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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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Sup my dudes.


So remember how I got completely torn up about my game spending loads of money just to unlock a pretty picture of a birdman?

The new banner dropped and if you read anything I said you'd know I was torn up over who to pick, they were all so good. In the end I went with the spear guy as my free summon (unique for this summoning event) and lo and behold I got a spare of him instantly (the number in the top right shows how many orbs i've opened, he was the 4th).


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Hi there MP!

Things are going cold and wet here..... So much rain. Very happy about it.




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Welp I just had more stupid luck for this.

Non focus units but in 10 summons (that's close to $40 directly... cause the price for the summoning items is ludicrous) I got 2 more 5 star units... why couldn't I have been this lucky trying to get my birdboy?

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Wait so you are putting actual money into this game?

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I usually only put $20-$40 in for characters I really want, this last time was... way more than I usually do (around $200) because it was a character I really badly wanted.

You can earn the summoning items in game but it's slow going and they've been releasing so many good units lately i've never been able to save up for a big summoning spree. I usually don't buy the summoning items cause the item:$ ratio is too stupid, I only ever got the seasonal bargain things cause they were actually more reasonably priced for what you got.


But yeah, spent loads of money, got a single one of my favourite most wanted unit. And then in the very next summoning event which doesn't have just a single character I badly want, I get 3 5 star units within 10 summons... the pendulum of luck swings on.

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I don't think I've ever put money in a game like that before.

I don't see the point

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Well it's a game i've been playing steadily for 2 years now. And all the new characters that are added are generally stronger than previous ones. Getting new characters is important for doing well in the game (since you go up against other peoples teams who can be absurdly strong).


Also I got some extra high paying shifts recently so I felt okay to splurge a little (though today I got petrol and bought two pairs of shoes that together were $300 so no more big spending for me, especially not until I get the actual paycheck with my extra shifts).

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Well if you got a bit more money then awesome! Treat yourself away XD

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That makes me feel bad cause I always see you and fort talking about struggling to pay for stuff :(

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Don't... Some people can just get more out of their money than others.

Besides the currency difference is also a huge thing.

But on a side note I might be able to get more money out of my monthly pay check.

I might be working from home permanently so I will have to let my flat go. Then I have that money to use for home repairs and computer stuff.

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My work is in another town. But because of the lockdown we had to work from home.

I wasn't going to stay in my flat alone so I came home for the lockdown.

So far we are doing good working from home. So it might be permanent. But I'm waiting for the full answer before letting the flat go.


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I still think it's kinda weird that you only temporarily move to another location to go to work. If I get a new job somewhere far i'm just moving and staying there. Not jumping between two different places.


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I've always come home. It's where my mother and dogs are.

Besides staying alone isn't for everyone.

And it's just an hours drive difference. Not even that far.

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Good morning, CPA! B)


*sets out coffee and croissants* 


First strict lockdown day and the thunder is rattling the windows. For some weird reason, construction was allowed to continue so there were traffic jams on the main road in the south of the island - when everyone's supposed to be sheltering in place. Weird.


MP, dare I say those guys are cute?

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2 hours ago, Lagie said:

First strict lockdown day and the thunder is rattling the windows.

:o i also saw that tropical storm map in the other thread, Lagie.  yikes!


in other news.... the other day i posted i was stalking for a Plated Colossus for my War Doctor, and a Vremya for my Ninth Doctor.  i was stalking for almost 2 days with absolutely no luck. (i also usually stop stalking before 11 p.m., so that way i don't have anything hatching at like midnight when i'm ready to go to bed!) SO.... i bred a Black Marrow and a previously-unnamed Plated Colossus that i had named the Sisterhood of Karn to get my War Doctor.  last night - i just randomly click on the forest biome at like 11:30 - and what's there? a Plated Colossus egg! so i get that one. a little bit later, (like an hour! why am i still up??) there's a Vremya. it's like - when you're looking for it you can't find it.  as soon as you breed one, there it is.  (i ended up renaming Sisterhood of Karn to Apate Peitho (in mythology, Apate personifies deceit, and Peitho is a goddess of pursuasion - my best tries when i looked up Goddess of Bullies XD)


also, i bred two black eggs, and plan to breed more when i have more egg slots.  even if the hatchie is a female, my next alt will be the Black Guardian! XD

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That always happens. Bred it and there it is in the biomes. XD


The thunderstorm keeps coming and going.  I've come online to do some Facebook answering so I can justify that I'm 'working from home'.

Edited by Lagie

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28 minutes ago, Lagie said:

That always happens. Bred it and there it is in the biomes. XD

first time for me!


so now i have 4 black eggs cooking.... one i'm keeping no matter what because it's a perfect palindrome! (it would be even more perfect if it's a male alt.) <-- i only have three Aeons that can precog right now.  maybe i'll save the one i'm keeping and precog that one when another Aeon comes off cool-down.

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I actually have three cooking for you, so maybe between us, you'll get one! ;)


I had to send the shelter manager to deal with one of the messages. It's weird how people can have no landline and no minutes on their phone to make a call, but they can be online sending messages at Facebook. I guess maybe he was on a home computer? It just struck me as odd.

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42 minutes ago, Lagie said:

I actually have three cooking for you, so maybe between us, you'll get one!

aww, thanks! that would be awesome if one was! :)


43 minutes ago, Lagie said:

I had to send the shelter manager to deal with one of the messages. It's weird how people can have no landline and no minutes on their phone to make a call, but they can be online sending messages at Facebook. I guess maybe he was on a home computer? It just struck me as odd.

i don't have a landline, but i do have internet access at home, which my laptop uses its wifi.  maybe facebook is on there.  i can access facebook on my phone, but if i had no data, i'd need to use my wifi - also at home.

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7 hours ago, trystan said:

i don't have a landline, but i do have internet access at home, which my laptop uses its wifi.  maybe facebook is on there.  i can access facebook on my phone, but if i had no data, i'd need to use my wifi - also at home.

My phone took me offline completely today. No internet. No phone. And when I checked, no network issue either. Weird. I finally just turned it off and turned it on and voila! It's fine again. Weird.

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There was one night recently when it was like normal temperature. Since then it's been cold again. Though daytime it's too hot to be wearing long pants.

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