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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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I can't believe Wednesday is almost over already. I've been so tired lately that time just passes by in a blur.


Anyone have fun weekend plans?

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still debating whether to go to the tulip festival this weekend. my bf has had a rough time with recent computer troubles and with my impending woman problems I don't think either of us is going to be in the mood to actually go out. otherwise I wouldn't mind going to the tulip festival; never been.

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7 hours ago, sleepymuggle said:

Anyone have fun weekend plans?

House sitting two lovely little dogs while their owners go on a boating trip. ;)


Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Bright and sunny! The wind has finally died down.

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8 hours ago, sleepymuggle said:

I can't believe Wednesday is almost over already. I've been so tired lately that time just passes by in a blur.


Anyone have fun weekend plans?

My partner and I are off all week due to Easter. Friday/Saturday we will have our little one (she lives with her bio mom, so she comes to see her father and I whenever we can get her), Sunday our parents/siblings are coming over for dinner to celebrate Easter and my birthday (It's on the 20th but everyone works that day this year so we're doing it early), and then just relaxing until we go back to work next Wednesday.

And yourself?

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Good morning, CPA!

No special plans for the weekend here. We will probably have family Zoom on Sunday.

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Well that's a great idea! I lose track of the days because I'm retired. I know garbage day is Thursday tho. Man it's windy here today. 50 mph gusts! 

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14 minutes ago, Rainn said:

50 mph gusts! 

That's a bit too much excitement.


@Lagie - Rainn found your missing wind.

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LOL Lagie. And you talk about excitement. Garbage and recycle cans are all tipped over all down the street. And the garbage man hasn't been here yet. LOL WHOA I think I just saw Dorothy and Todo fly by my kitchen window!

Edited by Rainn

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yeah, that's a little windy, Rainn!


partly because of the way the jobs go, and my intervention, i'm off Friday, Sunday, and Monday. i do have to work saturday 11-3 at the retail job though.

my older daughter, who's made my inlaws' her home base, says Grandma isn't having anyone over for easter, but she (older daughter) might come up to our house for dinner that night. younger daughter is still out at college, she finishes the semester next week.

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There's been a couch pillow blowing from yard to yard all day. It's in our yard now. I guexss whoever's yard it's in when the wind quits gets to pick it up {ew}. 500 miles west of us in North Dakota where we're from got 50 inches of snow in the last 3 days. Cars are totally buried {dude where's my car!} lol wait...intervention? 

Edited by Rainn

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Nothing planned here as far as I know, but my parents like to call the night before. lol

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Man I'm watching History Youtube, and I love how crazy history is. Ah... I love my degree in it. lol

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6 hours ago, trystan said:

Grandma isn't having anyone over for easter,

To channel @Long_Before_Sunrise, ...

Is that because Grandma got run over by a reindeer? ;)


9 hours ago, Rainn said:

Man it's windy here today. 50 mph gusts!

That IS windy! Hope you are battened down.


6 hours ago, trystan said:

i'm off Friday, Sunday, and Monday

Ditto. I also get Tuesday which is good.


Please don't double post, @AsymDoll13. The forum no longer merges them.


How is it almost 7 p.m. already? :blink:

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3 minutes ago, Lagie said:

Please don't double post. The forum no longer merges them.

I think it still does if they are an hour or less apart. Hers were longer than that apart.

I would kinda like to have something new to wear for Easter, but I don't want to shop. I have had no new clothes since the pandemic started! It is time. But I don't like shopping. And I like shopping online even less. I need to see stuff up close and touch and feel it!

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Come to my shop! We have lots of lovely clothes and they're all half price this week! ;)

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I hate flying even more than shopping! XD Just send me something.

Edited by purplehaze

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32 minutes ago, Lagie said:
7 hours ago, trystan said:

Grandma isn't having anyone over for easter,

To channel @Long_Before_Sunrise, ...

Is that because Grandma got run over by a reindeer? ;)


but no.  i think she's visiting her daughter, who lives in an assisted care place about 2ish hours away from her.

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1 hour ago, trystan said:


but no.  i think she's visiting her daughter, who lives in an assisted care place about 2ish hours away from her.



26 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Whoops! Sorry @Lagie! I thought they did! ^^ Won't happen again!

Thanks! :)


@trystan, for some reason this made me think of you.


I really hope the book isn't as poorly written as this notice. XD

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53 minutes ago, Lagie said:

@trystan, for some reason this made me think of you.


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I really hope the book isn't as poorly written as this notice. XD

yikes! that is one scarily written notice :blink:


Edited by trystan

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I learned a long time ago, not to ask a lady "when are you due", and anything about family. lol

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29 minutes ago, Rainn said:

I learned a long time ago, not to ask a lady "when are you due", and anything about family. lol

A friend, who is an ob-gyn nurse, once posted a graphic of when it was okay to ask a woman if she was pregnant. It made me laugh, so it stuck, but it was basically 'never' for all the months and then 'maybe' at the moment the baby was coming out. I have learned to never ask.


We had a power outage for just under an hour, haven't had one in a long time. Good thing my solar light was charged! (I discovered one of my paperweights glows in the dark. I'd not known that before tonight. XD ) I tried to stay outside in the glorious almost-full-moonlight, but the mosquitoes put an end to that.

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We had storms predicted for this evening but, except for some very dark clouds rolling through with gusty winds at around 4pm that dumped a very quick deluge of rain, we had none. Not complaining.


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8 minutes ago, Lagie said:

A friend, who is an ob-gyn nurse, once posted a graphic of when it was okay to ask a woman if she was pregnant. It made me laugh, so it stuck, but it was basically 'never' for all the months and then 'maybe' at the moment the baby was coming out. I have learned to never ask.

pretty sure a comedian also said that too. XD 


1 minute ago, purplehaze said:

We had storms predicted for this evening but, except for some very dark clouds rolling through with gusty winds at around 4pm that dumped a very quick deluge of rain, we had none. Not complaining.

yeah, that sounds like us too, but it was around 5:15 for me


Edited by trystan

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