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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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9 minutes ago, Lagie said:


Though a friend in Windsor, Ontario, who loves snow, was thrilled when it snowed there Easter Sunday, which happened to also be her birthday. XD


They gave you free Covid tests? Nice!

Our positivity rate and numbers are creeping back up.

I'm in Ohio...my birthday is tomorrow and it's SNOWING. I am displeased.


Yeah they were suppose to give households a set of 8 each if you register through the mail. (don't remember if I got mine, think I did and put them in the medicine cabinet for safe keeping)

EDIT: Correction, we did get ours, but we only got a set of 5

Edited by IzzyCat91

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Sometimes the boys do, well Tybalt and Puck, not so much Manny. My dog, Mooch, use to do that too lol.

Also I got all the FoE eggs from this year and am now working on 2021 (I have part of 2010 I think and now 2021)

Edit: Correction, I have 24 from 2011, 1 from 2013, 3 from 2021, and all of 2022 now

Edited by IzzyCat91

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27 minutes ago, Lagie said:

They gave you free Covid tests? Nice!


20 minutes ago, IzzyCat91 said:

we did get ours, but we only got a set of 5

well, our first round was a box with all four tests in it.

the second round was 2 boxes with 2 tests each....but with this brand, they recommend using the two tests together, the second one a minimum of 36 hours after the first test.  so while we have 8 tests, it's like 6 rounds of testing.  and i still have one remaining from when i got 2 tests back in january from when they were $10 a test at CVS.  a few days later, i couldn't find ANY.


23 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Guys~ Do any of you have cats that sleep with their eyes open? 

sometimes they look like they're sleeping, but they're really just drowsing with their eyes open.


did some seawyrm breeding.  got a few eggs.  the rest will either be tomorrow, or the one pair will be next week, cause Simon and Kaylee weren't interested.

can i use fertility on a dragon now, but that's still on cooldown from breeding last week?

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we have the set of 5 from the government and 2 I bought from Walmart before the free ones were given out, so I have 7 tests in case we need them (would be 8 but I used one a while back to double check myself because I had been exposed at work, but wanted to see my friends)

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i take that back - now we have one less test, cause i used one last night XD

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3 hours ago, IzzyCat91 said:

I just looked out the window and it's **** snowing! 🤬

EEPS! Snow go away!

38 minutes ago, Lagie said:

They gave you free Covid tests? Nice!

Yep. The Postal Service sent them out. You had to request them online.

We got 4 and then a bit later they offered more, so we got another 4.

We have used none of ours, yet, because we have not been sick, thankfully!

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9 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

We have used none of ours, yet, because we have not been sick, thankfully!


i tested, because i knew my boss would get all paranoid* the moment she heard me speak (i do sound a little stuffy), or the instant i coughed even the slightest.


*maybe if she got herself vaccinated, she wouldn't be so paranoid, eh? the lady is also a cancer survivor, so there's that too.


Edited by trystan

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1 minute ago, trystan said:

*maybe if she got herself vaccinated, she wouldn't be so paranoid, eh? the lady is also a cancer survivor, so there's that too.

Maybe. But I'm vaccinated and I have to admit to having felt a bit paranoid sitting next to a young man who was sniffling and coughing in church Sunday. He said he had allergies, and I believe him. Still...

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3 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

Maybe. But I'm vaccinated and I have to admit to having felt a bit paranoid sitting next to a young man who was sniffling and coughing in church Sunday. He said he had allergies, and I believe him. Still...

heh yeah. i get that too.

my fellowship still has zoom services, and i work sunday mornings. *sigh*

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1 hour ago, trystan said:

can i use fertility on a dragon now, but that's still on cooldown from breeding last week?



1 hour ago, purplehaze said:

We have used none of ours, yet, because we have not been sick, thankfully!



1 hour ago, purplehaze said:

Maybe. But I'm vaccinated and I have to admit to having felt a bit paranoid sitting next to a young man who was sniffling and coughing in church Sunday. He said he had allergies, and I believe him. Still...

Yup. Sniffles and coughs make most people leery these days.


2 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Guys~ Do any of you have cats that sleep with their eyes open? 

I have one that sleeps upside down, tummy exposed to the world and sometimes his eyes look open when he's like that.


2 hours ago, IzzyCat91 said:

I'm in Ohio...my birthday is tomorrow and it's SNOWING. I am displeased.

I hope it at least stops for you for tomorrow, though I'm sure what fell won't have cleared.


Julian just came waltzing into my place, thinking I wasn't home, to bring my water bottle in. I think I startled him more than he startled me. XD

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1 hour ago, Lagie said:
3 hours ago, trystan said:

can i use fertility on a dragon now, but that's still on cooldown from breeding last week?


awesome, thanks! and good to know for the future, too!


Edited by trystan

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Piggie weigh day is today since yesterday we were at the vet. lol. 


Duncan is... his heaviest he's ever been at 1.7 lbs or 781 g. lol. He's so tiny. ❤️ His brother's weight is stable at 1086 g (around 2.4 lbs). My babies. ❤️❤️ 

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37 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Piggie weigh day is today since yesterday we were at the vet. lol. 


Duncan is... his heaviest he's ever been at 1.7 lbs or 781 g. lol. He's so tiny. ❤️ His brother's weight is stable at 1086 g (around 2.4 lbs). My babies. ❤️❤️ 

Them's some big piggies! The guinea pigs we had as kids were slightly larger than gerbil size lol

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Duncan is so small, like... He should be probably double that. He's the size of a baby guinea pig. Kris is huge! 

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2 minutes ago, Rainn said:

Happy birthday Izzycat! 

Thanks Rainn (is technically tomorrow 4/20) but I appreciate it :3

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7 hours ago, IzzyCat91 said:

I'm in Ohio...my birthday is tomorrow and it's SNOWING. I am displeased.


like, heavy snowing?

I guess since I've never really been in a place or situation to be snowed in my interactions with snow tend to be generally positive (minus the fact that it's cold)

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24 minutes ago, WaterScorpion said:


like, heavy snowing?

I guess since I've never really been in a place or situation to be snowed in my interactions with snow tend to be generally positive (minus the fact that it's cold)

I live in the midwest like Izzycat, and let me explain something to you. Snow  sucks. A little snow, a lot of snow, any snow sucks. It snowed here today too. It sucked.

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When I was young, I wanted to live in a place where the seasons were like the stories in my classroom reader - flowes and rain in the spring, bright sunny but not too hot summer, autumn leaves after school started, enough dnow to build a snowman in winter. Maybe climate change will eventually deliver that. 

In the meantime, y'all be like "It's eleven days until May and...


Meanwhile, it's been bright sunny and warm outside today, but I'e been like 'I'm cold.'

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Hey! I just got 2 thunders in dc community board! They were there for 16 minutes and no one saw them but me! Woop Woop

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1 minute ago, Rainn said:

Hey! I just got 2 thunders in dc community board!

Congrats! Sometimes you can get really lucky there. I have gotten some pretty neat stuff there that no one else noticed. :)


It has been cold here all day. I have been all wrapped up in my warm wearable blankie most of the day. At least no snow here.

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For me those wrapped up blankets are too hot. I usually just wear sweats and a t shirt and if I get cold a sweatshirt. I'm pretty hot blooded. 

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4 hours ago, WaterScorpion said:


like, heavy snowing?

I guess since I've never really been in a place or situation to be snowed in my interactions with snow tend to be generally positive (minus the fact that it's cold)

was a decent amount of fluff but none of it really stuck it seems. It IS very cold though (37 F currently) I keep bouncing between I'm too hot and too cold.

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