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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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7 hours ago, BringsTheSnow said:

I'm at my very first out of town work conference! It was my husband's birthday yesterday so I stayed the night at home but got up at 4:30am to get to the conference by 7am. XD 

eeeps that's early. hope you get lots of rest tonight!

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8 hours ago, BringsTheSnow said:

I'm at my very first out of town work conference! It was my husband's birthday yesterday so I stayed the night at home but got up at 4:30am to get to the conference by 7am. XD

Now that is love!


Chronos again from my Aeon x Chrono pairs. They hate me. :(

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I do hate when that happens. are the chances of getting either fairly equal? (I actually don't know)

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2 hours ago, sleepymuggle said:

I'm jealous! I haven't been able to get them locally and I last had sapodillas in Mexico nearly 10 years ago!!

I'm happy someone else here knows them! :D Most of my shop volunteers don't so I've had more this week than I've had in the last two or so years. I did explain to them that the sapodilla tree is the source of chicle, the base of chewing gum!

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3 hours ago, WaterScorpion said:

are the chances of getting either fairly equal?

It seemed when I first started the lineage that I was getting about 2 to 1 Chrono to Aeon, but suddenly I am just not getting Aeons at all!

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Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and croissants with butter and jam*


Bright and sunny! I have my semi-annual doctor's appointment this morning but will stop en route to help set up the shop.


7 hours ago, purplehaze said:

It seemed when I first started the lineage that I was getting about 2 to 1 Chrono to Aeon, but suddenly I am just not getting Aeons at all!

I'm not even getting aeons from aeons so you're not alone! ;)

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Good morning, CPA! Bright and sunny here this morning, but still quite chilly. I think we are supposed to get up to around 60 today.


2 hours ago, Lagie said:

I'm not even getting aeons from aeons so you're not alone! ;)

I guess it is good to know that I'm not alone, but it sure is frustrating to have my lineage stalled for so long!


@trystan Why am I just now realizing that your user name is not capitalized? You even posted somewhere that you never use caps, and I've still been doing it wrong all this time. :blink:

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@purplehaze lol, I don't know?

it's fine.

your username isn't capitalized either....what would Jimi Hendrix say? XD


I'm at the car dealer this morning.... i get free oil changes,  so now I'm waiting for my car :)

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Yay for free oil changes!


Doctor's appointment went well. Next follow-up in six months.

My shop crew managed admirably without me (my Friday crew runs very well!).

Even the staff meeting was fun, so it's been a good day!

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I am having a really bad day. I ....am an idiot lol. I was using Magic Erasers to clean up the hair dye I spilled in my sink (Midnight Ruby Red by Splat...EVERYTHING it touched is red/pink) and I got to looking at it and the stains on my neck from said hair dye....so I grabbed a clean one and gently tried to scrub it off....and now have friction burns all over my neck (package said they are non toxic and have no chemicals so it's just friction burns from the abrasiveness of the pad) on top of that, my best friend id out of town camping so I don't wanna bother her with my drama and ben never did the sink full of dishes I have asked him for 2 days to clean and I am just all of the upset between my stupidity and his lack of help. I stayed home from work to tend to myself and calm down.

I need a hug.

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31 minutes ago, IzzyCat91 said:

I need a hug.

*hugs* Hope the friction burns subside soon.


*sets out slices of banana bread* My aunt made it. It's quite tasty.

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2 minutes ago, Lagie said:

*hugs* Hope the friction burns subside soon.


*sets out slices of banana bread* My aunt made it. It's quite tasty.

Thank you. A good portion of it is fading already, but I did a number on the right side of my neck and the top of that shoulder. i cleaned it and applied aloe so it's not too painful, I think I hurt my pride worse than my actual self lol


OOOOOH I LOVE BANANA BREAD! Thank you and your Aunt! *grabs a couple and retreats to blanket fort to enjoy*

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*Hugs!* @IzzyCat91 Those magic erasers are seriously abrasive! I don't think they really warn you strongly enough about that. I have damaged some things that I tried to clean with them, so I won't use them any more.


Glad your day went well @Lagie! Even the staff meeting?


