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Ability to 'Sterilize' an Adult Dragon

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So I have been in a player off and on of dragcave for a long time. I have been around longer than those fancy lineages have been around...so I have some messy dragons. One option is to release them, another is to kill them but what if I want to make it so that they stay on my scroll? These were some of my first dragons and I am rather proud of their age. I try my best not to breed them but accidents happen. What if there was a way that I couldn't accidently breed them? My thought is a spell of some sort similar to the freezing spell that one can perform on hatchlings but I am open to other options. Just like the hatchling spell it would probably be something permanent and there would be no going back from spaying and/neutering your dragon.



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I'd support this. I don't have any dragons I would use it on (sometimes people ASK for messy inbreds !) but I can very much see the point.


I wouldn't get too complicated with wording - sterilise would cover everything...  you don't need spaying.

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It's a bit different though - the suggestion there is just to have a marker and toggle it as required.

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The gist is kind of the same. They are asking about the whole breeding system. I'm asking for something smaller and permanent.

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Actually, the whole breeding system would be here:

Includes the removal of dragons option, too, btw XD


It doesn't really matter. The suggestion has been out there in various ways already, for the same reason: preventing certain breeding accidents.

Edited by Ruby Eyes

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I really support this. I still haven’t gotten round to naming everything/creating a naming system and even so I’m terrible at remembering what I want to breed it to and frequently mess up. Having a Sterilise option to make it so those problem dragons never reproduce would be incredibly useful

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I thought mine was pretty simple. Don't want to breed that dragon? Hit a checkbox. Made a mistake? Hit the checkbox again.

I thought adding new magic/spells/BSAs would only complicate things. And as with Freezing, I am sure some people will eventually want the ability to un-do it, so why not start with that option?


Lore-wise, the idea of forced sterilization of supposedly intelligent creatures in our care seems really... icky. I don't think lore is a strong argument for doing or not doing something, but it seems more likely to offend. People will change their entire playstyle over lore reasons, like not freezing because it's "cruel." People who play that way would probably not use it, thus limiting its usefulness.

But still, I support whatever means it takes to be able to remove certain dragons from being able to breed.

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