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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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Well, Cookie just woke me up about 40 minutes ago coughing really hard and with a headache. Gave her some cough syrup and did a home test just now, just waiting to see what the results are (am hoping it's either a spring cold from soccer or because I had to turn the air on last night and not Covid) we'll know here in a few minutes 😕

EDIT: Well her test is negative and she's not showing any other symptoms so I think we're clear.

Edited by IzzyCat91

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39 minutes ago, IzzyCat91 said:

EDIT: Well her test is negative and she's not showing any other symptoms so I think we're clear.

woo hoo!

that's a relief :D 

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1 minute ago, trystan said:

woo hoo!

that's a relief :D 

Aye, especially since I was out all day with my bestie AND went back to her house at one point 

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oof yeah. 

the times i've had scares, i'm like... who all do i need to tell??

fortunately, every time i've had to test, it's been negative :D 


also, the description of the two-headed one sounds like my cats!


Edited by trystan

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14 minutes ago, Rainn said:

 Maybe Cookie has bad allergies?

Not that we're aware of. She does have a crappy immune system and her Bio mom let her go play her soccer game last week in 37 degree weather with no coat so pretty sure she may have caught a cold. It's either that or me turning the air conditioner on last night has irritated her throat (dust maybe? IDK) poor kid ate breakfast, took her covid test, and passed back out on the couch wrapped in my fuzzy blanket. She HAS to be sick because this is highly unusual for her to sleep this early in the day, especially since she just woke up at 10. Poor baby.

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Well, our lawn guy did show up today to mow the grass. Told him he almost lost his job because our new next-door neighbor came over yesterday to ask hubby if he wanted him to do it while he was doing his own. XD It really did need it!


@IzzyCat91 Hope Cookie feels better soon. Poor kiddo. Glad the Covid test was negative, tho.

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I'm so glad that test was negative, like wow. Not fun, @IzzyCat91. It takes all of my willpower to not buy a test every time I sniffle. I hope Cookie feels better! (I love that you call her Cookie. It's so cute!)


Today will be a day of playing the sims and chilling. And getting 1 more Forest/Jungle egg. I need two of each or I quit. lol. 


Edit: Just got that egg. Heck yeah. I don't have to quit! lol

Edited by AsymDoll13

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1 hour ago, purplehaze said:

Hope Cookie feels better soon. Poor kiddo. Glad the Covid test was negative, tho.


47 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

I'm so glad that test was negative, like wow. Not fun, @IzzyCat91. It takes all of my willpower to not buy a test every time I sniffle. I hope Cookie feels better! (I love that you call her Cookie. It's so cute!)


Thanks guys. She's sick to her stomach now too, I'm leaning towards flu 😕

@AsymDoll13 thanks :3 she chose her own username lol I call her Cub, Booty/BootyButt, or Booger irl

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2 hours ago, IzzyCat91 said:


Thanks guys. She's sick to her stomach now too, I'm leaning towards flu 😕

@AsymDoll13 thanks :3 she chose her own username lol I call her Cub, Booty/BootyButt, or Booger irl

I noticed you'd switched from Cub to Cookie. Glad it's not Covid. Hope she feels better soon.


I finally vacuumed the stairs and upper landing. I even managed to hang three pieces of artwork and stash two for someone else so they're not sitting on my stairs any longer (I'm holding them for a friend who was supposed to visit a while back but ya know... Covid happened. :rolleyes: )

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so the cats don't like me.

it's about that time of year when i get to give everyone their Advantage flea treatments so no one gets fleas.  three of 'em are left, and they keep running off when they see me. XD 

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25 minutes ago, trystan said:

so the cats don't like me.

it's about that time of year when i get to give everyone their Advantage flea treatments so no one gets fleas.  three of 'em are left, and they keep running off when they see me. XD 

Mine are like that, too. I have some 'natural' spray thing that I've used a few times now, and the rest all scatter once I've done one. It takes days to do them all.

