heard her hissing from the other room. I thought we were close to introducing them, but I guess not... Mom wants to put one on the balcony with their harness and the other on the other side of the glass door so they can see each other's body language. I have no idea if that'll work or not even with treats, but I'm also not sure Kiko can currently read that Joy wants a friend from a small slit under the door, or that Joy can read that Kiko is angry aside from the hissing. Joy is also not very food motivated so we've been having trouble getting her to take treats on one side of the door with Kiko on the other side, because she just sniffs them and runs off most of the time unless it's one of the very messy ones. Even then she doesn't care as much for those. I don't know what to do at this point to ease the tension between these cats, I know it'll take time but this is my first time trying.... aaaaaaaaaaa!!! (any advice is appreciated; I may be able to ask the vet when we take the doggy in on Friday for her arthritis shot)

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3 hours ago, Edenello said:

Hope it goes well @trystan!

so.... tomorrow.  she (L) had some errands and a few things at her apartment, she'll be over tomorrow evening instead.


hope your introductions get better, @Edenello!

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6 hours ago, Edenello said:

Joy was antagonizing Kiko under the door last night by bringing her a yarn strand that snapped off on accident and I didn't catch her dragging away. Heard her hissing from the other room. I thought we were close to introducing them, but I guess not... Mom wants to put one on the balcony with their harness and the other on the other side of the glass door so they can see each other's body language. I have no idea if that'll work or not even with treats, but I'm also not sure Kiko can currently read that Joy wants a friend from a small slit under the door, or that Joy can read that Kiko is angry aside from the hissing. Joy is also not very food motivated so we've been having trouble getting her to take treats on one side of the door with Kiko on the other side, because she just sniffs them and runs off most of the time unless it's one of the very messy ones. Even then she doesn't care as much for those. I don't know what to do at this point to ease the tension between these cats, I know it'll take time but this is my first time trying.... aaaaaaaaaaa!!! (any advice is appreciated; I may be able to ask the vet when we take the doggy in on Friday for her arthritis shot)


My Gilbert cat hated Pippin when they had to stay together for a little while. They never got used to one another, even if Bestie's other cats didn't care at all. We just kept a close eye on them, so that Pippin could come into the room and see us, and Gilbert could come out to pee and so on. 


To be fair... I'm sure Joy is a much nicer cat than Gilbert. That cat was a demon, and I miss him all the time. 

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11 hours ago, trystan said:

one of the manager/keyholders at my retail job has a cat, and she's worked at a kitty shelter before. i thought about it and did a quick calculation, and asked if she'd like to make some money for four days in july feeding our swarm and doing the boxes, and she said yes :) so she's coming tonight to meet the kitties and see our chaotic dinner time XD

hehe, fun stuff


8 hours ago, Edenello said:

Joy was antagonizing Kiko under the door last night by bringing her a yarn strand that snapped off on accident and I didn't catch her dragging away. Heard her hissing from the other room. I thought we were close to introducing them, but I guess not... Mom wants to put one on the balcony with their harness and the other on the other side of the glass door so they can see each other's body language. I have no idea if that'll work or not even with treats, but I'm also not sure Kiko can currently read that Joy wants a friend from a small slit under the door, or that Joy can read that Kiko is angry aside from the hissing. Joy is also not very food motivated so we've been having trouble getting her to take treats on one side of the door with Kiko on the other side, because she just sniffs them and runs off most of the time unless it's one of the very messy ones. Even then she doesn't care as much for those. I don't know what to do at this point to ease the tension between these cats, I know it'll take time but this is my first time trying.... aaaaaaaaaaa!!! (any advice is appreciated; I may be able to ask the vet when we take the doggy in on Friday for her arthritis shot)

good luck '^'

hopefully the vet has some good advice.....though unfortunately sometimes, if it's just that their personalities clash too much, there isn't much you can do u_u

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Tomorrow Mr Pippin is going to the groomers! He needs it, since he's got that floofy hair. lol

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23 minutes ago, WaterScorpion said:

hehe, fun stuff

of course.  we need to break in.... I mean, train a new cat sitter XD

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I would rearrange the furniture if two catlets were feuding.


Start afresh.


New territory vs a new cat coming into the already conquered kingdom and its feline overlord............


So tired today.


Friend looked awful.


We wait..............

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So cats on the other side of the glass door worked much better than I expected! Kiko only hissed quietly once, but otherwise was just happy for treats and a bit on edge due to the other cat. But, it was much less hissing than when they couldn't see each other! I'm hoping that if we keep this up with treats consistently that they'll eventually be chill enough to introduce on harnesses in the same room.


10 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:


My Gilbert cat hated Pippin when they had to stay together for a little while. They never got used to one another, even if Bestie's other cats didn't care at all. We just kept a close eye on them, so that Pippin could come into the room and see us, and Gilbert could come out to pee and so on. 


To be fair... I'm sure Joy is a much nicer cat than Gilbert. That cat was a demon, and I miss him all the time. 

Joy's nickname is Curious Joy for me, because she seems to be fearless and curious about everything. Loves other cats. Doesn't realize that Kiko is upset with her.


8 hours ago, WaterScorpion said:

good luck '^'

hopefully the vet has some good advice.....though unfortunately sometimes, if it's just that their personalities clash too much, there isn't much you can do u_u

Thank you for the luck, it seemed to have helped! Kiko grew up in a cat cafe, so we know she can get along with other cats. We think she may have been bullied by the other cats though since she was nervous around them there. She did get along with my cousin's cat though after a month of trying to get them to get along, but that was years ago. It seems to be improving. Just need many treats and a lot of positive reinforcement. I think once she realizes that Joy is not a threat that she'll calm down a lot.

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