Went shopping for some new bed linens and stuff today. Not fun, just necessary. I hate shopping with hubby any more, but he insists on going. :rolleyes:

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3 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

*Hugs!* @IzzyCat91 Those magic erasers are seriously abrasive! I don't think they really warn you strongly enough about that. I have damaged some things that I tried to clean with them, so I won't use them any more.

Yeeeaaaahhhh, it was a serious lack of good judgement on my part. I figured if it didn't hurt my hands when I used it to scrub the appliances, it should be fine, right? Answer: No, most defiantly not lol. Even without the abrasive warning, I really should have thought better of using a cleaning supply on my skin. I blame my lack of coffee lol

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2 hours ago, purplehaze said:

Glad your day went well @Lagie! Even the staff meeting?

Even the staff meeting! It was a brainstorming session for the sort of stuff we'd like to see in the new shelter premises (and KFC for lunch!).


2 hours ago, purplehaze said:

hate shopping with hubby any more, but he insists on going. :rolleyes:

Impatient shopper? Or a 'can't be bothered to look' person?


@trystan (and anyone else who's curious), what's missing from this (rather sad) obit? (and a random picky detail, too?) -



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free oil change ($70 value) and $30 tire rotation, all for .... $30 + tax.

but - i'll need four new tires before the winter. *sigh*


{{hugs @IzzyCat91 }}

i find when i have hair dye all over the place (1) i usually let it go when it's on the furniture XD and (2) a washcloth with hot water is good for taking hair dye off my skin, provided i notice it while it's still wet


@Lagie - if you mean the fact the obit doesn't say the person died? i've always understood it as if it's an obit, death is assumed, because it's an obit.


Edited by trystan

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5 minutes ago, trystan said:

if you mean the fact the obit doesn't say the person died? i've always understood it as if it's an obit, death is assumed, because it's an obit.

Nope. She and her twin baby girls died ( :( ) but there's no father in the list of survived bys. And her first two kids both have different surnames from her and from each other, so there seem to have been three different fathers. Sigh. These young girls here ...

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5 minutes ago, trystan said:

{{hugs @IzzyCat91 }}

i find when i have hair dye all over the place (1) i usually let it go when it's on the furniture XD and (2) a washcloth with hot water is good for taking hair dye off my skin, provided i notice it while it's still wet


I can not as we rent this town house, we don't own it lol. And no, it's definitely dry, I dyed my hair almost a week ago and it's STILL bleeding color (I get really hot and when I sleep, it makes the color bleed onto my neck/shoulders because I sweat and I can't sleep with my hair up because I wake up with a headache then)

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11 minutes ago, Lagie said:

Nope. She and her twin baby girls died ( :( ) but there's no father in the list of survived bys. And her first two kids both have different surnames from her and from each other, so there seem to have been three different fathers. Sigh. These young girls here ...

huh, interesting.


11 minutes ago, IzzyCat91 said:

I can not as we rent this town house, we don't own it lol. And no, it's definitely dry, I dyed my hair almost a week ago and it's STILL bleeding color (I get really hot and when I sleep, it makes the color bleed onto my neck/shoulders because I sweat and I can't sleep with my hair up because I wake up with a headache then)

oh oof.

i don't know if your hair is long enough, but have you tried a french braid? my hair is too long to sleep with down, but i also can't sleep with my hair up either.  so some nights i'll braid it.  it doesn't have to be perfect, cause i'm sleeping XD 

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16 minutes ago, trystan said:


oh oof.

i don't know if your hair is long enough, but have you tried a french braid? my hair is too long to sleep with down, but i also can't sleep with my hair up either.  so some nights i'll braid it.  it doesn't have to be perfect, cause i'm sleeping XD 

it's long enough to braid. I can't french braid but i can do a sloppy braid from the base of my neck down. That might help, or at least minimize the amount on my skin lol. I'll give it a go tonight. thanks :3

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21 minutes ago, IzzyCat91 said:

it's long enough to braid. I can't french braid but i can do a sloppy braid from the base of my neck down. That might help, or at least minimize the amount on my skin lol. I'll give it a go tonight. thanks :3

sloppy braid works too, you're just sleeping. XD 

you're welcome.

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