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18 minutes ago, Lagie said:

Mine are like that, too. I have some 'natural' spray thing that I've used a few times now, and the rest all scatter once I've done one. It takes days to do them all.

this is a medicine that goes on their skin - it comes in a little tube, and you just drop it on the back of their neck (where they can't reach it when they take their baths), and it repels fleas for 4 weeks/30 days.  it's just that all three cats left are very suspicious, and we really can't hold Luna or Harvey, let alone hold them STILL. XD 

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ok. My partner had cataracts, so he had surgery, and also had one lens made for close up vision, and one for far away vision. A person has a dominant eye an when she did the surgery, she put the wrong lens in the wrong eye. So now he has blurry  vision and headaches and more. He spoke with the VA Hosp. and they said he  has a claim, so now he'll go talk to the surgeon that screwed up and then he can get an attorney and sue her butt! That won't fix  his problem tho.

Edited by Rainn

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4 hours ago, WaterScorpion said:

that sucks 😞

I mean, at least there's some reparation. hope everything goes well

I have a feeling she will want to do another surgery to fix her stupid mistake, but no way will she cut on his eye again. Thanks for caring. 

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I'm watching a guy make and talk about food from history. This is interesting. 


Some highlights are food from: Greece, Rome, the Titanic and Medieval Europe. I love this stuff!

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The history major in me will always be drawn to this sort of thing. 

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I majored in Western Civilization, so Greece and Rome. Learning about the Roman/Greek food is really interesting, especially since he goes into the politics behind the dishes. Highly interesting. 


Also, I meant to say this earlier, but I hope your husband feels better and gets things sorted. 

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8 hours ago, Lagie said:

I noticed you'd switched from Cub to Cookie. Glad it's not Covid. Hope she feels better soon.


I finally vacuumed the stairs and upper landing. I even managed to hang three pieces of artwork and stash two for someone else so they're not sitting on my stairs any longer (I'm holding them for a friend who was supposed to visit a while back but ya know... Covid happened. :rolleyes: )

Yeah, I figured when I refer to her online I ought to use the name she gave herself, but she will forever and always be my Cub.

yay productivity! I WAS productive....and then we went out for date night and now I'm dying my hair AGAIN lol


8 hours ago, trystan said:

so the cats don't like me.

it's about that time of year when i get to give everyone their Advantage flea treatments so no one gets fleas.  three of 'em are left, and they keep running off when they see me. XD 

Oh yeah I ought to do that. my boys don't go outside but ya never know.


7 hours ago, Rainn said:

ok. My partner had cataracts, so he had surgery, and also had one lens made for close up vision, and one for far away vision. A person has a dominant eye an when she did the surgery, she put the wrong lens in the wrong eye. So now he has blurry  vision and headaches and more. He spoke with the VA Hosp. and they said he  has a claim, so now he'll go talk to the surgeon that screwed up and then he can get an attorney and sue her butt! That won't fix  his problem tho.

oh my, i hope he gets that corrected soon! This is precisely my fear of lasik surgery and why I refuse to have it done.


1 hour ago, AsymDoll13 said:

I'm watching a guy make and talk about food from history. This is interesting. 


Some highlights are food from: Greece, Rome, the Titanic and Medieval Europe. I love this stuff!

That is so cool!

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22 minutes ago, IzzyCat91 said:
9 hours ago, trystan said:

so the cats don't like me.

it's about that time of year when i get to give everyone their Advantage flea treatments so no one gets fleas.  three of 'em are left, and they keep running off when they see me. XD 

Oh yeah I ought to do that. my boys don't go outside but ya never know.

fleas can come inside, so yeah.  our kitties are indoor..... but we have the catio now.

also, i just need Ms Skittish aka Luna.  hopefully tomorrow. 

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2 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

I'm watching a guy make and talk about food from history. This is interesting. 


Some highlights are food from: Greece, Rome, the Titanic and Medieval Europe. I love this stuff!


Sounds interesting......do you have examples?

I like watching food videos. sadly idk if I have the gift to cook uwu


hehe, "catio"

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22 minutes ago, trystan said:

also, i just need Ms Skittish aka Luna.  hopefully tomorrow. 

Treat Giver is sus. I may be be the only real crew member left on board.


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